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Fast computation of pseudo Zernike moments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fast and numerically stable method to compute pseudo Zernike moments is proposed in this paper. Several pseudo Zernike moment computation architectures are also implemented and some have overflow problems when high orders are computed. In addition, a correction to a previous two stage p-recursive pseudo Zernike radial polynomial algorithm is introduced. The newly proposed method that is based on computing pseudo Zernike radial polynomials through their relation to Zernike radial polynomials is found to be one and half times faster than the best algorithm reported up to date.  相似文献   

Fast Zernike moments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Zernike moments have been extensively used and have received much research attention in a number of fields: object recognition, image reconstruction, image segmentation, edge detection and biomedical imaging. However, computation of these moments is time consuming. Thus, we present a fast computation technique to calculate exact Zernike moments by using cascaded digital filters. The novelty of the method proposed in this paper lies in the computation of exact geometric moments directly from digital filter outputs, without the need to first compute geometric moments. The mathematical relationship between digital filter outputs and exact geometric moments is derived and then they are used in the formulation of exact Zernike moments. A comparison of the speed of performance of the proposed algorithm with other state-of-the-art alternatives shows that the proposed algorithm betters current computation time and uses less memory.  相似文献   

Zernike moments (ZMs) are used in many image processing applications due to their superior performance over other moments. However, they suffer from high computation cost and numerical instability at high order of moments. In the past many recursive methods have been developed to improve their speed performance and considerable success has been achieved. The analysis of numerical stability has also gained momentum as it affects the accuracy of moments and their invariance property. There are three recursive methods which are normally used in ZMs calculation—Pratas, Kintners and q-recursive methods. The earlier studies have found the q-recursive method outperforming the two other methods. In this paper, we modify Pratas method and present a recursive relation which is proved to be faster than the q-recursive method. Numerical instability is observed at high orders of moments with the q-recursive method suffering from the underflow problem while the modified Pratas method suffering from finite precision error. The modified Kintners method is the least susceptible to these errors. Keeping in view the better numerical stability, we further make the modified Kintners method marginally faster than the q-recursive method. We recommend the modified Pratas method for low orders (≤90) and Kintners fast method for high orders (>90) of ZMs.  相似文献   

The fast computation of Zernike moments from normalized gometric moments has been developed in this paper,The computation is multiplication free and only additions are needed to generate Zernike moments .Geometric moments are generated using Hataming‘s filter up to high orders by a very simple and straightforward computaion scheme.Other kings of monents(e.g.,Legendre,pseudo Zernike)can be computed using the same algorithm after giving the proper transformaitons that state their relations to geometric moments.Proper normaliztions of geometric moments are necessary so that the method can be used in the efficient computation of Zernike moments.To ensure fair comparisons,recursive algorithms are used to generate Zernike polynoials and other coefficients.The computaional complexity model and test programs show that the speed-up factor of the proposed algorithm is superior with respect ot other fast and /or direct computations It perhaps is the first time that Zernike moments can be computed in real time rates,which encourages the use of Zernike moment features in different image retrieval systems that support huge databases such as the XM experimental model stated for the MPEG-7 experimental core.It is concluded that choosing direct copmutation would be impractical.  相似文献   

Gaussian–Hermite moments are orthogonal moments widely used in image processing and computer vision applications. Similar to the other families of orthogonal moments, highly computational demands represent the main challenging. In this work, an efficient method is proposed for fast computation of highly accurate Gaussian–Hermite moments for gray-level images. The proposed method achieves the accuracy through the integration of Gaussian–Hermite polynomials over the image pixels. To achieve the efficiency, the symmetry property of Gaussian–Hermite polynomials is employed where the computational complexity is reduced by 75%. Fast computational methodology is employed to significantly accelerate the computational process where the 2D Gaussian–Hermite moments are treated in a separated form. Numerical experiments are performed where the results are compared with the conventional method. The comparison of the obtained results clearly ensures the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A novel algorithm for fast computation of Zernike moments   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
J.  H. Z.  C.  L. M. 《Pattern recognition》2002,35(12):2905-2911
Zernike moments (ZMs) have been successfully used in pattern recognition and image analysis due to their good properties of orthogonality and rotation invariance. However, their computation by a direct method is too expensive, which limits the application of ZMs. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for fast computation of Zernike moments. By using the recursive property of Zernike polynomials, the inter-relationship of the Zernike moments can be established. As a result, the Zernike moment of order n with repetition m, Znm, can be expressed as a combination of Zn−2,m and Zn−4,m. Based on this relationship, the Zernike moment Znm, for n>m, can be deduced from Zmm. To reduce the computational complexity, we adopt an algorithm known as systolic array for computing these latter moments. Using such a strategy, the multiplication number required in the moment calculation of Zmm can be decreased significantly. Comparison with known methods shows that our algorithm is as accurate as the existing methods, but is more efficient.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to the fast computation of Zernike moments from a digital image. Most existing fast methods for computing Zernike moments have focused on the reduction of the computational complexity of the Zernike 1-D radial polynomials by introducing their recurrence relations. Instead, in our proposed method, we focus on the reduction of the complexity of the computation of the 2-D Zernike basis functions. As Zernike basis functions have specific symmetry or anti-symmetry about the x-axis, the y-axis, the origin, and the straight line y=x, we can generate the Zernike basis functions by only computing one of their octants. As a result, the proposed method makes the computation time eight times faster than existing methods. The proposed method is applicable to the computation of an individual Zernike moment as well as a set of Zernike moments. In addition, when computing a series of Zernike moments, the proposed method can be used with one of the existing fast methods for computing Zernike radial polynomials. This paper also presents an accurate form of Zernike moments for a discrete image function. In the experiments, results show the accuracy of the form for computing discrete Zernike moments and confirm that the proposed method for the fast computation of Zernike moments is much more efficient than existing fast methods in most cases.  相似文献   

This paper details a comparative analysis on time taken by the present and proposed methods to compute the Zernike moments, Zpq. The present method comprises of Direct, Belkasim's, Prata's, Kintner's and Coefficient methods. We propose a new technique, denoted as q-recursive method, specifically for fast computation of Zernike moments. It uses radial polynomials of fixed order p with a varying index q to compute Zernike moments. Fast computation is achieved because it uses polynomials of higher index q to derive the polynomials of lower index q and it does not use any factorial terms. Individual order of moments can be calculated independently without employing lower- or higher-order moments. This is especially useful in cases where only selected orders of Zernike moments are needed as pattern features. The performance of the present and proposed methods are experimentally analyzed by calculating Zernike moments of orders 0 to p and specific order p using binary and grayscale images. In both the cases, the q-recursive method takes the shortest time to compute Zernike moments.  相似文献   

基于Zernike矩的快速PPB相干斑抑制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用非局部均值算法到SAR图像相干斑抑制中时存在计算量大、图像自相似性利用不足等缺点,严重制约该类算法的实际应用.针对该问题,提出一种SAR图像快速PPB滤波算法.给出基于积分图的PPB快速算法,引入Zemike矩构造一种图块相似性度量,利用Cosmo实测SAR数据进行实验.实验结果表明,该算法提高了图像自相似特征利用率,显著改善了滤波效果.  相似文献   

Accuracy, speed and numerical stability are among the major factors restricting the use of Zernike moments (ZMs) in numerous commercial applications where they are a tool of significant utility. Often these factors are conflicting in nature. The direct formulation of ZMs is prone to numerical integration error while in the recent past many fast algorithms are developed for its computation. On the other hand, the relationship between geometric moments (GMs) and ZMs reduces numerical integration error but it is observed to be computation intensive. We propose fast algorithms for both the formulations. In the proposed method, the order of time complexity for GMs-to-ZMs formulation is reduced and further enhancement in speed is achieved by using quasi-symmetry property of GMs. The existing q-recursive method for direct formulation is further modified by incorporating the recursive steps for the computation of trigonometric functions. We also observe that q-recursive method provides numerical stability caused by finite precision arithmetic at high orders of moment which is hitherto not reported in the literature. Experimental results on images of different sizes support our claim.  相似文献   

Two novel algorithms for the fast computation of the Zernike and Pseudo-Zernike moments are presented in this paper. The proposed algorithms are very useful, particularly in the case of using the computed moments, as discriminative features in pattern classification applications, where the computation of single moments of several orders is required. The derivation of the algorithms is based on the elimination of the factorial computations, by computing recursively the fractional terms of the orthogonal polynomials being used. The newly introduced algorithms are compared to the direct methods, which are the only methods that permit the computation of single moments of any order. The computational complexity of the proposed method is O(p 2) in multiplications, with p being the moment order, while the corresponding complexity of the direct method is O(p 3). Appropriate experiments justify the superiority of the proposed recursive algorithms over the direct ones, establishing them as alternative to the original algorithms, for the fast computation of the Zernike and Pseudo-Zernike moments.  相似文献   

基于Zernike矩亚像素边缘检测的快速算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨浩  裴蕾  李昌顺 《计算机应用研究》2011,28(11):4380-4382
为了克服传统的Zernike法在边缘检测过程中,由于人工手动选取阈值而带来的低效率、高误判等不足,将原算法与Otsu法相结合,提出了一种边缘检测的快速算法。利用传统的Zernike法计算出图像的阶跃灰度矩阵,再将该矩阵作为计算对象,用Otsu法直接得到最优的阶跃灰度阈值进行边缘判别,并考虑了由于边缘模型带来的误差,在保证检测效果的同时缩短了检测时间。实验结果表明,改进的算法能够更有效地完成边缘检测,补偿后的亚像素定位更准确。  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for fast and accurate computation of Zernike moments. This method presents a novel formula for computing exact Zernike moments by using exact complex moments where the exact values of complex moments are computed by mathematical integration of the monomials over digital image pixels. The proposed method is applicable to compute the full set of Zernike moments as well as the subsets of individual order, repetition and an individual moment. A comparison with other conventional methods is performed. The results show the superiority of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A novel algorithm that permits the fast and accurate computation of geometric moments on gray-scale images is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm constitutes an extension of the IBR algorithm, introduced in the past, which was applicable only for binary images. A new image representation scheme, the ISR (intensity slice representation), which represents a gray-scale image as an expansion of several two-level images of different intensity values, enables the partially application of the IBR algorithm to each image component. Moreover, using the resulted set of image blocks, the geometric moments’ computation can be accelerated through appropriate computation schemes.  相似文献   

Moment functions defined using a polar coordinate representation of the image space, such as radial moments and Zernike moments, are used in several recognition tasks requiring rotation invariance. However, this coordinate representation does not easily yield translation invariant functions, which are also widely sought after in pattern recognition applications. This paper presents a mathematical framework for the derivation of translation invariants of radial moments defined in polar form. Using a direct application of this framework, translation invariant functions of Zernike moments are derived algebraically from the corresponding central moments. Both derived functions are developed for non-symmetrical as well as symmetrical images. They mitigate the zero-value obtained for odd-order moments of the symmetrical images. Vision applications generally resort to image normalization to achieve translation invariance. The proposed method eliminates this requirement by providing a translation invariance property in a Zernike feature set. The performance of the derived invariant sets is experimentally confirmed using a set of binary Latin and English characters.  相似文献   

Fast, accurate and memory-efficient method is proposed for computing orthogonal Fourier–Mellin moments. Since the basis polynomials are continuous orthogonal polynomials defined in polar coordinates over a unit disk, the proposed method is applied to polar coordinates where the unit disk is divided into a number of non-overlapping circular rings that are divided into circular sectors of the same area. Each sector is represented by one point in its center. The implementation of this method completely removes both approximation and geometrical errors produced by the conventional methods. Based on the symmetry property, a fast and memory-efficient algorithm is proposed to accelerate the moment’s computations. A comparison to conventional methods is performed. Numerical experiments are performed to ensure the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Invariant image recognition by Zernike moments   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The problem of rotation-, scale-, and translation-invariant recognition of images is discussed. A set of rotation-invariant features are introduced. They are the magnitudes of a set of orthogonal complex moments of the image known as Zernike moments. Scale and translation invariance are obtained by first normalizing the image with respect to these parameters using its regular geometrical moments. A systematic reconstruction-based method for deciding the highest-order Zernike moments required in a classification problem is developed. The quality of the reconstructed image is examined through its comparison to the original one. The orthogonality property of the Zernike moments, which simplifies the process of image reconstruction, make the suggest feature selection approach practical. Features of each order can also be weighted according to their contribution to the reconstruction process. The superiority of Zernike moment features over regular moments and moment invariants was experimentally verified  相似文献   

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