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Training methods used in competitive flatwater paddling often lead to a common pattern of soft tissue injuries that affect the upper limb. Of particular frequency is paddler's shoulder, a condition that can become chronic and may result in permanent damage. The authors suggest that the cumulative effect of poorly structured resistance training initiates the deteriorative process and together with the repetitiveness of on-water training results in the pathologies referred to as paddler's shoulder.  相似文献   

Twenty-six girls with a clinical spider phobia and 26 matched control girls were interviewed about conditioning, modeling, and negative information experiences in connection with spiders. In addition, parents of the phobic girls were independently interviewed about the origins of their child's phobia. Phobic children more often reported aversive conditioning experiences with spiders than did control children. Also, in a number of cases, conditioning events described by the phobic children were confirmed by their parents, a result that replicates the findings of Merckelbach, Muris and Schouten (1996; Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34, 935-938). Taken together, the results contradict a strong version of the non-associative account of phobias and suggest that in at least some cases, conditioning events may contribute to the development of (childhood) spider phobia.  相似文献   

We describe a girl with a brain-stem tumour and symptoms very similar to those of Rett syndrome (RS). Her early history was uneventful and development was normal (except for hypotonia). At the age of 6 months her development slowed. Subsequently, deterioration occurred and the features characteristic of RS were seen: loss of purposeful hand use, stereotypic hand movements, impaired social contact, decelerated head growth, and ataxia. Cerebral CT at the age of 3 years and 4 months revealed a tumour in the region of the pons and hydrocephalus. We suggest that a pons/midbrain tumour appearing at an early age may affect the developing CNS and cause symptoms similar to those of RS. A possible causal connection between midbrain pathology and RS is supported by this case.  相似文献   

Three studies support the proposal that need for closure (NFC) involves a desire for consensual validation that leads to cultural conformity. Individual differences in NFC interact with cultural group variables to determine East Asian versus Western differences in conflict style and procedural preferences (Study 1), information gathering in disputes (Study 2), and fairness judgment in reward allocations (Study 3). Results from experimental tests indicate that the relevance of NFC to cultural conformity reflects consensus motives rather than effort minimization (Study 2) or political conservatism (Study 3). Implications for research on conflict resolution and motivated cultural cognition are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this revision is to know the incidence of splenic abscess (SA) in our hospital, its etiology, with special reference to tuberculosis, and clinical characteristics. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Abdominal CT-scan performed during the period 1987-1997, with the diagnosis of splenic abscess were reviewed. Etiologic diagnosis standed on blood or sputum cultures, PAAF and/or histologic study of lymph nodes. RESULTS: Seventeen cases of SA were obtained, 12 males and 5 females. Limits of age: 13 and 77 years. The causal microorganisms were: M. tuberculosis (7), Mycobacterium aviumintracellulare (1), S. aureus (2), S. anginosus (1), S. milleri (1), E. coli (1), C. albicans (1), T. biguelle (1) and polymicrobian flora (1). One case was of unknown etiology. Underlying illnesses were: AIDS (7), malignant neoplasms (3), diabetes (2), endocarditis (2), Sj?gren syndrome (1) and complications of abdominal surgery (2). Clinical presentation in nontuberculous splenic abscess was fever and upper-left abdominal pain. Predominant symptoms in tuberculous splenic abscess were fever and weight loss. Blood cultures were positive in 80% of non tuberculous splenic abscess. Specific treatment for tuberculosis improved all patients with tuberculous splenic abscess, without needing surgery or corticosteroids. CONCLUSIONS: From the total of splenic abscess, 41.1% were tuberculous, six with AIDS and one with Sj?gren syndrome. Diabetes and malignant neoplasms were the commonest underlying illnesses in the non-tuberculous. In these, clinical presentation consisted in fever and upper-left abdominal pain. In patients with tuberculous splenic abscess, the main complaint was weight loss. A prompt treatment is generally succesful.  相似文献   

Conducted a study to test empirically (a) the utility of a model of the determinants of pay satisfaction developed by E. E. Lawler (1971) and (b) the value of adding to this model a category of variables not previously included: perceptions of pay-system administration. The study was conducted among 180 US, 133 French-Canadian, and 79 English-Canadian managers. Results provide some support for the utility of Lawler's model and additional support for the value of adding the administrative-type variables. Results of this and other studies are used to develop a modified model of the determinants of pay satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The determinants of pKas in proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although validation studies show that theoretical models for predicting the pKas of ionizable groups in proteins are increasingly accurate, a number of important questions remain: (1) What factors limit the accuracy of current models? (2) How can conformational flexibility of proteins best be accounted for? (3) Will use of solution structures in the calculations, rather than crystal structures, improve the accuracy of the computed pKas? and (4) Why does accurate prediction of protein pKas seem to require that a high dielectric constant be assigned to the protein interior? This paper addresses these and related issues. Among the conclusions are the following: (1) computed pKas averaged over NMR structure sets are more accurate than those based upon single crystal structures; (2) use of atomic parameters optimized to reproduce hydration energies of small molecules improves agreement with experiment when a low protein dielectric constant is assumed; (3) despite use of NMR structures and optimized atomic parameters, pKas computed with a protein dielectric constant of 20 are more accurate than those computed with a low protein dielectric constant; (4) the pKa shifts in ribonuclease A that result from phosphate binding are reproduced reasonably well by calculations; (5) the substantial pKa shifts observed in turkey ovomucoid third domain result largely from interactions among ionized groups; and (6) both experimental data and calculations indicate that proteins tend to lower the pKas of Asp side chains but have little overall effect upon the pKas of other ionizable groups.  相似文献   

Central adiposity carries an increased risk of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), cardiac disease, hypertension and death, and is closely related to insulin resistance. Genetic factors explain a large proportion of the population variance in central adiposity, although the genotypic characteristics remain obscure. Hormonal factors such as endogenous sex steroid levels, the menopause, hormone replacement therapy and cortisol may influence body fat partitioning. The link between dietary factors and central adiposity is controversial, with contradictory results in the literature. Smoking is associated with lower total body fat, but investigations of its influence on central adiposity have also yielded contradictory results. Higher levels of physical activity are associated with lesser amounts of central fat, both cross-sectionally and in intervention studies. Some of the contradictory results regarding putative influences on central adiposity may be due to limitations of some of the anthropometric parameters of central adiposity, such as the waist-hip ratio. Further research is required to clarify the relationships between many of these factors and with both compartments of central adiposity: subcutaneous abdominal and intraabdominal adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The etiology of PROM is multifactorial. It is clear that maternal enzymes, maturational and mechanical forces, chorionicamniotic membrane phospholipid content, collagen disruption, amniotic cell cytokines induced by fetal signals, and bacterial phospholipases and collagenases all play major and interrelated roles. It is also clear that the production of oxytocic prostaglandins is a major, if not exclusive, common pathway leading to PROM and preterm delivery. The increasing awareness of the fetal role, i.e., fetal interleukins, fetal polymorphonuclear leukocytes and type V collagenase, make this area of research ripe for further investigation. The complex host defense mechanisms and biologic variability make any universal treatment impossible. Even with a specific etiology determined, the reduced availability of pharmacologic interventions for the fetal compartment portend suboptimal success. Therefore, it appears that continued research and aggressive measures to optimize the quality and availability of prenatal care are the best foci of our efforts.  相似文献   

During a 2-year period 159 malnourished children ages 3 months to 5 years with radiologic evidence of pneumonia were investigated to determine the cause of their pneumonia. In addition 119 malnourished children without pneumonia, 119 well-nourished children with pneumonia and 52 well-nourished children without pneumonia were studied as controls. Percutaneous lung aspiration was performed on 35 malnourished and 59 well-nourished children with pneumonia. Bacteria were isolated from the blood, lung or pleural fluid of 28 (18%) malnourished children with pneumonia, 42 (35%) well-nourished children with pneumonia and from the blood of 5 (4%) malnourished children without pneumonia. Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, which were the two organisms isolated most frequently in both groups of children with pneumonia, were found in 17 (11%) malnourished and 39 (33%) well-nourished children with pneumonia. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected in 5 malnourished children with pneumonia. A potentially pathogenic virus was identified in 35% of malnourished children with pneumonia and 40% of well-nourished children with pneumonia, and from 25% of children without pneumonia. The viruses identified most frequently were adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: research the etiology of vision impairment in target persons over 45 years old in Doumen county, Guangdong province. METHODS: Depending on the prevalences of the blindness among the person aged over 50 years, the theoretic sample rate is 1,000/4,8733 x 100% = 2.05%. The 8 districts were divided into 3 parts according to the local economic situation and the proportion of the population in the areas. In fact, the sampling rate is 932/10055 = 88.34%. RESULTS: We found that impairment < 0.3 accounted for 10.94%. The prevalence of bilateral blindness and low vision was 1.61% and 3.22%, respectively. Both prevalences of blindness and low vision were increased with age. The leading cuase of blindness was cataract (45.2%). The second was corneal opacity (16.7%). Prevalences of the low vision and the blindness were higher in females than in males (P < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Curable and preventable diseases were the leading cause for the blindness (70%). Prevalences of blindness and the low vision increase with age. We will continually follow up the population over 50 years of age in Doumen county.  相似文献   

Umbilical hernia (UH) is a common condition in infants and young children, especially in those of Afro-Caribbean origin. Spontaneous closure occurs in a majority of cases before the age of 4 years unless the neck of the sac is greater than 2 cm in diameter. Complications are rare, and conservative management is therefore advised during this time. We present three cases of incarcerated UH in boys under 4 years old, all of whom presented with small-bowel obstruction. Interestingly, in two of them undigested vegetable matter in the small bowel appeared to have precipitated the obstruction. A survey of the literature suggests that the incidence of this complication is approximately 1:1,500 UHs. We conclude that the present policy of expectant management is safe for the vast majority of children, but parents and general practitioners should be aware of the small risk and early symptoms of incarceration.  相似文献   

Surveillance system of nosocomial infection was established in 1980 at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). To identify pathogens and the secular trends in the etiology of nosocomial infection from 1981 to 1994, the prospective, hospital-wide nosocomial surveillance data were analysed. During this period, 22,146 pathogens causing nosocomial infections were isolated. Gram-negative aerobic bacteria remained the major pathogens, but gram-positive cocci and fungi increased rapidly in the past 14 years. When the overall pathogen distribution is examined, Pseudomonas areuginosa was the most frequently isolated pathogen, but Candida albicans and other yeasts have taken the leading position since 1993. Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci also increase significantly in recent years. When the pathogens causing infection at the 4 major sites were examined. P. aeruginosa was the pathogen most often associated with respiratory tract and surgical wound infections. In blood stream and urinary tract infections, we observed Escherichia coli was replaced by C. albicans and other yeasts as a most common isolate in these years. In addition, C. albicans and other yeasts and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) are emerging as major nosocomial pathogens at NTUH. C. albicans and other yeast increased from 1.8% in 1981 to 14.9% in 1994 in the overall nosocomial infection. The increase was found in the blood stream (2.1% to 16.2%) and urinary tract infections (5.4% to 24.7%). Of 1,742 nosocomial S. aureus isolates, the percentage of MRSA rose from 12.5% in 1981 to 55.2% in 1994. The high percentage of MRSA was observed at 4 major anatomic sites of infection. In summary, significant shifts in the pathogens of nosocomial infection have occurred in the past 14 years at NTUH, and the distribution of nosocomial pathogens was similar to those reported in the United States in recent years.  相似文献   

Reviews previous prospective studies of alcoholism and analyzes data from a new 33-yr prospective study of 456 nondelinquent controls from a delinquency study (S. Glueck and E. Glueck, 1968). Data suggest that presence or absence of South European ethnicity (perhaps as a result of attitudes toward alcohol use and abuse) and the number of alcoholic relatives (perhaps more due to heredity rather than environment) accounted for most of the variance in adult alcoholism explained by childhood variables. Premorbid antisocial behavior also added significantly to the risk of alcoholism. When ethnicity and heredity were controlled, childhood emotional problems and multiproblem family membership explained no additional variance. Thus, the etiological hypotheses that view alcoholism primarily as a symptom of psychological instability may be illusions based on retrospective study. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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