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网络发展经历了从信息网到社会网的转变.信息网受到新技术力量的推动不断演进,符合超摩尔定律且表现出三网合一的趋势.社会网以信息网为基础,依靠社会性软件建立全新的虚拟世界,重塑社会关系.社会网作为无尺度网络,能通过网络形成"小世界",注重联通主义理论.具有高度聚合作用的社会网为教育带来了宝贵的启示.  相似文献   

采用批次培养和连续培养两种工艺开展浸铀硫酸高铁菌液的培养,对比分析了二者菌群的氧化活性、菌液Fe3+/ΣFe及日菌液产出比(日出液量与氧化槽容积比)的差异。结果表明,当总铁含量为10g/L、菌液批次培养和连续培养的Fe2+的氧化速率分别为0.20g/(L·h)及0.34g/(L·h)、控制菌液Fe3+/ΣFe为96%左右时,批次培养和连续培养的日菌液产出比分别为1.04和1.43;菌液连续培养的Fe2+氧化速率和日菌液产出比分别是批次培养的1.7倍和1.4倍。此硫酸高铁菌液最适接种条件为:pH=1.6~1.7、Fe3+/ΣFe为90%~95%。  相似文献   

Coordinated parameter selection of the batch charged at the top of the blast furnace and the blast injected in the hearth is evaluated as a means of improving furnace performance.  相似文献   

New Approach to Water Distribution Network Calibration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new approach is proposed for calibrating hydraulic network models. This procedure uses a nonlinear optimization algorithm along with a standard, off-the-shelf, network solver. Pipe roughness is adjusted until simulation results agree with the values observed in the field. To achieve realistic calibrated roughness values, the objective is to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the calibrated and initial pipe roughness estimates, under a set of constraints determined from a sensitivity matrix. The algorithm is applied to a sample network, and the resulting calibrated network is tested under different loading conditions.  相似文献   

李家义  叶志标 《冶金动力》2007,(6):10-14,17
分析了武钢集团供电网络配电损失率偏高的原因,重点从电网运行技术的多个方面,尤其是电网运行方式、变压器的投运、提高功率因数、加强负荷监控、电能计量、平衡工作等方面采取措施,降低了配电损失率。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel heuristic-based and cellular automata-inspired approach to the optimal design of water distribution networks. The design of water distribution networks is of central importance to the water industry, but many networks cannot be optimally designed by traditional techniques due to their complexity. Genetic algorithms have become a state-of-the-art technique for this purpose but are hampered by the fact that they are population based and require a large number of model evaluations to achieve good solutions. The proposed approach uses a parallel, localist, heuristic-based algorithm to optimally design water distribution networks requiring only a limited number of model evaluations. The algorithm is applied to a well-known simple test network and two real water distribution systems in the U.K. The results indicate that the proposed cellular approach is a viable alternative to genetic algorithm approaches while using only a fraction of the computational time required by its evolutionary counterpart.  相似文献   

道德养成是一个道德内化与道德外化相互转化、相互促进的过程,道德养成有其特定的心理结构。网络文化具有多元性、浸润性和交互共生性的特点,网络文化中的消极内容冲击着大学生道德养成心理结构的诸要素,导致了大学生道德缺失与道德蜕化。要从大学生道德养成的心理结构和过程出发,遵循知、情、意、行的序列,对影响个体道德养成心理结构的内外部因素进行激发、调节、管理与约束,以改进道德养成教育的效果。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨植物生长调节剂TDE在草莓花药培养中的应用.[方法]采用不同浓度TDZ与NAA植物生长素进行组合,观察其对草莓愈伤组织诱导及其分化的影响.[结果]Ms+TDZ 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L适用于草莓愈伤组织的分化,分化率高达75%,但TDZ时草莓愈伤组织的诱导无显著作用.[结论]该研究结果为草莓通过花药培养途径进行规模生产提供了参考.  相似文献   

大规模光伏电源的接入使得电网承载更大的压力,电网接纳分布式光伏电源的能力已成为光伏产业发展的主要制约因素.针对配电网接纳分布式光伏电源的能力问题,通过建立含分布式光伏电源的配电网电路仿真模型,从电压稳定、基波潮流和谐波潮流等方面对典型配电网接纳分布式光伏电源的能力进行了分析,以电压稳定性、功率因数和谐波潮流作为约束条件,综合得出准入容量目标值范围的计算方法和评估策略,有利于定量计算配电网接纳分布式光伏电源的能力,并为大规模光伏电源接入电网的合理规划设计及运行管理提供依据.  相似文献   

发、配电网系统是近几年来电力应用技术的新型技术,发、配电网系统不仅仅简单是配电线路及其所相应的设备,还有通讯、计算机综合应用、电力(负荷)监控、节能、电网规约等。酒泉钢铁集团责任有限公司(简称酒钢)发、配电网系统的发展是随着酒钢的发展和建设的必然结果,长期以来发、配电网的建设未得到应有的重视,建设资金短缺,设备技术性能落后,事故频繁发生,严重影响了酒钢的生产、经济建设的发展。随着酒钢的快速发展,对电力的需求日益增多,发、配电网的薄弱环节显得越来越突出,形成电力需求与电网设施不协调的局面。  相似文献   

Considering Actual Pipe Connections in Water Distribution Network Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The classical assumption of representing total demand along a pipe as two lumped withdrawals at its terminal nodes is hitherto common. It is a simplification of the network topology which is useful in order to drastically reduce the number of nodes during network simulation. Conversely, this simplification does not preserve energy balance equation of pipes and, for this reason, it is an approximation that could generate significant head loss errors. This paper presents a modification of the global gradient algorithm (GGA) which entails an enhancing of GGA (EGGA) permitting the effective introduction of the lumped nodal demands, without forfeiting correctness of energy balance, by means of a pipe hydraulic resistance correction. The robustness and convergence properties of the algorithm are compared with those of the classical GGA. Furthermore, the effectiveness of EGGA is demonstrated by computing the network pressure status under different configurations of the connections along the pipes of a test network.  相似文献   

Computer simulation plays an increasingly important role in engineering education as a tool for enhancing classroom learning. This research investigates the efficacy of using simulation in teaching the topic of transportation network growth through an experiment conducted at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minnesota. In the experiment, a network growth simulator program (SONG) was incorporated into a senior/graduate class in transportation system analysis. Results of the experiment show that the use of SONG effectively enhanced students’ learning in terms of helping students develop in-depth understanding about the development process of network patterns, and helped them develop some aspects of judgment, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. However, the use of SONG may have been more effective had some other barriers to learning been overcome.  相似文献   

研究了武钢电网经济调度中的无功电压调整问题,从有载变压器档位调整、无功补偿装置调节、利用自发电机组进相运行调整几个方法提出了无功电压的调整思路。  相似文献   

研究了在两种加热速率、3种冷形变量(60%、70%和80%)条件IF钢罩式退火再结晶晶粒尺寸的分布规律。在冷形变量大于或等于70%时,其再结晶晶粒尺寸分布符合对数正态分布。在此基础上采用非线性回归法求出再结晶晶粒尺寸的分布函数(SDF)。研究结果表明,形变量对再结晶晶粒尺寸的分布有明显的影响,而加热速率和影响较弱。  相似文献   

现代社会,职业生活越来越深刻地影响着人们的人生走向.基于此,现代大学教育日益关注大学生职业意识的树立及职业人文精神的塑造.集科学知识、人文知识和各种社会新闻为一体的网络文化,对大学生的职业价值、职业道德等观念和意识的形成产生着重要影响.如何跟上新媒体技术的快速发展,关注社会变革对大学生的职业人文精神世界的影响,高度重视和充分运用信息网络技术和网络文化,在网上加强职业人文精神的宣传普及工作,用丰富、通俗的理论内容满足广大学生的需要,主动占领网上职业人文教育的宣传阵地,是应对现代信息和传播技术给大学生的职业意识和职业观念带来挑战的需要.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨苹果-茶间作对茶树新梢生长状况及产量的影响.[方法]以苹果-茶间作园中的茶树和邻近未间作茶树叶片为研究对象,观测了其在年生长周期中茶树生长状况及茶鲜叶产量的变化情况.[结果]不同季节,间作及对照茶树新梢生长差异较大.春、夏、秋季,间作茶树的冠面温度较对照茶树低,冠面湿度则较对照茶树高,而在冬季,间作茶树的冠面温、湿度均与对照茶树差异不显著;间作茶树的呼吸强度极显著低于对照茶树,净光和强度极显著高于时照茶树,而光和强度的变化无明显规律;间作对茶树新梢发芽密度虽无显著影响,但因其促进茶芽提早萌发、增加了芽叶重量,进而提高了茶鲜叶产量.[结论]为复合生态茶园间作的合理配置和无公害茶叶的生产提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

从某工程GPS平面控制网出发,对3组具有代表性的点位组合用TGO软件进行静态数据处理.通过分析比较,得到了基准点的最优几何位置分布,从而使GPS的定位精度得到明显提高.  相似文献   

选用生产上推广面积最大的夏玉米品种之一郑单958作为试验材料,在7.5万~10.5万株/hm2的高密度种植下,采用每穴单株对称、单株三角留苗和双株三角留苗3种种植模式,研究不同种植模式对玉米产量、植株和籽粒干物质积累、穗部等性状的影响及变化趋势.结果筛选出7.5万株/hm2的双株三角留苗新模式下栽培产量最高,为夏玉米创新栽培模式提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

介绍长钢应用电容器无功补偿技术提高企业配电网络功率因数,挖掘变配电设施的供电潜力,提高经济效益的工作实践。  相似文献   

供配电系统设计中,短路计算不仅工作量大,且其等值电路变换复杂,给设计带来较大的不便。本文利用MATLAB软件编写了用来计算短路的程序,程序力求在配电网短路计算中简单、实用。  相似文献   

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