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城乡居民生活用电状况的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于对秦皇岛城市居民与乡村居民的电力市场调查资料的比较分析,着重阐述了乡村居民用电需求市场的发展潜力,分析了影响乡村居民用电增长的几种主要因素,并提出了开拓和发展乡村居民生活用电市场的一些具体措施与对策。  相似文献   

在电力市场开放的条件下,园区用户的综合能源优化可通过参与电力市场购电的方式进一步优化用能曲线,从而达到电力市场环境下的智慧用能。相较于峰谷平电价,电力市场中的实时电价与多个因素相关,包括长期签约电量、日前电价、日前申报用电曲线及实时用电量。该文研究重点是如何综合考虑各个因素对实时电价的影响,并对用户的用能曲线进行最优化平移,达到用户在电力市场环境下的用电经济性最优。基于山东省某一园区用户的用电曲线进行了电力市场环境下的不同用能曲线平移策略分析,并比较了不同用能策略可节约的成本空间。  相似文献   

叙述了居民生活用能的影响因素和发展趋势,分析了当前山西省居民生活用能节能的潜力和途径,提出山西居民生活用能的重点任务和政策建议。  相似文献   

电力市场中的市场势力问题初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对电力市场中市场势力的形成原因、市场势力与稀缺性的关系以及市场势力的分析方法进行了研究探讨,列举了几种平抑市场势力的方法,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了分析,为我国电力市场的规范发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

"十一五"以来,北京市居民生活用能以年均8.0%的增长率快速增长,已占全市能源消费总量的20%,由家庭消费带来的能耗及温室气体排放比例越来越不容忽视。北京市居民生活用能具有总体呈上升趋势、用能结构向低碳发展、城乡居民用能结构差异显著、私人小汽车的快速增长使得汽油消费成为增长最快的能源品种等主要特征。结合居民生活用能特征分析,本文提出了5点政策建议:一是严格控制外来人口规模增长速度;二是持续优化调整居民生活能源结构;三是减少居民私人小汽车使用数量和频率;四是大力推广居民生活节能技术与产品;五是深入开展低碳生活宣传教育。  相似文献   

电力市场中的市场势力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
解释了电力市场中市场势力的经济含义,从市场份额、市场信息获取度,策略互动和外部因素对电力市场中市场势力的作用方式和特点进行了分析,并就如何从市场管理、市场机制设计、信息公开、经济措施等几个角度对市场势力进行有效的监督和约束提出了建议。  相似文献   

回顾了欧盟内部电力市场的建设历程,分析了内部电力市场的市场机制,介绍了日前耦合电力市场的交易时序、交易类型、交易机制及各区域之间的市场耦合机制,同时对远期容量市场、日内市场和平衡市场进行了分析。最后结合南方区域电力市场现状,总结分析了其对南方区域电力市场建设的5点启示,为我国探索区域电力市场的建设提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

为规避电力市场改革给市场带来的风险、提高市场的运作效率、增大电力商品的交易量,提出了发电商与电网公司之间一种带定金的远期合同模型。介绍了VAR风险评估方法及其分析法——Delta类模型在电力市场金融风险评估中的应用;运用VAR风险评估方法计算出该模型中发电商存在的风险,进而确定合同定金。应用该模型对不同的合同电价和置信水平分别计算出相应的定金,结果表明,合同定金随合同电价的减小而减小,随置信水平的增大而增大,说明了该模型能较真实地反映发电商所面临市场风险的本质特征。  相似文献   

中国居民生活用能现状及展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
居民生活用能分析是能源政策研究中的重要组成部分。文章运用活动分析法借助于LEAP模型,对1999年中国居民能源消费情况进行了描述和分析,总结出中国居民生活能源消费的特点,并且针对未来发展趋势,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

针对跨省区电力市场发展存在"省间壁垒"、市场化程度不高等问题,首先指出跨区跨省电力市场应按照"统一市场、两级运作"的方式,构建"中长期物理交易+部分电量现货竞价"电力市场模式;然后基于改进后的市场出清模型设计了一种兼顾效率与公平的跨区跨省交易机制。算例分析表明,该交易机制能促进水火公平竞争,且兼顾经济性和低碳性。  相似文献   

The market power problem in Iranian electricity market is addressed in this study. This paper by using various structural indices of market power and reviewing market results analyzes the intensity of competition in Iran’s electricity market and examines whether this market is functioning at an appropriate level of efficiency. In this article the most well-known indices of market power are calculated in two approaches for two different scenarios (current situation and future outlook of generation sector’s ownership in Iran’s power industry). Comparing the results of these scenarios promises more competitive market for the second scenario. Calculating Residual Supply Index for Iran’s power market shows despite admissible values of concentration ratios, due to supply scarcity during periods when the demand is close to the total available capacity, some suppliers can exercise market power even with a relatively small market share. The most important price and load indices like weighted average prices and load/price duration curves of Iranian electricity market during March 2007–March 2008 are also analyzed in this paper. These results imply the existence of economic withholding. The main limiting factors of competition and significant implemented countermeasures for market power mitigation in Iran’s electricity market are also mentioned.  相似文献   

谭忠富  于超 《中国能源》2007,29(10):14-18
我国工业生产耗电量占全社会用电量的70%以上,而其中高耗能工业对电能消耗的影响最大。由于国内外市场需求的拉动等原因,近年来高耗能工业在我国得到了快速发展。在我国能源环境紧张、能源价格偏低的情况下,高耗能产品出口间接带走的电能对我国能源市场影响重大,本文对我国高耗能产业出口对能源价值的影响进行了定性与定量分析,在此基础上,提出了节能降耗的措施建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of trading of CO2 emissions allowances on electricity pricing in the short run. We mainly refer to the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and are interested in understanding the role of electricity market structures. We carry out a simple analytical model useful to verify whether (and under which conditions) the impact of the ETS under market power could be lower (or higher) than that under perfect competition. We analyze a context where generators compete in a uniform, first price auction. Market power in the form of a dominant firm facing a competitive fringe model is assumed. The paper highlights that the marginal CO2 opportunity costs are fully included in energy prices when the electricity market is perfectly competitive. Under market power the impact of the ETS equals or exceeds that under the competitive scenario only when there is excess capacity and the share of most polluting plants in the market is low enough. Otherwise, the impact under market power is less than under perfect competition and significantly decreases in the degree of market concentration. This especially occurs when there is not high excess capacity and regardless of either the plant mix or the allowance price. In this case, moreover, the marginal pass-through rate is lower in the peak than in the off-peak hours and can be even nil if the degree of market concentration is high enough.  相似文献   

碳排放权交易市场正式启动以后,发电企业的碳资产管理能力,直接决定其履约时的盈亏状况。针对西南某省部分发电企业碳排放强度和能耗水平不匹配的现象,本文从推导发电企业供电碳排放强度和供电标煤耗的计算公式着手,找到数据不匹配的原因;同时,根据推导公式将《2019-2020年全国碳排放权交易配额总量设定与分配实施方案(发电行业)(征求意见稿)》碳排放基准值换算为发电企业日常使用的能耗水平数据。结果表明,该能耗数据低于全国火电机组能耗平均水平,意味着全国大部分电力企业当前只要做好基础的碳排放数据管理,履约时即可实现盈利。"十四五"期间,发电企业要加强采取技术、运行等有效管理手段,确保在全国碳排放权交易市场中实现经济效益最大化。  相似文献   

The share of microgeneration (power generation at the level of households and small businesses) in the Dutch electricity system continues to grow. Over time, this development may pose a threat to the reliability and efficiency of the Dutch electricity balancing market. We investigated possible changes to the design of the Dutch balancing market that can maintain or even improve upon its current operational performance level. The first step of the research was an analysis of the existing Dutch balancing market. It consists of three main instruments: programme responsibility, the single buyer market for regulating and reserve power (RRP), and imbalance settlement. The balancing market currently functions satisfactorily. Subsequently, the effects of large-scale development of microgeneration in the Netherlands were evaluated with a qualitative scenario analysis. Four microgeneration scenarios and two methods for allocating the household electricity consumption and generation were considered. The four scenarios concerned large-scale penetration of PV, heat-led micro CHP, electricity-led micro CHP operated by the household consumer, and electricity-led micro CHP operated by the supply company. The last scenario was found to have the strongest positive net effect. Finally, six design options were identified for improving the Dutch balancing market design in case the share of microgeneration would increase substantially. Of these six options, adjusting the profile methodology and the regulation of smart meters are no-regret options that can be implemented immediately. The attractiveness of the other options depends upon the microgeneration portfolio that emerges, the manageability of large metering data flows, and the nature of the technical effects of large-scale microgeneration penetration.  相似文献   

Liberalisation of energy markets has during the last 20 years been gradually introduced in many countries. The liberalisation has led to concerns regarding the markets’ state of competition and fears that market power existence can result in less efficiency gains than what is expected from liberalisation. Concerns have also been raised as to whether specific consumer groups will be affected by limited competition in markets.  相似文献   

任庚坡 《上海节能》2011,(6):23-27,32
利用市场机制促进提高能源利用效率、抑制能源消费过快增长、减少温室气体排放,已成为世界能源领域关注的热点。介绍这一领域的基本概念、制度分类、许可证制度和能效证书制度的基本步骤和特点;结合国际经验,对制度的设计和实施提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of Discrete Event System Simulation to study the interactions among fuel and electricity markets and consumers, and the decision-making processes of fuel companies (FUELCOs), generation companies (GENCOs), and consumers in a simple artificial energy market. In reality, since markets can reach a stable equilibrium or fail, it is important to observe how they behave in a dynamic framework. We consider a Nash–Cournot model in which marketers are depicted as Nash–Cournot players that determine supply to meet end-use consumption. Detailed engineering considerations such as transportation network flows are omitted, because the focus is upon the selection and use of appropriate market models to provide answers to policy questions.  相似文献   

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