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Antigens bearing the B62 serologic specificity are a heterogeneous group being encoded by at least 10 alleles and are widespread in most populations including the Korean population (10.5%). This study characterized a new allele encoding a B62 molecule with extra B52 serologic reactivity from a Korean family and unrelated individuals. Based on the DNA sequence, it appears that the single nucleotide substitution at codon 171 (TAC-->CAC), resulting in an amino acid change from tyrosine to histidine, is responsible for creating the extra reactivity. B*1538 was confirmed by PCR-SSP using a primer annealing to codon 171 in two additional unrelated individuals also exhibiting the same serologic reaction pattern. The haplotype associated with the novel allele, A31-B*1538-Bw6-Cw3-DRB1*1101-DRB3*02-DQB1*0301, was identified in the family members and two unrelated individuals. The novel B*1538 allele and its associated haplotype adds to the HLA diversity in this population.  相似文献   

We describe a new DRB1*11 allele which is similar to DRB1*11011 except at codon 74, where a GCG is changed for a GTG leading to an alanine/valine substitution. This new allele was carried by a Caucasian patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and by her healthy daughter. The motif at codon 74 of the new DRB1*11 is not found in any other known DRB alleles, nor among the published DQA1, DQB1, DPA1 or DPB1 alleles, and therefore suggests a mechanism of point mutation.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized double-blind study was made of topical ciprofloxacillin (0.5%) compared with topical gentamicin (0.3%) in the treatment of simple chronic otitis media (COM) and diffuse external otitis (DEO). The study included 47 patients with COM and 54 patients with DEO. Success rates in the COM subgroup were 95% for ciprofloxacillin and 96% for gentamicin (p = 0.082), and in the DEO subgroup, 87% for ciprofloxacillin and 79% for gentamicin (p = 0.19). Both drugs were well tolerated and there was no significant change in audiometric measurements with either medication in either group. Therefore, ciprofloxacillin is at least as effective as gentamicin in such ear infections and has no potential ototoxic effect.  相似文献   

This study describes the characterization of endogenous peptides associated with the two major subtypes of HLA-B44. The two subtypes differ for a single amino acid substitution from Asp (HLA-B*4402) to Leu (HLA-B*4403) in position 156 of the alpha 2 domain, causing strong alloreactivity in vivo. In order to study the involvement of peptides in this phenomenon, the peptide motifs of the two subtypes were determined from natural peptide pools using Edman degradation. The motif was found to be essentially identical for HLA-B*4402 and -B*4403, with a strong predominance for Glu at position 2, Tyr or Phe at positions 9 and 10 and hydrophobic residues, especially Met, at position 3. Two individual naturally processed ligands of HLA-B*4403 were sequenced and shown to be derived from intracellularly expressed proteins found in protein sequence databases. The sequence of these natural peptide ligands conform well to the determined motif. These data will allow the prediction of HLA-B44 restricted peptide epitopes from viral and tumor antigens of known amino acid sequences. Moreover, they indicate that the peptide repertoire presented by HLA-B*4402 and -B*4403 is very similar, suggesting that the strong alloresponse between these two subtypes is not due to presentation of a different set of self peptides.  相似文献   

B*2704 and B*2706 are closely related HLA-B27 subtypes of which the former but not the latter is associated to ankylosing spondylitis. Their peptide specificity relative to other disease-associated subtypes was analyzed by testing binding of self-peptides naturally presented by B*2705 or B*2702, and synthetic analogs, to B*2704, B*2706, and site-specific mutants mimicking their changes. Peptides with basic, aliphatic or aromatic C-terminal residues bound to B*2705 with similar affinity. In B*2704 C-terminal aliphatic/ aromatic residues were preferred. B*2706 discriminated drastically between polar and nonpolar C-terminal residues, showing strong preference for Leu and Phe, and less than B*2704 for basic and Tyr residues. Loss of single acidic charges (D > S77, D > Y116) increased preference for C-terminal Leu and Phe, but allowed efficient binding of peptides with basic residues or Tyr. Their gain (V > E152, H > D114) maintained wide C-terminal specificity, but severely impaired binding, presumably by disrupting interactions with internal peptide residues. This was compensated by Y116 in the double D114Y116 mutant. The specificity of B*2704 and B*2706 was explained only partially by the separate effects of single mutations, indicating that novel properties arise from concomitant changes at various positions. For instance, specificity of B*2706 for nonpolar C-terminal residues required simultaneous removal of Asp77 and Asp116. B*2706 differed from B*2705, B*2702, and B*2704 in its lower suitability for C-terminal Tyr, suggesting that this feature might be relevant for HLA-B27 association to spondyloarthropathy.  相似文献   

A clinical case of craniofacial dysplasia, with multiple and complex congenital anomalies, is presented. The clinical modifications noticed are systematized in four groups: cerebral, ocular, facial and vertebral. The case is a form of cerebrofacial display, associated with anophthalmos, orbitopalpebral chist and vertebral modifications. There are discussed problems of differential diagnosis, pathogeny and therapeutical attitude.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies indicated the increase of HLA-B39 among HLA-B27 negative patients with spondylarthropathies (SpA). This study was performed to examine whether the natural ligands of HLA-B27 are capable of binding to HLA-B39. METHODS: Peptides were synthesized according to the sequences of known natural ligands of HLA-B27 or B39 and were tested for their binding to HLA-B*3901 and B*2705 by quantitative peptide binding assay, using a TAP-deficient RMA-S cell line transfected with human beta2-microglobulin and HLA class I heavy chain genes. RESULTS: Four of the 10 HLA-B27 binding peptides significantly bound to HLA-B*3901. All 4 peptides had hydrophobic/aromatic amino acids (Leu or Phe) at the C-terminus. In contrast, peptides with basic residues (Lys, Arg) or Tyr at the C-terminus did not bind to B*3901. In parallel experiments, 1 of the 2 natural ligands of HLA-B*3901 was found to bind to B*2705. CONCLUSION: A subset of natural HLA-B27 ligands was capable of binding to B*3901. In addition to Arg at position 2 (Arg2), hydrophobic/aromatic C-terminal residues, such as Leu or Phe, seemed to be crucial for the cross-specificity. These results suggested that HLA-B27 and B39 recognize overlapping peptide repertoires, supporting the hypothesis that the peptides presented by both of these class I antigens play a role in the pathogenesis of SpA.  相似文献   

The morbidity and mortality rate of drug addicts is characteristically higher than in a normal population. Especially abscesses of the hand and the forearm region are frequent consequences of unsterile injection techniques. Pre-, intra-, and postoperative anaesthetic management has to take into consideration that the choice of the anaesthetic procedure should not interfere with the very special conditions of the drug addicts. In our experience, continuous axillary brachial plexus block offers a number of advantages in pain management in drug addicts as well as in former drug addicts.  相似文献   

Amines such as dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine were analysed in the brain regions of O.mossambicus exposed to quinalphos, phenthoate and their combination for 96 hr. The three types of treatments significantly (P < 0.05) altered the amines level at various intervals in the brain regions.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) metabolizes many important drugs. CYP2D6 activity ranges from complete deficiency to ultrafast metabolism, depending on at least 16 different known alleles. Their frequencies were determined in 589 unrelated German volunteers and correlated with enzyme activity measured by phenotyping with dextromethorphan or debrisoquine. For genotyping, nested PCR-RFLP tests from a PCR amplificate of the entire CYP2D6 gene were developed. The frequency of the CYP2D6*1 allele coding for extensive metabolizer (EM) phenotype was .364. The alleles coding for slightly (CYP2D6*2) or moderately (*9 and *10) reduced activity (intermediate metabolizer phenotype [IM]) showed frequencies of .324, .018, and .015, respectively. By use of novel PCR tests for discrimination, CYP2D6 gene duplication alleles were found with frequencies of .005 (*1x2), .013 (*2x2), and .001 (*4x2). Frequencies of alleles with complete deficiency (poor metabolizer phenotype [PM]) were .207 (*4), .020 (*3 and *5), .009 (*6), and .001 (*7, *15, and *16). The defective CYP2D6 alleles *8, *11, *12, *13, and *14 were not found. All 41 PMs (7.0%) in this sample were explained by five mutations detected by four PCR-RFLP tests, which may suffice, together with the gene duplication test, for clinical prediction of CYP2D6 capacity. Three novel variants of known CYP2D6 alleles were discovered: *1C (T1957C), *2B (additional C2558T), and *4E (additional C2938T). Analysis of variance showed significant differences in enzymatic activity measured by the dextromethorphan metabolic ratio (MR) between carriers of EM/PM (mean MR = .006) and IM/PM (mean MR = .014) alleles and between carriers of one (mean MR = .009) and two (mean MR = .003) functional alleles. The results of this study provide a solid basis for prediction of CYP2D6 capacity, as required in drug research and routine drug treatment.  相似文献   

Group B streptococci were recently reported to possess a cell-associated collagenase. Although the enzyme hydrolyzed the synthetic collagen-like substrate N-(3-[2-furyl]acryloyl)-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala, we found that neither the highly purified enzyme nor crude group B streptococcal cell lysate solubilized a film of reconstituted rat tail collagen, an activity regarded as obligatory for a true collagenase. We cloned and sequenced the gene for the enzyme (pepB). The deduced amino acid sequence showed 66.4% identity to the PepF oligopeptidase from Lactococcus lactis, a member of the M3 or thimet family of zinc metallopeptidases. The group B streptococcal enzyme also showed oligopeptidase activity and degraded a variety of small bioactive peptides, including bradykinin, neurotensin, and peptide fragments of substance P and adrenocorticotropin.  相似文献   

Association of a monoamine oxidase B allele with Parkinson's disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) is implicated in the cause of Parkinson's disease (PD) because of its role in metabolizing the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, and forming H2O2 during dopamine metabolism. Altered MAO-B activity has been observed in PD platelets. Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify a portion of the MAO-B gene. Polymerase chain reaction products were screened with restriction enzymes to identify fragments useful for single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis. A single-stranded conformational polymorphism was identified in an MAO-B polymerase chain reaction product after Hae III digestion. One hundred twenty-one control individuals were allelotyped with frequencies of 0.45 and 0.55 for alleles 1 and 2, respectively. Frequencies of 0.62 and 0.38 (1 and 2, respectively) were observed in a population of 46 patients with PD. The presence of MAO-B allele 1 is associated with a relative risk for PD of 2.03-fold (confidence interval, 1.44-2.61; p < 0.02). For comparison, a monoamine oxidase A polymorphism was used to determine allelic frequencies in these same populations and no statistically significant differences were found. These results suggest that an inherited variant of MAO-B may be involved in a genetic predisposition for PD.  相似文献   

Studies on screening genes conferring resistance to HIV-1 and AIDS onset have shown a direct relationship between a 32 base pair (bp) deletion in the CCR5 beta-chemokine receptor gene (delta ccr5 mutant allele) and long survival of HIV-1 infected individuals bearing this mutation. These findings led to an interest in studies of delta ccr5 allele distribution in human populations. In the present study, polymerase chain reactions (PCR) in genomic DNA samples, using specific CCR5 oligonucleotide primers surrounding the breakpoint deletion, detected a 193-bp product from the normal CCR5 allele and a 161-bp product from the 32-bp deletion allele. In an investigation of the urban Brazilian population we detected a 93% frequency of normal CCR5/CCR5 homozygous individuals and a 7% frequency of CCR5/delta ccr5 heterozygous individuals. The frequency of the delta ccr5 mutant allele in this population is 0.035; however, no homozygous delta ccr5 individual has been detected thus far. This is the first evidence for the contribution of the delta ccr5 allele to the genetic background of the urban Brazilian population, which is characterized by intense ethnic admixture. These findings open perspectives for further studies on the relationship between delta ccr5 allele frequency and AIDS onset in high-risk HIV-1 exposures individuals.  相似文献   

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