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Tuberous sclerosis complex is an autosomal dominant disorder with loci on chromosome 9q34 (TSC1) and chromosome 16p13.3 (TSC2). The TSC2 gene has been isolated. To date, only a small number of intragenic deletional and point mutations have been detected, almost exclusively in sporadic (no family history) cases. With the exception of a single parent/offspring pair, there have been no published reports of mutations in extended multigenerational chromosome 16-linked TSC2 families. For our TSC studies we ascertained and sampled a four-generation African-American TSC family that shows a high likelihood for linkage to chromosome 16 (z=1.53). Using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis we identified a 4590/4591delC mutation in exon 34. The 4590/4591delC causes a frameshift mutation resulting in the creation of a premature stop codon. In addition, we have detected a 542del4 polymorphism in the two partially overlapping polyadenylation signals in exon 40 that segregates in the family. The polymorphism has been detected in six of 72 African-American control chromosomes examined, and has not been detected in 80 Caucasian control chromosomes examined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited eye disorders that affect photoreceptor and pigment epithelial function. Mutations in different genes involved in the phototransduction process have been described in patients with autosomal recessive RP. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We examined the gene coding the beta subunit of the phosphodiesterase (PDEB) in a ARRP family with two affected sisters. SSCP (single stand conformational polymorphism) analysis of the coding region of the gene showed abnormal bands in two different exons. PCR products showing SSCP aberrant patterns were subsequently sequenced. RESULTS: The two affected sisters had inherited from their father a PDEB gene with a known mutation (Gln298X) and a rare variant and from their mother a PDEB gene with a new mutation: Asp600Asn. CONCLUSIONS: The nature of the mutations in the PDEB gene and their pattern of inheritance indicate that the lack of activity of the phosphodiesterase (PDE), a key enzyme in the visual phototransduction process, account for the RP phenotype in these patients.  相似文献   

Mutations of the N- and K-ras genes are the most frequent genetic aberrations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and their detection in preleukemic conditions such as the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) suggests a role in the earliest phases of leukemogenesis. Despite these observations, little is known about the clinical importance of ras mutations in AML. We studied the clinical impact of ras mutations in 99 patients with de novo AML. All patients were treated in two prospective multicenter trials. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify areas surrounding the codons 12, 13, and 61 of the three ras genes N-, K-, and H-ras from DNA from bone marrow cells, ras mutations were detected by an algorithm based on allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization. Eighteen of 99 (18%) patients harbored mutations in either N- or K-ras. All of the observed mutations occurred in N-ras (N = 10) and K-ras (N = 5) or concurrently in both N- and K-ras (N = 3). There were no significant differences between ras-negative and ras-positive patients according to age, sex, blood counts, cytogenetic abnormalities, or French-American-British classification. However, univariate analysis suggested a longer survival in ras-positive patients (P = .11). When adjusted for age, which was the most important factor affecting outcome, the presence of a ras mutation emerged as a significant predictor for improved survival (P = .03) and along with lower bone marrow blast counts (P = .02) and better cytogenetic category (P = .01). However, the presence of an aberrant ras allele was strongly correlated with lower bone marrow blast counts (P = .007). Thus, whether a mutation in the N-ras or K-ras proto-oncogenes directly affects treatment outcome or indirectly through an association with lower leukemic burden remains to be determined. Nevertheless, these findings counter the prevailing bias that oncogene mutations lead to more aggressive behavior in human malignancies.  相似文献   

Nail-patella syndrome (NPS), a pleiotropic disorder exhibiting autosomal dominant inheritance, has been studied for >100 years. Recent evidence shows that NPS is the result of mutations in the LIM-homeodomain gene LMX1B. To determine whether specific LMX1B mutations are associated with different aspects of the NPS phenotype, we screened a cohort of 41 NPS families for LMX1B mutations. A total of 25 mutations were identified in 37 families. The nature of the mutations supports the hypothesis that NPS is the result of haploinsufficiency for LMX1B. There was no evidence of correlation between aspects of the NPS phenotype and specific mutations.  相似文献   

Chromosomal abnormalities is one of the most important prognostic factors in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Other parameters which may influence the prognosis include age, French-American-British-type, clinical variables and possibly the expression of certain immunophenotypic surface makers. However, only rarely has the expression of these markers been analyzed in multivariate models including the information from cytogenetics and clinical variables. We conducted a retrospective study of 117 consecutive adult patients with de novo AML diagnosed and treated in our institution during a 6-year period. Following standard induction chemotherapy with daunomycin and cytosine arabinoside 75 patients (64%) achieved complete remission (CR). The overall 5 year survival rate was 23% and, for patients achieving CR, 30%. When all patients were analyzed age, chromosomal aberration and lack of CD33 expression were of independent prognostic value. The overall 5 year survival rate was 28% for patients aged 55 years or younger, 25% for patients aged 56-65 years and 4% for those > 65 years, P = 0.041. Patients with good-risk chromosomal abnormalities presented an overall 5 year survival of 36%, compared to 25% in patients with normal karyotype, 22% in patients with intermediate risk abnormalities and 5% in patients with poor-risk abnormalities, P = 0.004. Patients with CD33+ myeloblasts had an overall survival of 25% at 5 years compared to 0% in the CD33- patients, P = 0.021. Analysis of the expression of CD7, CD34 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase on myeloblasts had no impact on overall survival in a multivariate analysis. Thus, this study confirmed the prognostic value of age and cytogenetic risk group and defined CD33 as a novel factor of independent prognostic importance in adult de novo AML.  相似文献   

The dystrophic forms of epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) are due to mutations in the type VII collagen gene (COL7A1). In dominant DEB, a characteristic genetic lesion is a glycine substitution mutation within the collagenous domain of the protein. In this study, we have examined the molecular basis of six new families in which the proband has clinical features and/or ultrastructural findings consistent with DEB. The results revealed a glycine substitution mutation in all six families, four of which are novel and previously unpublished. In three families with clinically unaffected parents, de novo mutations G2043R and G2040V were found. These results emphasize the predominance of glycine substitution mutations in dominant DEB, and indicate that in some cases the phenotype is due to de novo dominant mutations.  相似文献   

Infectious mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is almost always a self-limited disease, most commonly seen in young adults. Hepatitis is a well-recognized complication of EBV infection that usually resolves spontaneously. Jaundice occasionally results from the unusual complication of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia rather than hepatitis. We report a 60-year-old man with severe cholestatic jaundice whose history, liver histology and laboratory findings suggested EBV infection. He also developed significant jaundice related to his hepatitis, but not to autoimmune haemolysis, a situation that led to diagnostic delay. Costly diagnostic laboratory tests and invasive procedures were performed to rule out a malignant extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Physicians need to be aware of this complication and EBV infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice in the elderly.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the frequency of HLA-H gene mutations in New Zealand patients with haemochromatosis. METHODS: The Cys282Tyr and His63Asp mutations in the HLA-H gene were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction, restriction enzyme digestion and electrophoresis in two separate patient groups. The first was a group of 20 Christchurch patients with a definite clinical diagnosis of haemochromatosis. The second group consisted of 33 patients, with a provisional diagnosis of haemochromatosis, attending Dunedin Hospital for therapeutic venesection. RESULTS: All 20 Christchurch patients and 25 of the 33 (76%) Dunedin patients were homozygous for the Cys282Tyr mutation. After review of the clinical data, histology and response to venesection a diagnosis of haemochromatosis could be confidently excluded in six of the remaining eight patients. Despite atypical features, a diagnosis of haemochromatosis could not be excluded in the final two patients, one of whom was a compound heterozygote for the two mutations. CONCLUSIONS: Homozygosity for the Cys282Tyr mutation is closely associated with haemochromatosis in New Zealand patients. Molecular analysis of the HLA-H gene is indicated in the assessment of patients with iron overload including those currently being treated by venesection.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Etiology of depression in Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with serotonergic dysfunction. Previous studies, supporting this hypothesis, were performed on patients treated with antiparkinsonian drugs. To eliminate the influence of parkinsonian drug therapy and to elucidate significance of different biochemical pathways in PD associated with depression we determined levels of biogenic amines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 26 untreated "de novo" Parkinsonian patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients were scored with the Hamilton depression scale (HD) and subdivided into groups with HD score > or = 18 and HD score < 18. Diagnosis of depression was made according to DSM III R. Both groups were matched for age and motor disability. RESULTS: In both groups no significant differences appeared between CSF levels of dopamine, noradrenaline, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, homovanillic acid, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid, determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. DISCUSSION: In contrast to previous studies on treated Parkinsonian patients no sign of altered serotonin metabolism especially in context with severity of depression in early stages of PD was found. Due to our results, we suggest, that biochemical markers of depression in CSF of PD may be influenced by antiparkinsonian therapy and that depression in PD may respond to serotonin reuptake inhibitors mainly in later stages of PD.  相似文献   

The chromosomal region 10q23-24 is frequently deleted in a number of tumour types, including prostate adenocarcinoma and glioma. A candidate tumour-suppressor gene at 10q23.3, designated PTENor MMAC1, with putative actin-binding and tyrosine phosphatase domains has recently been described. Mutations in PTEN have been identified in cell lines derived from gliomas, melanomas and prostate tumours and from a number of tumour specimens derived from glial, breast, endometrial and kidney tissue. Germline mutations in PTEN appear to be responsible for Cowden disease. We identified five PTEN mutations in 37 primary prostatic tumours analysed and found that 70% of tumours showed loss or alteration of at least one PTEN allele, supporting the evidence for PTEN involvement in prostate tumour progression. We raised antisera to a peptide from PTEN and showed that reactivity occurs in numerous small cytoplasmic organelles and that the protein is commonly expressed in a variety of cell types. Northern blot analysis revealed multiple RNA species; some arise as a result of alternative polyadenylation sites, but others may be due to alternative splicing.  相似文献   

We have encountered a paternity case where exclusion of the putative father was only observed in the ABO blood group (mother, B; child, A1; putative father, O), among the many polymorphic markers tested, including DNA fingerprints and microsatellite markers. Cloning a part of the ABO gene, PCR-amplified from the trio's genomes, followed by sequencing the cloned fragments, showed that one allele of the child had a hybrid nature, comprising exon 6 of the B allele and exon 7 of the O1 allele. Based on the evidence that exon 7 is crucial for the sugar-nucleotide specificity of A1 and B transferases and that the O1 allele is only specified by the 261G deletion in exon 6 of the consensus sequence of the A1 allele, we concluded that the hybrid allele encodes a transferase with A1 specificity, resulting, presumably, from de novo recombination between the B and O1 alleles of the mother during meiosis. Screening of random populations demonstrated the occurrence of four other hybrid alleles. Sequencing of intron VI from the five hybrid alleles showed that the junctions of the hybrid alleles were located within intron VI, the intron VI-exon 7 boundaries, or exon 7. Recombinational events seem to be partly involved in the genesis of sequence diversities of the ABO gene.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the epidemiological features of injuries associated with fireworks. DESIGN: A retrospective study of reported cases. SUBJECTS: Subjects were those who attended selected Victorian hospital emergency departments (n = 17) and those admitted for firework related injuries (n = 16). RESULTS: The mean (SD) age of attenders at emergency department between January 1988 and June 1996, was 8.9 (6.2) years and most (88%) were under 18 years of age. Males accounted for 71% of the cases. The most common anatomical sites and types of injury were head (47%) and burns (88%), respectively. About 53% of the injuries were caused by firecrackers, the remainder by sparklers and penny bangers. Among those admitted to hospital between July 1987 and June 1996, the mean (SD) age was 22.9 (14.8) years and 50% were under 18 years of age. Males accounted for 87% of the cases. There was a significant difference in mean age between those admitted and not admitted to hospital, the former being significantly older. CONCLUSIONS: Although relatively rare, injuries from fireworks still occur in Victoria after legislative restrictions on their sale in 1985. Consequently, there is a potential risk for injuries among children, particularly from firecrackers. More enforcement of the regulations, education, and parental supervision are needed to prevent injuries from fireworks.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the receptor-binding characteristics of influenza viruses are affected by the host-dependent glycosylation of viral hemagglutinin (HA). To better understand these effects, we propagated two variants of the human influenza virus USSR/90/77 (which differed by the mutation Asn131 reversible Asp131 in the glycosylation sequon of their HA) in either embryonated chicken eggs or MDCK cell. Those variants were then compared for their ability to bind soluble receptor analogs and to attach to receptors represented on a solid phase. The carbohydrate chain at position 131 of the HA (CHO 131) interfered with virus binding to soluble Sia2-6Gal-containing macromolecular receptors, but had little or no effect on its binding to Sia2-3Gal-containing macromolecules. This specificity could be explained by the different orientation of the asialic parts of the 2-3-linked sialosides versus 2-6-linked sialosides with respect to the receptor-binding site (Eisen et al., 1997, Virology 232, 19-31). In the case of virus attachment to solid-phase immobilized receptors, MDCK-grown viruses bound substantially more weakly than their egg-grown counterparts to receptors of avian origin, whereas binding to mammalian cell membranes was only marginally affected by differences in host-specific glycosylation of the virus. Our data indicated that the effects of the carbohydrate side chain of HA on virus receptor-binding activity are dependent on both the cells in which the virus was grown and the nature of the cellular receptors or intercellular inhibitors to which the virus binds.  相似文献   

We studied PTEN/MMAC1, a newly discovered candidate tumor suppressor gene at 10q23.3, for mutations in lung cancer. One hundred and thirty-six lung cancer cell line DNAs (66 small cell lung cancers, SCLC, 61 non-small cell lung cancers, NSCLC, four mesotheliomas, five extrapulmonary small cell cancers) were analysed for PTEN/MMAC1 homozygous deletions and five (8%) SCLC lines showed homozygous deletions interrupting the PTEN/MMAC1 gene. Using single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, we screened the PTEN/MMAC1 open reading frame of 53 lung cancer cell line cDNAs for point mutations and found that 3/35 SCLCs and 3/18 NSCLCs contained homozygous amino acid sequence altering mutations. Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of the PTEN/MMAC1 gene was considerably lower in all the tumor cell lines with point mutations while no expression was detected for cell lines with PTEN/MMAC1 homozygous deletions. Mutation analysis of 22 uncultured, microdissected, primary SCLC tumors and metastases showed two silent mutations, and two apparent homozygous deletions. We also discovered a processed pseudogene (PTEN2) which has 98.5% nt identity to PTEN/MMAC1, that needs to be accounted for in cDNA mutation analysis. Our findings suggest that genetic abnormalities of the PTEN/MMAC1 gene are only involved in a relatively small subset of lung cancers.  相似文献   

The chemical signals of mammalian skin that stimulate the secretion of acetabular gland contents of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were determined by exposing cercariae to fractions of human and pig skin surface obtained by thin-layer chromatography. Postacetabular gland secretion was stimulated by hydrophilic skin extracts but was often combined with a secretion of preacetabular glands. Secretion of preacetabular glands, which contain enzymes for skin lysis, could be selectively stimulated with skin surface lipids. Two different mechanisms of lipid-stimulated preacetabular gland release could be distinguished. First, secretion in combination with penetration behavior and probably tegument transformation was stimulated by the fraction of free fatty acids. Second, secretion independent of penetration behavior and tegument transformation was exclusively stimulated by glucosylceramides and phospholipids, probably phosphatidylcholines. The secretion mechanisms seem to allow a continuous lysis of epidermal macromolecules during the skin passage of the cercariae. Free fatty acids occur in the uppermost skin layers and may stimulate the combination of the first response; phospholipids and glucosylceramides are restricted to deeper epidermal layers and may stimulate the enzyme secretion there. An active preacetabular gland release was also stimulated by toxic chemicals, which could suggest an emergency penetration program for impaired cercariae.  相似文献   

Highly purified recombinant gag and env proteins derived from Icelandic strain 1514 of maedi-visna virus were used in an indirect enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) to detect antibodies to small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep and goat sera. The recombinant protein-based ELISA performed very well relative to whole maedi-visna virus and whole caprine arthritis-encephalitis-virus-based ELISAs in its ability to detect anti-maedi visna virus and anti-caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus antibodies, despite the antigenic and genomic variability that is known to exist within and between these two small ruminant lentiviruses. The data suggest that these recombinant maedi-visna virus proteins can be reliably used in an ELISA for the routine serodiagnosis of lentiviral infections in sheep and goats.  相似文献   

We examined 61 lung cancer cases to determine whether alterations of p73, a novel monoallelically expressed p53-like molecule, may be involved in the pathogenesis of lung cancer. Allelic loss at the p73 locus at 1p36.33 was observed in 42% (11 of 26 informative cases), and squamous cell carcinoma tended to carry this lesion most frequently. Somatic mutations in the p73 gene itself, however, were not detected, despite our extensive search. We found interindividual difference in the allelic expression of p73 in normal lung, as well as intertissue variance, even within the same individual, but preferential loss of the expressed allele appeared to be an unlikely mechanism for p73 inactivation. This study, consequently, suggests the presence of an as yet unidentified tumor suppressor gene or genes within the subtelomeric region of 1p, warranting further studies aimed at its isolation.  相似文献   

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