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Five hundred and thirty families with at least 1 child who had been referred to a dermatologist with atopic dermatitis were interviewed in an effort to determine whether factors such as the age of the mother when a child is born and/or birth rank can contribute to the development of atopic dermatitis. The families interviewed had a total of 1,084 children, or an average of 2 children per family. Sixty per cent of the children with atopic dermatitis were under 5 years of age. Ninety-one per cent of them had developed the disease before the age of 3; those most severely affected had developed the disease during the first year of life. In families with 2 children, but only 1 child with atopic dermatitis, the odds ratio for the second child to develop atopic dermatitis was 1.379 (0.025 < p < 0.05). The average maternal age was 24.8 to 25.2 years when giving birth to the first child and 28 years when giving birth to the second child, irrespective of the status of the child. Thus, atopic dermatitis can be related to birth rank or to the age of the mother.  相似文献   

A spectrum of oxidative lesions was observed in a bacteriophage-based model system that is very sensitive to the photodynamic activity of selected dyes. When suspensions of the intact bacteriophage Q beta were exposed to methylene blue plus light (MB + L), inactivating events, or "hits" occurred that were oxygen-dependent and that were associated with the formation of several specific lesions: (1) carbonyl moieties on proteins, (2) 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua), and (3) single-strand breaks (ssb) in the RNA genome and (4) RNA-protein crosslinks. Formation of carbonyl groups associated with protein in the Q beta phage preparation correlated positively with photoinactivation of the phage with increasing doses of either of the sensitizers MB or rose bengal. Strand breaks in the Q beta genomic RNA were observable at high MB concentrations but appeared not to be significant at the lower concentrations of MB, as full-length Q beta RNA was observable well beyond the 99% inactivation point in MB dosage. It was shown that the number of 8-oxoGua lesions were unlikely to be sufficient to account for the number of lethal events. Following exposure to MB + L, crosslink formation between Q beta RNA and protein was observed by virtue of the location of RNA at the interface of phenol-aqueous extractions of phage suspensions. A significant increase over background of RNA-protein complexes (including full-length Q beta RNA) was observed at the lowest concentration of MB tested (0.5 microM), which corresponded roughly to an average of 2 lethal hits per phage or approximately 13% survival compared to the zero MB control (100% survival). Due to its close correlation with Q beta inactivation and its expected lethality, RNA-protein crosslink formation may be important as an inactivating lesion in bacteriophage Q beta following MB + L exposure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution and amount of elastic fibers in the dermis of clinically normal dogs and dogs with dermatoses, particularly solar dermatitis. DESIGN: Skin specimens from 7 anatomic sites were obtained from 19 clinically normal dogs after euthanasia to evaluate the normal distribution of elastic fibers. Biopsy specimens also were obtained from 34 dogs with dermatoses, including 16 with solar dermatitis. Tissue sections were stained with H&E, Verhoeff-van Gieson, and periodic acid-Schiff. ANIMALS: 19 clinically normal dogs and 34 dogs with dermatoses. PROCEDURE: Numbers of elastic fibers were graded subjectively. Comparisons between clinically normal dogs and dogs with dermatoses were made. RESULTS: Normal elastic fibers were present in low numbers in the dermis of adult dogs, regardless of anatomic site or presence or severity of dermatitis. Condensed elastotic material was visualized in only 2 dogs with solar dermatitis. In both dogs, the elastotic material was Verhoeff-van Gieson and periodic acid-Schiff stain positive but was not visible with H&E stain. The most frequent histopathologic finding in the dermis of dogs with solar dermatitis was superficial dermal fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The dermis of clinically normal dogs does not contain abundant elastic fibers. Alterations of elastic fibers in dogs with solar dermatitis are rare. Superficial dermal fibrosis may be a better indicator of solar damage.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the abilities of bone marrow cells and lymph node cells to induce tolerance of skin when inoculated into neonatal rats known to differ only with regard to non-MHC incompatibilities, including putative skin-specific (Skn) antigens. Each recipient received 50 x 10(6) cells, and tolerance was confirmed by the permanent acceptance of donor-strain neonatal heart tissue transplanted to the pinna of the ear. In 5 of the 8 MHC-compatible strain combinations tested, BMC were significantly more effective than LNC in inducing tolerance of skin, whereas in one situation LNC proved more efficient. Although the results are in accord with the occurrence of Skn antigens in rats, it appears that at least some of the antigens involved must also be expressed by BMC or LNC, but not equally by both of these tissues. The results also provide evidence that in rats, as in mice, the MHC can play a major role in determining the response to, and/or the immunogenicity of, Skn antigens.  相似文献   

MRL/MP-Ipr/Ipr (MRL/Ipr) mice possess radioresistant (9.5 Gy) abnormal stem cells and show a recurrence of autoimmune diseases within 5 mo of conventional allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. We recently have found that the MHC preference exists between hemopoietic stem cells and stromal cells; when bones are engrafted, donor-derived stromal cells present in the engrafted bones can migrate into the recipient bone marrows, which are replaced with both donor-derived stromal cells and hematopoietic cells. Based on these findings, we attempted to prevent the recurrence of autoimmune diseases in MRL/Ipr mice by the transplantation of both bone marrow cells and bone (as a source of stromal cells). MRL/Ipr mice were irradiated (8.5 Gy) and then reconstituted with C57BL/6 bone marrow cells plus bone grafts. The mice survived more than 48 wk after this treatment. Immunohistologic studies revealed that the mice were completely free from both lymphadenopathy and autoimmune diseases such as lupus nephritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Sera from these mice showed normal levels of circulating immune complexes and rheumatoid factors. Normal functions of both T cells and B cells were noted. Abnormal T cells such as Thy-1+B220+ cells present in nontreated MRL/Ipr mice could not be seen in the thus-treated mice. In addition, to our surprise, spleen cells from treated mice showed completely normal in vitro primary anti-SRBC responses. These results indicate that stromal cells in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation play a crucial role not only in the prevention of graft failure but also in the successful cooperation among APCs, T cells, and B cells. Although MRL/Ipr mice are radiosensitive and usually die of interstitial pneumonia or fatty liver due to the side effects of radiation, it should be noted that this strategy allows a reduction in the radiation dose (9.5 Gy-->8.5 Gy), and that these mice can survive more than 48 wk without showing any symptoms of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The supply of solid organs for transplantation will never meet the growing demand. Xenotransplantation is considered to be a potential solution for the critical shortage of allografts. However, xenograft rejection is currently not controlled by conventional immunosuppressive agents. Bone marrow chimerism induces donor-specific tolerance without the requirement for chronic immunosuppressive therapy. The aim of this study was to develop a nonlethal recipient-conditioning approach to achieve mixed bone marrow chimerism and donor-specific tolerance. METHODS: C57BL/10SnJ mice were conditioned with total body irradiation followed by a single injection of cyclophosphamide on day +2. On day 0, mice were reconstituted with untreated bone marrow cells from Fischer 344 rats. Recipients were analyzed by flow cytometry for donor bone marrow engraftment and multilineage chimerism. Donor-specific tolerance was tested by skin grafting. RESULTS: One hundred percent of recipients engrafted after irradiation with 600 cGy total body irradiation, transplantation with 80 x 10(6) Fischer 344 bone marrow cells, and injection with 50 mg/kg cyclophosphamide intraperitoneally. Donor chimerism was detectable in all engrafted animals for up to 11 months. This conditioning was nonlethal, because conditioned untransplanted animals survived indefinitely. Mixed xenogeneic chimeras were tolerant to donor-specific skin grafts but rejected third-party (Wistar Furth) grafts as rapidly as naive C57BL/10SnJ mice. In contrast, animals that received less efficacious conditioning regimens and did not exhibit detectable chimerism showed prolonged graft survival, but delayed graft rejection occurred in all animals within 10 weeks. CONCLUSION: The induction of bone marrow chimerism and donor-specific tolerance after nonlethal conditioning might be useful to prevent the vigorous cellular and humoral rejection response to xenografts.  相似文献   

Liver allografts in some rat strains are often spontaneously accepted across a complete major histocompatibility barrier without the requirement for immunosuppression while other nonliver allografts are rejected. In previous studies, we have shown that spontaneous acceptance is dependent on liver passenger leukocytes. Depletion of passenger leukocytes by donor irradiation allows rejection, with DA recipients of irradiated PVG livers having a median survival time (MST) of 16 days. Here we show that, in this model, spontaneous acceptance is reconstituted by intravenous injection of donor leukocytes. Intravenous injection of 3-5x10(7) PVG liver leukocytes significantly prolonged DA survival time (MST=96 days, P=0.026), as did 5x10(7) spleen leukocytes (MST>100 days, P=0.002). Deletion of T cells from the reconstituting inoculum reduced survival time (MST=78 days, P=0.039), whereas deletion of B cells or monocytes/macrophages had no effect on survival time. In contrast, PVG hearts are regularly rejected by DA recipients, and PVG liver or spleen leukocytes, even at doses of greater than 3x10(8) cells/recipient, were unable to induce heart acceptance. To investigate the possibility that acceptance of the irradiated liver but not the heart might be due to the large mass of the liver, two kidneys and two hearts of PVG origin were transplanted to each DA recipient together with 1.5x10(8) PVG leukocytes. These organs survived for greater than 200 days, thereby showing that a large mass of donor tissue, in association with donor leukocytes, leads to acceptance of organs that are rejected if transplanted singly. It appears likely that spontaneous liver transplant tolerance is a high-dose or activation-associated immune phenomenon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cascade of immunological effects brought about by donor bone marrow cell (DBMC) infusions in human organ transplantation, especially in the context of continuous pharmacologic immunosuppression, is not fully understood. Yet, in inbred rodents and even primates, administration of specific bone marrow cells has caused a state of acquired immunologic tolerance. METHODS: In vitro mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) and cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) culture systems were used to compare the responding and regulatory properties of DBMC and individual bone marrow cell subsets versus spleen cells in the presence or absence of pharmacologic immunosuppression. RESULTS: In the absence of immunosuppressive drugs, the DBMC proliferated in MLC and in response to phytohemagglutinin, but to a lower magnitude than donor spleen cells. In CML assays, DBMC failed to function as cytotoxic cells. Removal of both CD3+ and CD34+ cells together (not just singly) had to occur for complete abrogation of the proliferative response of DBMC evoked in the presence of allogeneic stimulating cells. Testing several experimental variables using flow cytometric analysis led to the conclusion that when purified DBMC CD34+ cells were placed in coculture with irradiated allogeneic peripheral blood mononuclear cells, such CD34+ cells give rise both to CD3- TCRalphabeta+ as well as to dimly staining CD3+ TCRalphabeta+ cells. Low pharmacologic concentrations of tacrolimus/cyclosporine (CsA) and mycophenolic acid (MPA) singly or in combination had no effect on the spontaneous proliferation of DBMC and had significantly less inhibitory activity on MLC responses of DBMC and its purified CD3+ or CD34+ subpopulations, compared with the responses of spleen cells. Moreover, the previously described regulatory effects of DBMC on the MLC responses of peripheral blood or splenic responding cells were not inhibited by these immunosuppressive drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results support the notion that in vitro DBMC subpopulations, which proliferate as responding cells in co-culture with x-irradiated allogeneic cells and which cause regulatory effects when added as a third component to MLC reactions, seem to be culture-generated lymphoid cell lineage(s) progeny of CD34+ cells. This possibly includes unique CD3+ "primitive" (dimly staining) T cells, which are not as inhibited in their function by tacrolimus/CsA and MPA, as are postthymic (splenic) T cells.  相似文献   

Relapse remains a significant problem after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). For patients with relapsed chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), infusions of donor mononuclear cells (MNC) provide a potent graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) reaction inducing complete remissions in the majority of patients. Little is known about the efficacy of donor MNC infusions for patients who relapse with other diseases. We have studied the GVL effects of donor MNC in eight patients with relapsed acute leukemia or myelodysplasia (MDS). One patient with relapsed MDS achieved complete remission and another patient had a transient response. Five of six non-responders died of progressive leukemia and one non-responder died of complications during second BMT. Three patients developed grade I-II acute GVHD responsive to immunosuppression. These data, and review of the literature, suggest that GVL induction with donor MNC infusions is less effective for patients with relapsed acute leukemia than for patients with relapsed CML; too few patients with relapsed MDS have been treated to draw definite conclusions. However, some patients respond, and given the high mortality associated with alternative procedures such as second BMT, donor MNC infusions are a reasonable approach for relapsed acute leukemia and MDS after allogeneic BMT.  相似文献   

Allogenic bone marrow transplantation is the treatment of choice in chronic granulocyte leukemia patients, while the best results are achieved when it is performed in the chronic phase of the illness. That is why time optimization for bone marrow transplantation in chronic granulocyte leukemia means making priority lists for transplantation according to medical indications. This study comprises a very simple model of optimal time for bone marrow transplantation in chronic granulocyte leukemia. It is based on data of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry (IBMTR) on bone marrow transplantation results in different phases of chronic granulocyte leukemia and prognostic model for survival of younger leukemic patients according to which there are three groups of patients. The mathematical method estimated cumulative risks of the final therapeutic results. This model has shown that the time limit for transplantation is the fourth year of the disease in the low risk group; the third year of the disease in the medium risk group and the second year in the high risk group of patients.  相似文献   

Two patients at our institution underwent single lung transplantation. The procedure and the patient's postoperative course were uncomplicated in each case. Pathological examination of each pneumonectomy specimen revealed a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma; both were less than 1 cm in size. The remainder of each lung showed no evidence of adenocarcinoma and all lymph nodes were negative. Work-ups for an occult malignancy before and after surgery were negative. This is believed to be the first report of a single lung transplant in a patient with a primary adenocarcinoma of the lung. The implications and management of these patients are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term effects after blood or bone marrow transplantation (BMT) are emerging as an important issue, as more patients are included in BMT programmes and as this procedure becomes more successful. Long-term liver dysfunction, mainly due to chronic graft-versus-host disease or hepatitis C virus infection, is a well-known complication. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of liver disease in this patient group is sometimes difficult and, despite adequate studies, it may remain undetected. A novel hepatitis-associated virus, hepatitis G virus (HGV), has recently been identified. The virus belongs to the Flaviviridae family and is known to be parenterally transmitted, although there is no clear evidence to implicate this agent in causing acute or chronic hepatitis. We report a patient who developed mild, but persistent, abnormalities in transaminases for 2 years after an autologous BMT. HGV RNA was detected in both serum and liver. HGV RNA persisted in serum for at least 8 months. No other known hepatitis virus was found. This report provides the first direct evidence of a patient with long-term liver abnormalities after a BMT in whom the only known hepatitis virus isolated was the HGV.  相似文献   

One hundred consecutive autologous stem cell transplants are reported: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 51 cases, Hodgkin's disease 27 cases, acute leukaemia 14 cases, multiple myeloma seven cases and chronic myeloid leukaemia one case. Most patients were in their second or later remission. The overall three-year survival for all patients was 60% and the three-year disease-free survival was 50% for lymphoma patients and 30% for acute leukaemia patients. The dominant source of stem cells was bone marrow during 1993, but from 1994 it has been peripheral blood, now totalling 33 cases. There were 12 toxic deaths, all among patients who were heavily treated before bone marrow harvest and transplantation. The patients transplanted with blood stem cells had significantly shorter duration of pancytopenia, and hospital stay, but their disease-free survival was not longer than that of a comparable group of bone marrow transplanted patients. Six patients were transplanted with purified CD34+ cells (selected by avidity column (Ceprate (R)), and had duration of thrombocytopenia and hospital stay similar to the patients transplanted with unmanipulated blood stem cells, but slightly longer duration of neutropenia. We conclude that high-dose therapy with autologous stem cell transplantation in not too heavily pretreated patients is a safe procedure irrespective of the source of stem cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Type 2 diabetes is a slowly progressive disease, in which the gradual deterioration of glucose tolerance is associated with the progressive decrease in beta-cell function. Hyperglycemia per se has deleterious effects on both beta-cell function and insulin action, which are partially reversible by the short-term control of blood glucose levels. We hypothesized that the induction of euglycemia, using intensive insulin therapy at the time of clinical diagnosis, could lead to a significant improvement in insulin secretion and action and thus alter the clinical course of the disease. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Thirteen newly diagnosed diet-unresponsive type 2 diabetic patients were treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) for 2 weeks and followed longitudinally while being treated with diet alone. RESULTS: Four patients were considered therapeutic failures since CSII failed to induce euglycemia (n = 1) or glucose control deteriorated within 6 months after CSII (n = 3). The remaining nine patients were maintained on diet alone with adequate control from 9 to > 50 months (median +/- SE, 26 +/- 4.8 months). In five patients, glycemic control deteriorated after 9-36 months, but a repeat 2-week CSII treatment reestablished control in four patients. One of these patients underwent a third CSII treatment 13 months later. At the time this article was written, six patients of the initial group were still controlled without medication 16-59 months (median +/- SE, 45.5 +/- 6.6 months) after the initiation of treatment. Body weight remained unchanged in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that in a significant proportion of type 2 diabetic patients who fail to respond to dietary measures, short-term intensive insulin treatment can effectively establish responsiveness, allowing long-term glycemic control without medication. Further studies are required to establish whether simpler treatment regimens could be equally effective. If the hypothesis offered here finds support, present approaches to the management of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes may need to be revised.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatic veno-occlusive disease and idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis are major causes of morbidity and mortality after bone marrow transplantation. Fibrosis is a characteristic of both conditions, and transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of fibrosis. METHODS: Using acid-ethanol extraction to remove TGF beta from human plasma and a mink-lung epithelial-cell growth-inhibition assay to measure TGF beta activity, we quantified plasma TGF beta in 10 normal subjects and 41 patients before and after they underwent high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation for advanced breast cancer. RESULTS: There was no difference in pretransplantation TGF beta levels between the controls and the patients who did not have hepatic veno-occlusive disease or idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis after transplantation. In contrast, pretransplantation TGF beta levels were significantly higher in patients in whom hepatic veno-occlusive disease or idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis developed than in the controls or the patients without these conditions. The predictive value for the development of either condition was 90 percent or more when pretransplantation plasma TGF beta levels were more than 2 SD above the mean established in the controls. CONCLUSIONS: The plasma TGF beta concentration measured after induction chemotherapy but before high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation strongly correlates with the risk of hepatic veno-occlusive disease and idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis after these treatments.  相似文献   

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