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In an editorial entitled ‘Living Room’ for the journal Urban Geography (Vol. 25, 2004) Susan Smith made reference to the ‘tired state of housing studies’. Smith argued that the ‘post-social turn’ in sociology and cultural geography has largely gone unnoticed by housing researchers and because of this, the radical implications of its epistemology have yet to be explicitly addressed. This post-social turn, elsewhere referred to as Science and Technology Studies, Actor Network theory, feminist technoscience and post-humanism, calls on researchers to decentre the human as the nucleus of social life and in turn recognize the significance of non-human actors (e.g. animals, technology and material artefacts) within social analysis. While in recent years housing scholars have begun to embrace post-structuralist accounts of social life, including discursive and constructionist theories, there has only been limited engagement with post-social assumptions and concepts. In view of this gap, this paper reviews recent developments in post-social theory with a specific focus on the implications of this approach for housing studies.  相似文献   

凌琳 《时代建筑》2008,19(1):24-27
随着建筑师和艺术家在观念上相互影响和实践上彼此越界,建筑与艺术的学科边界变得不那么清晰,然而值得注意的是建筑和艺术的操作有着根本上的不同。艺术中的去物质化是对成见的质疑,在“思想高于物质”的名义下忽略建筑实实在在的物质性,亦会影响概念的表达。  相似文献   

社会住房,又称公共住房或保障性住房,并不存在统一的概念定义,但世界各国对社会住房的概念定义都普遍强调以下几点.一是社会住房多为公共机构所有,并由其负责建设维护与运营管理,这其中既包括各级政府及其管辖的各类公共管理机构,也包括私营部门的各种非营利组织;二是社会住房主要面向社会上的低收入阶层,提供可满足基本生活需求的可支付住房(affordable housing);三是社会住房的获得和使用受到严格限制,特别是住房的租金水平和租户的收入水平.  相似文献   


Drawing on material geographies of home, this paper argues researching building sites furthers understandings of home-making, purchase motivations and modes of valuing new homes. The building site is examined through semi-structured walking interviews with 21 households living in a master-planned estate (MPE) under construction in southern Sydney. MPEs are a fitting representative for profiling the intricacies of new build housing developments. In these contexts, the duration of the building site persists; this overlaps with early occupation and creates challenges that are expected and unexpected, brief and enduring. Results are presented in two sections. First, sharing space with builders and new neighbours fractures some expectations of an ideal home. Home-making proceeds by accommodating, both emotionally and physically, the challenges of building sites. The second section shows how residents weigh up home-making challenges alongside anticipated financial reward. This reward is always speculative though, and the building site compounds this: residents take a risk at the outset, managing fears and worries that hinge upon the aesthetic expression of others. Building site experiences are both an example and evidence of home as a process. Housing studies should continue to pause at these interstitial moments, towards better grasping the expectations and aspirations of contemporary home-making.  相似文献   

公寓大楼位于巴拉哈斯新拓展管理下的街区群,起初主要是为了采光和观看室外的生活需要。在这一街区城市划分的基础上,大楼设想为一个游戏,公寓是五层混凝土地面上的格子,阳台分散,空间开放。大楼环绕旧"科拉莱斯"开放式的走廊。这样的条件构成了邻居与新生活空间之间的关系。公寓的人性化特征源于建筑特质和新的公共空间:过道、阳台和中间的内部区域。表面由每个  相似文献   

The construction of social housing in gentrifying neighbourhoods can ignite contestation, revealing tensions between economic imperatives, social policy and neighbourhood change. With a view to understanding how the convergence of these agendas preserve unpopular, but socially critical housing infrastructure, the aim of this paper is to explore how the challenges social housing implementation encounters across these agendas intersect with a broader agenda for local democratic planning. Using social housing as our empirical focus and directing attention to the gentrifying local government area of Port Phillip in Victoria, Australia, this paper reveals how a council’s main asset to support implementation – its policy frameworks – creates an urban narrative of social inclusivity and diversity. Through this case, we illustrate how elected officials and some residents draw from these policies to interject into episodes of community contestation, which we argue presents opportunities to expose and renew commitments to social housing over space and time.  相似文献   

住房问题关乎社会民生。2011年,中国住房和城乡建设部发出《关于报送城镇保障性安居工程任务的通知》,提出要在原《2010—2012年保障性住房建设规划》的基础上进行调整,建设"中国式的社会住宅"。该命题涉及很多层面,从概念思考、实践尝试,到各国及地区的经验借鉴与反思。我们必须面对过程中的各种问题,从关注弱势群体到建设和谐社会,从城市活力到经济持续,只有公平、和谐,才有健康持续的发展。本期杂志首先通过讨论上海在保障性住房方面的实践来展现对上述问题的思考。余琪的文章分析了上海保障性住房生产模式的特点,及由其带来的规划与建筑设计形态趋同及单一的问题。李东的文章详细介绍了上海目前已基本构建形成的廉租住房、经济适用住房、公共租赁住房、动迁安置住房"四位一体"的住房保障体系。贺永和黄一如的文章则解读了上海近期颁布的三项保障性住房相关导则,讨论了保障  相似文献   

在这片旧址修复的背景下,面对菲利普·马代克在巴黎19世纪的街区上设计的埃罗尔德医院,雅各布+麦克法兰创立、设计出了三个根本形式,自由坐落在一片三角缓坡的小岛上,植以若干绿树.这三种形式有如根系一样,扎根生长在地域之上,摆脱了基地的诸多限制 受遮蔽的绿树、环城古道的残垣、尺度和远景、不可建设的地表,抑或高程的参差.与此同时,它们的形态也是这些限制的结果,然后地面上不规则的网格,衍生出来一套矩阵结构.  相似文献   

Housing Tenure and Neighbourhood Social Capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prior research finds a positive association between social capital and community well-being, ranging from decreased crime to greater local economic development and resiliency. Using a nationally representative sample from Canada, this study explores the specific impact of housing tenure (homeownership vs. renting) on three forms of neighbourhood social capital: bonding (trust, exchanges among neighbours and sense of belonging to one’s community), bridging (participation in local organizations) and linking social capital (voting in municipal elections). Findings suggest a positive association between homeownership and forms of bonding social capital and, to a lesser degree, linking social capital, but no clear effect on bridging social capital. Length of residence, having children at home, education, being a visible minority and region also emerged as significant in many models. We argue that exploring further housing stabilization and community-building efforts among rental properties – both public and private – might yield important social capital returns.  相似文献   

On the basis of European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data, this paper conducts a comparative analysis of housing conditions in different European countries by focusing on social class. The variance in housing conditions by social class could provide further insights about the divergence/convergence hypotheses stemming from the comparative analysis of living conditions of European countries. To support this claim, two main dimensions of housing inequality will be identified: tenure and housing well-being. A micro-level data analysis was performed, in order to take account of individual and family costs of access and maintenance of ownership in settings and in periods (such as the present day) of rising housing prices and income resources that decrease in terms of amount and stability. The aim is thus to demonstrate that, despite the difference in well-being in Europe between owners and non-owners (on the average the firsts are better off), homeowners cannot be regarded as a privileged category per se.  相似文献   

The role of housing policy has been largely ignored in the debate on social fragmentation in Western societies. Only in Great Britain has this aspect attained prominence on the research agenda. Investigations there have shown that the mode of housing provision mitigates the effects of social fragmentation. Research elsewhere might help to clarify how and why the housing market amplifies or diminishes these effects. The case of the Netherlands is particularly illuminating because of the drastic housing policy reforms made there in recent years, allowing for a before-and-after assessment. This paper traces the effects of policy - and its reforms - on the range of housing conditions. In addition to dealing with the country as a whole, it investigates the changes in cities because of the specific nature of the urban housing stock. The analysis of how the housing conditions of various population categories changed during the period leading up to and following the announcement of the housing reforms of 1989 constitutes the core of the paper. The results show that housing conditions were already changing in the direction of the new policy aims during the 1980s. This casts doubt on the autonomous contribution of housing policy to changing housing conditions. The paper ends with a discussion of the implications of these results.  相似文献   


Problem, research strategy, and findings: The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is the most common financing mechanism for subsidized housing production in America. We investigate how and to what extent states are currently using the LIHTC to prepare for and recover from disasters. We systematically code guidelines in the 2017 LIHTC qualified allocation plans from 53 states and territories to identify disaster-related provisions. Twenty-four states and territories include provisions for preparedness or recovery in their allocation plans, of which 13 include only preparedness provisions, 3 include only recovery provisions, and 8 include both types. Preparedness provisions address project design and siting, whereas recovery provisions direct credits to disaster-affected areas or the replacement of damaged units. Using t tests, we compare three sets of states—those without any disaster-related provisions, those with either preparedness or recovery provisions, and those with both types of provisions—across measures of housing cost, demographic composition, disaster exposure, and political ideology. States with higher homeownership rates, lower home values, and lower rents are more likely than other states to have either or both types of provisions. Future research should investigate state adoption of disaster-related LIHTC provisions to better inform affordable housing policy.

Takeaway for practice: State governments could mitigate disaster-related hazards and help speed recovery by including locally relevant preparedness and recovery provisions in their LIHTC allocation plans. These provisions could encourage resilient construction, weigh the social costs and benefits of LIHTC construction in floodplains, or waive program rules to address postdisaster housing shortages.  相似文献   

人类的私密空间何以如此重要?因为它是追求个体自由自主的表现,或是由于居民将其居住体验视为对抗21世纪未知与危机的有效手段?个人的住家是否就是"地图上的绿洲"?家是不是人们最隐秘的堡垒,他们从这里获得未曾拥有的所有力量?带着对上述问题的思考,文章分析了四个充满创意的当代西班牙社会住宅案例——米拉多尔大楼,赛洛西大楼,马德里生物气候塔楼和巴塞罗那"海港圣母街大楼"——的概念、方案和技术手段,展现了居住空间及其与公共空间的关系的新前景:集体生活、个体性与市民性的实现,类型化与多样化,交往及交流空间,功能主义与可持续性,社会住宅与社会整合等。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This essay examines privatization proposals for publicly assisted housing in the context of adjustments in the state's role within a mixed economy. Four case studies are presented that deal with: (1)tax subsidies for homeownership, (2)the use of subsidies to private developers, (3)the use of housing vouchers, and (4)ownership for the poor. The author compares how well these solutions perform in relation to quality, equity, efficiency, choice, and community.  相似文献   

关于保障房的话题一直热度不减,在建筑设计领域也不例外。 2011年秋季,住建部住宅产业化促进中心和《中国建设报》共同主办的中国首届保障性住房设计竞赛评奖揭晓。这次竞赛的特点是强调现实操作性,除了空间布局之外,对住宅产业化等生产方式和生产技术也给予了颇多关注。2011年底,"我最喜欢的保障房"设计评选活动在上海城市规划展示馆展出,并接受市民票选,  相似文献   

市场经济体制改革以来,中国城市的外在形象和内部结构都发生了巨大的变化。住房市场化为普通居民提供了选择住房的机会。但是,并不是所有的百姓都从住房再分配中受益。中国城市中的住房再分配与居民在政府再分配和市场回报之间的位置联系密切,这种联系超过了成熟市场中因生活圈及其改变衍生出的住房需求。本文研究了宁波老城再开发地段当地居民的满意度,着重从社会方面分析,主要涉及住房再分配对居民的影响及其导致的潜在住房问题。研究以一份调查问卷为基础,调查了在过去15年内三个不同时期进行改造的社区。调查数据表明三个社区的满意度都不高。由于各阶层人们的努力,保护老城内综合环境的同时也要提高当地居民生活质量的新策略被采纳。然而,为改变人们的观念还有很多工作要做:通过报纸获得信息和教育,通过学术旅行和会议进行学术讨论,对决策人进行汇报,进行小规模改善的实践。住宅搬迁正在成为有争议的话题。因此,住宅再分配是市场体制下城市空间改变的一种过程。  相似文献   

Oaxaca in southern Mexico is one of the most economically marginal states in the country, with a large portion of its population requiring social housing. This has been further exacerbated by the widespread adoption of a suburban American housing model that has led to local communities becoming socially and culturally alienated. At Tlacolula, in Oaxaca, Dellekamp Arquitectos describe how they have set out to create a housing development that engenders locality and a sense of community through a traditional barrio neighbourhood design. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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