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A COCOMO-based Approach to Decision Support in Offshoring Software Development Projects In this paper we examine the evaluation of software development projects when several offshore service providers are involved. Therefore it supports the process of setting up a sourcing portfolio. The introduced decision support model is based on the well-known effort estimation approach COCOMO which supports the transfer into practice remarkably. Based on the costs of a proprietary development, the model describes to what extent the related development effort is affected by the sourcing decision. Additionally it quantifies the expected savings by considering the risk involved in the sourcing decision. As a result it can be stated that solely focusing on labour cost differences will usually lead to false decisions. Finally a detailed case study shows the practicability of the decision support model and illustrates its results.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of interoperability standards such as Web Service standards or semantic annotation of services on the outsourcing of business processes or process activities. Especially the integration of external IT service providers is considered. Therefore a decision model is developed for optimizing service portfolios regarding risk-/cost-aspects. By using an extract of the application process for current accounts we exemplify the implementation and the results of the presented model.  相似文献   

The number of legal regulations in the field of risk identification and documentation has heavily increased in the last years. This situation forces various companies to take care of risk aspects within their processes. The use of conceptual models for risk documentation in the field of corporate governance as well as IT-governance leads to better risk verification, certification and prediction. Risks will become much more apparent within their process contexts. These conceptual models can even be used for the preparation of risk handbooks. The article deals with the state of the art of process-oriented risk modelling and proposes a risk modelling approach developed on the basis of the entity driven process chain (EPC). The method aims at improved visualization and documentation mechanisms of process-oriented risks. Due to its EPC-foundation this approach can be integrated in existing modelling tools for auditing purposes to reach and maintain compliance with risk regulations. The construction of risk-inherent process models with the proposed modelling approach will be depicted with some examples. Additionally, this approach is integrated in the concept of adaptive conceptual modelling to generate distinct views on the set of existing models. This leads to a focused presentation and a lower model complexity and enables herewith a more efficient risk identification and treatment.  相似文献   

Offering product-service bundles (consisting of products and services) is becoming more important for companies. Modifying the organizational structure of the cooperation as well as adapting to changing customer demands requires versatile information systems. Implementing Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) is one attempt to provide this flexibility. Currently, there is little methodical guidance for the identification, specification and implementation of services as building blocks of Service Oriented Architectures. Accounting for this need, a conceptual approach is designed, which adapts approaches of customer integration, and combines a business and IT analysis. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by designing a Service Oriented Architecture for the recycling of electronic equipment. Implementing services for other product-service bundles will support additional integration scenarios. By standardizing services, a sound integration of products and services can be backed by providing a reference architecture.  相似文献   

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) and mobile commerce (m-commerce) have dramatically boosted the demand for services which enable ubiquitous access. Ubiquity offers opportunities in terms of time aware, location aware, device aware, and personalised services. Development of ubiquitous Web applications, however, turns out to be rather complex and thus requires appropriate methodological support. Existing methods for modelling Web applications only partially match the requirements resulting from their ubiquitous nature.This article aims at filling this gap by presenting a UML based framework for modelling ubiquitous Web applications, focussing on issues of adaptation modelling. It encompasses both, context modelling by providing a physical and a logical context model, and modelling the adaptation process per se. The latter is realised in terms of a rule model enabling monitoring of context changes and activation of corresponding adaptation operations. The separation of a Web application in a stable and context independent part on the one hand and a variable and context dependent part on the other hand supports reusability and locality of change.  相似文献   

The iteration $$y_{n + 1} = \sup (y_n ,x_n + x_n (e - ax_n )),x_{n + 1} = \inf (x_n ,x_n + y_{n + 1} (e - ax_n ))$$ generating sequences (x n ) and (y n ) is considered in normed, partially ordered rings. Under certain conditions it is shown, that the inversea ?1 of an elementa≧0 is monotonously enclosed and that both sequences converge toa ?1 with the order three.  相似文献   

KMDL® A semiformal approach to model knowledge conversions Knowledge Management is still assigned to IT departments and therefore strongly driven by technical aspects. The so developed knowledge management applications are seldom integrated into the business processes within the organization. Therefore these knowledge management systems are rarely accepted permanently. The presented method for modeling and analyzing of knowledge intensive processes allows to identify the creation and use of knowledge within the business process and therefore allows to deduce suggestions for improvement. Thereby it becomes possible to integrate the knowledge of the employees into the value chain and achieve competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Sollen wir UML 1.4, UML 2.0 oder eine ganz andere Modellierungssprache für unsere Softwareentwicklung einsetzen? Der folgende Beitrag zeigt, dass bei der Festlegung einer unternehmensweiten Entwicklungsmethode nicht die Frage nach der Modellierungssprache im Vordergrund stehen sollte. Viel entscheidender für den Erfolg von Softwareentwicklungsprojekten in einem Unternehmen ist ein einheitliches Verst?ndnis der Entwicklungskonzepte und -artefakte sowie ihrer Beziehungen untereinander. Eine Einigung über ein unternehmensweites Dom?nenmodell der Softwareentwicklungskonzepte sollte deshalb vor der Auswahl von Modellierungssprachen, eines konkreten Vorgehensmodells und geeigneter Werkzeuge erfolgen.  相似文献   

Sollen wir UML 1.4, UML 2.0 oder eine ganz andere Modellierungssprache für unsere Softwareentwicklung einsetzen? Der folgende Beitrag zeigt, dass bei der Festlegung einer unternehmensweiten Entwicklungsmethode nicht die Frage nach der Modellierungssprache im Vordergrund stehen sollte. Viel entscheidender für den Erfolg von Softwareentwicklungsprojekten in einem Unternehmen ist ein einheitliches Verst?ndnis der Entwicklungskonzepte und -artefakte sowie ihrer Beziehungen untereinander. Eine Einigung über ein unternehmensweites Dom?nenmodell der Softwareentwicklungskonzepte sollte deshalb vor der Auswahl von Modellierungssprachen, eines konkreten Vorgehensmodells und geeigneter Werkzeuge erfolgen.  相似文献   

Over the last few years Grid computing has attracted considerable attention from the industry, because it offers opportunities for new on-demand business services for enterprises. In this article, we depict the current trend of enterprises to source Grid services offered by third-party utility providers on a use-on-demand, pay-per-use basis, thus leading to faster IT response to changing business needs. We outline the emerging expansion of Grid computing in industry and discuss the significant challenges still needing to be solved to further promote the adoption of Grid technology in the business domain.  相似文献   

The increasing competition forces enterprises to establish differentiation strategies more than ever. The creation of innovative bundles, consisting of material and immaterial elements, is such a strategy and known as “hybrid value creation”. In order to support enterprises during their change towards a hybrid solution supplier, procedures and techniques are needed which are embedded in a certain structure. Architecture Frameworks can support such a structured transformation of enterprises. The intention of the paper is to identify requirements for architectures for hybrid value creation and to check these requirements by using the St. Gallen Business Engineering Framework.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit der Gesch?ftsproze?orientierung der Unternehmen stellt auch die Informationstechnologie (IT) mit Workflow-Management-Systemen (WfMS) entsprechende Werkzeuge bereit. WfMS vollziehen dabei die Integration der einzelnen Aufgaben und der verschiedenen Applikationen eines Gesch?ftsprozesses zu einem vollst?ndigen Ablauf. Dazu haben sie s?mtliche notwendigen organisatorischen Informationen eines Gesch?ftsprozesse hinterlegt wie z.B. wer wann was macht bzw. machen darf. – Zweier wichtiger Punkte von WfMS widmen sich verschiedene Standards: Integration und Interoperabilit?t. Zu nennen sind hier die Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) und die Simple Workflow Access Protocol Initiative (SWAP). Ein anderer Punkt ist die Frage des geeigneten WfMS für die identifizierten Prozesse. Dazu kann die Klassifikation an Hand von Proze?frequenz und Proze?strukturierung in Ad-hoc-WfMS, Collborate-WfMS und Produktions-WfMS helfen. Insgesamt erhalten Anwender mit WfMS ein Werkzeug, das das Ausch?pfen der hohen Einsparungspotentiale erm?glicht. Diese k?nnen laut einer Studie bis zu 90% der Durchlaufzeit eines Gesch?ftsprozesses betragen.   相似文献   

Im Electronic Commerce und in der digitalen Welt der zukünftigen globalen Informationsinfrastruktur (GII), bzw. dem Internet als deren Vorl?ufer, sollen Daten (Nachrichten und Dokumente) zwischen Kommunikationspartnern vertraulich, integer und rechtsverbindlich ausgetauscht und aufbewahrt werden k?nnen. Zur Erreichung des Sachziels ‘Vertraulichkeit’ werden Daten bei der Speicherung in unsicherer Umgebung und bei der übertragung über unsichere Kan?le h?ufig von Endanwendern verschlüsselt. Dies setzt neben den erforderlichen Verschlüsselungsmechanismen geeignete Verfahren für das Management der Schlüssel voraus, die die Verfügbarkeit der verschlüsselt gespeicherten (oder übertragenen) Daten sicherstellen – auch wenn der origin?re Besitzer des Schlüssels nicht verfügbar ist. Enterprise Key Recovery Server stellen Berechtigten bei Bedarf die Konzelationsschlüssel zur Entschlüsselung von Daten zur Verfügung. Ihre Funktionen werden zusammen mit angemessenen Sicherheitsma?nahmen dargestellt. Für unterschiedliche Anforderungen an das Sicherheitsniveau wird eine skalierbare Sicherungsinfrastruktur für Enterprise Key Recovery Server vorgeschlagen. Die Nutzung von Enterprise Key Recovery Servern für das Management von Schlüsseln für den Nachrichtenaustausch und für digitale Signaturen ist nicht Thema dieser Arbeit. Erst der konsequente Einsatz von Key Recovery Servern sichert bei der Anwendung von Verschlüsselung die Vertraulichkeit und Verfügbarkeit von Daten und die Integrit?t der benutzten Schlüssel durchg?ngig ab. Key Recovery Server schlie?en damit eine empfindliche – bislang nicht genügend berücksichtigte – Sicherheitslücke in der Sicherheitsarchitektur von Unternehmen.  相似文献   

The article is dedicated to the empirical exploration of solution providers in the German capital goods industry. A model – consisting of six principles and success factors for solution management – is used to draw conclusions on the relevance and the need for action to manage the transition towards being a solution provider. The answers from 99 medium-sized companies reveal the following results: 1.) The solution concept offers the opportunity to gain competitive advantage 2.) The potential of providing solutions has been recognised, yet the implementation is lagging behind 3.) A consistent solution management process is a prerequisite for success 4.) Appropriate methods and tools are required along the whole process.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein experimentelles Verfahren beschrieben, mit dessen Hilfe beliebig geformte, einfach zusammenhängende Gebiete konform aufeinander abgebildet werden können. Damit kann mit geringem Aufwand die Integralgleichung vonTheodorsen zur Ermittlung der Ränderzuordnungsfunktion experimentell bestimmt werden. Mittels der elektrischen Potentialanalogie wird dann die konforme Zuordnung aller Innenfeldpunkte gefunden.
Summary An experimental method is described with the help of which arbitrary shaped simple connected fields can be shown conformable to one by one. By that the integral equation byTheodorsen can be experimentally determined with small expense for the information of the function of border coordination. By means of the electric potential analogy, the conformable coordination of all inner fields then will be found.

Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   


DuD ReportBuchbesprechung

Michael W?chter Boehme-Ne?ler, Volker: Unscharfes Recht: überlegungen zur Relativierung des Rechts in der digitalisierten Welt Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2008, 800 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-428-12938-6, € 98  相似文献   

IT/business alignment is one of the main topics of information systems research. If IT artifacts and business-related artifacts are coupled point-to-point, however, complex architectures become unmanageable over time. In computer science, concepts like the ANSI/SPARC three-level database architecture propose an architecture layer which decouples external views on data and the implementation view of data. In this paper, a similar approach for IT/business alignment is proposed. The proposed alignment architecture is populated by enterprise services as elementary artifacts. Enterprise services link software components and process activities. They are aggregated into applications and subsequently into domains for planning/design and communication purposes. Most design approaches for the construction of enterprise services, applications and domains are top-down, i. e. stepwise decompose complex artifacts. As an alternative which takes into account coupling semantics, we propose a bottom-up approach which is demonstrated for the identification of domains. Our approach is evaluated using a telecommunications equipment case study.  相似文献   

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