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在我国新农村建设中,村镇住宅建设中存在的问题主要有:农户宅基地浪费严重,村镇规划建设无序,住宅建设科技含量低,住宅建设工程质量差;建造技术水平低;基础设施和公共服务设施薄弱等.新农村村镇住宅建设要为村镇住宅建设提供技术支持、提高村镇建设工程质量、提高住宅建设的技术水平、提高住宅建设管理水平.  相似文献   

村镇规划和农村的住宅建设是新农村建设的重要组成部分.分析了新农村建设中村镇规划和农村住宅建设存在的主要问题,提出了解决的方案:按可持续发展的原则进行村镇规划和农村住宅建设.  相似文献   

广东农村经济发展较快,尤其是珠三角农村,更是发展神速。但村镇住宅建设未能跟上,出现无序建设、破坏环境、浪费土地资源的现象。本文通过对广东村镇住宅建设的现状和广东的气候特点及居民的生活习惯进行分析,以一个获奖作品为例,探索了在村镇住宅建设中,如何节约用地和保护环境,建设具有岭南特色的村镇住宅。  相似文献   

俞正声同志已就进一步搞好村镇建设工作作了重要讲话,对提高认识、突出重点、深化改革和加强领导等问题进行了深刻阐述,希望大家认真领会,积极贯彻。下面,我就近几年来村镇建设事业作一个回顾,就“十五”期间村镇建设工作的指导思想、奋斗目标和主要工作任务讲一些意见。 一、村镇建设事业蓬勃发展,成效显著 (一)住宅建设稳定发展,质量和水平明显提高。 村镇住宅建设每年都保持在6亿平方米以上,到去年底,全国村镇人均住宅建筑面积达到23.6平方米,数量上已基本能够满足居住需要。近几年来,各地住宅建设已经从单纯追求数量增加逐步转变到注重质量水平的  相似文献   

文章在总结我国村镇住宅建设现状的基础上,通过梳理美国、韩国和欧洲各国等国外乡镇住区建设的相关做法并探讨其成功经验,结合我国村镇发展的实际情况和建设需要,分析国外实践经验对我国村镇小康住宅建设工作的启示,提出相应的建设方法和工作重点,以期对实际工作提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

以我国村镇住宅建设现状为基础,从村镇住宅建设适用技术研究的必要性出发,首先对研究范围进行界定,并对村镇住宅建设适用技术内涵进行逻辑解析;然后针对农村住宅建设技术特点,确定住宅建设技术的研究路径,即将住宅建设技术划分为建造技术和应用技术,整理确定农村住宅建设适用技术研究体系,并根据建造技术和应用技术的技术特性,确定其适用性研究路径;最后基于以上研究路径的确认及结合大量的调研,构建三维度村镇住宅建设适用技术体系主体框架。  相似文献   

一、村镇住宅建设现状分析 广大农村的住房建设是一个一直被人们所忽视但却又亟待解决的问题。“小康不小康关键看住房”,在推进全面建设小康社会的进程中,农村住宅建设水平起着关键的作用。一方面,村镇的住宅建设量大面广,切实关系着广大农民的人居环境问题,另一方面,它作为  相似文献   

裴欲盈  许超 《建筑知识》2014,(7):341-341
我国村镇住宅建设从量大面广,到注重质量和环境的提高,为村镇住宅产业的发展起到了巨大的推动作用,但与日新月异的城市面貌相比,村镇的居住环境、舒适度、居住质量明显落后,滞后的村镇住宅产业化严重阻碍村镇住宅建设的健康发展,本文针对我国村镇住宅产业化现存的问题,分析了以住宅产业化推进我国村镇建设的策略。  相似文献   

本文从我国农村住宅建设现状出发,分析村镇住宅建设存在的问题,提出城乡统筹新农村推行住宅产业化能够解决村镇建设中存在的问题,并从全球金融环境、城乡一体化政策、城市地产周期性引导资本分流、住宅产业化技术成熟等四方面论证在新农村推进住宅产业化的可行性,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

村镇住宅建设是一项量大面广的工作,同时也是村镇建设中十分重要的工作。在以经济建设为中心,全民奔小康的时代。抓好这项工作已迫在眉睫。做好村镇住宅设计是抓好村镇住宅建设的关键一环。因此,本文试图就村镇住宅设  相似文献   

通过对新疆小城镇现状住宅调查分析,指出小城镇规划设计中突出存在的几个问题;提出小城镇绿色住宅产业关键技术及优化方案,阐明其技术集成具有广阔的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

余慧  邱建 《中国园林》2012,28(7):87-91
西南丝绸之路作为历史上蜀地与外界沟通的主要纽带之一,对四川省各民族历史文化的发展和传播起到了重要的作用,它不仅是一条功能性的交通线路,而且还是一条丰富的"文化走廊"。以古道这一交通线路与文化走廊为线索,对沿线聚落进行比较研究,并以典型聚落——宜宾、会理、芦山等为例,探讨古代交通方式对聚落选址、聚落分布以及聚落形态的形成等方面的作用。结果发现在西南丝绸之路上作为交通要塞的传统聚落具有特别的空间格局、景观形态与民族文化特色。通过对传统聚落发展变化的适应性分析,揭示了这些城镇村落生长与演变的内在动因和规律,为城镇的有机更新提供了科学依据,为乡土聚落的研究提供了新的视角,同时丰富了宏观的地域景观研究。  相似文献   

陕西北部地区明代属榆林镇军事辖区。辖区内明长城沿线密布着大大小小几十个军事聚落,清朝中前期军制改革,军事聚落也相应转化为行政辖区,并逐渐演化为现代城镇。军事聚落的空间分布、形态结构和规模等建筑要素较完整地遗留至今,其中蕴含的丰富历史信息是研究现在城镇布局的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the climate near houses, in streets, courts, and parks. Recommendations dealing with such microclimatic considerations are given to both architects and other planners. In the second section the lack of studies on tropical, subtropical and subarctic towns is emphasized. The effects on cities surely will be different, and their importance is not the same for each inhabitant. Investigative methods are then described very briefly. From 1972 to 1979 a team compared settlements near the confluence of the Rhine and the Neckar. There are mountains, valleys and plains, and towns of different size and constructional type in this area. Weather station data were utilized and the information expanded by traverses; some indication of the thermal balance of the whole area was obtained by airborn infrared photographs.The population variable is then considered. The larger the city, the better the effects of the urban climate may be quantified, but effects are already noticeable in compact settlements as small as 150 persons. Four types of town in industrial countries are compared.The four town types described are: dispersed, garden suburb, clusters of high buildings, and old towns with narrow streets. The influence of city parks, avenues, rivers and their embankments is then discussed. Their layout converts a “heat island” into a “heat archipelago”. Trees filter some pollutants from the air.An example of the renewal of an old city quarter, investigated before and after reconstruction is discussed. The daily temperature profiles are fully described, but air exchange information is fragmentary. For the renewal of old towns, as well as for the planning of new areas, compact types of construction are recommended using different materials for walls and roofs, in order to increase the microcirculation.  相似文献   

This study aims to draw basic and global concepts for the physical improvement of slum riverside settlements as a fundamental step toward formalizing and securing tenure. Moreover, this work specifies attempts to arrange an upgrading plan derived from the basic strategy for our target location in the traditional settlement of Kuin Utara without failing to recognize its uniqueness and cultural activities. This paper discloses that the basic concept for physical upgrading in a slum settlement consists of three elements: (1) arranging street networks as fundamental systems that structure the settlement, (2) constructing public utility systems that are essential for livelihoods, and (3) providing common space and amenities as “external organs” that form identities and reveal the physical beauty of the location. The proposed infrastructures shall be directed to protect the local cultures and sociocultural activities of the inhabitants. The plan should also be adjusted with respect to the economic constraints in developing countries. Moreover, the improvement strategy for poor housings shall not orientate to modernization merely for beautification without considering the basic aspect: maintaining the dweller’s livelihood.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of mining activities on towns in Ghana in order to appreciate their political economy and implications for urban planning. It first provides a historical account of the relations between mining activities and emergence of towns. Second, the legal environment informing the development or otherwise of mining towns is presented. Third, implications of mining induced towns on Ghana's urban planning are discussed. Using documentary review and empirical cases of selected mining towns, findings indicate that the political economic situation of Ghana's mining industry has produced and continues to shape affected intermediate towns in five ways: 1) some mining towns are experiencing relative growth, while others are slowly dying; 2) death or complete collapse of mining communities after mining boom 3) changed functions and local economy after mine operations are closed down; 4) emergence of new mining settlements resulting from new investments; and 5) resettlement communities resulting from displacement from the harmful effects of mine operations. These factors have implications for urban planning, and this paper proposes three entry points with implications for other developing countries: a space in Ghana's urban development policy for mining towns; a re-look at the content and focus of corporate social responsibilities of mining firms; and a functional link between growth of mining and urban planning.  相似文献   

结合哈尔滨市郊小城镇的住区建设,对目前在北方小城镇住区中集合住宅设计所存在的问题进行了深入研究,提出了在北方小城镇住区中集合住宅的地域性特色缺失的问题,并且详细地阐述了地域性缺失的主要表现,为创造富有地域性特色的住区环境提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

随着空前规模与速度的城市化进程,在上个十年中,上海周边的乡村地区发生了惊人的变化。在离散化的政策下,许多新城与郊区依次落成。每一个地区独特的物质条件与规章制度形成新区难以预计的多样性,同时也造成空间与功能性品质的多样化。大多数新区都依据标准步骤进行开发。一些试点新城的开发通过文本形式在西方设计师的帮助下适应中国的规范;另一些新城与街区由来自中国的新锐建筑师与规划师设计。本文主要介绍嘉定与青浦区的发展成果。  相似文献   

周乾松 《城乡建设》2011,(7):6-11,4
历史村镇反映了不同地域、不同经济社会发展阶段的聚落形成和历史演变过程,是展示优秀传统建筑风貌、传统空间形态和民俗风情的真实载体。保护历史村镇,弘扬传统文化,带动地方经济发展,成为快速城镇化进程中面临的重大课题。  相似文献   

This paper explores the continuing governance of three important historical industrial company towns that were developed as model settlements: New Lanark and Saltaire in the UK and Pullman in the United States. It explores the changing roles of the private sector, the public sector and civil society in the on-going stewardship of the settlements.

This paper concludes that urban governance arrangements are important. In all three cases, the towns were initiated by private entrepreneurs but they are no longer in the ownership of the originating companies and their original economic base has vanished. In all three, public sector action was, at some stage, necessary to retain their integrity, but this action needed strong support from civil society actors. In all three examples, government and community action were supported by additional private sector initiatives. The interactions amongst the private sector, the public sector and civil society in the establishment and continuing stewardship of these settlements demonstrate the clear need for a better understanding of the role of governance arrangements in urban history.  相似文献   

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