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李军 《轧钢》2020,37(5):89-92
针对乳化液循环使用过程中会不可避免地带入其他杂油,对乳化液的冷却润滑性能及产品表面质量带来不良影响的问题,根据本钢五机架六辊冷连轧的生产实际,分析认为轧机液压、供油系统和轴承座密封泄漏是导致乳化液杂油含量高的主要原因。为此,从支撑辊轴承座维护角度采取一系列有效措施,如提高轴承座密封性能,装配时精确对中以防止密封损坏,控制轴承座润滑油供油压力,轴承座装配后进行打压试验等,使乳化液杂油含量由最高的50.37%降低至平均12.64%左右,提高了产品质量,降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

高含水期油田集输系统腐蚀结垢原因及综合防治技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统分析了开发中后期高含水油田集输管线腐蚀结垢的原因,是高液量、高矿化度、高含砂量、富含成垢离子、异型水混输、输液介质及压力温度变化等.采用非金属管线替代普通钢管线、一站双线流程、异水型水分输、旧管线修复内衬防腐、大站分水、酸洗清垢、化学防垢等综合配套技术,使管线腐蚀结垢状况得到较大改善,提高了集油管线的有效使用周期.  相似文献   

介绍轧制润滑油氧化机制及抗氧剂的作用机制,通过试验证明,在轧制油中加入抗氧剂能有效抑制油品的氧化速度,提高油品的稳定性。  相似文献   

针对以往现场对于二次冷轧机组带DOS油轧制对轧前带钢表面乳化液油膜析出效率没有理论模型,影响润滑控制的问题,结合二次冷轧机组直喷系统的设备与工艺特点,在引入直喷系统乳化液撞击带钢形成油膜析出率和直喷系统乳化液润湿性影响系数概念的基础上,建立了一套适合于二次冷轧带DOS油轧制轧前带钢表面乳化液油膜析出效率模型。选择典型规格产品定量分析了DOS油涂油量、乳化液析出距离和带钢入口轧制速度对乳化液油膜析出效率的影响,并将其应用到某1220二次冷轧机组的生产实践,编制出了相应的模型计算软件,使用效果良好。  相似文献   

智西巍  瞿培磊  王康健 《轧钢》2017,34(4):30-35
实验研究了搅拌器转速、搅拌时间和静置时间等因素对冷轧乳化液的粒径大小及浓度变化的影响;对生产现场磁性过滤器内不同粒径乳化液的两相流动进行了数值模拟研究,发现过大粒径的乳化液是导致现场乳化液浓度不稳定的关键因素。根据研究结果指导现场生产时对乳化液粒径进行了优化,最终解决了生产过程中因乳化液系统导致的轧制不稳定问题。  相似文献   

田浩  陈荣  傅国如  李权 《失效分析与预防》2020,15(6):393-397, 403
针对液压系统高压油滤进油导管裂纹及油滤支座固定铆钉断裂故障,采用宏微观观察、金相组织分析、硬度检测等理化检测方法,并结合高压油滤部位结构特点和使用工况,对失效原因进行分析。结果表明:进油导管的裂纹性质为疲劳开裂,原因是其承受顺航向横向方向的异常大载荷;油滤支座固定铆钉的断裂性质为疲劳断裂,原因为高压油滤部位实际载荷情况比较复杂,铆钉疲劳裕度不足;进油导管疲劳裂纹是油滤支座固定铆钉断裂后产生异常振动导致的,为受害件。建议对高压油滤部位实际载荷情况进行校核,采取有效措施提高该部位结构稳定性和抗疲劳性能。  相似文献   

强制油冷立环高梯度磁选机是一种节能、环保、强制油冷、有脉动作用的新型立环高梯度磁选机,在磁选试验结果良好的基础上,魏桥再生资源利用有限公司决定选用LHG6-2000型强制油冷立环高梯度磁选机用于从赤泥中回收铁矿物,自投产以来,获得了优于试验结果的实际生产指标。  相似文献   

高酸性腐蚀油气田用镍基合金油套管开发现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高酸性油气田逐渐被发现和开采,开采环境中H2S、CO2、S、Cl-含量很高,常用的13Cr、22Cr、316等不锈钢管材已无法满足开采需求,因此镍基耐蚀合金逐渐应用于油套管中。介绍了国内外各大钢管厂镍基合金油套管开发现状,分析结果表明我国镍基合金油套管的开发与国外产品有明显差距。  相似文献   

针对大流量乳化液泵吸液性能差的问题,以乳化液泵的吸液管路为研究对象,建立吸液胶管阀口吸入压力、压力损失及管路参数的数学模型,分析对泵容积效率的影响,并利用AMESim软件建立乳化液泵单个系统的仿真模型,对乳化液泵吸液动态特性进行仿真。分析了吸入压力、压力损失、管长、管径对泵液力端性能的影响。提出增加吸入压力、减小管路压力损失和最优管径管长等相关措施,为乳化液泵吸液管路的设计及优化提供参考。  相似文献   

随着越来越多电子设备应用到汽车中,总线连接的方式是大势所趋.在不需要CAN总线的带宽和多功能的场合,使用LIN总线可大大节省成本.详细地论述高稳定性、低功耗并且低成本的车用LIN总线智能终端的设计.针对网络传感器LIN总线终端的稳定性问题,研究智能终端的构成及传感器、微控制器和LIN总线收发器的连接方式,以及保证智能终端的高稳定性的技术关键、进一步降低功耗以及控制该智能终端的措施和方法.  相似文献   

乳化液浓度在线检测与控制的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王东 《轧钢》1999,(3):27-28
论述了乳化液浓度在线检测与控制技术的意义并进行了试验研究。试验证明了应用超声波传感器对乳化液浓度进行在线检测的可行性,并得出了相应的模型与参数。此方案适宜在冷轧、机械行业应用。  相似文献   

切削系统的稳定性是高速加工领域的一个重要研究内容,在工程实践中有着广泛的应用.本文综述了切削稳定性的国内外研究发展状况,并列举了几个有代表性的稳定性极限预测模型.从中可以看出,对高速切削稳定性的研究还不是很系统,随着对工件质量要求的提高和自动化加工的普及应用,稳定性切削将成为提高金属切削加工质量的一个重要条件.  相似文献   

High speed machining of low rigidity structures is a widely used process in the aeronautical industry. Along the machining of this type of structures, the so-called monolithic components, large quantities of material are removed using high removal rate conditions, with the risk of the instability of the process. Very thin walls will also be milled, with the possibility of lateral vibration of them in some cutting conditions and at some stages of machining. Chatter is an undesirable phenomenon in all machining processes, causing a reduction in productivity, low quality of the finished workpieces, and a reduction of the machine-spindle's working life.

In this study, a method for obtaining the instability or stability lobes, applicable when both the machine structure and the machined workpiece have similar dynamic behaviours, is presented. Thus, a 3-dimensional lobe diagram has been developed based on the relative movement of both systems, to cover all the intermediate stages of the machining of the walls. This diagram is different and more exact than the one that arises out of the mere superposition of the machine and the workpiece lobe diagrams. A previous step of rejecting resonance modes that are not involved in the milling at the bottom zones of the thin walls must be previously performed.

Finally, the proposed method has been validated, by machining a series of thin walls, applying cutting conditions contrasted with the limits previously obtained in the three-dimensional lobe diagram.  相似文献   

Use of water-base coolant is a pre-requisite in an high speed grinding process to avoid thermal damage and to achieve better surface integrity as well as higher grinding ratio. However, the presence of hazardous chemical additives in the coolant causes environmental problems. As a result, stringent government legislation is being practiced for the coolant use and disposal, which consumes 7–17% of the total machining cost. This paper reports the coolant flux minimization through controlled jet impingement so as to prolong the coolant replenishment cycle. Control of coolant flux was achieved through development of a “metered quantity coolant” (MQC) nozzle which supplies the required amount of coolant to the grinding zone. Also, this investigation has shown that coolant velocity has a significant influence on the high speed grinding performance. When the coolant velocity is inadequate, coolant could not penetrate into the grinding zone. The increase in coolant velocity was realized with reduction in nozzle opening area and does not use a large quantity of coolant. This is of significance to reduce environmental pollution and machining costs through extended coolant replenishment period.  相似文献   

针对目前热障涂层光子导热较高的问题,设计了Gd掺杂YSZ-NiCr2O4复相陶瓷材料(GYSZ-NCO),并对其烧结参数、热稳定性及热导率进行了分析。结果表明,在烧结温度为1600℃时可获得四方相GYSZ材料,且GYSZ-NCO系列材料在1500℃下具有较高的热稳定性,保温300 h无相变发生,加入NiCr2O4后,GYSZ材料热导率在高温下无明显回升,表现出了优良的抗光子导热能力,GYSZ-5%NCO材料热导率最低,在1200℃时仅为2.23 W/(m·K)。  相似文献   

Oxide films formed on Alloy 690 exposed to 290 °C water containing 3 ppm O2 were investigated. It was found that Cr rich oxides form initially through solid-state reactions. Ni–Fe spinels gradually develop on surface layer by precipitation with increasing immersion time. Initially formed Cr rich oxides react with outwards diffusing Ni and Fe to form small spinel particles which then vanish gradually. An inner layer develops from oxide/matrix interface through inward diffusion of oxidant. Cr is preferentially oxidized and tends to dissolve into solution. The resultant inner layer consists of predominant NiO which cannot serve as a protective barrier layer.  相似文献   

李晨  孙光辉  方伟荣 《机床与液压》2019,47(11):119-123
某自动变速箱液压主油路调节回路是一个由压力闭环和流量闭环相嵌套的高阶复杂控制系统,实践中缺乏对于高阶复杂液压系统稳定性设计的有效手段,致使压力、流量震荡成为复杂液压系统常见的故障。提出了基于系统主稳定裕度、主固有频率的优化设计、分析法,可有效解决高阶复杂系统稳定性设计的问题。通过建模分析计算了系统的主稳定裕度和主固有频率,将其作为设计目标,借助DOE工具对关乎系统稳定性的结构参数进行了正向设计,确保系统即具备动态响应快速性,又具备可靠的稳定性。最终通过实验验证了系统模型的准确性及所提出的稳定性设计方法的正确性。  相似文献   

The novel felt-metal supported PVA composite hydrophilic ultrafiltration membrane was used for the treatment of oil/water(O/W) emulsion. The effects of transmembrane pressure(TMP), cross flow velocity, feed concentration on membrane performance were investigated, and ultrasonic cleaning of the fouled membrane was also investigated. The results show the flux increases with the increase of cross-flow velocity and TMP within the given TMP range from 0.20 MPa to 0.40 MPa. With increase of initial oil concentration increases, the oil rejection increases while the permeate flux decreases. The composite membrane shows more than 90% oil rejection within the initial oil concentration range from 0.05% to 0.50% (mass fraction) at TMP of 0.30 MPa. The fouling of the composite membrane increases rapidly during the initial 20 min at given TMP range from 0.20 MPa to 0.40 MPa, and it increases slowly after 30 min. The results also show that ultrasound is very effective in removing oil fouling of the fouled membrane, and the properties of the composite ultrafiltration membrane can be completely recovered by 10 min of sonication.  相似文献   

杨洪凯  李靖  张良  万军 《轧钢》2019,36(6):93-95
针对某冷连轧产线生产厚规格(h≥1.5 mm)带钢时表面出现乳化液或水珠残留现象而影响带钢表面质量的问题,分析排除了轧制力、张力等轧制参数的影响,找到该问题的根本原因是第5机架喷原设计吹扫效果不良,乳化液与水未及时被吹扫系统吹掉,在轧制厚规格产品辊缝较大的情况下造成乳化液或水不沿辊缝回流,从而出现带钢边部乳化液或水残留的质量问题。为此,对空气吹扫喷梁进行了改造,有效吹除了带钢表面乳化液与水等液体,提升了带钢表面质量。  相似文献   

高熵合金是一种多主元合金, 相比于传统单一主元合金具有不同的变形机制和强韧化机制。现有的研究结果表明,高熵合金的强韧化潜力明显优于传统合金,是一种极具应用前景的新型结构材料。本文综述了近年来高熵合金在强化机制领域的研究进展,对高熵合金的多种强化机制进行了讨论分析,并指出了影响高熵合金强化的因素,最后给出了高熵合金强韧化研究的方向。  相似文献   

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