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In practical engineering, many phenomena are described as a discontinuous function of a state variable,and the discontinuity is usually the main reason for the degradation of the control performance. For example, in the setpoint control problem of mechanical systems, the static friction (described by a sgn function of velocity of the contacting faces) causes undesired positioning error. In this paper, we will investigate the stabilization problem for a class of nonlinear systems that consist of two subsystems with cascaded connection.We will show the basic idea with a special case first, and then the result will be extended to more general cases. Some interesting numerical examples will be given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design approach.  相似文献   

The problem of state and output feedback stabilization of nonholonomic multiple chained systems is addressed and solved using a particular class of discontinuous control laws. The obtained control laws are relatively simple, compared with others existing in the current literature, and guarantee exponential convergence of the closed-loop system. A simulation example, showing the main features of the proposed controllers, is enclosed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of robust stabilization for an uncertain nonlinear system which is a cascaded interconnection of two subsystems. Both of the subsystems are allowed to be nonlinear, multi-variable, and containing uncertain parameters. We present a new approach to designing stabilizing controllers which assure both robust global asymptotic stability and local quadratic stability. Compared with existing results, the assumptions required for such robust stabilizing controllers to exist are significantly simplified.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a general framework to study the exponential stabilization problem for a wide class of nonlinear systems. By combining the concept of dilation with the method of σ-processing, a simple stability criterion is given in terms of the stability property of an augmented system. Moreover, the global ρ-exponential stability of the closed-loop system can be achieved by employing continuous controllers. A well-known nonholonomic system is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

In this paper, for a class of high-order stochastic nonlinear systems with zero dynamics which are neither necessarily feedback linearizable nor affine in the control input, the problem of state feedback stabilization is investigated for the first time. Under some weaker assumptions, a smooth state feedback controller is designed, which ensures that the closed-loop system has an almost surely unique solution on [0,∞), the equilibrium at the origin of the closed-loop system is globally asymptotically stable in probability, and all the states can be regulated to the origin almost surely. A simulation example demonstrates the control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper further considers a more general class of stochastic nonlinear systems with stochastic integral input‐to‐state stability (SiISS) inverse dynamics and drift and diffusion terms depending upon the other states besides stochastic inverse dynamics and the first state. By skillfully choosing the designed functions and the update laws of parameters, and using the important mathematical tools established in IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. 2010; 55 (2):304–320, a unifying framework of state feedback controller is proposed to guarantee that all the signals of the closed‐loop system are bounded almost surely and the states can be regulated to zero almost surely. A simulation example demonstrates the effectiveness of the control scheme. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feedback stabilization problem for a class of discontinuous systems which is characterized by Filippov differential inclusion. Lyapunov-based backstepping design method is generalized with nonsmooth Lyapunov functions to solve the control problem. A set-valued time derivative is introduced first for nonsmooth function along discontinuous vector fields, which enables us to perform Lyapunov-based design with nondifferentiable Lyapunov function. Conditions for designing a virtual control law which is shown nondifferentiable in general in the recursive design problem are proposed. Finally, as a special case, piecewise linear system is discussed to demonstrate the application of the presented design approach.  相似文献   

Universal stabilizers are presented for two classes of nonlinear systems, linear in their multiple control inputs: (I) a class of pth order controlled differential inclusions on R″ with full state available for feedback, and (II) a class of nonlinearly perturbed linear systems with restricted state availability. The stabilizers are of a discontinuous feedback form (embedded in a set-valued map), and incorporate adaptive matrix-valued gain functions which exploit the existence of finite spectrum-unmixing sets associated with the systems under consideration. The analysis draws on an extension, to differential inclusions, of LaSalle's invariance principle for ordinary differential equations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new cascaded feedback linearization problem is formulated and a set of conditions on the cascaded feedback linearizability are established for a class of two-input affine nonlinear systems. The proposed cascaded feedback linearization method enlarges the classes of nonlinear systems which can be dealt with using the feedback linearization technique. In particular, the proposed design can be applied to address the feedback stabilization problem for a few classes of nonlinear systems which have uncontrollable linearization and do not satisfy the standard feedback linearization conditions. As an illustrative application, the proposed cascade feedback linearization concept is used to solve the feedback stabilization problem of nonholonomic systems within the framework of continuously differentiable state feedback control. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

We address the fundamental problem of state feedback stabilization for a class of linear impulsive systems featuring arbitrarily-spaced impulse times and possibly singular state transition matrices. Specifically, we show that a strong reachability property enables a state feedback law to be constructed that yields a uniformly exponentially stable closed-loop system. The approach adopts a receding horizon strategy involving a weighted reachability gramian in a manner reminiscent of well-known results for time-varying linear systems for both continuous and discrete-time cases.  相似文献   

W.P.M.H.  S.   《Automatica》2008,44(12):3079-3086
In this paper we will extend the input-to-state stability (ISS) framework to continuous-time discontinuous dynamical systems (DDS) adopting piecewise smooth ISS Lyapunov functions. The main motivation for investigating piecewise smooth ISS Lyapunov functions is the success of piecewise smooth Lyapunov functions in the stability analysis of hybrid systems. This paper proposes an extension of the well-known Filippov’s solution concept, that is appropriate for ‘open’ systems so as to allow interconnections of DDS. It is proven that the existence of a piecewise smooth ISS Lyapunov function for a DDS implies ISS. In addition, a (small gain) ISS interconnection theorem is derived for two DDS that both admit a piecewise smooth ISS Lyapunov function. This result is constructive in the sense that an explicit ISS Lyapunov function for the interconnected system is given. It is shown how these results can be applied to construct piecewise quadratic ISS Lyapunov functions for piecewise linear systems (including sliding motions) via linear matrix inequalities.  相似文献   

Zhiyong   《Automatica》2009,45(9):2041-2045
The global stabilization problem of nonlinear cascaded systems has been well studied in literature. In particular, a Lyapunov function in superposition form has been explicitly constructed for the closed-loop system in a recent paper provided the nonlinearities are polynomial. This paper removes this polynomial assumption and gives a more general result. For this purpose, a special version of changing supply function technique is utilized which preserves the superposition form of supply functions during the “changing” procedure.  相似文献   

We propose a novel and simple design scheme of output feedback controller for a class of nonlinear systems with delayed output. The nonlinear systems considered here are more general than feedforward systems (upper triangular systems). By constructing an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF) and solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), the delay-dependent controller making the closed-loop system globally asymptotically stable (GAS) is explicitly constructed. A simulation example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design procedure.  相似文献   

Liping  Lihong 《Neurocomputing》2009,72(16-18):3726
This paper investigates a class of delayed neural networks whose neuron activations are modeled by discontinuous functions. By utilizing the Leray–Schauder fixed point theorem of multivalued version, the properties of M-matrix and generalized Lyapunov approach, we present some sufficient conditions to ensure the existence and global asymptotic stability of the state equilibrium point. Furthermore, the global convergence of the output solutions are also discussed. The assumptive conditions imposed on activation functions are allowed to be unbounded and nonmonotonic, which are less restrictive than previews works on the discontinuous or continuous neural networks. Hence, we improve and extend some existing results of other researchers. Finally, one numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the criteria proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

针对存在传输滞后的线性离散系统的状态反馈镇定问题,给出了系统可镇定的一个内部限制条件.为克服这一限制条件,提出了两种方法:一种是充分利用滞后状态的信息,另一种是设计带有递推动态的状态反馈控制器.研究结果表明,若系统在没有传输滞后时能通过状态反馈被镇定,则存在传输滞后时一定也能通过设计新的控制器使系统被镇定.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of finite-time output feedback stabilization for a class of high-order nonlinear systems with the unknown output function and control coefficients. Under the weaker assumption that output function is only continuous, by using homogeneous domination method together with adding a power integrator method, introducing a new analysis method, the maximal open sector Ω of output function is given. As long as output function belongs to any closed sector included in Ω, an output feedback controller can be developed to guarantee global finite-time stability of the closed-loop system.  相似文献   

研究一类具有相同线性结构的相似广义互联系统,其互联项是非线性非匹配的且含有不确定性,运用Lyapunov方法和一般广义系统理论中状态反馈,受限等价概念,设计了状态反馈钽棒控制器,使系统渐近稳定且在状态响应中不包含脉冲项,研究结果表明,相似结构可简化广义组合系统的分析和设计。  相似文献   

The paper presents an approach to the construction of stabilizing feedback for strongly nonlinear systems. The class of systems of interest includes systems with drift which are affine in control and which cannot be stabilized by continuous state feedback. The approach is independent of the selection of a Lyapunov type function, but requires the solution of a nonlinear programming satisficing problem stated in terms of the logarithmic coordinates of flows. As opposed to other approaches, point-to-point steering is not required to achieve asymptotic stability. Instead, the flow of the controlled system is required to intersect periodically a certain reachable set in the space of the logarithmic coordinates.  相似文献   

On the stabilization of feedforward systems with bounded control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the global asymptotic stabilization of nonlinear—controllable in the first approximation—cascades consisting of a globally asymptotically—locally exponentially stable system driving a stable system, a Lyapunov-like design is proposed. This yields (bounded) control laws, where the control magnitude can be chosen arbitrarily large. This result provides an alternative to classical forwarding.  相似文献   

Global robust stabilization of nonlinear cascaded systems is a challenging problem when the zero-dynamics is not exponentially stable. Recently, some recursive procedure has been developed for handling this problem utilizing the small gain theorem. However, the success of the procedure depends on the satisfaction of some conditions which arise at each step of the recursion. In this paper, we will show that, for the important class of cascaded polynomial systems, the solvability conditions can be made satisfied by appropriately implementing the recursive procedure. This result leads to an explicit construction of the control law.  相似文献   

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