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Marco A. Aldo L. Rene Gerardo 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2006,60(10):713-717
A design problem of non-uniform circular antenna arrays for maximal side lobe level reduction with the constraint of a fixed beam width is dealt with. This problem is modeled as a simple optimization problem. The method of genetic algorithms is used to determine an optimum a set of weights and antenna element separations that provide a radiation pattern with maximal side lobe level reduction with the constraint of a fixed beam width. The effectiveness of genetic algorithms for the design of non-uniform circular arrays is shown by means of experimental results. Experimental results reveal that design of non-uniform circular antenna arrays using the method of genetic algorithms provides a considerable side lobe level reduction with respect to the uniform case. 相似文献
This paper presents an accurate approach for Concentric Circular Antenna Array (CCAA) synthesis to improve the far-field radiation characteristics of the antenna using a meta-heuristic optimization technique called Moth Flame Optimization (MFO). The far-field radiation pattern improves with lower Side Lobe Level (SLL) which is essential for the reduction of interference in the entire side lobe regions. MFO algorithm is a recently proposed evolutionary algorithm which is applied to determine the optimum sets of current excitation weights and to find the optimal inter-element spacing between the array elements in the 3-rings structure of CCAA design. In this context, the design examples of two 3-ring CCAAs, one having the set of 4, 6, 8 elements and the other having the set of 8, 10, 12 elements, with and without centre element, are presented by optimizing the array parameters. The results obtained by using MFO algorithm based approach show a considerable improvement of SLL with respect to that of the uniform array pattern and those of the approaches reported in the recent literature. 相似文献
针对阵列孔径、阵元间距、阵元数等约束条件的稀布阵列天线综合,提出一种莱维飞行粒子群算法,该算法在改进粒子群优化算法基础上,引入莱维飞行机制,增加粒子位置的变化活力,有效避免粒子陷入局部最优和更新出现不可解.仿真结果表明,相比文献中遗传算法、粒子群算法,所提算法可以获得更好的收敛精确度,验证算法的有效性和稳健性. 相似文献
卫星天线地基发生变化时,天线对星的相对位置就发生变化,使得原有的通讯链路中断,为使通讯链路尽快恢复,必须依赖相应的的天线伺服设备的功能,重新捕获并对准卫星。从工程应用的角度,阐述了解决这一工程问题的基本思路,并且从实践的角度对这种能自适应大地地理位置变化的卫星天线伺服控制技术进行了研究,并着重介绍了在此基础上研发的伺服跟踪设备的主要功能设计原理及实现方式。为解决特种天线的伺服跟踪技术问题提供了一种新的思路。 相似文献
基于遗传算法的激励优化算法是求解阵列天线波束赋形问题时常用的激励求解算法。传统遗传算法在优化阵列天线激励时,对阵元天线方向图矢量叠加获得阵列天线合成方向图后,与目标方向图做相似度判断,经过多次运算获得满足设计要求的激励值。然而算法中通常不关注赋形结果的副瓣抑制,导致阵列天线波束赋形结果副瓣抑制效果不理想。该文提出一种基于一组低副瓣波束线性叠加的波束合成机制,将合成方向图与目标方向图做相似对比,结合遗传算法的优化求解方法,最终获得与目标方向图匹配的合成方向图,且合成方向图具有高副瓣抑制的特性。以一款16阵元 波段微带偶极子线性阵列天线为例,该文提出的具有副瓣抑制机制的遗传算法求得的赋形波束获得了-27.5 的副瓣抑制效果,远远好于传统遗传算法求得的赋形波束-19 的副瓣抑制。 相似文献
《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(6):540-549
Antenna arrays with high directivity and low side lobe levels need to be designed for increasing the efficiency of communication systems. A new evolutionary technique, cat swarm optimization (CSO), is proposed for the synthesis of linear antenna arrays. The CSO is a high performance computational method capable of solving linear and non-linear optimization problems. CSO is applied to optimize the antenna element positions for suppressing side lobe levels and for achieving nulls in desired directions. The steps involved in the problem formulation of the CSO are presented. Various design examples are considered and the obtained CSO based results are validated by comparing with the results obtained using particle swarm optimization (PSO) and ant colony optimization (ACO). The flexibility and ease of implementation of the CSO algorithm is evident from this analysis, showing the algorithm's usefulness in electromagnetic optimization problems. 相似文献
圆形口径平面天线阵列的多约束稀布优化方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对圆形口径平面稀布阵列的多约束优化设计问题,以均匀同心圆环阵列的阵元位置分布特性为基础,构造了稀布圆阵的满足多个优化约束的可行初始解.提出了一种个体元素的间接表示法,设计了一种新的交叉算子和变异算子,运用改进的实数遗传算法优化设计天线阵的阵元位置.优化约束包括阵元数约束、口径约束和最小阵元间距约束,优化目标是使阵列响应的峰值旁瓣电平最小.运用这种改进实数遗传算法可以充分利用阵元布阵的自由度,同时能减小搜索空间,提高计算效率。仿真试验证实了算法的稳健性和有效性. 相似文献
平面稀布天线阵列的优化算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于一种改进的实数遗传算法,以降低平面稀布阵旁瓣电平为优化目标,提出了一种综合有阵元数约束、孔径约束和最小阵元间距约束的稀布面阵的新方法。与稀疏布阵相比,该方法利用了阵元在布阵时更大的自由度,因而在阵元数、孔径和最小阵元间距相同的条件下可以获得更优的峰值旁瓣性能,仿真试验显示了改进的实数遗传算法应用到该多约束稀布平面阵优化问题中是稳健和高效的。 相似文献
针对运用遗传算法进行圆形口径的平面稀布天线阵列的优化设计,提出了一种有效的初始群体构造方法,它能满足多个实际工程设计的约束条件.由此方法构造的初始可行解可作为遗传算法的个体,从而组建初始群体,它为多约束遗传优化算法的运用提供了可行性.该方法的正确性和有效性也得以认证. 相似文献
Gopi Ram 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2021,34(1):e4614
Optimal design of antenna arrays to minimize the mutual coupling effects in the geometrical arrangements of the linear antenna array (LAA) and circular antenna array (CAA) is dealt with in this work. Two different cases are considered to reduce the effect of LAA and CAA: Case‐1 in which the current excitations of the antenna array are considered to get the optimal radiation pattern of two geometry called LAA and CAA and Case‐2 in which inter‐element spacing and current excitations are both optimized for LAA geometry. A cost function that involves the mutual coupling factor as an optimization factor is developed to reduce the side lobe level (SLL), which takes mutual coupling effects into consideration. Excitation values and inter‐elemental spacing are optimized using particle swarm optimization (PSO). In LAA, for 8‐, 12‐, 16‐element arrays, SLLs are reduced by ?15.52, ?16.71, and ?17.78 dB in Case‐1. For the same sets of element arrays, SLLs were reduced by ?17.35, ?19.71, and ?20.26 dB in Case‐2. In CAA, the current excitations of the antenna array are optimized. For 8‐, 12‐, and 16‐ element arrays, SLLs are reduced to ?7.405, ?10.52, and ?9.43 dB, respectively. The arrays coded with the help of MATLAB based computation and the results obtained by MATLAB are validated by using CST. 相似文献
在传统阵列天线波束赋形设计中,通过对阵元天线辐射方向图进行幅度相位加权,获得阵列合成方向图.通常阵元激励幅度相位权值的获取,取决于优化算法对目标方向图和阵列合成方向图的对比,通过对阵元激励幅度相位进行大量随机选参后,获得优化结果.由于算法通常是基于相关的阵元方向图,且算法中缺乏副瓣抑制机制,使得方向图合成效率不高且副瓣效果通常不理想.该文设计了一种任意波束直接合成算法.该方法首先在阵元方向图的基础上获得一组互相独立的高增益窄波束(自由基波束),然后基于此波束进行方向图的直接合成,使波束赋形问题统一到基于自由基波束权值运算的范畴内,对波束赋形问题进行了统一,避免了未知参量的随机优选过程,极大提升了阵列天线波束赋形设计的效率.同时在自由基设计的过程中结合了副瓣抑制机制,且这种副瓣抑制机制与波束赋形过程互相独立,使合成波束的副瓣天然地具备了低副瓣的特征. 相似文献
本文提出了一种应用于Ka 宽带通信卫星收发共用四口径多波束天线的设计,介绍了在波束设计时应考虑的影响因素,详细描述了如何选择天线结构参数和喇叭尺寸,优化了天线的设计参数,最后利用仿真软件Grasp 9 进行了多波束天线的仿真分析,结果表明多波束交叠增益大于40dBi,旁瓣电平小于-23dB,载干比C/I 大于13dB。 相似文献
This paper aims at evaluating the link performance of an electronically steerable passive array radiator (ESPAR) in both rich
scattering and clustered channels. Previous work has shown that the performance of an ESPAR-antenna can be comparable to a
2 × 2 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system in a rich scattering environment. The design of the antenna patterns used
for transmission was based on intuition, and therefore cannot be guaranteed to be optimal. In this paper, we design the antenna
patterns by minimizing the average inner-product between signals that are transmitted with different antenna patterns. We
also evaluate the performance of the ESPAR-antenna at higher spectral-efficiencies than previous literature has done. The
performance in terms of spectral-efficiency is evaluated for both rich scattering environments and clustered channels, whereas
the performance in terms of symbol error rate is evaluated for rich scattering channels only.
R. BainsEmail: |
The investigations related to the planar antenna array have attracted much attention due to their vast applications in the areas of advanced wireless communication and electromagnetics. This article presents an effective synthesis method of a sparsely thinned symmetric planar antenna array using three well-known meta-heuristics including symbiotic organism search (SOS) algorithm, moth fly optimization (MFO), and multi-verse optimization (MVO) algorithms. The main aim of this work is to optimize the positions of the switched-on antenna elements on the array aperture in order to reduce the value of side-lobe levels in the radiation field pattern in multiple planes for a desired first null beam width and subsequently to obtain the maximum reduced number of array-elements in the antenna array. Two different cases are performed to optimize the radiation pattern in different azimuth angles with two different examples. The proposed methods can constrain the total number of array elements, inter-element distance, and aperture area of the array. The radiation pattern characteristic and computation time linked with each example and each algorithm are recorded and compared with each other as well as with a fully populated planar symmetric rectangular array antenna of same aperture size for arriving at the conclusion. The simulation-based results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design and the efficiency of the performance using the SOS algorithm. 相似文献
Rajrup Saha Avishek Das Durbadal Mandal Rajib Kar 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2023,36(17):e5597
This research illustrates a precise linear and elliptical antenna array design for synthesising the optimal far-field radiation pattern in the fifth-generation (5G) communication spectrum using a meta-heuristic optimisation technique known as black widow optimisation (BWO). 5G communication is an emerging technology with revolutionary changes in the wireless communication system with ultra-high data rate, enhanced capacity, low latency and good quality of service. An accurate antenna array design for an ideal far-field radiation pattern synthesis with a suppressed side lobe level (SLL) value and half power beam width (HPBW) is the most crucial aspect of 5G communications. A suppressed SLL is necessary to reduce interference in the entire side lobe region, whereas a low HPBW is required for long-distance communication. Here, the BWO is employed to find the optimal feeding current to each array element to lower the SLL and the HPBW value. The BWO algorithm sustains impeccable equity between the exploration and exploitation stages to impact different potential regions of the search space and generate new solutions to attain the global optima by evading the trap of local optima. The design examples of the linear antenna array (LAA) and elliptical antenna array (EAA) are illustrated in this article by applying the optimal feeding currents to each array element. Compared to the uniform antenna array and methodologies described in the recently published literature, the results obtained utilising the BWO algorithm for designing the LAAs and EAAs demonstrate a substantial development in the reduction of SLL and HPBW. 相似文献
This article presents a study on the placement of multiple nulls as well as minimization of side lobe level in the radiation pattern using a planar hexagonal antenna array structure in two different vertical planes. The desired null depth is achieved to suppress the interference signal by the position-only control of the uniformly excited isotropic antennas in the array structure. The immediate solution to the mentioned computational problem is reached by various meta-heuristic optimization algorithms such as teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO), symbiotic organism search (SOS), and moth fly optimization (MFO) within a considerably reduced processing time with a control over the design constrains. Various examples for diversified scenarios are demonstrated to place multiple deep nulls in the radiation pattern without compromising the pattern constraints and all other radiation pattern characteristics. This experiment sought to illustrate and quantify the unique benefits and limitations of proposed technique using three considered meta-heuristic optimization algorithm. 相似文献