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张少敏  蔡盼  李翠平  陈红 《软件学报》2023,34(5):2413-2426
在数据量与数据复杂度不断增加的时代,大数据处理与分析成为当前的热门研究内容,高维空间数据的使用越来越频繁,数据检索和访问速度成了衡量数据处理系统性能的重要指标.因此,如何设计实现一种高效的高维索引结构,提高查询访问速率、降低内存占用,变得至关重要.近年, Kraska等人提出了学习型索引的方法.实验证明该方法在真实数据集上表现良好.之后机器学习与深度学习在数据库系统中的运用越来越广泛.众多研究者尝试在高维数据上构建学习型索引,来提升高维数据的查询速度.但是目前的高维学习型索引采用的方法并不能将数据分布的信息有效利用起来,而且过于复杂的深度学习模型使得索引初始化开销过大.结合空间区域划分与降维两种技术,提出一种新颖的高维学习型索引.它能更有效地利用数据分布信息提高索引的查询效率,并利用多段线性模型在保证查找精确度的前提下尽可能减少索引初始化的开销.分别在随机生成的数据集和开源街区地图数据集上进行实验验证.结果表明,与现有的高维索引相比,其在索引构建、查询效率、以及内存占用方面都有显著提高.  相似文献   

非易失内存(non-volatile memory,NVM)为数据存储与管理带来新的机遇,但同时也要求已有的索引结构针对NVM的特性进行重新设计.围绕NVM的存取特性,重点研究了树形索引在NVM上的访问、持久化、范围查询等操作的性能优化,并提出了一种上下两层结构的异构索引HART.该索引结合了B+树与Radix树的特点...  相似文献   

提出一种基于索引和局部存储的(Index and Local Storage—based,ILS)数据分发算法MREIB—DD。对于ILS类型的数据分发算法,一个事件的监测数据被存储在该数据的监测节点或监测节点的邻居节点。一个存储节点仅当接收到一个来自Sink的查询,才把监测数据发送至Sink。MREIB-DD算法选择网络中有最大剩余能量的节点存储索引信息,传感器节点监测到数据时向索引节点发送该数据的有关索引信息。用户的查询信息先到达索引节点,索引节点把查询转发到数据存储点,存储点对查询进行响应。此算法避免了感知数据的网内传输和查询泛洪带来的开销,分析表明该算法性能优于GHT—DCS算法而复杂度增加较少,是能量高效的数据分发算法。  相似文献   

人们设计了许多索引以有效地处理高维空间中的近邻查询和区域查询。已经证明,维数较高时利用高维索引处理这两类查询几乎不可能比线性扫描快。提出了一种两层索引以自适应地识别数据集中的聚簇;数据集具有聚簇特性时,用该索引处理邻近查询和区域查询比现有的索引结构快;对其他数据集,利用该索引处理邻近查询和区域查询与线性扫描大致相当。该索引的上层结构将一些参考点组织成一棵二叉树,下层结构是一系列动态哈希表。数据集中的数据点根据它们到参考点的相对距离被哈希到相应的哈希桶中。查询处理时用查询点到参考点的距离进行剪除搜索。实验表明,提出的索引结构具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

Indexing is one of the most important techniques to facilitate query processing over a multi-dimensional dataset. A commonly used strategy for such indexing is to keep the tree-structured index balanced. This strategy reduces query processing cost in the worst case, and can handle all different queries equally well. In other words, this strategy implies that all queries are uniformly issued, which is partially because the query distribution is not possibly known and will change over time in practice. A key issue we study in this work is whether it is the best to fully rely on a balanced tree-structured index in particular when datasets become larger and larger in the big data era. This means that, when a dataset becomes very large, it becomes unreasonable to assume that all data in any subspace are equally important and are uniformly accessed by all queries at the index level. Given the existence of query skew and the possible changes of query skew, in this paper, we study how to handle such query skew and such query skew changes at the index level without sacrifice of supporting any possible queries in a wellbalanced tree index and without a high overhead. To tackle the issue, we propose index-view at the index level, where an index-view is a short-cut in a balanced tree-structured index to access objects in the subspaces that are more frequently accessed, and propose a new index-view-centric framework for query processing using index-views in a bottom-up manner. We study index-views selection problem in both static and dynamic setting, and we confirm the effectiveness of our approach using large real and synthetic datasets.  相似文献   

陈井爽  陈珂  寿黎但  江大伟  陈刚 《软件学报》2022,33(12):4688-4703
学习型索引通过学习数据分布可以准确地预测数据存取的位置,在保持高效稳定的查询下,显著降低索引的内存占用.现有的学习型索引主要针对只读查询进行优化,而对插入和更新支持不足.针对上述挑战,设计了一种基于Radix Tree的工作负载自适应学习型索引ALERT. ALERT使用Radix Tree来管理不定长的分段,段内采用具有最大误差界的线性插值模型进行预测.同时,ALERT使用一种高效的插入缓冲来降低数据插入更新的代价.针对点查询和范围查询提出两种自适应重组优化方法,通过对工作负载进行感知,动态地调整插入缓冲的组织结构.经实验验证,ALERT与业界流行的学习型索引相比,构建时间平均降低了81%,内存占用平均降低了75%,在保持了优秀读性能的同时,使插入延迟平均降低了50%;此外, ALERT使用自适应重组优化能有效感知查询工作负载特征,与不使用自适应重组优化相比,查询延迟平均降低了15%.  相似文献   

数据库索引是关系数据库系统实现快速查询的有效方式之一.智能索引调优技术可以有效地对数据库实例进行索引调节,从而保持数据库高效的查询性能.现有的方法大多利用了数据库实例的查询日志,它们先从查询日志中得到候选索引,再利用人工设计的模型选择索引,从而调节索引.然而,从查询日志中产生出的候选索引可能并未实际存在于数据库实例中,因此导致这些方法不能有效地估计这类索引对于查询的优化效果.首先,设计并实现了一种面向关系数据库的智能索引调优系统;其次,提出了一种利用机器学习方法来构造索引的量化模型,根据该模型,可以准确地对索引的查询优化效果进行估计;接着设计了一种高效的最优索引选择算法,实现快速地从候选索引空间中选择满足给定大小约束的最优的索引组合;最后,通过实验测试不同场景下智能索引调优系统的调优性能.实验结果表明,所提出的技术可以在不同的场景下有效地对索引进行优化,从而实现数据库系统查询性能的提升.  相似文献   

向量空间划分类索引的动态更新代价分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
代价分析是借助代价模型预测和评估空间索引结构的一种有效方法。针对索引的空间划分和数据划分这两种策略,在已有的索引结构基础上建立了向量空间划分类型索引的代价模型,该模型可实现查询以及动态更新的性能评价。以KDB-树系为评估对象,从结点存取次数(NA)值推导计算出页面存取次数(PA)的估计值,并在标准数据分布上对估计值的相关误差率进行了验证。结果表明代价模型的平均相关误差率较低,不超过12%。代价分析的结果有助于对索引结构的动态更新代价的预估和查询的优化。  相似文献   

一种改进的建立XML数据的路径索引的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着XML日益普遍的应用,如何快速准确地访问XML文档中的数据已成为亟待解决的关键问题,建立路径索引是提高查询效率的一种重要手段.本文分析了可能导致路径索引复杂度过大的原因,提出一种分步建立和更新路径索引的方法,对于具有复杂引用关系的源数据,根据查询的需要只对数据中部分路径建立索引,并通过阈值控制索引的规模.实验结果表明,本文提出的方法可以有效地降低建立和维护XML数据的路径索引的代价.  相似文献   

Order-preserving submatrix (OPSM) has become important in modelling biologically meaningful subspace cluster, capturing the general tendency of gene expressions across a subset of conditions. With the advance of microarray and analysis techniques, big volume of gene expression datasets and OPSM mining results are produced. OPSM query can efficiently retrieve relevant OPSMs from the huge amount of OPSM datasets. However, improving OPSM query relevancy remains a difficult task in real life exploratory data analysis processing. First, it is hard to capture subjective interestingness aspects, e.g., the analyst’s expectation given her/his domain knowledge. Second, when these expectations can be declaratively specified, it is still challenging to use them during the computational process of OPSM queries. With the best of our knowledge, existing methods mainly focus on batch OPSM mining, while few works involve OPSM query. To solve the above problems, the paper proposes two constrained OPSM query methods, which exploit userdefined constraints to search relevant results from two kinds of indices introduced. In this paper, extensive experiments are conducted on real datasets, and experiment results demonstrate that the multi-dimension index (cIndex) and enumerating sequence index (esIndex) based queries have better performance than brute force search.  相似文献   

Temporal index provides an important way to accelerate query performance in temporal big data. However, the current temporal index cannot support the variety of queries very well, and it is hard to take account of the efficiency of query execution as well as the index construction and maintenance. In this paper, we propose a novel segmentation-based hybrid index B+-Tree, called SHB+- tree, for temporal big data. First, the temporal data in temporal table deposited is separated to fragments according to the time order. In each segment, the hybrid index is constructed by integrating the temporal index and the object index, and the temporal big data is shared by them. The performance of construction and maintenance is improved by employing the segmented storage strategy and bottom-up index construction approaches for every part of the hybrid index. The experimental results on benchmark data set verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

通过分析已有的索引结构在进行k近邻查询时效率上的不足,提出了适合进行k近邻查询的X*树索引结构,采用了新的结点分裂算法,同时不需要额外存储结点分裂的历史信息。实验结果表明它比X树的时间和空间性能更好,更适合k近邻查询的应用。  相似文献   

RDF is the data interchange layer for the Semantic Web. In order to manage the increasing amount of RDF data, an RDF repository should provide not only the necessary scalability and efficiency, but also sufficient inference capabilities. Though existing RDF repositories have made progress towards these goals, there is still ample space for improving the overall performance. In this paper, we propose a native RDF repository, System Π, to pursue a better tradeoff among system scalability, query efficiency, and inference capabilities. System Π takes a hypergraph representation for RDF as the data model for its persistent storage, which effectively avoids the costs of data model transformation when accessing RDF data. Based on this native storage scheme, a set of efficient semantic query processing techniques are designed. First, several indices are built to accelerate RDF data access including a value index, a labeling scheme for transitive closure computation, and three triple indices. Second, we propose a hybrid inference strategy under the pD * semantics to support inference for OWL-Lite with a relatively low computational complexity. Finally, we extend the SPARQL algebra to explicitly express inference semantics in logical query plan by defining some new algebra operators. In addition, MD5 hash value of URI and schema level cache are introduced as practical implementation techniques. The results of performance evaluation on the LUBM benchmark and a real data set show that System Π has a better combined metric value than other comparable systems.  相似文献   

基于Lucene实现了一种改进的全文检索引擎工具包ELucene。它引入了索引配置文件,可针对不同应用背景来灵活定制索引的细节;提供了定时自动更新索引的功能;通过动态多态机制实现了支持多种索引数据源的功能;ELucene内部设计了引擎基础对象类,并以静态对象的方式运行来避免频繁读取索引文件带来的性能损失。面向检索,提供了检索请求类和检索响应类来分别封装用户的查询要求和查询结果集,并设计实现了一些实用的查询输入和输出处理的方法。基于ELucene的元数据搜索系统已成功应用到“国家科学数据共享工程:地球系统科学数据共享网”中。  相似文献   

随着生产制造业的发展,各行业在生产制造的过程中都会产生大量的工程数据,现代工程领域的数据检索需求要求能够通过关键字快速且准确检索出相应的结果,利用ElasticSearch可以实现工程数据的检索,但是其性能方面还有优化的空间。为了解决这个问题,本文对ElasticSearch的底层原理进行深入研究,在ElasticSearch的索引创建、索引分片以及索引段合并方面进行优化。首先对ElasticSearch的分词器进行修改并配置自定义词典,其次提出基于集群节点性能与索引数据量大小的索引分片策略,最后,根据节点性能对索引段合并的时机进行优化。通过基于地铁工程数据的检索进行实验,实验结果表明,改进的方法确实能够提高ElasticSearch的数据写入与查询性能。  相似文献   

Searching in a dataset for elements that are similar to a given query element is a core problem in applications that manage complex data, and has been aided by metric access methods (MAMs). A growing number of applications require indices that must be built faster and repeatedly, also providing faster response for similarity queries. The increase in the main memory capacity and its lowering costs also motivate using memory-based MAMs. In this paper, we propose the Onion-tree, a new and robust dynamic memory-based MAM that slices the metric space into disjoint subspaces to provide quick indexing of complex data. It introduces three major characteristics: (i) a partitioning method that controls the number of disjoint subspaces generated at each node; (ii) a replacement technique that can change the leaf node pivots in insertion operations; and (iii) range and k-NN extended query algorithms to support the new partitioning method, including a new visit order of the subspaces in k-NN queries. Performance tests with both real-world and synthetic datasets showed that the Onion-tree is very compact. Comparisons of the Onion-tree with the MM-tree and a memory-based version of the Slim-tree showed that the Onion-tree was always faster to build the index. The experiments also showed that the Onion-tree significantly improved range and k-NN query processing performance and was the most efficient MAM, followed by the MM-tree, which in turn outperformed the Slim-tree in almost all the tests.  相似文献   

Large web search engines have to answer thousands of queries per second with interactive response times. Due to the sizes of the data sets involved, often in the range of multiple terabytes, a single query may require the processing of hundreds of megabytes or more of index data. To keep up with this immense workload, large search engines employ clusters of hundreds or thousands of machines, and a number of techniques such as caching, index compression, and index and query pruning are used to improve scalability. In particular, two-level caching techniques cache results of repeated identical queries at the frontend, while index data for frequently used query terms are cached in each node at a lower level. We propose and evaluate a three-level caching scheme that adds an intermediate level of caching for additional performance gains. This intermediate level attempts to exploit frequently occurring pairs of terms by caching intersections or projections of the corresponding inverted lists. We propose and study several offline and online algorithms for the resulting weighted caching problem, which turns out to be surprisingly rich in structure. Our experimental evaluation based on a large web crawl and real search engine query log shows significant performance gains for the best schemes, both in isolation and in combination with the other caching levels. We also observe that a careful selection of cache admission and eviction policies is crucial for best overall performance. Work supported by NSF CAREER Award CCR-0093400 and the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT) at Polytechnic University.  相似文献   

针对用户在大规模云对等网络环境下多维区间查询问题,将基于m叉平衡树的索引架构引入到云对等网络环境下,在该架构上实现集中式环境下支持多维数据索引的层次化树结构,例如R树,QR树等。多维区间查询算法保证查询从树的任意位置开始,避免了根节点引起的系统性能瓶颈问题。通过计算和实验验证,对于N个节点的网络,多维区间查询效率为O(logmN)(m>2)(m表示扇出),由此可见,查询效率和维数d无关,查询效率不会随着维数d的增加而降低。最后建立基于扇出m的代价模型,并且计算出了最优的m值。  相似文献   

基于Buddy*-Hash的移动对象时空查询方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
索引技术可以提高数据检索和查询效率,为了实现对时空数据库中移动对象的查询操作,需要引入时空索引技术。在传统Buddy-树的基础上提出Buddy*-Hash索引结构,根据扩展查询窗口策略给出范围查询算法。实验结果表明,基于BH索引结构的范围查询算法具有良好性能。  相似文献   

An inverted index is a core data structure of Information Retrieval systems, especially in search engines. Since the search environments have become more dynamic, many on-line index maintenance strategies have been proposed. Previous strategies were designed for HDDs. Consequently, in order to avoid expensive random access cost, Merge-based strategies have been preferred to In-place index update strategies on HDDs. However, flashSSDs have become solid alternatives to HDDs. FlashSSDs currently are adopted in a wide range of areas due to their superior features such as the short access latency, energy efficiency, and high bandwidth. In this article, we first reexamined potentials of In-place index update strategies on flashSSDs. Thanks to the insignificant access latency of flashSSDs, we discovered that In-place index update strategies outperform Merge-based strategies, since In-place index update strategies generate much less amount of I/O than Merge-based strategies despite inducing frequent random accesses. Based on this discovery, we suggest a new inverted index maintenance strategy based on an In-place index update strategy for flashSSDs, called Multipath Flash In-place Strategy (MFIS). To enhance the index maintenance performance, MFIS stores the posting list of each term non-contiguously and exploits the internal parallelism of flashSSDs. Thus, MFIS not only induces the minimum amount of I/O but also utilizes the maximum bandwidth of flashSSDs. Furthermore, MFIS is designed to show high query processing performance by utilizing the internal parallelism of flashSSDs even though the posting list of each term is stored non-contiguously. In our experiments, the index maintenance performance of MFIS was considerably better than other previous maintenance strategies. The index maintenance performance was up to 14.93, 4.04, 5.12, and 2.33 times higher than Merge-based strategies such as Immediate Merge, Geometric Partitioning, Hybrid, and SSD-aware Hybrid, respectively. The query processing performance of MFIS was up to 1.62 times higher than non-contiguous In-place. In addition, MFIS showed almost the best query processing performance as Merge-based strategies did. In conclusion, MFIS is the best on-line inverted index maintenance strategy on flashSSDs in terms of both index maintenance and query processing performance.  相似文献   

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