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乾纶 《现代通信》2005,(12):42-43
目前整个通信产业在经历着巨大的变革。电信运营商从传统的网络基础设施供应商向信息服务提供商转型;网络基础设施从传统的电路交换向基于IP的包交换方向发展;电信业务从窄带的语音通信向基于宽带的语音、数据、视频融合业务方向发展。这种全方位的转型,对于传统电信产业链的三元方,电信运营商、系统设备供应商和器件供应商带来了机遇和挑战。终端用户的价值取向和其购买愿望是什么?电信运营商如何提供有价值的服务?什么是服务于市场的系统设备供应商和半导体供应商所要掌握的市场内涵?这些成了产业链各方共同关注和思考的焦点。终端用户需…  相似文献   

通过分析三网融合给电信运营商带来的机遇和挑战,结合电信运营商和广电企业等三网融合主体的优劣势,提出了三网融合背景下电信运营商业务、网络和产业链发展的策略。  相似文献   

胡海波 《现代电信科技》2009,39(12):19-22,30
各种无线异构网络给人们带来了丰富多彩的通信体验,同时,网络类型的繁多与彼此不兼容也给用户和运营商带来了很多问题和挑战。无线异构网络融合是未来通信网络的发展趋势,如3G网络和WLAN的融合、TD—SCDMA和WiMAX的融合。环境感知网络概念的出现,为未来畀构网络的融合带来了新的启发。  相似文献   

信息消费的快速发展给运营商带来机遇的同时也带来了巨大的挑战。现在运营商网络架构的弹性不足,网络运维笨重、僵化,面向移动宽带、物联网和工业互联网的发展,应用场景更加个性化,需要运营商网络更加灵活、开放,响应速度更加快速。本文分析了运营商目前通信网络架构现状及问题,阐述了对未来通信网络架构影响的四大关键技术:SDN、NFV、云化和5G技术。根据四大技术的架构设计目标,总体描述了未来通信网络目标架构蓝图,并提出了未来网络架构转型的五大变化,即网元软硬解耦,网络功能转控分离,网络全云化,架构扁平化,布局层次化。  相似文献   

网络入侵防御系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
入侵行为给基于网络的计算机信息系统的安全带来了巨大威胁,入侵防御系统(IPS. Intrusion Prevention System)是网络安全领域为弥补防火墙及入侵检测系统(IDS)的不足而新发展 起来的一种计算机信息安全技术。IPS综合了防火墙防御功能和入侵检测系统的网络数据包检测功 能,已经成为网络安全领域的究的热点。  相似文献   

据了解,我国卫星通信仅在应急通信产品方面的市场需求就已经达到上千亿元的规模,带动通信系统集成等相关产业超过五千亿元的市场规模.这也给整个产业链中不可或缺的功率放大器业带来了巨大的想象空间."良好的市场环境和广阔的市场空间带来了发展机遇的同时,也带来了挑战",海润华杰将会以高品质的产品和更加专业的服务赢得用户,赢得市场,赢得公司更大的发展空间.  相似文献   

近年来,网络及通信技术呈现了突飞猛进的发展势态。这一势态给人们生活及工作带来了极大的方便,与此同时也给数据通信及计算机网络的发展带来了巨大的机遇及挑战。本课题笔者在概述数据通信与计算机网络的基础上,进一步对基于计算机网络中的数据通信交换技术进行了分析,最后探讨了数据通信与计算机网络的发展前景。  相似文献   

随着信息和网络技术的快速发展,当代各种媒体在发展中呈现出融合的趋势。这个情况给传统媒体带来了巨大的冲击,也有着巨大的机遇。新闻摄像记者在媒体融合的大潮下如何适应,并且进一步发展,在大潮中的多栖化方向如何等位,这些都是需要思考的。本文从摄像记者多栖化趋势入手,分析了全媒体时代对摄像记者提出的要求以及影响,提出了摄像记者必备技能与多栖化策略。  相似文献   

林锋 《网络电信》2012,(11):28-29
一、“宽带中国”带来的机遇 “宽带中国”给光纤光缆行业带来了巨大的机遇,主要体现在以下几个方面:“宽带中国”战略将促进光通信下游产业链的发展,提升整个产业链的价值水平“宽带中图”战略的实施,将促使运营商进一步加强网络管道和平台建设  相似文献   

随着Internet业务和多媒体应用的快速发展,网络的业务量正在以指数级的速度迅速膨胀,这就要求网络必须具有高比特率数据传输能力和大吞吐量的交叉能力。这对通信网络的容量来说是一个巨大的挑战。光纤通信技术出现以后,其近30THz的巨大潜在带宽容量给通信领域带来了蓬勃发展的机遇。特别是在提出信息高速公路以来,光技术开始渗透于整个通信网,光纤通信有向全光网推进的趋势。 目前已经比较成熟的波分复用WDM技术是利用一根光纤同时传送不同波长的携带调制信号的光波,相当于在同一根光纤上创造了许多虚拟光纤,从而数倍乃至数十…  相似文献   

IEEE 802.6 metropolitan area networks (MANs) providean efficient architecture for supporting wirelesspersonal communication services (PCSs) overmetropolitan areas by interconnecting wireless basestations into personal communication networks (PCNs).They also serve as peripheral gathering networks totransport PCS traffic over a wide area broadbandintegrated services digital network employingasynchronous transfer mode (ATM), enabling integrationof PCNs in different cities into a global PCN. Bycombining the various access methods and employing adynamic bandwidth integration scheme, a MAN canfunction as a powerful distributed switch forintegrating different types of local traffic.Simulation results are presented to illustrate theadvantages of the integration scheme. To provideubiquitous PCS, we also propose a simplesuffix-dialing method for integrating telephone, fax,paging and email services over the ATM/MAN-based PCNsusing a single personal telecommunication number. Withthis method, the current practice of printing a longlist of phone numbers on one's business card will nolonger be necessary.  相似文献   

军民融合是统筹经济社会发展和国防建设的重大战略思想,其实质就是打破资源利用界限,实现"一份投入、两份产出"。军民通信融合是军民融合的重要组成部分。信息技术的快速发展使得网络融合成为网络发展的必然趋势,军事通信网络和民用通信网络在技术方面具有一致性,军民两用性的通信技术、密码技术为军、民网络的融合提供了基础。在阐述网络融合技术的基础上,提出了军、民通信网络融合的两种模式:集成模式和叠加模式,并针对两种模式分别给出了融合的方案。  相似文献   

本论文的研究是以北京理工大学珠海学院(以下简称珠海学院)校园网络建设、发展的实际情况作为基础,是珠海学院4年来校园网络问题的一个整体解决方案,本论文所提出的安全管理体系是整体安全解决方案的一种理论概括。珠海学院的校园网络安全防范方面,不是简单的技术堆叠,是创造性地应用了ACL、防火墙、IDS、流量管理、入侵检测、漏洞扫描等技术手段。全网的安全措施设计自用户端延伸到互联网出口,在用户数据流的各个环节中都应用了安全防范措施。在实际运行中,非常有效的控制了网络中主要的安全问题,网络相当稳定。本论文最终建立了适应独立学院网络安全管理的体系模型及应用模式,为校园网络中所存在的严重安全问题提出一种思路及解决办法。  相似文献   

Most of the existing intrusion detection frameworks proposed for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are computation and energy intensive, which adversely affect the overall lifetime of the WSNs. In addition, some of these frameworks generate a significant volume of IDS traffic, which can cause congestion in bandwidth constrained WSNs. In this paper, we aim to address these issues by proposing a game theory based multi layered intrusion detection framework for WSNs. The proposed framework uses a combination of specification rules and a lightweight neural network based anomaly detection module to identify the malicious sensor nodes. Additionally, the framework models the interaction between the IDS and the sensor node being monitored as a two player non-cooperative Bayesian game. This allows the IDS to adopt probabilistic monitoring strategies based on the Bayesian Nash Equilibrium of the game and thereby, reduce the volume of IDS traffic introduced into the sensor network. The framework also proposes two different reputation update and expulsion mechanisms to enforce cooperation and discourage malicious behavior among monitoring nodes. These mechanisms are based on two different methodologies namely, Shapley Value and Vickery–Clark–Grooves (VCG) mechanism. The complexity analysis of the proposed reputation update and expulsion mechanisms have been carried out and are shown to be linear in terms of the input sizes of the mechanisms. Simulation results show that the proposed framework achieves higher accuracy and detection rate across wide range of attacks, while at the same time minimizes the overall energy consumption and volume of IDS traffic in the WSN.  相似文献   

Intrusion is any unwanted activity that can disrupt the normal functions of wired or wireless networks. Wireless mesh networking technology has been pivotal in providing an affordable means to deploy a network and allow omnipresent access to users on the Internet. A multitude of emerging public services rely on the widespread, high-speed, and inexpensive connectivity provided by such networks. The absence of a centralized network infrastructure and open shared medium makes WMNs particularly susceptible to malevolent attacks, especially in multihop networks. Hence, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure privacy, security, and resilience when designing such networks. An effective method to detect possible internal and external attack vectors is to use an intrusion detection system. Although many Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) were proposed for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), they can only detect intrusions in a particular layer. Because WMNs are vulnerable to multilayer security attacks, a cross-layer IDS are required to detect and respond to such attacks. In this study, we analyzed cross-layer IDS options in WMN environments. The main objective was to understand how such schemes detect security attacks at several OSI layers. The suggested IDS is verified in many scenarios, and the experimental results show its efficiency.  相似文献   

Network intrusion detection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intrusion detection is a new, retrofit approach for providing a sense of security in existing computers and data networks, while allowing them to operate in their current "open" mode. The goal of intrusion detection is to identify unauthorized use, misuse, and abuse of computer systems by both system insiders and external penetrators. The intrusion detection problem is becoming a challenging task due to the proliferation of heterogeneous computer networks since the increased connectivity of computer systems gives greater access to outsiders and makes it easier for intruders to avoid identification. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are based on the beliefs that an intruder's behavior will be noticeably different from that of a legitimate user and that many unauthorized actions are detectable. Typically, IDSs employ statistical anomaly and rulebased misuse models in order to detect intrusions. A number of prototype IDSs have been developed at several institutions, and some of them have also been deployed on an experimental basis in operational systems. In the present paper, several host-based and network-based IDSs are surveyed, and the characteristics of the corresponding systems are identified. The host-based systems employ the host operating system's audit trails as the main source of input to detect intrusive activity, while most of the network-based IDSs build their detection mechanism on monitored network traffic, and some employ host audit trails as well. An outline of a statistical anomaly detection algorithm employed in a typical IDS is also included  相似文献   

Multilayer multistage interconnection networks (MLMINs) integrate communication with network components and the components of parallel systems, especially when they service multicast traffic. This paper presents an approximate performance methodology for self‐routing MLMINs that consist of two segments, each of which is composed of symmetrical switch elements. The first segment is subject to blocking situations with one mode of packet transmission policy (unicast). The second segment—the multilayer—is blocking free and employs double modes of transmission policy (unicast and multicast replication). Applying the current analytical model, which is based on a convergence method on the above types of MLMINs, an estimate can be made of their performance indicators. This model was applied to variable network size MLMINs under different multicasting patterns of traffic. It was also validated by extensive simulations. All the MLMINs under study apply special packet (traffic) management techniques, which allow for the integration of sub‐networking into larger networks such as grids. The results are accurate and useful for network engineering, especially in the service of local area networks. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effective tremendous deployment of ad hoc networks is incontestably braked by their unreliability in terms of security and quality of services. In this paper, we focus on security problems and show that despite of efforts made in the ad hoc security field, many security issues still jeopardize correct MANETs routing operation. For such threats, we propose an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) solution for which cryptographic-based solutions are ineffective. Actually, authenticated nodes legitimately present in the network are able to send faked routing messages to compromise the routing and then communication between nodes. To cope with such security attacks, we propose an IDS dedicated to the OLSR protocol and well fitted to its characteristics and operation. In addition, our IDS is implemented on all network’s nodes which act cooperatively by continually analyzing routing messages semantics. When an intrusion is detected, alerts are flooded and intruders are banished from the network. We have finally implemented this IDS and performances evaluation shows the intrusion detection effectiveness.  相似文献   

The integration of wireless local area network (WLAN) hotspot and the 3G cellular networks is imminently the future mode of public access networks. One of the key elements for the successful integration is vertical handoff between the two heterogeneous networks. Service disruption may occur during the vertical handoff because of the IP layer handoff activities, such as registration, binding update, routing table update, etc. In this paper, the network interface switching and registration process are proposed for the integrated WLAN/cellular network. Two types of fast vertical handoff protocols based on bicasting and non‐bicasting supporting real‐time traffic, such as voice over IP, are modeled. The performance of a bicasting based handoff scheme is analyzed and compared with that of fast handoff without bicasting. Numerical results and the simulation are given to show that packet loss rate can be reduced by the bicasting during handoff scheme without increasing bandwidth on both wireless interfaces. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along with expansion in using of Internet and computer networks, the privacy, integrity, and access to digital resources have been faced with permanent risks. Due to the unpredictable behavior of network, the nonlinear nature of intrusion attempts, and the vast number of features in the problem environment, intrusion detection system (IDS) is regarded as the main problem in the security of computer networks. A feature selection technique helps to reduce complexity in terms of both the executive load and the storage by selecting the optimal subset of features. The purpose of this study is to identify important and key features in building an IDS. To improve the performance of IDS, this paper proposes an IDS that its features are optimally selected using a new hybrid method based on fruit fly algorithm (FFA) and ant lion optimizer (ALO) algorithm. The simulation results on the dataset KDD Cup99, NSL‐KDD, and UNSW‐NB15 have shown that the FFA–ALO has an acceptable performance according to the evaluation criteria such as accuracy and sensitivity than previous approaches.  相似文献   

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