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石油液化气站管道之施工要点王建之(石家庄市设备安装公司)为了节能减少环境污染,石油液化气已越来越成为我国城乡居民重要的一种燃料,石油液化气站的建设也日益增多。石油液化气为易燃易爆气体,管路工作压力1.6MPa。根据化工管道分类标准属于w类管道。为了保... 相似文献
通过现场调研及采用宏观分析、能谱和X射线衍射等方法分别对经过湿气输送后管道的腐蚀损伤形式扣腐蚀机理进行了分析研究。结果表明,管道内壁发生了较严重的均匀腐蚀;管道内壁环焊缝处无内涂层保护部位也发生了局部腐蚀。腐蚀机理属于CO2腐蚀,腐蚀产物主要是FeCO3,FeO(OH)和Fe3O4。 相似文献
原油高温腐蚀评价及预测技术的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
综述了国内外原油高温腐蚀评价及预测技术的研究现状,归纳分析了原油高温腐蚀的影响因素、原油高温腐蚀评价方法与装置以及对原油高温腐蚀预测的研发现状。重点论述了高压反应釜、高温动态模拟和现场腐蚀评价方法与装置的应用情况及其存在的问题;同时,对目前预测原油高温腐蚀的方法,如McConomy曲线,API RP581计算方法及国内有代表性的高温动态模拟评估方法进行了探讨;最后对今后预测原油高温腐蚀性的研究方向进行了展望。 相似文献
近年来,管道运输已经成为我国石油与天然气运输必不可少的方式,但是,随着管道事故频频发生,天然气集输管线腐蚀已经成为制约天然气持续发展的巨大威胁。以页岩气集气管道为例,在其输送的气质和水质中检测到CO2、溶解氧、SRB和Cl-等多种腐蚀性物质,腐蚀环境十分恶劣,对集气管线造成了不同程度的腐蚀破坏,甚至导致多条集气管道快速穿孔,造成严重的经济损失,并且威胁工作人员的人身安全。开展页岩气湿气管道内腐蚀直接评价工作能为管道的安全运行提供有利保障。为此,利用多相流理论,以某气田页岩气湿气集输管道运行工况为基础,根据MP-ICDA(多相流管道内腐蚀直接评价)进行内腐蚀直接评估流程。采用OLGA软件进行多相流模拟与计算进行管道内腐蚀间接评估,确定了管道内的腐蚀敏感区为低洼处和上坡段。内腐蚀直接评估在管道高风险位置开挖检测,根据检测结果完成管道后评价,确定再评价时间。 相似文献
外腐蚀直接评价(ECDA)是油气管道完整性管理的重要手段,将ECDA技术高效系统地应用于国内长输管道是当前管道保护的重要任务.为了综合应用外腐蚀检测方法并进行深入分析评价,开展了长输天然气管道ECDA实践研究.结果表明:ECDA过程综合应用多种检测方法及数据的深入分析对于管道外腐蚀检测评价效果良好,检测的天然气长输管道外腐蚀危害轻;基于系统的完整性评价结果,提出了管道外腐蚀防护维修维护方案和预防措施.未来应加强管道完整性管理中的数据完整性管理,综合运用外检测技术与其他检测技术,重点解决外检测技术应用中出现的特殊问题,积极探索新的检测评价技术,有效提高ECDA工作的效率和信息化水平. 相似文献
管道是运输石油和天然气的重要工具,随着其腐蚀现象愈发严重,必须对腐蚀管道的失效压力进行预测。针对如何精确预测腐蚀管道失效压力的问题,提出一种Lasso-PSO-BP模型。首先,结合收集的腐蚀管道爆破试验数据,利用Lasso回归筛选出失效压力影响因素,确定BP神经网络的输入变量;然后,用粒子群算法(PSO)优化反向传播(BP)神经网络初始权值阈值;最后,将优化训练后的BP神经网络用于管道失效压力的预测。通过实例验证,对比分析2种模型的拟合效果,结果表明:相较Lasso-BP预测模型,Lasso-PSO-BP预测模型的平均误差(AE)从0.102 5减小到0.030 1,均方根误差(RMSE)由1.174 3减小到0.297 2,其各项指标都优于Lasso-BP模型,证明此方法具有较高的准确率,显示了PSO-BP神经网络模型更优的拟合度与预测精度,适用于腐蚀管道失效压力的预测。 相似文献
王博 《中国新技术新产品》2009,(24):89-89
输送油、气的管道大多处于复杂的土壤环境中,所输送的介质也多有腐蚀性,因而管道内壁和外壁都可能遭到腐蚀。一旦管道被腐蚀穿孔即造成油、气漏失不仅使运输中断,而且会污染环境甚至可能引起火灾造成危害。文中分析避免管道遭受土壤、空气和输送介质(石油、天然气等)腐蚀的防护技术。 相似文献
基于相图计算理论,用Pandat 2016热力学计算软件、最新的钛合金数据库和热力学模型,计算研究了Ti-Al二元系相图。从相律、相图的特殊点、各相存在的范围、相变点等方面对其进行了详细的热力学评估。计算结果表明:计算相图和实验相图吻合得较好,其相对误差基本都在5%以内,为推广到三元或更高元体系相图奠定了基础。随后提出了一个新的计算Ti-Al二元系中(α+β)/β相变点的公式,其置信度为99.982%,与经验计算公式相比,计算更为准确,具有一定的参考价值和学术交流意义。 相似文献
本文主要对低负荷时电能计量装置(包括电能表、电压互感器和电流互感器)的计量性能进行了分析,同时与追加低负荷电量的计算方法进行了比较,从而判断其是否合理,为解决此类计量纠纷提供技术参考. 相似文献
液化气体在工业生产和民用等方面应用广泛,其运输工具为液化气体汽车槽罐。槽罐与"V"型支撑连接焊缝受运输振动等因素影响,易出现裂纹缺陷,且易过渡到罐体母材上。对一实例缺陷进行了原因分析,对槽罐的使用寿命进行了评估,给出了缺陷修复工艺和预防措施。 相似文献
Combined with equipment activities such as combat readiness, training, exercises and management, it is proposed that the design of equipment in-service assessment subjects should follow the principles of combination, stage and operability. Focusing on the design of equipment in-service assessment subjects, a design method for in-service assessment subjects based on the combination of trial and training mode is proposed. Based on the actual use of high-equipment use management and training and the established indicator system, the army’s bottom-level equipment activity subjects and bottom-level assessments are combined. The indicators are mapped and analyzed. Through multiple rounds of iterations, the mapping relationship between in-service assessment indicators and military equipment activity subjects is established. Finally, the equipment activity subjects whose data is collected (reflecting the underlying assessment indicators) are generated in-service assessment subjects. The orthogonal test method is used to optimize the samples in the assessment subjects to form an in-service assessment implementation plan. Taking a certain type of armored infantry fighting vehicle as an example, the sample optimization design of the initially generated in-service assessment subjects is analyzed. It provides methods and ideas to carry out in-service assessment work. 相似文献
现行的服务行业分类方法和服务管理中的服务属性划分方法不统一。学术界对服务行业的质量评价维度也不统一。实践中,服务行业的多样性和差异性使得很难用统一的方法对服务质量进行评价,对服务行业进行分类评价非常重要。文章按照不同的消费性质和顾客感知在服务质量评价中的重要程度,将服务划分为6种不同的类型,提出了不同类型服务行业的质量评价侧重点。 相似文献
金属腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展速率的近似计算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据腐蚀疲劳与纯疲劳间的关系 ,利用疲劳学科研究新结果 ,导出了腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展速率的近似计算表达式 ,并给出了计算示例。结果表明 ,该近似表达式适用于A型腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展速率的计算。关键词 腐蚀疲劳 裂纹扩展速率 应力腐蚀 有效强度因子 相似文献
V. C. Nettikaden D. Ifezue F. H. Tobins 《Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention》2014,14(1):43-54
Corrosion pits of up to 6 mm depth, associated with areas of high solid deposition were discovered in the finger-type slug catcher and glycol sump during routine inspection (first in 2005 and then in 2013) following lengthy periods of below-threshold CI injection and partial implementation of the corrosion management plan. Corrosion rates were predicted to have increased from 0.46 mm/year in 2005 to 0.71 mm/year in 2007 and then decreased to 0.41 mm/year in 2008. Subsequent integrity assessments concluded that the slug catcher was not fit for continued operation at the current rate of pitting and was therefore shut down to prevent potential loss of containment. Results of API 579 fitness for service assessments of the corroded areas justified the subsequent decision to de-rate the system and that no further corrosion can be tolerated at the original design pressure, at least until the rates of corrosion and its mechanisms were fully understood. Based on the damage morphology, chemical and monitoring data and theoretical concepts, a synergy of mechanisms (under deposit corrosion, CO2 corrosion, preferential weld corrosion and microbial-induced corrosion) is identified as being responsible for the observed damage. The short-term mitigation plan is to routinely inspect the damaged locations (by UT wall thickness checks) while simultaneously implementing a corrosion management and control plan which consists of: continuous inhibitor dosing, pH stabilisation (with MEA/DEA) to above pH 6, batch biociding, sampling of residuals, chlorides, iron, SRB/GHB count, water cut, water content and pH of lean glycol, glycol content of pipeline fluid and online monitoring. The inspection, sampling and monitoring results should then be reviewed initially monthly, subsequently quarterly by the corrosion and integrity team in order to assess the rate of pitting. If the target (<0.125 mm/year) is being breached frequently, then alternative but more costly mitigation should be considered such as repair or outright replacement of the finger-type by vessel-type slug catchers which have built-in sand jetting systems designed to deal with high deposition rates and are therefore considered less prone to associated corrosion damage. 相似文献