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This paper describes an efficient localization algorithm based on a vector-matching technique for mobile robots with laser range finders. As a reference the method uses a map with line-segment vectors, which can be built from a CAD layout of the indoor environment. The contribution of this work lies in the overall localization process. First, the proposed sequential segmentation method enables efficient vector extraction from scanned data. Second, a reliable and efficient vector-matching technique is proposed. Finally, a cost function suitable for vector-matching is proposed for nonlinear pose estimation with solutions for both nonsingular and singular cases. Simulation results show that the proposed localization method works reliably even in a noisy environment. The algorithm was implemented for our wheelchair-based mobile robot and evaluated in a 135 m long corridor environment. Categories (3), (6). 相似文献
For a robot to be fully autonomous whilst mobile, it is necessary for it to be able to determine its position in its environment.
Most of the work on this problem has concentrated on using geometrical techniques which are typically implemented as part
of a Kalman filter cycle. This paper examines the possibility of using a neural network to assist in the task of estimating
the position of the robot. This is beneficial because it does not require beacons to be placed in the environment or the use
of an explicit map of the environment. It does not require knowledge of the previous estimate of the robot’s position. In
this paper, Radial Basis Function networks and Multi-Layer Perceptrons are trained to estimate the functional relationship
between preprocessed range sensor data and the position of the robot. This approach is assessed using both simulated and real
range data. 相似文献
移动机器人同步定位与地图构建研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
同步定位与地图构建(Simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM)作为能使移动机器人实现全自主导航的工具近来倍受关注.本文对该领域的最新进展进行综述,特别侧重于一些旨在降低计算复杂度的简化算法的分析上,同时对它们进行分类,并指出其优点和不足.本文首先建立了SLAM问题的一般模型,指出了解决SLAM问题的难点;然后详细分析了基于EKF的一些简化算法和基于其他估计思想的方法;最后,对于多机器人SLAM和主动SLAM等前沿课题进行了讨论,并指出了今后的研究方向. 相似文献
Bugeja M.K. Fabri S.G. Camilleri L. 《IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics》2009,39(1):129-141
This paper proposes two novel dual adaptive neural control schemes for the dynamic control of nonholonomic mobile robots. The two schemes are developed in discrete time, and the robot's nonlinear dynamic functions are assumed to be unknown. Gaussian radial basis function and sigmoidal multilayer perceptron neural networks are used for function approximation. In each scheme, the unknown network parameters are estimated stochastically in real time, and no preliminary offline neural network training is used. In contrast to other adaptive techniques hitherto proposed in the literature on mobile robots, the dual control laws presented in this paper do not rely on the heuristic certainty equivalence property but account for the uncertainty in the estimates. This results in a major improvement in tracking performance, despite the plant uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics. Monte Carlo simulation and statistical hypothesis testing are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the two proposed stochastic controllers as applied to the trajectory-tracking problem of a differentially driven wheeled mobile robot. 相似文献
基于分布式感知的移动机器人同时定位与地图创建 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了创建大规模环境的精确栅格地图,提出一种基于分布式感知的两层同时定位与地图创建(SLAM)算法.在局部层,机器人一旦进入了一个新的摄像头视野,便依据机器人本体上的激光和里程计信息,采用Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波方法创建一个新的局部栅格地图.与此同时,带有检测标志的机器人在摄像头视野内以曲线方式运动,以解决该摄像头的标定问题.在全局层,一系列的局部地图组成一个连接图,局部地图间的约束对应于连接图的边.为了生成一个准确且全局一致的环境地图,采用随机梯度下降法对连接图进行优化.实验结果验证了所提算法的有效性. 相似文献
可移动机器人的马尔可夫自定位算法研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
真程序验证了机器人在对称环境中运动时这一新算法的可行性. 相似文献
针对里程计在定位过程中存在累积误差的问题,建立了一种通用的移动机器人里程计误差模型,对里程计误差进行实时反馈补偿.在利用激光雷达进行环境特征提取过程中,根据激光雷达原始数据存在的误差,建立了激光雷达的观测误差模型,并根据环境特征和机器人的相对位置关系,建立了移动机器人观测模型.最后,结合里程计和激光雷达误差模型,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)实现了基于环境特征跟踪的移动机器人定位.实验结果验证了里程计和激光雷达误差模型的引入,在增加较短定位时间的情况下,可以有效地提高移动机器人的定位精度. 相似文献
This paper presents an active system, which is composed of a laser range finder and four artificial reflectors, for the three-dimensional
(3D) localization of a mobile robot. In this system, it will be proved that the position and the orientation of a mobile robot
in a 3D space with respect to a reference frame can be determined provided that the four artificial reflectors are not installed
in the same plane. Since the artificial reflectors cannot be treated as points in practice, the proposed localization procedure
will be formulated as a nonlinear programming problem to account for actual sizes of the artificial reflectors. To show the
validity and feasibility of the proposed method, a series of experiments will be given for illustration. 相似文献
目前大多数滥用检测(misuse detection)的方法,是使用基于规则的专家系统来鉴别已知攻击的种种迹象的,然而,一旦攻击模式改变,这些技术就很难识别出来,而人工神经网络则有着非常大的潜力,可以基于有限、不完整和非线形的数据资源对网络行为进行鉴别和分类. 相似文献
人工神经网络在滥用检测上的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前大多数滥用检测(misusedetection)的方法,是使用基于规则的专家系统来鉴别已知攻击的种种迹象的,然而,一旦攻击模式改变,这些技术就很难识别出来,而人工神经网络则有着非常大的潜力,可以基于有限、不完整和非线形的数据资源对网络行为进行鉴别和分类。 相似文献
针对传统RBPF(Rao-Blackwellised particle filter)算法存在定位精度低、粒子退化、粒子多样性丧失的问题,提出了一种基于激光雷达的改进SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)算法.首先基于主成分分析法对相邻帧的点云进行粗配准,再采用改进点到线... 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of building large-scale geometric maps of indoor environments with mobile robots. It poses the map building problem as a constrained, probabilistic maximum-likelihood estimation problem. It then devises a practical algorithm for generating the most likely map from data, along with the most likely path taken by the robot. Experimental results in cyclic environments of size up to 80 by 25 meter illustrate the appropriateness of the approach. 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of building large-scale geometric maps of indoor environments with mobile robots. It poses the map building problem as a constrained, probabilistic maximum-likelihood estimation problem. It then devises a practical algorithm for generating the most likely map from data, along with the most likely path taken by the robot. Experimental results in cyclic environments of size up to 80×25 m illustrate the appropriateness of the approach. 相似文献
Diego P. P. Mesquita Joo Paulo P. Gomes Leonardo R. Rodrigues 《Neural Processing Letters》2019,50(3):2345-2372
In this paper, we propose a method to design Neural Networks with Random Weights in the presence of incomplete data. We present a method, under the general 相似文献
Zhibin Liu Zongying Shi Mingguo Zhao Wenli Xu 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》2008,53(1):57-85
This article presents an adaptive dynamic clustered particle filtering method for mobile robot global localization. The posterior distribution of robot pose in global localization is usually multimodal due to the symmetry of the environment and ambiguous detected features. Moreover, the multimodal distribution of the posterior varies as the robot moves and observations be obtained. Considering these characteristics, we use a set of clusters of particles to represent the posterior. These clusters are dynamically evolved corresponding to the varying posterior by merging the overlapping clusters and splitting the diffuse clusters or those whose particles gather to some sub-clusters inside. Further, in order to improve computational efficiency without sacrificing estimation accuracy, a mechanism for adapting the sample size of clusters is proposed. The theoretical lower bound of the number of particles needed to limit the estimation error is derived, based on the central limit theorem in multi-dimensional space and the statistic theory of Importance Sampling. Then, a method for tuning the sample size for each cluster according to the derived lower bound is presented. Experiment results show the effectiveness of the proposed method, which is sufficient to achieve robust tracking of robot’s real pose and meanwhile significantly enhance the computational efficiency. 相似文献
针对移动机器人定位研究中的位姿跟踪、全局定位和"绑架"三类问题,提出一种基于遗传算法的移动机器人自定位方法.设计基于位置相似度的种群适应度计算方法,利用实值编码方式实现种群的交叉、变异,有效提高算法的实时性.针对机器人定位过程中的"绑架"现象,在常规遗传算法的基础上引人种群发散算子,减小种群匮乏效应.在此基础上,利用机器人运动模型更新种群状态实现机器人的连续定位.在实际室内环境进行机器人定位实验,证实本文算法的有效性. 相似文献
无线传感器网络中移动节点定位算法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出一种利用临时锚节点的蒙特卡罗箱定位算法.该算法是基于蒙特卡罗定位方法之上,通过引入节点平均速率来获取临时锚节点,并利用一跳范围内的临时锚节点构建最小锚盒、增强样本过滤条件,从而加速了采样和样本过滤.此外,在样本的获取上采用了非随机采样的均衡采样方法,有效地降低了采样次数.仿真结果表明:该算法同蒙特卡罗定位算法等相比,提高了节点的定位精度,降低了节点的能耗. 相似文献