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Intracellular free calcium levels in starfish oocytes have been monitored during meiotic maturation and fertilization using calcium-sensitive fluorescent dyes combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy or fura ratioing techniques. In time-lapse analyses of prophase-arrested and maturing oocytes, calcium transients were elicited by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), ryanodine, or caffeine, indicating that both the IP3-sensitive and IP3-insensitive receptors of the oocyte's calcium release channels could be stimulated to mobilize calcium ions. Fertilization also triggered a global calcium wave that appeared to travel faster around the cortex than through the center of the oocyte, and maturing oocytes developed normally after their fertilization-induced calcium waves had been imaged. Prophase-arrested specimens, on the other hand, did not undergo germinal vesicle breakdown or cleavage after displaying a fertilization-induced calcium transient throughout their cytoplasm and nucleus, confirming previous observations that calcium spikes are not sufficient to induce development in immature oocytes. In addition, although the calcium spikes triggered by sperm or caffeine reached similar normalized peak heights, fertilization-induced calcium waves in maturing oocytes tended to be more prolonged than the fertilization waves observed in prophase-arrested oocytes or the caffeine-triggered spikes elicited at any stage of maturation. Collectively, such findings suggest that the total amount of releasable calcium does not vary appreciably during maturation, but the patterns of the calcium transients can differ depending on the stage of maturation and/or the type of calcium-releasing agent. Possible artifacts affecting these findings are assessed, and the results are discussed relative to the functioning of calcium release pathways during starfish oocyte maturation and fertilization.  相似文献   

Oocyte-produced glutathione (the tripeptide gamma-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine; GSH) has been implicated in the reduction of disulfide bonds in the sperm nucleus during fertilization and thus in the development of the male pronucleus (PN). In this study, we show that the depletion of endogenous glutathione by 10 mM buthionine sulfoximine (BSO; specific inhibitor of GSH synthesis) during bovine oocyte maturation (24 h in vitro; represents prophase I to metaphase II transition in this species) blocks the formation of a male PN in > 85% of treated oocytes (vs. 6.8% in controls) and prevents the assembly of the sperm aster microtubules in approximately 35%. Consequently, the pronuclear migration and apposition do not occur. Ultrastructural observations suggest that the effect of BSO on pronuclear apposition might be due to incomplete disassembly of the sperm tail connecting piece, which normally leads to the release of the sperm centriole and to the reconstitution of the zygotic centrosome during fertilization. The sperm nucleus decondensation and migration blocks were reversed by the treatment of the GSH-depleted oocytes with 1-10 mM dithiothreitol (a disulfide bond-reducing agent) applied 8 h after insemination: 82% of these oocytes exhibited a normal male PN and pronuclear apposition 20 h after insemination. The pool of glutathione seems to be generated during oocyte maturation since > 80% of oocytes that were matured in the absence of BSO displayed a normal male PN, as apposed to a female PN, when inseminated and cultured in the presence of 10 mM BSO. These data suggest that the reduction of disulfide bonds in the sperm after incorporation is important for the formation of the male PN, as well as for the disassembly of the sperm tail connecting piece and pronuclear apposition. The lack of disulfide-reducing power in the GSH-depleted oocytes can be reversed by treatment with disulfide bond-reducing agents.  相似文献   

Disseminated gonococcal infection is the most common systemic complication of acute gonorrhea and occurs in 0.5% to 3.0% of patients with untreated mucosal infection. It is also the most common cause of septic arthritis in patients less than 30 years of age. Fortunately, the incidence of gonorrhea is decreasing dramatically in the United States and Western Europe, although it is still high in developing countries. Increasing resistance to antibiotics requires continuous surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibilities to determine the efficacy of current therapeutic measures.  相似文献   

Maturation-promoting factor (MPF) is known to be a key regulator of both mitotic and meiotic cell cycles. MPF is a complex of a B cyclin and the cyclin-dependent kinase cdkl (p34cdc2). Oocyte maturation and its arrest at metaphase of meiosis II (MII) are regulated by changes in MPF activity. In this study, experiments were conducted to examine the dynamics of MPF activity and its constituent proteins during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes. Bovine oocytes displayed relatively low levels of MPF (histone H1 kinase) activity at the germinal vesicle stage during the first 8 h of maturation. MPF activity increased gradually thereafter, and its first peak of activity occurred at 12-14 h of maturation (presumptive metaphase I), which was followed by an abrupt reduction in activity at 16-18 h, during presumptive anaphase and telophase. MPF activity then increased, reaching a plateau at 20-24 h of maturation (MII stage). This high level of MPF activity was maintained for several hours but decreased gradually after 30 h of maturation and became barely detectable by 48 h of in vitro maturation (IVM) culture. At each time point, there was a significant variation among individual oocytes in histone H1 kinase activity, which was probably due to asynchronous maturation. Abundance of cdk1 increased gradually during the first 8 h and then remained relatively constant except for an apparent reduction at 18-22 h of IVM. The level of cyclin B2 increased quickly during the initial 2 h of culture, and this high level was maintained until 16 h, after which a significant reduction was observed between 18 and 22 h of IVM. The de novo synthesis of cyclin B2, however, exhibited a biphasic oscillation during maturation, with peaks before the onset of MI and of MII. These results have defined the profiles of MPF activity and its individual components during bovine oocyte maturation in vitro. We conclude that active MPF regulates bovine oocyte maturation and that de novo synthesis of cyclin B2 occurs during the process of maturation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the value of heparinized saline as a flushing medium for oocyte recovery. DESIGN: Prospective randomized study. SETTING: Academic tertiary referral center for fertility treatment. PATIENT(S): Thirty-five patients, with both ovaries intact having IVF-ET. INTERVENTION(S): Patients were randomized either to have the follicles of the left or right ovary flushed with heparinized normal saline at the time of oocyte recovery for IVF-ET. The contralateral ovary was flushed with heparinized culture medium. Oocytes obtained from each side were cultured separately and assessed for fertilization 18-21 hours after insemination. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Collection and fertilization rates. RESULT(S): A total of 481 follicles were aspirated yielding 366 oocytes. Of these, 240 fertilized. From the side flushed with saline 185 oocytes were collected from 237 follicles, which was not significantly different from 181 oocytes collected from 244 follicles on the side flushed with culture medium (odds ratio = 1.23; 95% confidence interval = 0.79-1.92). Similarly, there was no significant difference observed in fertilization rates between oocytes obtained after saline (median 71.4%) and culture medium flush (median 75.0%) (odds ratio = 1.08; 95% confidence interval = 0.68-1.72). CONCLUSION(S): Heparinized normal saline is an equally good but cheaper and more convenient medium than standard heparinized culture medium and could replace it for flushing follicles during oocyte recovery for IVF-ET procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the size of human oocytes at collection from unstimulated ovaries is related to their ability to resume meiosis and undergo maturation in vitro. DESIGN: A comparative study of oocyte diameter at collection. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern University Medical School. PATIENTS: Women age 25 to 39 years of age undergoing gynecological procedures yielding oophorectomy specimens. INTERVENTION: Oocytes obtained from ovarian tissue were cultured in Ham's F-10 and fetal bovine serum for 72 hours and observed two times per day. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The oocytes ability to resume meiosis and complete maturation based on their diameter at collection. RESULTS: Chi-squared analysis revealed a significant difference in oocytes measuring 86 to 105 microns versus those measuring 106 to 125 microns. CONCLUSION: The unstimulated human oocyte appears to have a size-dependent ability to resume meiosis and complete maturation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the IVF rates of oocytes retrieved from small follicles (< 2 mL in volume) with those of oocytes retrieved from large follicles and to test the effect of adding gonadotropins to the IVF medium on the fertilization rates of oocytes from small follicles. DESIGN: Oocytes were retrieved with endovaginal ultrasound (US) guidance from patients undergoing infertility treatment in our IVF program. Oocytes were grouped according to the volume of the originating follicle and subjected to our routine procedure for IVF. HMG was added to the IVF medium for some of the oocytes from small follicles. SETTING: Toronto Fertility and Sterility Institute is affiliated with the University of Western Ontario and University of Toronto and is equipped for RIA, endovaginal US monitoring and oocyte retrieval, and for processing and culturing gametes and embryos. PATIENTS: Infertile patients admitted to our IVF program. INTERVENTIONS: Patients underwent ovarian stimulation with hMG before oocyte retrieval. No other interventions were introduced to the processing and culturing the gametes and embryos except the addition of hMG to the medium of some of the small follicle-originated oocytes with the informed consent from the patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of fertilization, cleavage of the fertilized embryos before replacement, and meiotic status of some of the oocytes from small follicles. RESULTS: Most of the oocytes from small follicles did not complete the first meiotic division; they had low rates of fertilization and cleavage compared with oocytes from large follicles, and these rates were improved by the addition of hMG to the IVF medium. CONCLUSIONS: Oocytes from small follicles are probably less mature and require a more physiological environment to achieve normal rates of fertilization and cleavage.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on bovine sperm function and on the developmental competence of in vitro-matured bovine oocytes. In a first series of experiments, spermatozoa were exposed to ROS generated through the use of the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system +/- catalase prior to the conduct of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Reactive oxygen species exposure reduced significantly (P < 0.001) the rates of oocyte penetration (control: 56% +/- 4 SEM; ROS: 16 +/- 2-23% +/- 7 SEM), and this effect was reversed by adding catalase (ROS+catalase: 67% +/- 0.3 SEM). During IVF, addition of superoxide dismutase (SOD: 1, 10, or 100 U/ml) had no effect on penetration rates. However, increasing concentrations of catalase (0.1 or 1 mg/ml) reduced these rates significantly (control: 70% +/- 3 SEM; treated: 45% +/- 5 and 1% +/- 1 SEM; P < 0.001). In a second series of experiments, when oocytes were matured in vitro in the presence of exogenous antioxidants (SOD: 10, 100, or 1000 U/ml; beta-mercaptoethanol: 0.01, 0.1, or 0.5 mM; ascorbic acid: 0.05 mg/ml), the developmental competence of the oocytes after IVF was not significantly improved. On the other hand, presumed production of ROS using the hypoxanthine-xanthine system at the beginning of the in vitro maturation period did improve subsequent developmental competence of the oocytes under some conditions and when catalase was present (control: 14% +/- 4 SEM and treated: 23% +/- 9 and 27% +/- 8 SEM; P < 0.05). These observations demonstrate that ROS may be beneficial to gamete function under specific conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between follicle size and the morphology of the oocyte-cumulus-corona complex with fertilization rates in stimulated cycles of IVF. DESIGN: Retrospective comparison of measurements and observations of 2,429 oocytes from 215 patients undergoing 324 stimulated IVF cycles. SETTING: A large hospital-based IVF program. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Individual follicles were measured by ultrasound before transvaginal aspiration and the size was recorded. The oocyte-cumulus-corona complex from each follicle was examined and classified. The oocytes were checked for evidence of fertilization 17 to 22 hours after insemination. RESULTS: The fertilization rate of all oocytes regardless of morphological type revealed a positive linear correlation with increasing follicle diameter. The fertilization rates of type I oocytes was marginally higher than type II oocytes, controlling for follicle diameter; however, this difference did not achieve statistical significance. Oocytes from follicles with a mean diameter > or = 16 mm had significantly higher fertilization rates than did oocytes from follicles with a mean diameter < or = 14 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Follicle size is a better predictor of fertilization than is morphological characterization of the oocyte-cumulus-corona complex in IVF.  相似文献   

Oocyte donation in premature ovarian failure patients has become an extended indication for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure. Here the first case report is presented in Taiwan, R.O.C. of a triplet pregnancy in a patient with premature ovarian failure. After an adequate hormonal replacement therapy with oral premarin and intramuscular progesterone for endometrium preparation, the transfer on D15 of four embryos (with donated oocytes and IVF) resulted in implantation of three. Pregnancy support was provided also by oral premarin and intramuscular progesterone until the tenth week of gestational age (GA). The patient received Caesarean section at 35 weeks GA with delivery of three healthy babies weighing 2530 gm, 2420 gm, and 1810 gm respectively on Aug. 17, 1990.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy with anti-nucleolin defined substructures within the multiple nucleoli of biosynthetically active stage II-III oocytes and within the nucleoli of relatively quiescent stage VI oocytes of Xenopus laevis. Dense fibrillar components (DFCs) of nucleoli from stage II-III oocytes consisted of nucleolonemas that radiated from a continuous DFC sheath surrounding fibrillar centers (FCs). Discernible granular regions (GRs) were absent in these same nucleoli. Conversely, stage VI oocyte nucleoli displayed compacted DFCs and prominent GRs. Immunofluorescence microscopy then tracked fibrillarin, nucleolin, and condensed DNA through oogenesis and into progesterone-induced meiotic maturation and nuclear breakdown. In stage II-III oocyte nucleoli, fibrillarin was enriched near the FC-DFC boundaries, while nucleolin was distributed throughout these same DFCs. Both proteins were enriched within the compacted DFCs of stage VI oocyte nucleoli. Staining with (DAPI) 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole showed condensed DNA within nucleolar FCs of both stage II-III and stage VI oocyte. Upon nuclear breakdown, we found fibrillarin and nucleolin in small particles and in the surrounding cytoplasm. Although we saw no trace of fibrillarin or nucleolin in nuclear remnants prepared just minutes later, DAPI-stained particles remained within these preparations, thus suggesting that FCs were at least slow to disassemble.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that memory B cells may originate from a precursor cell subset that is distinct from AFC precursors. Most convincing is the finding that fractionation of naive peripheral B-cell populations on the basis of surface heat stable antigen (HSA) expression yields two populations; one greatly enriched for progenitors of memory B cells (HSAlo), and the other enriched for AFC precursors (HSAint-hi). Antigenic stimulation of HSAlo B cells in vitro leads to the generation of memory B-cell clones in the absence of any detectable antibody formation whereas stimulation of HSAint-hi cells yield AFC responses but not memory B cells. Furthermore, the progeny of HSAlo cells are unique in their ability to accumulate somatic mutations and originate germinal centers (GC). The pre-existence of two distinct precursor cell populations may help resolve the disparate biological characteristics of AFC precursors which appear to be terminally differentiated versus memory progenitors which retain stem cell characteristics in their capacity to self renew, undergo multiple divisions, and generate progeny that express enzymes characteristic of stem cells or pro-pre B cells and acquire tolerance susceptibility.  相似文献   

Clinicians commonly include an assessment of leg length inequality (LLI) as a component of a musculoskeletal examination. Little research is available, however, documenting reliability and validity of clinical methods for assessing LLI. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of assessing functional LLI using a pelvic leveling device. Subjects were 19 women and 13 men between the ages of 18 and 55 who reported having a diagnosed or suspected LLI. Clinical determination of LLI was made by placing rigid lifts under the suspected shorter lower extremity until the leveling device indicated that the iliac crests were level. This measurement was made twice by one investigator and once by a second investigator. Standing radiographic measurements of LLI using rigid lifts were used to establish validity of the clinical method. Intraclass correlation coefficients [ICC(2,1)] and absolute difference values were computed to assess reliability and validity. The mean absolute difference between the two clinical measurements of LLI by the same investigator was 0.29 cm (+/- 0.52), with an ICC = 0.84. The mean absolute difference between clinical measurements of LLI by the two investigators was 0.49 cm (+/- 0.46), with an ICC = 0.77. The ICC and mean absolute difference reflecting agreement between radiographic measurements and clinical measurements of LLI was 0.64 and 0.58 cm (+/- 0.58), respectively, for one investigator and 0.76 and 0.55 cm (+/- 0.37), respectively, for the second investigator. The intratester reliability, intertester reliability, and validity assessments included instances in which paired observations disagreed regarding which lower extremity was the shorter lower extremity. Factors that may be associated with the unacceptable reliability and validity of the clinical assessment method include asymmetric positioning of the ilia, body composition of the patient, and design of the clinical instrument. The authors discuss clinical implications related to assessment of LLI.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of live starfish oocytes was observed during meiotic maturation and fertilization. The ER was visualized by injection into the cytoplasm of an oil drop saturated with the fluorescent lipophilic dye DiI; DiI spread throughout the oocyte endoplasmic reticulum and the pattern was imaged by confocal microscopy. The ER in the immature (germinal vesicle stage) oocyte was composed of interconnected membrane sheets. In response to 1-methyladenine, the sheets of ER appeared to become associated with the yolk platelets, forming spherical shells. A few of these spherical shells could sometimes be seen in immature oocytes, but their number was much greater in the egg at the first meiotic spindle stage. At about the time that the first polar body formed, the spherical shells disappeared, and the ER returned to a form like that of the immature oocyte. The spherical shells did not reappear during the second meiotic cycle. During maturation, the ER also began to move; the movement was apparent by the time of germinal vesicle breakdown and continued throughout both meiotic cycles and in eggs with second polar bodies. When eggs at the first meiotic spindle stage were fertilized, the form of the ER changed. Within 1 min after sperm addition to the observation chamber, the circular cross sections of the spherical shells of the unfertilized egg ER were no longer distinct. At this point, the form of the ER could not be discerned with the resolution of the light microscope; however, the rate of spreading of DiI from an injected oil drop decreased, providing strong evidence that the ER had become fragmented. The ER remained in this form for several minutes and then gradually, the appearance of the ER and the rate of DiI spreading returned to be like those of the unfertilized egg. Injection of inositol trisphosphate caused a similar change in the ER structure. These results indicate that the ER is a dynamic structure, the form of which changes during oocyte maturation and fertilization.  相似文献   

During the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure, the collected oocytes are incubated until just before ICSI. The ideal preincubation time of oocytes was investigated in 544 treatment cycles. Oocyte retrieval was carried out 35 h after human chorionic gonadotrophin administration. Oocytes were cultured for between 1 and 11 h before ICSI. Embryo transfer was performed 48 h after oocyte collection. The survival, fertilization and cleavage rates of injected oocytes indicated no statistically significant differences between oocytes preincubated for different lengths of time. The proportion of good-quality embryos (grades 1 and 2) was lower at 9-11 h of preincubation time than for all the other preincubation times (P < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were detected in the pregnancy rate between each group (mean: 15.9%), although the pregnancy rate at 9-11 h of preincubation time appeared to be low (7.7%). These results suggest that the oocyte retained sufficient potential for fertilization between 1 and 9 h after oocyte collection in ICSI. For the researchers who practise more complex ICSI procedures than IVF, it would be convenient to be able to perform ICSI at any time between 1 and 9 h after oocyte collection.  相似文献   

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