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Wiedmann M;ADSA Foundation 《Journal of dairy science》2003,86(6):1865-1875
Transmission of food- and milkborne pathogens often involves complex interactions among the pathogen, the environment, and one or multiple host species. A complete understanding of these interactions is critical to allow the development of science-based, effective intervention strategies for foodborne infectious diseases. This article summarizes our studies on the transmission, ecology, pathogenesis and population genetics of Listeria monocytogenes, which we have used as model for a food- and milkborne pathogen that infects multiple hosts and also has considerable ability to survive and multiply in nonhost environments. Application of molecular subtyping tools in conjunction with phenotypic characterization of selected strains has allowed us to define distinct L. monocytogenes subtypes and clonal groups that appear to differ in relevant phenotypic characteristics that may affect their abilities to be transmitted through food systems. For example, a genetic group designated as lineage I has been shown to be not only more common among human listeriosis cases than among animal cases, but lineage I strains also appear to show an increased in vitro ability to spread intracellularly from host cell to host cell. These findings are consistent with the fact that while genetically diverse strains may be classified to one bacterial species, these strains often differ from one another in important genetic and phenotypic characteristics. I thus propose that evolutionary- and molecular subtyping-based definitions of bacterial subtypes and clonal groups will provide critical insight into the microbial ecology of dairy food systems, including not only foodborne pathogens, but also organisms important for dairy fermentation and spoilage. 相似文献
Moore DA Kirk JH Klingborg DJ Garry F Wailes W Dalton J Busboom J Sams RW Poe M Payne M Marchello J Looper M Falk D Wright T 《Journal of dairy science》2004,87(1):183-190
To respond to meat safety and quality issues in dairy market cattle, a collaborative project team for 7 western states was established to develop educational resources providing a consistent meat safety and quality message to dairy producers, farm advisors, and veterinarians. The team produced an educational website and CD-ROM course that included videos, narrated slide sets, and on-farm tools. The objectives of this course were: 1) to help producers and their advisors understand market cattle food safety and quality issues, 2) help maintain markets for these cows, and 3) help producers identify ways to improve the quality of dairy cattle going to slaughter. DairyBeef. Maximizing Quality & Profits consists of 6 sections, including 4 core segments. Successful completion of quizzes following each core segment is required for participants to receive a certificate of completion. A formative evaluation of the program revealed the necessity for minor content and technological changes with the web-based course. All evaluators considered the materials relevant to dairy producers. After editing, course availability was enabled in February, 2003. Between February and May, 2003, 21 individuals received certificates of completion. 相似文献
B.G. Ridoutt D.L. Baird K. Bastiaans R. Darnell G.A. Hendrie M. Riley P. Sanguansri J. Syrette M. Noakes B.A. Keating 《Journal of dairy science》2014
Concern about world population increase, food security, and the environmental burdens of food production have made food-waste reduction a social and environmental priority. In this context, the quantification of dairy product waste is especially difficult due to the varied means of disposal, by solid and liquid waste streams, and due to inclusion as an ingredient in many processed foods. In this study, food intake data from the Australian National Nutrition Survey (>13,000 participants; >4,500 food items) were disaggregated into basic foods and total national dairy product intake was expressed in whole-milk equivalents. This result was compared with total domestic milk supply, indicating a level of waste of 29% for dairy products in the Australian food system. With national food-waste reduction targets becoming increasingly common, reliable estimates of food waste at the national scale are important for goal setting, baseline reporting, and performance monitoring. For this purpose, the systems approach to assessing food waste demonstrated in this project is deemed to have advantages over other common methods of food-waste assessment, such as bin audits, waste diaries, and surveys. 相似文献
Water quality in the United States is threatened by contamination with nutrients, primarily nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Animal manure can be a valuable resource for farmers, providing nutrients, improving soil structure, and increasing vegetative cover to reduce erosion potential. At the same time, application of manure nutrients in excess of crop requirements can result in environmental contamination. Concentrated animal agriculture has been identified as a significant source of nutrient contamination of surface water, nitrogen contamination of groundwater, and ammonia emission. Areas facing the dilemma of an economically important livestock industry concentrated in an environmentally sensitive area have few options. If agricultural practices continue as they have in the past, despite the significant changes in agricultural intensity and changing environmental conditions, continued damage to water resources and a loss of fishing and recreational activity are inevitable. If agricultural productivity is reduced, however, the maintenance of a stable farm economy, a viable rural economy, and a reliable domestic food supply are seriously threatened. The identification and implementation of solutions to the generation of excess manure in confined animal feeding operations are necessary to enable such agricultural operations to thrive in environmentally sensitive areas such as the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This paper will review an innovative collaborative approach to the development of a manure and litter solutions strategy by a diverse array of potential problem-solvers. 相似文献
The collection of calf birth weight on US dairies is not a common practice. Calf birth weight was collected on 3 dairies (2 Holstein herds and 1 Jersey herd) over a 6-wk period. All calf birth weights were collected less than 2 h after birth. A total of 872 calves were weighed by a spring scale and their weight was also estimated using a hoof circumference tape, with both weights and sex recorded. The general linear models procedure (PROC GLM; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) was used to estimate least squares means for spring scale birth weight along with sex of the calf and dairy. Calf spring scale versus hoof circumference-estimated birth weight was compared using the regression procedure (PROC REG; SAS Institute Inc.). Calf birth weight was also broken down into increments, and spring scale versus hoof circumference-estimated birth weight was compared by t-test. Bull calves had a heavier birth weight compared with heifer calves [36.7 ± 0.4 kg (n = 450) vs. 34.6 ± 0.4 kg (n = 422), respectively]. The dairy on which calves were born had a significant effect on calf birth weight [dairy 1: 36.8 ± 0.4 kg (n = 204); dairy 2: 39.5 ± 0.2 kg (n = 463); dairy 3: 25.9 ± 0.4 kg (n = 205)]. When the spring scale calf birth weight was linearly regressed by hoof circumference-estimated birth weight, a significant relationship was observed, with an R2 value of 0.91. For calves weighing less than 31.3 kg, the hoof circumference tape overestimated calf birth weight compared with the spring scale. However, for calves that weighed between 31.3 and 44.9 kg, no significant difference was observed between spring scale and hoof circumference tape-estimated birth weight. For calves weighing greater than 44.9 kg, the hoof circumference tape underestimated birth weight compared with the spring scale. Collection of calf BW by spring scale or estimated by hoof circumference tape appeared to be comparable for most calves because most calves weighed between 31 and 45 kg, but caution should be used for calves with a light or heavy birth weight. 相似文献
Jenny Gibbons Derek B. Haley Janet Higginson Cutler Clemence Nash Jessica Zaffino Heyerhoff Doris Pellerin Steve Adam Alain Fournier Anne Marie de Passillé Jeffrey Rushen Elsa Vasseur 《Journal of dairy science》2014
We compared 2 methods for identifying lame cows and estimating the prevalence of lameness in tiestalls. Cows (n = 320) in 9 tiestall herds were scored as lame both by the presence of limping while walking and by stall lameness scores (SLS). The SLS was based on the number of the following behaviors that the cow showed while standing in the tiestall: weight shifting, standing on the edge of the stall, uneven weight bearing while standing, and uneven weight bearing while moving from side to side. Two observers watched video-recordings of the cows. Intraobserver agreements for the 4 SLS behaviors ranged from 92 to 100%, and interobserver agreement ranged from 81 to 100%. The overall prevalence of lameness based on an SLS of ≥2 was similar to that of limping (39 vs. 40%). The sensitivity of the classification based on the SLS was 0.63 and the specificity was 0.77 in identifying cows with a limp; accuracy varied across farms from 62.2 to 80.4%, with a mean of 71.7%. A cow with an SLS of ≥2 had 4.88 times the odds of limping than a cow with an SLS of <2. The prevalence of lameness on farms based on SLS was highly correlated with the prevalence of limping (Pearson correlation = 0.88; n = 9), and prevalence estimates from the 2 methods diverged most when the mean herd prevalence was lower. The SLS method provides an estimate of the prevalence of lameness in tiestall herds comparable with traditional gait scoring, but does not require that the cows be untied. The SLS method could be used to improve lameness detection on tiestall farms and obtain estimates of lameness prevalence without the need to walk the cows. 相似文献
S.E. Place 《Journal of dairy science》2010,93(8):3407-3416
Environmental concerns involving the dairy industry are shifting from an exclusive focus on water quality to encompass climate change and air quality issues. The dairy industry's climate change air emissions of concern are the greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide. With regard to air quality, the dairy industry's major emission contributions are particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and ammonia. The emissions of these compounds from dairies can be variable because of a number of factors including weather conditions, animal type, management, and nutrition. To evaluate and compare emissions across the diverse operations that comprise the US dairy industry, emissions should be reported per unit of output (e.g., per kg of 3.5% fat-corrected milk). Accurately modeling emissions with models that can predict the complex bio-geochemical processes responsible for emissions is critical to assess current emissions inventories and develop mitigation strategies. Improving the dairy industry's production efficiency (e.g., improvements in management, nutrition, reproduction, and cow comfort) is an effective way to reduce emissions per unit of milk. With accurate process-based models, emissions reductions due to improved production efficiency could be reported per unit of milk and predicted on a farm-to-farm basis. 相似文献
ADSA Foundation Scholar Award: Possibilities and challenges of exopolysaccharide-producing lactic cultures in dairy foods 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hassan AN 《Journal of dairy science》2008,91(4):1282-1298
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) from lactic acid bacteria are a diverse group of polysaccharides exhibiting various functional properties. Two forms of EPS are produced by lactic acid bacteria: capsular and unattached. Capsular EPS does not cause ropiness nor does production of unattached EPS ensure ropiness. The functions of EPS in dairy products are not completely understood. This is for 2 main reasons: the major variations among exopolysaccharides even from the same group of micro-organisms, which makes it difficult to apply information from one EPS to others, and the lack of availability of techniques with the ability to observe the microstructure and distribution of the highly hydrated EPS in fermented dairy products. The introduction of relatively new microscopic techniques such as confocal scanning laser microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy made it possible to directly observe the distribution of fully hydrated EPS in dairy products. Recently, EPS produced by nonropy strains have drawn the attention of the dairy industry. This is because of the ability of some nonropy strains to produce large capsular and unattached EPS that would improve the texture of dairy products without causing the undesirable slippery mouthfeel produced by the ropy strains. Factors affecting functions of EPS are their molecular characteristics and ability to interact with milk proteins. Studying the interaction between EPS and milk proteins is complex because EPS are gradually produced during fermentation, unlike polysaccharides added directly to milk to stabilize the fermented product. The concentration and possibly molecular characteristics of EPS and protein characteristics such as charge and hydrophobicity change during fermentation. Consequently, the interaction of EPS with proteins might also change during fermentation. Exopolysaccharides provide functions that benefit reduced-fat cheeses. They bind water and increase the moisture in the nonfat portion, interfere with protein-protein interactions and reduce the rigidity of the protein network, and increase viscosity of the serum phase. This review discusses the production of capsular EPS and their role in structure formation in fermented milk, the mechanism of ropiness formation, and applications of EPS-producing cultures in reduced-fat cheeses. 相似文献
A reaction norm approach was used to estimate trends for days open (DO) with a model that indirectly accounted for heat stress. Data included 3.4 million first-parity records of DO of US Holsteins. A fixed effect model included herd-year, month of calving within region (MOC), age class, and regression on 305-d milk yield. An index calculated from the standardized solutions to MOC derived from the fixed effect model was treated as a proxy for an index on heat stress (SI). The lowest index for any region was set to zero. The highest index was 1.00 for the Southeast, 0.56 for the Northeast, 0.54 for the Midwest, 0.33 for the Northwest, and 0.42 for the Southwest. In all regions except the Northwest, the highest DO and the corresponding highest indices were in March-April. Compared with the fixed model, the reaction norm model also included the effect of an animal and a random regression on the SI; the 2 animal solutions are subsequently referred to as an intercept and a slope. Genetic trends were calculated for cows and sires separately. For cows, the trend for the intercept was −0.1 d/yr, whereas the trend for the slope was 1 d/yr. For sires, the same trends were −0.3 and 1.5, respectively. Official proofs were used to characterize the 100 top and 100 bottom bulls with at least 50 daughters for the intercept and the slope. Compared with the top bulls, the bottom bulls for the intercept gave 56 kg more milk and their type performance index was higher by 212 points. For the slope, the same numbers were −435 kg and −242 points, respectively. Trends for seasonal changes of days open are unfavorable. 相似文献
A Dutch dairy company initiated a quality system to support dairy farmers to improve sustainability on their farm. Improvement of udder health is defined by the dairy company as one of the sustainability items. A part of that quality system is to offer farmers 3 tools to improve the udder health status of the herd. The first tool is an Udder Health Workshop at which farmers make a farm-specific action plan to improve the udder health situation in their herd. The second tool is the Udder Health Navigator, which is an internet-based program to gain insight in the actual udder health situation at the farm. The third tool is the Udder Health Checklist, which is available on the internet and it identifies farm-specific risks for udder health problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of these tools in improving udder health. The bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC) was used as the measure of herd udder health performance. In total, 605 farms attended the Udder Health Workshop, 988 farms completed the Udder Health Navigator, and 1,855 farms completed the Udder Health Checklist in 2012. Information on BMSCC records (2 records per month) was available for 12,782 Dutch dairy farms during the years 2011 and 2012. For every farm, the average BMSCC of all months during the years 2012 and 2011 were calculated. This resulted in 306,768 average monthly observations of the BMSCC. Subsequently, all months after the completion of one of the tools were assigned a 1, and all other months were assigned a 0. A statistical analysis was carried out to compare the average monthly BMSCC of the farms that completed one or more tools with farms that did not complete one of the tools. Both completing the Udder Health Navigator and the Udder Health Checklist had a significant association with a lower average monthly BMSCC. The effect of the Udder Health Navigator and Udder Health Checklist on the BMSCC were greater in herds with a BMSCC in 2011 of 200,000 to 250,000 cells/mL and even greater for herds with a BMSCC above 250,000 cells/mL compared with herds with a BMSCC in 2011 of 150,000 to 200,000 cells/mL or less than 150,000 cells/mL. It is difficult to draw conclusions on the effect of the Udder Health Workshop due to overlap in participation between the tools. The results suggest that completing the web tools is associated with a reduction in the BMSCC of the herd. 相似文献
国内外食品质量安全状况评价体系分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
从系统评估产生出发,简述了食品安全状况评价的发展历史和国内外现状,重点分析了国外的评价方法和数学模型。食品安全状况系统评价创立于20世纪90年代末,评价框架思路基于CAC创导的食品风险分析,评价方法和数学模型多样化,国内以模糊综合评判为主,注重整体状况的安全评价;国外主要有剂量-反应关系的生物学模型、概率暴露评估模型、决策评估法和相对潜力因素评估模型,注重化学物和生物危害物的暴露风险评估;实质等同原则用于新食品和遗传修饰食品安全性评估。 相似文献
This paper reviews animal-based welfare indicators to develop a valid, reliable, and feasible on-farm welfare assessment protocol for dairy goats. The indicators were considered in the light of the 4 accepted principles (good feeding, good housing, good health, appropriate behavior) subdivided into 12 criteria developed by the European Welfare Quality program. We will only examine the practical indicators to be used on-farm, excluding those requiring the use of specific instruments or laboratory analysis and those that are recorded at the slaughterhouse. Body condition score, hair coat condition, and queuing at the feed barrier or at the drinker seem the most promising indicators for the assessment of the “good feeding” principle. As to “good housing,” some indicators were considered promising for assessing “comfort around resting” (e.g., resting in contact with a wall) or “thermal comfort” (e.g., panting score for the detection of heat stress and shivering score for the detection of cold stress). Several indicators related to “good health,” such as lameness, claw overgrowth, presence of external abscesses, and hair coat condition, were identified. As to the “appropriate behavior” principle, different criteria have been identified: agonistic behavior is largely used as the “expression of social behavior” criterion, but it is often not feasible for on-farm assessment. Latency to first contact and the avoidance distance test can be used as criteria for assessing the quality of the human–animal relationship. Qualitative behavior assessment seems to be a promising indicator for addressing the “positive emotional state” criterion. Promising indicators were identified for most of the considered criteria; however, no valid indicator has been identified for “expression of other behaviors.” Interobserver reliability has rarely been assessed and warrants further attention; in contrast, short-term intraobserver reliability is frequently assessed and some studies consider mid- and long-term reliability. The feasibility of most of the reviewed indicators in commercial farms still needs to be carefully evaluated, as several studies were performed under experimental conditions. Our review highlights some aspects of goat welfare that have been widely studied, but some indicators need to be investigated further and drafted before being included in a valid, reliable, and feasible welfare assessment protocol. The indicators selected and examined may be an invaluable starting point for the development of an on-farm welfare assessment protocol for dairy goats. 相似文献
Caterina Agrimonti Benedetta Bottari Nelson Marmiroli 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2019,59(3):423-442
Dairy foods represent an important sector of the food market for their nutritional qualities and their organoleptic characteristics, which are often linked to tradition and to region. These products are typically protected by labels such as PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication). Real-time PCR (qPCR) is a fundamental tool in “Food Genomics;” a discipline concerned with the residual DNA in food, which, alongside traditional physical and chemical methods, is frequently used to determine product safety, quality and authenticity. Compared to conventional or “end-point” PCR, qPCR incorporates continuous monitoring of reaction progress, thereby enabling quantification of target DNA. This review describes qPCR applications to the analysis of microbiota, and to the identification of the animal species source of milk from which dairy products have been made. These are important aspects for ensuring safety and authenticity. The various applications of qPCR are discussed, as well as advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other analytical methods. 相似文献
立足于食品质量与安全专业特点,结合应用型人才培养目标与专业发展需求,论述了食品质量与安全专业的实践课程体系,详细分析了实践教学目标体系与实践教学内容体系,探索实践教学改革方法,为构建人性化实践培养模式,提升食品专业人才培养质量提供借鉴。 相似文献
Although taking body temperature by rectal thermometer is the method most commonly used to identify sick cows in the postpartum period, no data on the repeatability of this measure are available. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate variability of rectal temperatures in dairy cows considering different factors (intra- and interinvestigator repeatability, different thermometers, penetration depth into the rectum, and defecation). High coefficients of correlation (r = 0.98) and small differences between values of rectal temperatures (observer A = 39.3 ± 1.0°C and observer B = 39.4 ± 1.0°C) provide evidence that rectal temperature was a repeatable measure in dairy cows. Testing was carried out using 4 different digital thermometers: GLA M750 (GLA Agricultural Electronics, San Luis Obispo, CA), MTI8101 (SES Scala Electronics, Stahnsdorf, Germany), MT1831 (Microlife AG, Widnau, Switzerland) and Domotherm TH1 (Uebe Medical GmbH, Wertheim, Germany). Thermometers were inserted into the rectum to a certain depth (GLA M750 and MTI8101 = 11.5 cm; MT1831 = 8.4 cm; Domotherm TH1 = 7.7 cm) and a measure was finished when a visual or acoustic signal was emitted by the thermometer. The measures could be influenced by the procedure itself (up to 0.5°C), type of thermometer (up to 0.3°C), and the penetration depth (11.5 cm or 6.0 cm in one of the experiments) into the rectum (up to 0.4°C difference between a penetration depth of 11.5 cm and 6.0 cm in one of the experiments). Differences in rectal temperature before and after defecation were minor (<0.1°C). These results indicate that some care is required in generalizing rectal measures of body temperature. 相似文献
The present study investigated the presence of Arcobacter spp. in industrial dairy plants. Between February and September 2013, pasteurized milk used for cheesemaking, processing and cleaning water, cheese, and environmental samples from different plant sites, including surfaces in contact or not in contact with food, were sampled. A total of 126 samples were analyzed by the cultural method and isolates were identified by multiplex PCR. Arcobacter spp. were isolated from 22 of 75 environmental samples (29.3%): of them, 22.7% were surfaces in contact with food and 38.7% surfaces not in contact with food. A total of 135 Arcobacter spp. isolates were obtained; of these, 129 and 6 were identified as Arcobacter butzleri and Arcobacter cryaerophilus, respectively. All food processing water and pasteurized milk samples were negative for Arcobacter species. We were not able to determine the primary source of contamination, but the isolation of both A. butzleri and A. cryaerophilus in surfaces in contact with food before and during manufacturing suggests that Arcobacter spp. are not or are only partially affected by routine sanitizing procedures in the industrial dairy plants studied. The efficacy of sanitizing procedures should be evaluated and further studies are needed to determine whether certain Arcobacter strains persist for long periods of time in industrial dairy plants and whether they can survive in different types of cheese in cases of postprocessing contamination. 相似文献
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different processing methods of barley grain in starter rations on feed intake, average daily gain, feed efficiency, skeletal growth, fecal score, and rumen pH of dairy calves. Thirty-two Holstein dairy calves (16 female and 16 male) were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 treatments consisting of coarse ground, whole, steam-rolled, or roasted barley from d 4 to 56 of birth in a completely randomized design. Starter diets were formulated to have similar ingredients and composition. All calves had free access to water and feed throughout the study period and received 4 L of milk/d from a bottle from d 4 to 41, 2 L/d from d 41 to 45, and weaning occurred on d 45. Feed intake and fecal score were recorded daily. Body weight and skeletal growth measures were recorded on d 4 (beginning of the study), 45, and 56. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected on d 35, 45, and 56. Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The results indicate that different methods of processing barley had no detectable effect on dry matter intake, average daily gain, and feed efficiency and that skeletal growth, health, and rumen pH were not affected by dietary treatments. In conclusion, the results show that different processing methods of barley included in starter diets had no detectable effect on the performance of dairy calves under our experimental conditions. Therefore, feeding whole or coarsely ground barley would be a more economical method compared with steam rolled or roasted barley. 相似文献
O. Burfeind P. Sepúlveda M.A.G. von Keyserlingk D.M. Veira 《Journal of dairy science》2010,93(8):3635-3640
Changes in feed intake are useful in early detection of disease in dairy cows. Cost and complexity limit our ability to monitor dry matter intake (DMI) of individual cows kept in loose-housing systems. A 5-point subjective scoring system has been developed to visually describe rumen fill, but no work to date has evaluated these scores as an indicator of feed intake. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of within-cow changes in visual rumen fill scores as estimates of changes of DMI and feed intake in dairy cows. Our results illustrate that rumen fill scored on a scale from 1 to 5 has substantial intra- (Cohen's kappa coefficient = 0.69) and interobserver (Cohen's kappa coefficient = 0.68) repeatability. Within-cow changes in visual rumen fill score are correlated with changes in DMI (Spearman's rank correlation = 0.68). The depth of the paralumbar fossa (mean ± SD; 5.6 ± 0.9 cm) changes considerably (up to 4.8 cm) within 70 ± 5 min. This more objective measure was also correlated with visual rumen fill scores (Spearman's rank correlation = −0.62). Our results indicate that subjective rumen fill scores are statistically associated with both an objective measure of paralumbar fossa indentation and feed intake. However, much of the variation in visual rumen fill scores is not associated with either measure, suggesting that caution is required in clinical usage of these scores. 相似文献
Ortega-Rivas E 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2007,47(2):161-173
Food functionality can be related to nutrient and non-nutrient compounds. Some foods are fortified with various nutrients whereas others are manipulated using their physicochemical properties in order to make them "functional." Texture, color, taste, odor, and other physicochemical properties may affect the overall quality and, hence, acceptance of food products. Since food safety is also an important factor to be considered in food processing, preservation methods are selected taking into account the best compromise between microbial inactivation and preservation of quality attributes. Instrumental and sensory methods, as well as a match between them, are studied and perfected in order to verify how well a specific type of food has been processed to make it "functional" in sensory terms. 相似文献