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Ensuring that a five-axis machine tool is operating within tolerance is critical. However, there are few simple and fast methods to identify whether the machine is in a “usable” condition. This paper investigates the use of the double ball bar (DBB) to identify and characterise the position independent geometric errors (PIGEs) in rotary axes of a five-axis machine tool by establishing new testing paths. The proposed method consists of four tests for two rotary axes; the A-axis tests with and without an extension bar and the C-axis tests with and without an extension bar. For the tests without an extension bar, position errors embedded in the A- and C-axes are measured first. Then these position errors can be used in the tests with an extension bar, to obtain the orientation errors in the A- and C-axes based on the given geometric model. All tests are performed with only one axis moving, thus simplifying the error analysis. The proposed method is implemented on a Hermle C600U five-axis machine tool to validate the approach. The results of the DBB tests show that the new method is a good approach to obtaining the geometric errors in rotary axes, thus can be applied to practical use in assembling processes, maintenance and regular checking of multi-axis CNC machine tools.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new ball bar test method for the inspection of dynamic errors of rotary axes in five-axis CNC machine tools. The test circle is defined in a workpiece coordinate system and the ball bar test is performed by simultaneously driving of linear–rotary axis couple. The effects of the center position and the radius on the setting values, rotational range and measurement sensitivity of the rotary axis were investigated. The proposed ball bar test is performed in two steps: the circular positioning and the circular tracking with a continuous feed. Axial dynamic errors are obtained by subtracting the measured tracking errors from the positioning errors. A ball bar test system (BBTS) was developed to plan the tool path and the tool orientation, to communicate with the five-axis CNC controller and to process the measured data. Error patterns were simulated regarding the gain mismatch, backlash and tracking direction to help a fast diagnosis of the error sources. Simulations and experimental results prove the effectiveness of the new test method.  相似文献   

The telescoping magnetic double ball bar (DBB) is widely used to assess the motion and link errors of machine tools through circular tests. Despite a careful setup, some slight eccentricity of the balls relative to the circular trajectory often remains. Removing the eccentricity from the DBB results is essential due to its effects on the estimated trajectory. However, if the centering is not performed with great care, a fictitious ovalization effect may appear in the processed data. The source of the fictitious ovalization is discussed in this paper and a method is proposed to quantify the eccentricity and adequately process the data so that the fictitious ovalization is avoided. The results obtained by applying the proposed method both in simulation and in practice demonstrate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient and automated scheme to calibrate error motions of rotary axes on a five-axis machining center by using the R-test. During a five-axis measurement cycle, the R-test probing system measures the three-dimensional displacement of a sphere attached to the spindle in relative to the machine table. Location errors, defined in ISO 230-7, of rotary axes are the most fundamental error factors in the five-axis kinematics. A larger class of error motions can be modeled as geometric errors that vary depending on the angular position of a rotary axis. The objective of this paper is to present an algorithm to identify not only location errors, but also such position-dependent geometric errors, or “error map,” of rotary axes. Its experimental demonstration is presented.  相似文献   

为了提高五轴机床的加工精度,提出一种基于AFSA-ACO-BPN算法的五轴机床动态误差模型.通过建立灰色关联分析模型完成了建模变量的优化选择,并进行了AFSA与ACO-BPN的动态融合.通过实验验证该方法的预测结果与测量结果吻合较好.该方法综合反映了不同切削加工条件的影响,提高了误差模型的鲁棒性,为提高机床加工精度提供...  相似文献   

Double ballbar test for the rotary axes of five-axis CNC machine tools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper a new method that uses the double ballbar to inspect motion errors of the rotary axes of five-axis CNC machine tools is presented. The new method uses a particular circular test path that only causes the two rotary axes to move simultaneously and keeps the other three linear axes stationary. Therefore, only motion errors of the two rotary axes will be measured during the ballbar test. The theoretical trace patterns of various error origins, including servo mismatch and backlash, are established. Consequently, the error origins in the rotary block can be diagnosed by examining whether similar patterns appear in the motion error trace. The method developed was verified by practical tests, and the servo mismatch of the rotary axes was successfully detected.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a machining test to parameterize error motions, or position-dependent geometric errors, of rotary axes in a five-axis machine tool. At the given set of angular positions of rotary axes, a square-shaped step is machined by a straight end mill. By measuring geometric errors of the finished test piece, the position and the orientation of rotary axis average lines (location errors), as well as position-dependent geometric errors of rotary axes, can be numerically identified based on the machine׳s kinematic model. Furthermore, by consequently performing the proposed machining test, one can quantitatively observe how error motions of rotary axes change due to thermal deformation induced mainly by spindle rotation. Experimental demonstration is presented.  相似文献   

左维  李巍 《机床与液压》2020,48(13):61-66
在划分球杆仪空间误差辨识区域的基础上,基于NUBRS空间样条曲线生成辨识轨迹。分析球杆仪空间辨识原理,并依据此原理建立适用于NUBRS空间曲线的误差辨识模型,该模型包含18个误差因素。依据五轴机床多体运动学的分析结果,提出了一种空间误差辨识方法。通过激光干涉仪的测量及误差补偿,在消除9项空间位移误差的基础上,使用生成的NURBS曲线对剩余9项角度误差因素进行辨识。经实验验证,在进行NUBRS曲线修正后,该方法可有效辨识出3个坐标系中的18项误差因素。  相似文献   

非RTCP编程需要预先根据五轴机床结构及特征参数对刀位点进行复杂的几何计算,从而得到控制各轴运动的坐标数据;RTCP编程是使用刀位点的三轴坐标再加上旋转轴角度矢量直接编程的方法,各轴实际控制坐标的复杂计算由机床系统自动进行。比较而言,RTCP程序与机床结构及特征参数无关,更具通用性,它可简化CAM编程和机床操作者之间的相互依赖关系。  相似文献   

In this study, position-independent geometric errors, including offset errors and squareness errors of rotary axes of a five-axis machine tool are measured using a double ball-bar and are verified through compensation. In addition, standard uncertainties of measurement results are calculated to establish their confidence intervals. This requires two measurement paths for each rotary axis, which are involving control of single rotary axis during measurement. So, the measurement paths simplify the measurement process, and reduce measurement cost including less operator effort and measurement time. Set-up errors, which are inevitable during the installation of the balls, are modeled as constants. Their effects on the measurement results are investigated to improve the accuracy of the measurement result. A novel fixture consisting of flexure hinges and two pairs of bolts is used to minimize set-up error by adjusting the ball's position located at the tool nose. Simulation is performed to check the validation of measurement and to analyze the standard uncertainties of the measurement results. Finally, the position-independent geometric errors of the five-axis machine tool (involving a rotary axis and a trunnion axis) are measured using proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a contour error model of the tool center point (TCP) for a five-axis machine tool is proposed to estimate dynamic contour errors on three types of measuring paths. A servo tuning approach to achieve five-axis dynamic matching is utilized to improve contouring performance of the cutting trajectory. The TCP control function is developed to generate measuring trajectories where five axes are controlled simultaneously to keep the TCP at a fixed point. The interpolation method of the rotary axes with S-shape acceleration/deceleration (ACC/DEC) is applied to plan smooth five-axis velocity profiles. The contour error model for five axes is derived by substituting five-axis motion commands into servo dynamics models. The steady state contour error (SSCE) model is demonstrated to illustrate three particular dynamic behaviors: the single-circle with amplitude modulation, double-circle effect and offset behavior. Furthermore, the model is also utilized to investigate the behaviors of dynamic contour errors change in 3D space. The factors that affect dynamic contour errors, including the initial setup position, feedrate and five-axis servo gains, are analyzed. With the developed servo tuning process under the measuring paths (CK1, CK2 and CK4), the contour errors caused by servo mismatch are reduced remarkably. Finally, experiments are conducted on a desktop five-axis engraving machine to verify the proposed methodology can improve dynamic contouring accuracy of the TCP significantly.  相似文献   

The geometric errors of rotary axes are the fundamental errors of a five-axis machine tool. They directly affect the machining accuracy, and require periodical measurement, identification and compensation. In this paper, a precise calibration and compensation method for the geometric errors of rotary axes on a five-axis machine tool is proposed. The automated measurement is realized by using an on-the-machine touch-trigger technology and an artifact. A calibration algorithm is proposed to calibrate geometric errors of rotary axes based on the relative displacement of the measured reference point. The geometric errors are individually separated and the coupling effect of the geometric errors of two rotary axes can be avoided. The geometry error of the artifact as well as its setup error has little influence on geometric error calibration results. Then a geometric error compensation algorithm is developed by modifying the numeric control (NC) source file. All the geometric errors of the rotary errors are compensated to improve the machining accuracy. The algorithm can be conveniently integrated into the post process. At last, an experiment on a five-axis machine tool with table A-axis and head B-axis structure validates the feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为构建一种精简的低成本经济型五轴机床数控系统,采用了基于实时嵌入式多任务操作系统RTLinux作为软件平台以及工业嵌入式计算机PC-104为硬件平台,采用并口作为步进电机驱动控制接口,并利用软件编程的方法完成步进电机位置控制。实验结果证明该数控系统可有效实现五轴机床联动控制。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new servo control method for five-axis machining applications. The proposed method conducts a direct elimination of the deviation error, the orientation error, and the tracking-lag error that are the main concerns for five-axis tool-path control. To achieve this purpose, the proposed five-axis control system is based on a real-time transformation between the drive-coordinate basis, in which the five drives are operated, and the workpiece-coordinate basis, in which the deviation error etc., are defined.  相似文献   

耳轴类产品作为矿山机械的一部分,在精加工时对尺寸及表面光洁度要求比较高,当前采用布砂轮磨削加工,加工质量和效率均不理想。在保证加工质量的同时确保加工效率是急需解决的难题,为此提出了两种对加工效率提升明显的改进方案。  相似文献   

Correlative error is a kind of error between the cutter locations. This text presents a detailed analysis about correlative error in the principal axis method (PAM) that is a strategy of tool positioning for five-axis machining. It points out all the strategies based on linear projection cannot avoid this interference and cannot be disregarded especially in the strategies with large stepover. Accurate calculating is made individually on linear and curve feed and formulae are developed. The author also gave the available application range of PAM and the algorithm for estimating correlative error.  相似文献   

魏双羽  刘凯  蔡捷 《机床与液压》2022,50(14):61-64
RTCP是五轴加工中心提供的空间五轴联动加工零件的一种先进功能,维护RTCP精度对提高机床加工精度有重要意义。针对机床不具备球杆仪等专用测量装置情况下,探索一种简单可行的RTCP误差检测与补偿的问题,改进了机床制造商提供的经验计算公式,对比了改进后与改进前机床的精度数据,说明了改进可行性。  相似文献   

Although error modeling and compensation have given significant results for three-axis CNC machine tools, a few barriers have prevented this promising technique from being applied in five-axis CNC machine tools. One crucial barrier is the difficulty of measuring or identifying link errors in the rotary block of five-axis CNC machine tools. The error model is thus not fully known. To overcome this, the 3D probe-ball and spherical test method are successfully developed to measure and estimate these unknown link errors. Based on the identified error model, real-time error compensation methods for the five-axis CNC machine tool are investigated. The proposed model-based error compensation method is simple enough to implement in real time. Problems associated with the error compensation in singular position of the five-axis machine tool are also discussed. Experimental results show that the overall position accuracy of the five-axis CNC machine tool can be improved dramatically.  相似文献   

Five-axis CNC machining centers have become quite common today. The kinematics of most of the machines are based on a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. This paper classifies the possible conceptual designs and actual existing implementations based on the theoretically possible combinations of the degrees of freedom. Some useful quantitative parameters, such as the workspace utilization factor, machine tool space efficiency, orientation space index and orientation angle index are defined. The advantages and disadvantages of each concept are analyzed. Criteria for selection and design of a machine configuration are given. New concepts based on the Stewart platform have been introduced recently in industry and are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

针对现阶段木工雕刻机床结构单一的问题,设计一种经济型五轴联动BC型木工雕刻机床及其数控系统。通过建立机床的运动学模型,研究五轴BC型机床的正逆解;根据运动学求解的结果,采用NC系统嵌入PC机的开放式数控系统模式,设计了数控系统的硬件。采用Visual C++6.0对数控系统软件进行编制,运用线程对运动控制进行监管,并对刀轨文件进行仿真加工。通过对维纳斯石蜡模型的加工与测量,验证数控系统加工精度符合加工要求。  相似文献   

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