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In adding syntax to statistical machine translation, there is a tradeoff between taking advantage of linguistic analysis and allowing the model to exploit parallel training data with no linguistic analysis: translation quality versus coverage. A number of previous efforts have tackled this tradeoff by starting with a commitment to linguistically motivated analyses and then finding appropriate ways to soften that commitment. We present an approach that explores the tradeoff from the other direction, starting with a translation model learned directly from aligned parallel text, and then adding soft constituent-level constraints based on parses of the source language. We argue that in order for these constraints to improve translation, they must be fine-grained: the constraints should vary by constituent type, and by the type of match or mismatch with the parse. We also use a different feature weight optimization technique, capable of handling large amount of features, thus eliminating the bottleneck of feature selection. We obtain substantial improvements in performance for translation from Arabic to English.  相似文献   

Much of the work on statistical machine translation (SMT) from morphologically rich languages has shown that morphological tokenization and orthographic normalization help improve SMT quality because of the sparsity reduction they contribute. In this article, we study the effect of these processes on SMT when translating into a morphologically rich language, namely Arabic. We explore a space of tokenization schemes and normalization options. We also examine a set of six detokenization techniques and evaluate on detokenized and orthographically correct (enriched) output. Our results show that the best performing tokenization scheme is that of the Penn Arabic Treebank. Additionally, training on orthographically normalized (reduced) text then jointly enriching and detokenizing the output outperforms training on enriched text.  相似文献   

Syntactic disfluencies in Arabic-to-English phrase-based SMT output are often due to incorrect verb reordering in Verb–Subject–Object sentences. As a solution, we propose a chunk-based reordering technique to automatically displace clause-initial verbs in the Arabic side of a word-aligned parallel corpus. This method is used to preprocess the training data, and to collect statistics about verb movements. From this analysis we build specific verb reordering lattices on the test sentences before decoding, and test different lattice-weighting schemes. Finally, we train a feature-rich discriminative model to predict likely verb reorderings for a given Arabic sentence. The model scores are used to prune the reordering lattice, leading to better word reordering at decoding time. The application of our reordering methods to the training and test data results in consistent improvements on the NIST-MT 2009 Arabic–English benchmark, both in terms of BLEU (+1.06%) and of reordering quality (+0.85%) measured with the Kendall Reordering Score.  相似文献   

In this paper we use Floquet–Lyapunov theory to derive the Floquet factors of the state-transition matrix of a given linear time-periodic system. We show how the periodicity of one of the factors can be determined a priori using a constant matrix, which we call the Yakubovich matrix, based upon the signs of the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix. We then describe a method for the numerical computation of the Floquet factors, relying upon a boundary-value problem formulation and the Yakubovich matrix. Further, we show how the invertibility of the controllability Gramian and a specific form for the feedback gain matrix can be used to derive a control law for the closed-loop system. The controller can be full-state or observer-based. It also allows the engineer to assign all the invariants of the system; i.e. the full monodromy matrix. Deriving the feedback matrix requires solving a matrix integral equation for the periodic Floquet factor of the new state-transition matrix of the closed-loop system. This is achieved via a spectral method, with further refinement possible through a boundary-value problem formulation. The computational efficiency of the scheme may be further improved by performing the controller synthesis on the transformed system obtained from the Lyapunov reducibility theorem. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated with an application to a quick-return mechanism using a software toolbox developed for MATLAB?.  相似文献   

An adaptive neural network controller is developed to achieve output-tracking of a class of nonlinear systems. The global L2 stability of the closed-loop system is established. The proposed control design overcomes the limitation of the conventional adaptive neural control design where the modeling error brought by neural networks is assumed to be bounded over a compact set. Moreover,the generalized matching conditions are also relaxed in the proposed L2 control design as the gains for the external disturbances entering the system are allowed to have unknown upper bounds.  相似文献   

An adaptive neural network controller is developed to achieve output-tracking of a class of nonlinear systems. The global L2 stability of the closed-loop system is established. The proposed control design overcomes the limitation of the conventional adaptive neural control design where the modeling error brought by neural networks is assumed to be bounded over a compact set.Moreover,the generalized matching conditions are also relaxed in the proposed L2 control design as the gains for the external disturbances entering the system are allowed to have unknown upper bounds.  相似文献   

This study evaluated newly proposed Human–Machine Interface (HMI) design concepts for improving the ergonomics of hydraulic excavators. The design concepts were based on an augmented interaction technique which involved the use of heads-up display (HUD) and coordinated control as HMI elements. Two alternative HMI designs were elaborated in order to separately evaluate the ergonomic impacts of the head-up display and the coordinated control by comparing them to the standard HMI design. The effectiveness of these three HMI designs in terms of the reduction of the operators' mental and physical workload were assessed by conducting experiments utilizing human subjects, ages 23–35 years. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Task Load Index (NASA TLX) method was used for collecting subjective workload scores based on a weighted average of ratings of six factors: Mental Demand, Physical Demand, Temporal Demand, Own Performance, Effort, and Frustration Level. The results showed that the type of HMI design affects different aspects of the operator's workload. Indeed, it showed how the proposed augmented interaction is an effective solution for reducing the ergonomic gaps in terms of mental workload, and to a lesser extent the physical workload, subjected by the standard HMI design.  相似文献   

The problem of optimal control of time-varying linear singular systems with quadratic performance index has been studied using the Runge–Kutta–Butcher algorithm. The results obtained using the Runge–Kutta (RK) method based on the arithmetic mean (RKAM) and the RK–Butcher algorithms are compared with the exact solutions of the time-varying optimal control of linear singular systems. It is observed that the result obtained using the RK–Butcher algorithm is closer to the true solution of the problem. Stability regions for the RKAM algorithm, the single-term Walsh series method and the RK–Butcher algorithms are presented. Error graphs for the simulated results and exact solutions are presented in graphical form to highlight the efficiency of the RK–Butcher algorithm. This algorithm can easily be implemented using a digital computer. An additional advantage of this method is that the solution can be obtained for any length of time for this type of optimal control of time-varying linear singular systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, input–output feedback linearization is used to design distributed controls for multi-agent systems with nonlinear and heterogeneous non-identical dynamics. Using feedback linearization, the nonlinear and heterogeneous dynamics of agents are transformed to identical linear dynamics and non-identical internal dynamics. Based on the dependence of agent outputs on agent inputs, feedback linearization may lead to a first-order or high-order tracking synchronization problem. The controller for each agent is designed to be fully distributed such that each agent only requires its own information and the information of its neighbors. The effectiveness of the proposed control protocols are verified by simulation on a microgrid test system.  相似文献   

The optimal boundary control problem is studied for coupled parabolic PDE–ODE systems. The linear quadratic method is used and exploits an infinite-dimensional state-space representation of the coupled PDE–ODE system. Linearization of the nonlinear system is established around a steady-state profile. Using appropriate state transformations, the linearized system has been formulated as a well-posed infinite-dimensional system with bounded input and output operators. It has been shown that the resulting system is a Riesz spectral system. The linear quadratic control problem has been solved using the corresponding Riccati equation and the solution of the corresponding eigenvalue problem. The results were applied to the case study of a catalytic cracking reactor with catalyst deactivation. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the performance of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

Total energies of Laves phases Cr2X, CrX2, CrCr2 and XX2 (X=Nb,Ta) in all three structural forms C14, C15 and C36 have been calculated ab initio by pseudopotential VASP code with a complete relaxation of structural parameters. The calculated values were used in a two-sublattice model for re-modeling of Gibbs energies of Laves phases and subsequently for calculation of phase diagrams of Cr–Nb and Cr–Ta systems by CALPHAD method. It turns out that application of ab initio calculated values of total energy of hypothetical “end-members” in a two-sublattice model substantially simplifies the modeling and lowers the number of necessary parameters. Comparison of phase diagrams obtained by a model using first-principles results with previous empirical approach as well as relative stability of Cr2X polytypes is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate the use of prosody models for developing speech systems in Indian languages. Duration and intonation models developed using feedforward neural networks are considered as prosody models. Labelled broadcast news data in the languages Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada is used for developing the neural network models for predicting the duration and intonation. The features representing the positional, contextual and phonological constraints are used for developing the prosody models. In this paper, the use of prosody models is illustrated using speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker recognition and language identification applications. Autoassociative neural networks and support vector machines are used as classification models for developing the speech systems. The performance of the speech systems has shown to be improved by combining the prosodic features along with one popular spectral feature set consisting of Weighted Linear Prediction Cepstral Coefficients (WLPCCs).  相似文献   

Evaluation of the Fourior transform of the system impulse response is an important aspect of the design of control systems. A method suggested hero requires only one cycle of sine or cosine wave to be applied as an input to the system. It is proved that the sum of the sampled values of the output response, at the sampling interval equal to the period of the input wave, directly yields the sign and cosine transforms respectively. The procedure is generalized to any number of complete cycles of input wave, as well as to n/2 cycles whore n is any odd positive integer.  相似文献   

It is known that input–output approaches based on scaled small-gain theorems with constant D-scalings and integral linear constraints are non-conservative for the analysis of some classes of linear positive systems interconnected with uncertain linear operators. This dramatically contrasts with the case of general linear systems with delays where input–output approaches provide, in general, sufficient conditions only. Using these results, we provide simple alternative proofs for many of the existing results on the stability of linear positive systems with discrete/distributed/neutral time-invariant/-varying delays and linear difference equations. In particular, we give a simple proof for the characterisation of diagonal Riccati stability for systems with discrete-delays and generalise this equation to other types of delay systems. The fact that all those results can be reproved in a very simple way demonstrates the importance and the efficiency of the input–output framework for the analysis of linear positive systems. The approach is also used to derive performance results evaluated in terms of the L 1-, L 2- and L -gains. It is also flexible enough to be used for design purposes.  相似文献   

This paper treats the multilevel hierarchical control problem of multicontroller distributed-parameter systems, using the Stackelberg optimality criterion. Both continuous-time and discrete-time systems, linear as well as non-linear, are considered. Two-level hierarchies with one coordinator and many second-level controllers, and linear multilevel hierarchical structures are studied. Solution equations for open-loop, feedback, and closed-loop Stackelberg control strategies are derived and discussed.  相似文献   

We apply genuine multipartite concurrence to investigate entanglement properties of three Jaynes–Cummings systems. Three atoms are initially put in GHZ-like state and locally interact with three independent cavities, respectively. We present analytical concurrence expressions for various subsystems including three-atom, three-cavity and some atom-cavity mixed systems. We also examine the global system and illustrate the evolution of its concurrence. Except for the sudden death of entanglement, we find for some initial entanglement parameter \(\theta \), the concurrence of the global system may maintain unchanged in some time intervals.  相似文献   

Liquidus phase equilibrium data from the recent study for the PbO–CaO and the PbO–CaO–SiO2 systems (as a part of research program on the characterization of the multicomponent PbO–ZnO–FeO–Fe2O3-“Cu2O”-CaO-SiO2 system), combined with phase equilibrium and thermodynamic data from the literature, have been used to obtain a self-consistent set of parameters of the thermodynamic models for all phases: liquid, (Ca,Pb)2SiO4, (Ca,Pb)3SiO5, (Ca,Pb)SiO3 (wollastonite and pseudowollastonite), Pb3(Ca,Pb)2Si3O11 (ganomalite) solutions, SiO2 (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite), Ca3Si2O7 (rankinite), CaO (lime), PbSiO3 (alamosite), Pb2SiO4, Pb11Si3O17, Pb5SiO7 lead silicates, PbO (massicot), Ca2PbO4, Pb8CaSi6O21 (barysilite), PbCa2Si3O9 (margarosanite) and Pb3Ca12Si5O25 compounds. Analysis of available data has shown the lack of data in the two immiscible liquids range over cristobalite, where several new experiments were done to support the model. The modified quasichemical model is used to describe the liquid slag phase. From these model parameters, the optimized ternary phase diagram is back calculated.  相似文献   

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