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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of social deprivation upon the diet, dental health behaviours and dental health status of five-year-old children in Northern Ireland. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Fifty-eight primary schools in North and West Belfast. SUBJECTS: A nine per cent (240) random sample of 2,666 five-year-old children resident and attending school in North and West Belfast. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Dental health status measured by dmft index; parental assessments of the child's dental health behaviours: parental dental attendance patterns and attitudes towards dental health; parental assessments of the child's diet and snacking behaviours: parental attitudes towards snack foods; and demographic profile of child's family. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-three children were examined, a 68 per cent response. The majority of the families were either in low income employment or unemployed. Sixty-eight per cent of children had experience of dental caries. Dental decay was unrelated to parental employment status but more children from unemployed families attended when in pain. The diet of the children was related to both employment status and parental attitude and was reflected in their caries experience. Caries experience was dependent upon parental dental attendance, the consumption of carbonated drinks and sugar containing bedtime drinks. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that unemployment and parental attitudes are important as determinants of dental caries in five-year-old children from North and West Belfast. These factors may influence the child's dental health care as well as type of diet.  相似文献   

The level of care for children over the past 5 years has become bimodal, with most children with low levels of dental caries having good maintenance care, but those with moderate to high caries receiving significantly poorer care. Capitation has led to supervised neglect for many children who develop dental decay. This is not at all unexpected considering the general lack of concern by the government and public dental services and the fact that the level of payment of GDPs is such that they cannot afford to treat children. The problems of the dental care of children in the UK are compounded by the lack of specialist paediatric dentists for the more difficult patient.  相似文献   

The traditional hospital-based approach to Australian nurse education curricula was primarily based on the medical model and directed towards the preparation of nurses who were able to give care to individual clients. The major focus was on the needs of the individual. A notable absence in curricula was any consideration of the role or importance of families to individual and family health. This was despite the continuing involvement that nurses have in their practice with the families of their clients. This paper describes the experiences of introducing a family nursing subject in an undergraduate, preregistration nursing programme which focuses on the family as a unit of care. Educational strategies, clinical experiences, and evaluation of the unit of study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to provide information to which extend home-based nursing care services for the elderly take part in the care for older people with mental disorders. Also of interest was the involvement of clinical facilities and services of the geropsychiatric treatment system in the health care for the clients. A one day data collection in 29 nursing care services in two North Rhine-Westphalian regions could raise informations about 1,246 clients aged 60 years and over 1,522 persons (41.8%) had a mental disorder, diagnosed by a nursing and/or medical professional. 68% of the mental disordered clients had dementia or a demential disorder, 6% a functional psychosis, and 31% a neurotic, psychogenic disorder or substance abuse (small number of clients with two and more diagnoses). 82% of clients with mental disorders had one or more additional somatic disease(s). These diseases were mostly the cause for the involvement of home-based nursing care service. Barely 8% of clients with mental disorders were placed from clinical facilities and services of the geropsychiatric treatment system into the nursing care services. Beside the home-based care, only a 12% of mental disordered received clients outpatient psychiatric treatment. Systematic cooperation between the nursing care services and the system of (gero-) psychiatric treatment was a rare exception.  相似文献   

The knowledge about infant dental care (as a part of primary preventive programme) was delivered by the existing health team of CHC viz. medical doctors, multipurpose workers, health workers, Anganwadi workers (ICDS scheme), after due training from the dental experts, in the rural community of Raipur Rani (Haryana). The knowledge of community regarding infant dental care subsequent to intervention strategies when evaluated and compared to baseline values three years after intervention revealed that 72 percent of the community had the correct knowledge of prolonged breast/bottle feeding causing nursing bottle caries. 94 per cent had correct knowledge about harmful effects of thumb/finger sucking on teeth and jaw bones and 77 percent about harmful effects of mouth breathing. 98 percent of expecting mothers knew when to clean the gum pads and 62 percent how to clean the gum pads in an infant. 100 percent of the expecting mothers had the correct knowledge that pacifiers should not be used in small children.  相似文献   

Using a survey of family planning clinics in the continental United States that received Title X funding conducted by The Urban Institute in 1993, those clinics were identified that had made substantial efforts to serve male clients. The final sample size was 567 clinics. 10% of their clients were men and 31% reported that their male clientele had increased in the previous 5 years. During January through March 1995 follow-up telephone interviews were conducted with 25 selected clinics that reported a 10% male share of clients. The clinics were classified into 5 types: 1) 7 clinics with a family planning focus beginning to provide primary care to attract more men; 2) 7 clinics with a family planning focus using community outreach and the partners of female clients to recruit men for clinic services; 3) 6 primary health care clinics beginning to place more emphasis on male reproductive health; 4) 3 hospital-based clinics providing comprehensive and reproductive health care for young men; and 5) 2 school-based clinics providing sports physicals, primary health care, and reproductive health services. In Type 1 clinics males made up 10-40% of clients. They also screened for testicular cancer, and provided infertility, mental health, and nutrition counseling services. Type 2 clinics had an average of 10% male clients and offered male infertility services, nutrition counseling, and specific STD and HIV services for males in the Hispanic and immigrant communities. Type 3 clinics promoted the male role in family planning decision making and STD prevention. A substantial proportion of the clientele was low-income males, but men who came for vasectomies tended to have higher incomes. Type 4 clinics catered to 20-40% male clients with outreach programs for gay minority men, and sessions on stopping domestic violence, male role in family planning, and responsible parenthood. Type 5 clinics had 40-45% males and provided mental health counseling, HIV risk assessment, and screening for testicular cancer.  相似文献   

The study examined the dental caries treatment profile of 186 14-15-year-old children in schools known previously to have a high overall caries experience, the schools being located in a high caries area of Northern Ireland. The children had a high mean number of decayed and untreated teeth. The majority of children who had untreated decay were unaware of this status and had a mean D value of 3.85. There was a significantly higher number of untreated carious teeth for children who had not attended a dentist within the past year when compared with those who had attended (mean values 4.08 and 2.54 respectively). While there were high levels of unmet needs overall it is concluded that children who had not attended the dentist for the past year had very high levels of untreated decay.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to determine the severity of nursing caries, and to examine contributing behavioral factors, in a group of Vietnamese families in British Columbia, Canada. The data collected became the basis for a community-based oral health promotion program. Information on feeding, dental health practices, and dental caries were collected for 60 mother/child pairs. For children > or = 18 mos, prevalence of nursing caries was 64 percent. Sixty-five percent of all children had a naptime bottle, and 85 percent > or = 18 mos had a "comfort" bottle that was carried around, and drunk from during the day. Milk was the most common beverage. A "comfort" bottle was significantly related to the presence of nursing caries, P = 0.02; a naptime bottle had a less significant association, P = 0.07. Dental knowledge questions revealed that all mothers knew that a child who had a "comfort" bottle could get tooth decay, but 63 percent thought that cavities were not a problem in baby teeth.  相似文献   

Impact of a children's health insurance program on newly enrolled children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CONTEXT: Although there is considerable interest in decreasing the number of US children who do not have health insurance, there is little information on the effect that health insurance has on children and their families. OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of children's health insurance programs on access to health care and on other aspects of the lives of the children and their families. DESIGN: A before-after design with a control group. The families of newly enrolled children were interviewed by telephone using an identical survey instrument at baseline, at 6 months, and at 12 months after enrollment into the program. A second group of families of newly enrolled children were interviewed 12 months after the initial interviews to form a comparison sample. SETTING: The 29 counties of western Pennsylvania, an area with a population of 4.1 million people. SUBJECTS: A total of 887 families of newly enrolled children were randomly selected to be interviewed; 88.3% agreed to participate. Of these, 659 (84%) responded to all 3 interviews. The study population consists of 1031 newly enrolled children. The children were further classified into those who were continuously enrolled in the programs. The 330 comparison families had 460 newly enrolled children. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The following access measures were examined: whether the child had a usual source of medical or dental care; the number of physician visits, emergency department visits, and dentist visits; and whether the child had experienced unmet need, delayed care, or both for 6 types of care. Other indicators were restrictions on the child's usual activities and the impact of being insured or uninsured on the families. RESULTS: Access to health care services after enrollment in the program improved: at 12 months after enrollment, 99% of the children had a regular source of medical care, and 85% had a regular dentist, up from 89% and 60%, respectively, at baseline. The proportion of children reporting any unmet need or delayed care in the past 6 months decreased from 57% at baseline to 16% at 12 months. The proportion of children seeing a physician increased from 59% to 64%, while the proportion visiting an emergency department decreased from 22% to 17%. Since the comparison children were similar to the newly enrolled children at enrollment into the insurance programs, these findings can be attributed to the program. Restrictions on childhood activities because of lack of health insurance were eliminated. Parents reported that having health insurance reduced the amount of family stress, enabled children to get the care they needed, and eased family burdens. CONCLUSIONS: Extending health insurance to uninsured children had a major positive impact on children and their families. In western Pennsylvania, health insurance did not lead to excessive utilization but to more appropriate utilization.  相似文献   

This epidemiological study investigated the reasons why children in Northern Ireland who need orthodontic treatment do not receive treatment even when it is provided free by the state. A total of 1584 15- and 16-year-olds were examined in 23 high schools with the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need. The characteristics of the adolescents who had received orthodontic treatment were compared with those who had a definite need for treatment and yet did not receive treatment or advice. One in 10 of the adolescents examined had an unmet need for orthodontic treatment. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the influence of 11 variables including socioeconomic status, religion, and standard of dental health on the uptake of orthodontic care. This analysis revealed that the only significant predictors of whether an adolescent received orthodontic treatment was the dental attendance pattern of the adolescent, the adolescent's dental health, and the dental attendance pattern of the adolescent's mother. Those adolescents who had good dental health, who regularly attended a dentist, and whose mother regularly attended a dentist were more likely to receive orthodontic treatment.  相似文献   

Usually, the French dental insurance system covers the cost of restorative treatment but does not reimburse the cost of preventive therapies. A French sick-fund covering self-employed persons tested a new dental benefit plan for children intended to provide an incentive to develop office-based preventive activities. The programme, which started in 1992, concerns all 4-year-old children of self-employed workers in a single French region (Auvergne). Participants undergo an annual examination by the dentist of their choice until their 15th birthday. If the child is seen every year, all services related to dental caries (preventive and restorative) are provided free of charge. An ongoing evaluation of the programme was necessary to determine its influence on the development of office-based preventive activities and the dental health of the participants. A cohort of children enrolled in the programme in 1992 was followed over 4 years to examine the patterns of service use. In addition, a cross-sectional study comparing the caries experience of all 8-year-old children participating continuously in the programme (test sample) with that of a sample of control children (n=90) was conducted in 1996. Data from the longitudinal follow-up indicate that 43.37% of the 551 children to whom the programme was offered in 1992 underwent an annual examination in the first year. Of the children enrolled in 1992, 55.2% were still participating in the programme in 1996. Results showed that independent practitioners continued to focus on restorative treatment rather than preventive therapy. Results from the cross-sectional study are in accordance with this trend. The number of caries-free children was identical in test and control samples and the mean dft, DMFT, DT and dt did not vary between the two groups (Student's t-test, P>0.05). However the mean number of filled teeth was significantly higher in the test children than in the controls (P<0.01). For children with caries, the mean dft was 23.5% greater in the test group than in the control group (P<0.05). In Auvergne, a large number of families were not ready to participate in a plan that required them to take their child to the dentist every year. There was not a perceived need for regular preventive dental care, an attitude probably reinforced by the interventionist approach undertaken by the dentists over the survey period. Moreover, the plan did not provide an incentive for dentists to develop office-based preventive activities.  相似文献   

A follow-up study was conducted of clients who stopped attending 4 family planning clinics in Washington County, Oregon, a predominantly white, middle-class suburban community. Clients had enrolled in the program between 1971-74, and dropped out by April 1975. 29% of the women (746) who were overdue for a return visit by more than 3 months (i.e. inactive clients) were contacted by phone and mail. No significant social or demographic differences were found between active and inactive clients or between dropouts who were contacted and those who were not. 71% of all program enrollees dropped out by the end of 3 years. However, 90% of the sample were either using contraception or not at risk of an unwanted pregnancy for a variety of reasons. The remaining 10% were either unprotected or already pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy (2%). The women at risk and not using contraception were more likely to be young, poorly educated, single, and recent enrollees in the family planning program. No other social or economic differences affected the comparison of the 2 groups. Most users continued to use the same method of contraception they had used before. However, a significantly smaller proportion of women were using the pill, a slightly larger proportion were using IUD and 6% more clients were sterilized. The most common reasons for leaving the program were the decision to use a private physician and relocation. Among women at risk, the most common reason was worry about the contraceptive method, especially the pill. New sources of care included private physicians (71%, but 1/3 of these women were disatisfied with their doctors' care or fees), public health clinic not part of the family planning program (21%) and drugstores. A very few women reported no alternate source of care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the incidence of rehardening of caries lesions in children in Southern China taking part in a preventive programme. DESIGN: Longitudinal study. SAMPLE AND METHODS: A prevention programme was established for 168 3-6-year-old children in a kindergarten (KG1), which included regular oral health education sessions and a daily toothbrushing exercise using fluoridated toothpaste (1000 ppm F). A group of 121 children studying in two other kindergartens without a preventive programme formed the controls. Due to lack of resources and dental personnel, restorative and other curative treatments were not provided. RESULTS: Rehardening of dentine caries (arrested caries) was found in children in both test and control groups. At the third annual examination, 45% of the caries lesions on the proximal surfaces of primary anterior teeth in KG1 children found at the baseline and previous annual examinations had become arrested. A multiple linear regression analysis indicated that baseline ds score and its interactions with the prevention programme, gender and the child's oral hygiene all had significant effect on the number of tooth surfaces with arrested caries at the third annual examination. CONCLUSION: Results from this study support the use of simple prevention programmes to stabilize the caries situation in communities where intensive use of trained dental personnel is not feasible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the role of needs and social factors in the use of health services among children under age 15 in Catalonia, Spain, where health care reform was explicitly designed to facilitate universal access to primary care according to health needs. Data from the Catalan Health Interview Survey of 1994, a multistage probability sample (2,433 children under 15 years old), were analyzed. Multiple regression examined the relationship between health needs and number of visits in the last year, controlling for the effect of sociodemographic characteristics. Two logistic regression equations were selected to predict heavy (more than seven visits per year) and light (less than two visits) utilization of services. The multiple regression model explained 14.3 percent of the variance in number of visits, with health status perception, disability, reported chronic condition, restriction of activities, and having had a recent accident by far the most important determinants. No familial socioeconomic characteristics, including social class, education, or family size, influenced the extent of use. In contrast to health systems not designed to achieve either universal access according to need or strong primary care, universal access to health services in Catalonia appears to enhance the use of services among children with health needs, regardless of socioeconomic characteristics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Advance directives have not been uniformly used by different segments of the US population and studies have consistently shown a lower prevalence of advance directives among African Americans and Hispanics compared with non-Hispanic whites. OBJECTIVE: To examine barriers to completion of health care proxies for different ethnic groups. METHODS: One hundred ninety-seven subjects aged 65 years or older self-identified as African American (n = 65), Hispanic (n = 65), or non-Hispanic white (n = 67) attending a geriatrics and internal medicine outpatient clinic of a large New York City teaching hospital were administered a questionnaire. Questionnaires were developed to examine potential barriers to completion of health care proxies. Barriers were drawn from the literature and from focus groups. RESULTS: Significant predictors of proxy completion using logistic regression analysis included knowledge of health care proxies, availability of a health care agent, exposure to mechanical ventilation, age, and self-reported health status as fair to poor. Subjects who believed that a health care agent was irrelevant in the setting of involved family were significantly less likely to have completed a health care proxy. Although there were significant differences in the baseline completion rates of health care proxies for the 3 ethnic groups, ethnicity did not predict prior appointment of a health care agent in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in health care proxy completion rates across white, African American, and Hispanic elderly individuals in this New York City population seem to be related to potentially reversible barriers such as lack of knowledge and the perceived irrelevance of advance directives in the setting of involved family. Enhanced educational efforts of both health care personnel and patients could increase the rate of formal health care proxy appointment.  相似文献   

Physicians who provide primary care for children have a unique position to provide diagnostic, triage, educational, and preventive dental care for patients. Several papers have been published regarding primary pediatricians' participation in the preventive dental health care of their patients. One publication, a survey of physicians in Alabama focusing on physicians' overall awareness of dental issues, concluded that most physicians believe they have a role in the oral health of their patients, yet most were not aware of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry's recommendations. Most physicians report that they routinely perform oral examinations during physical examinations of children and deliver preventive, oral information by the age of 6 months or earlier; however, most recommend that infants' first visit should be at 3 years of age, not at the time of first-tooth eruption as the authors recommend. Furthermore, many primary care physicians do not talk about oral health during prenatal counseling. Many physicians understand the preventive advantages of fluoride, yet most do not prescribe vitamin combinations that contain fluoride. If an understanding of the aforementioned issues of dental care, as well as aspects of preventive care in infants and children, become more uniform among primary care physicians, the prevention-based practice of pediatric dentistry will become much more successful, and children and adults will enjoy better dental health.  相似文献   

A survey to assess availability of school health services was distributed to 221 directors of Schools of the 21st Century, an educational model that provides integrated services to children and families. Of this distribution, 126 (57%) surveys were returned; 88% of respondents reported they provided some type of school health services for their students; 75% of schools had access to school nursing services, yet only 33% had a school nurse on-site; 50% had less than daily access to a school nurse. Despite a high reported prevalence of physical and mental health problems, other services such as acute care, nutrition counseling, dental screenings, or mental health services were provided less frequently. Barriers perceived as problematic for schools providing health services included inadequate funding, limited parental awareness, and opposition by school or community members. Respondents believed transportation, limited financial resources, and inadequate health insurance were barriers to care for children and families. Among this sample of schools, school health services varied in availability and comprehensiveness. Educators, health providers, and parents must work together to provide improved school health services for children.  相似文献   

Viral hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus is a disease which has no oral manifestations but is of direct concern to dental health care workers due to its transmissibility by transfer of minute quantities of infected body fluids from patients with the condition. Many chronic carriers of HBV do not have signs and symptoms of hepatitis and are frequently unaware of the virus they harbour. In recent years immunization against HBV has become possible and a high success rate has been achieved in inducing immunity against HBV in dental health care workers who have completed an immunization programme. When the HBV vaccines were introduced to widespread clinical use in the 1980s it was optimistically predicted that immunity conferred by the vaccines would be for ten years. Recent research has cast severe doubts on this optimism and clinical trials have indicated that the immunity may be short-lived and varies between individuals. Longevity of immunity is dependent upon antibody levels attained by the immunization programme. Post-immunization antibody levels can be utilized as a guide to the longevity of the immunity and hence should serve as a prognostic indicator for timing of booster inoculations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine variation in patient characteristics (case-mix) and treatment patterns for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by provider type. METHOD: By means of a two-stage study design, 102 children were identified as receiving treatment for ADHD in the past year, among a school district-wide sample of second-through fourth-grade special education students. Parent and child interviews were conducted using standardized measures of need for treatment, service use, and process of care. RESULTS: Nearly three fourths of the children received treatment for ADHD by a primary care provider, and of these, 68% did not have any contact with a mental health specialist. Children treated only by a primary care provider had fewer comorbid conditions, less impairment, and lower levels of family burden than children treated only by a mental health specialist. Treatment of ADHD solely by primary care providers was characterized by fewer sessions, less time with the patient, and less use of multimodal therapies. CONCLUSION: Future studies examining clinical outcomes for ADHD treatment should take into account variation in case-mix and treatment patterns by provider type.  相似文献   

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