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水土保持对黄河年径流量影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域年径流量是水资源评价与合理配置利用的重要依据,而水土保持减水定额、水土保持措施累计保存面积又是估算水土保持对河川年径流量影响的基础。本文综合分析了水土保持减水作用现有主要研究成果,在对黄河上中游进行生态环境建设分区的基础上,采用小流域综合治理法计算了各分区水土保持减水定额,黄土丘陵沟壑区为245.5m3/hm2、黄土高塬沟壑区为118.5m3/hm2、土石山区为471.9m3/hm2。并结合《2003中国林业统计年鉴》、《2005年中国森林资源报告》、中国工程院重大咨询项目“西北地区生态环境建设区域配置及生态环境需水量研究”研究成果,计算了各分区水土保持措施累计面积。最后求得黄土丘陵沟壑区、黄土高塬沟壑区、土石山区、河源区水土保持减水量分别为85618.13×104m3、15672.81×104m3、26808.64×104m3、8475.32×104m3,全流域水土保持减水量为136574.90×104m3。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘三区骨干坝建设实践与可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对耒昔河示范区7座骨干坝建设的实践效果分析,认为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区第三副区建设骨干坝是完全可行的,但有其特殊的条件和要求,即坝址应选择在坝内平坦开阔、沟道纵坡较缓的地段;适宜建设有一定坝控面积和库容,并且具有与中、小型淤地坝形成沟道防治体系的单个骨干坝。建议制定适合该区特点的骨干坝工程技术规范,其主要技术指标控制面积以2~4km2 为宜,库容以30万~50万m3 为宜。  相似文献   

通过对黄土高塬多沙粗沙区涉及较多的黄土丘陵沟壑区和黄土高塬沟壑区几条典型小流域和现有治理模式的调查分析,初步确定了多少粗沙区两个主要侵蚀类型区的水土保持措施组合方案。结果表明,黄土丘陵沟壑区第1副区和第2副区各水土保持措施面积占总措施面积的百分比:水平梯田18%-25%,人工造林45%-55%,人工种草20%-25%,坝地5.5%-7.5%,水地0.5%-2.7%,黄土高塬沟壑区北部和南部则分别为基本农田38%-50%、25%-38%,水保林43%-53%、33%-43%,经济林4%-15%、15%-25%,种草2%-6%、6%-20%.  相似文献   

渭南市-临渭区稠水河流域水土流失属于强度流失区,是渭南市重点治理区.稠水河流域2004年被黄委会列为黄土丘陵沟壑区淤地坝坝系建设项目,新建淤地坝22座,设计年限内可拦泥284万m3,淤地112hm2,有效地拦蓄了洪水和泥沙,带动了农、林、牧、副等产业的发展,为农村经济发展注入了新的活力,取得了较好的社会、经济和生态效益.  相似文献   

通过位于黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区砒砂岩区的西黑岱沟小流域坝系相对稳定的分析,总结影响坝系相对稳定形成的因素,为今后该地貌类型区的坝系建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

郑新民  王越 《中国水利》2005,(12):17-18
一、案例 位于甘肃省东南部与陕西、宁夏二省(自治区)接壤地带,地处毛乌素沙漠南缘的丘陵沟壑区的鸭台沟小流域,是黄土高原水土保持世界银行贷款项目实施区.该流域中的环县刘阳洼村有647人,全村总面积1234hm2,25.以下的坡地仅有473hm2.由于自然条件差,生态与环境脆弱,水土流失面积高达1231.5hm2,占总土地面积的99.8%.1994年项目实施前,全村人均仅有0.46hm2坡耕地,坡耕地一般750kg/hm2左右,如果年景不好,就连种子都收不上来,完全是靠天吃饭.当时的人均年收入仅为200元,主要来源于放牧.为了维持基本口粮,农民就不得不开垦荒坡和放养更多的羊只,形成越垦越荒,越牧越荒,越荒越垦越牧的恶性循环,造成生态与环境严重恶化.  相似文献   

采用灰色系统动态模拟GM(1,1)分析方法,对山东省1996-2005年间土地治理中的小流域综合治理面积和盐碱地改良面积进行了相关分析和模拟预测.结果表明:山东省小流域综合治理面积和盐碱地改良面积总体保持增长势头,分别达到了平均每年18.633万hm2和0.706万hm2;但治理面积空间分布不均,其中丘陵和山区水土流失治理成效显著,黄泛平原区盐碱地改良情况良好.利用灰色模型对典型地市2002-2005年的盐碱地改良面积、小流域综合治理面积进行预测,并利用已知的历史数据进行检验,表明模型预测较准确.预测山东省未来几年土地治理的面积仍将呈增长趋势.  相似文献   

在分析赵石畔流域坝系发展过程的基础上,根据流域的实际情况,建设流域拦、蓄、淤、种有机协调、循环提高的坝系工程防护体系,对流域坝系相对稳定情况进行分析,结果表明:该流域坝系实现相对稳定是完全可能的,该流域坝系防护体系建设对黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区小流域沟道坝系建设具有一定的指导价值.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区是呼和浩特市水土流失最为严重的地区,也是黄河粗泥沙的主要来源地,清水河县米麻沟小流域是黄土丘陵沟壑区的典型治理流域,水土保持综合治理采取沟道建设坝系,开发坝地,山脚发展梯田及节水灌溉,山腰还林还草,山顶封育保护,支毛沟打谷坊,建沟头防护的水土保持综合治理模式,并使农林牧水有机结合,走出一条综合利用现有资源、保护生态环境和生产集约经营的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

韭园沟小流域是黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区的一条典型小流域,2000年被列为黄河流域水上保持生态建设示范区,其水资源优化利用是建设示范区的主要内容之一。采用概念化的数学分析模型对韭园沟流域水资源持续利用进行了多目标分析,结果表明:水土保持综合治理使韭园沟流域水资源环境容量增大、水资源可利用最增加、水资源年际调节能力和抗洪灾的能力增强,在枯水年状况下流域水资源可满足当地社会经济发展用水,取得了减洪35.9%、减沙69.2%的良好效益。  相似文献   

Many embankments failed in severe floods in Bangladesh in 1987 and 1988, and concern grew over ways to improve flood-control projects. Maintenance was poor due to reliance on periodic rehabilitation, but few failures were due to poor construction or maintenance. Embankments mostly failed where they were eroded or were deliberately cut. They were cut by people living outside who believed they were made more flood-prone, and by people living inside because of internal drainage congestion. This reflected inadequate hydrological modelling, lack of consultation and failure to resolve conflicts between affected groups. Resources for maintenance are not generated locally and could be used more efficiently. Participatory planning could reduce conflicts, encourage a sense of project ownership and facilitate contributions to maintenance.  相似文献   

2016年汛期,南京市发生了建国以来的大洪水,降雨量和主要河湖水位均超历史.在对2016年暴雨、水情、洪水特点分析的基础上,提出加强南京市防洪工程体系的建议.  相似文献   

2015年,广东省雷州半岛地区出现大范围干旱,该文总结了干旱特点,分析了干旱成因,采取了水资源统筹调配、引导调整种植结构及播种时机、人工增雨、筹措资金应急补助等抗旱措施,效果较好。此外,提出该地区今后打造"扩库硬渠上井群"升级版、推进农业结构调整、改善生态环境推动绿色发展的防旱工作对策。  相似文献   

2003年兰考、东明洪水漫滩落淤情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2003年秋汛期间兰考北滩、东明南滩两处漫滩情况进行调查与分析,得出的结论为:滩区共滞蓄水量6亿~9亿m^3,漫滩落淤范围为7.5km^2,顺漫滩水流方向的落淤距离约3km。在这种水沙条件下,泥沙不能被输送至较远的堤河。经分析计算,本次泥沙落淤量为900万~1350万t,且距口门1.0km范围内落淤泥沙中的82%为粒径大于0.05mm的粗沙。由此得到的主要认识有:①靠自然落淤解决“二级悬河”问题非常困难,甚至会增大“二级悬河”程度;②给漫滩水预留出路是降低淹没损失的关键;③落淤的粗沙使土地产生了十分严重的沙化现象,并且使当地环境趋于恶化。  相似文献   

山西省地下水资源开发利用中存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山西省水资源严重短缺 ,地下水超采严重。分析了地下水资源量及可开采量、地下水开发利用历史和现状 ,以及超采产生的环境地质问题。在此基础上 ,提出了缓解地下水超采、有效合理开发利用地下水的一些措施意见 ,为加强地下水保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   


Water is one of the top priority item s i relief activities but the appropriateness and effectiveness of this activity may be questioned. Water and sanitation (WS) are inseparable and together they play major roles in the transmission of the pathogen of diarrhoeal disease. Thousands of people die or suffer from WS-related diseases during postdisaster periods. Here we present WS-related experiences gained after Bangladesh's 1991 cyclone and the views of participants in a regional and a national (local) workshop on this matter held in Bangladesh. About 63 per cent of the water purifying tablets (WPTs) distributed after the 1991 cyclone were found to have lost potency Relief personnel lack basic knowledge about WS practices and the management of WS provision. Participants in the two workshops documented serious problems i this field at both regional and national levels. Major issues for research may include: an appropriate environmental preparedness plan; appropriate waste disposal technologies; appropriate water treatment methods; self- help activities during vulnerable periods; and health education related to WS in disaster situations.  相似文献   


With economic development, as well as population growth, the conflict between water supply and demand has become more and more acute in China, and it has been aggravated further by the irrational utilization of water resources. As a result, the deterioration and destruction of the eco‐environment have become increasingly serious. In order to effectively protect ecosystems and improve their ecological conditions, many studies on ecological and environmental water requirements (EEWR) have been carried out in China. In this paper, the concept and characteristics of EEWR are addressed, and the main advances of EEWR research and applications in China are summarized in four types of systems including studies on rivers, vegetation, lakes and wetlands, and groundwater. In conclusion, issues necessary to be studied further in the future are put forward.  相似文献   

通过对衡水市地下水开发中存在问题的客观分析,提出了今后开发、利用和保护地下水的措施.  相似文献   

This study has been conducted, to estimate the distribution of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in German water supplies and the removal efficiency of surface water treatment plants for Giardia and Cryptosporidium by conventional treatment. Water samples from six surface water treatment plants in different parts of Germany were simoultaneously examined for Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Investigations for both parasites were carried out in the period from July 1993 until December 1995. The results confirmed the occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in surface and raw water, to intermediate steps after treatment, in back wash water, in the first filtrate and in final water. Giardia or Cryptosporidium or both have been found in 76.2% of the investigated raw water sources. The average number of the detected Giardia cysts was 88.2/100 1 (max.1314/100 I), and the average number of Cryptosporidium oocysts was 116/100 I (max. 1081/1001). In the intermediate steps (including flocculation and several steps of filtration), Giardia or Cryptosporidium or both have been found in 33.3% (50/150) of the samples. 14.9% of drinking water samples (7/47) were positive for Giardia (max. 16.8 /1001) and 29.8% (14/47) were positive for Cryptosporidium (max. 20.8/100 I). Overall, Giardia and Cryptosporidium, or both were detected in 38.3% of the drinking water samples. The parasites have been found in nearly all of the investigated backwash water samples. The filtrate of a rapid sand filter was analysed immediately after filter backwashing during the ripening period of the filter. Good elimination results were obtained by optimizing relevant water treatment process, but a low flocculant dose following sudden variation in the raw water quality, causes a breakthrough of Cryptosporidium into the treated water. Although water treatment technologies are effective to remove Giardia and Cryptosporidium, the results clearly show that Giardia and Cryptosporidium evade the filter harries m the absence of visible treatment deficiencies and low turbitidy level, and contaminate final water.  相似文献   

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