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该文主要概述了油改煤烧辊道窑的结构形式和达到的技术经济效果。  相似文献   

王建忠 《大氮肥》2002,25(2):138-140
探讨渣油气化装置改烧天然气的必要性,就天然气部分氧化反应的理论依据,反应特征,气体成分,工艺条件的确定及设备选型进行详细论述,确定了天然气部分氧化的工艺流程。  相似文献   

本文介绍了日用陶瓷煤烧隧道窑消烟除尘改造的研究情况,从技术上、经济上、环境效益上进行分析和对比,特别推荐适合中小型企业改造的洁净燃煤技术--消烟反烧燃煤机和热煤气烧成技术。  相似文献   

我厂ψ2.2×6.5M粘土烘干机自投入使用以来,一直用层燃煤人工加煤热风炉,这种传统的燃烧炉的结构对煤块的粒度要求不苛刻,原煤可以不经破碎就在炉篦上的灼热层上燃烧,但由于煤块大小不均匀,导致燃烧不充分,机械不完全燃烧较严重,煤块与空气的传热差,烟气温度低,又因加煤为人工间隔进行,使烟气温度波动大,因此燃烧效率低,且加煤,清渣,拨火劳动强度大,多年来只对提高产量做过一些改进,而对燃烧方式,燃烧效率等热工方面却没有引起较多的注意。 为了提高热风炉的热效率,经方案比较后,将手工层燃煤热风炉改造成喷煤燃烧结构。喷煤燃烧的煤粉粒度在80—100目之前,  相似文献   

介绍GE水煤浆气化装置掺烧10%燃料煤的情况,对掺烧结果进行了总结与评价。  相似文献   

随着社会和经济的不断发展,世界对能源的消耗逐渐增加。大气环境变得越来越差,能源变的越来越少,是当前世界环境的主要问题之一。我国现在推崇绿色环保的发展战略,所以各行各业都需要降低对大气的污染。煤炭燃烧直接对我国大气造成污染,让我国产生大面积的雾霾问题,因为煤炭燃烧可以产生硫酸盐、硝酸盐、粉尘等各种化学物质。根据我国的实际发展情况,用天然气来代替煤炭是减少大气污染的最佳途径。天然气管道运输与煤炭运输相比,可以降低成本和能源的消耗。  相似文献   

广西鹿寨化肥有限责任公司DAP装置烘干系统热风炉原使用重油,年产240万tDAP,每年需耗重油费用180万元。本文阐述用合成氨厂驰放气代替重油:通过干燥系统热衡算说明干燥系统需热烟气提供热量为6.4×106kJ/h;通过燃烧系统热衡算说明约500m3/h驰放气燃烧即可满足需要,而该公司合成氨装置可提供大于1000m3/h的驰放气。技改实施后,生产稳定,产品质量稳定。  相似文献   

天然气热风炉的炉型结构设计段成龙(四川德阳市化工厂)1前言我厂磷铵装置的生产能力原设计为22kt/a,是结合55kt/a硫磷铵而设计的。其磷铵干燥流程为:中和料浆浓缩→转鼓造粒→转筒干燥。硫铵经气流干燥后,送入转鼓造粒机作为返料。由于诸多因素,硫铵部...  相似文献   

煤直接燃烧产生的硫酸盐、硝酸盐、粉尘等是造成我国大面积雾霾问题的重要因素。基于我国资源禀赋特点及能源消费国情,煤制天然气是煤炭清洁利用、减少大气污染的有效途径。从煤炭资源所在地、煤炭运输沿线、天然气消费地区能源消费结构三方面,对比了煤制天然气与煤炭直接燃烧、天然气管输与煤炭运输、天然气替代其他能源消费的污染物减排效果。分析表明,煤制天然气能把煤中含有的硫、氮等可生成污染物的组分集中转化为硫磺、氨水等产品;天然气管输运输环节相比煤炭的运输环节,能降低能耗和污染;天然气消费地区的煤改气和油改气,可大幅降低污染物排放。  相似文献   

分析层燃炉和煤粉炉的缺点,及沸腾热风炉的优点,介绍ZDFR型双级分离较洁净的流化床燃煤热风炉的结构特点,采用U型槽耐火砖撞击式分离器和U型燃烧沉降室,使烟气含尘量和炭含量减少,并举实例说明其在尿基复肥干燥系统中的应用、流程、控制方法与控制参数,可实现一段干燥使复合肥产品水分达标[w(H2O)<1%],每吨产品耗标煤仅8~10 kg,劳动强度降低,工作环境改善。  相似文献   

陆卫东 《陶瓷》2002,(1):48-48
建筑陶瓷行业是耗能大户之一,究竟采用何种燃料既简单又经济合理,这对陶瓷行业的发展和节约能源都具有十分重要的现实意义,传统的建筑陶瓷生产企业所采用的热风炉燃料有煤气,重油或渣油,就目前而言,煤可制成水煤浆,供水煤浆炉作燃料,而且水煤浆炉的各项参数,性能指标均可以与燃油,燃气的热风炉相媲美,因此,用水煤浆炉完全可以代替燃气,燃油的热风炉,燃气,燃油的热风炉工作原理为:经油泵加压的重油(或渣油),也可以是煤气增压机送来的煤气,经压缩空气的雾化,在燃烧室中燃烧产生1100℃左右的烟气,在热风炉出风口与配温风机送来的冷风混合后供喷雾干燥塔或者窑炉使用,显然,运行成本中占主导地位的是燃油及煤气,当前,全球油价或涨或平,很不稳定,这便使建筑陶瓷行业生产成本不断增加,而煤气生产相对于重油简洁,便利,但其需要一定规模的煤气发生炉,前期投资较大。  相似文献   

高温煤气脱氯剂的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了高温煤气脱氯剂的实验室研制情况。在固定床反应器中对HTC-28定型样品进行了工艺条件考核试验。结果表明,在温度400~700℃,空速1000~3000h-1,进口煤气中HCl含量小于1000ppm的条件下,HTC-28型脱氯剂可将煤气中的HCl从300~1000ppm脱至1ppm以下,穿透氯容达到15%~18%。  相似文献   

A new process for synthesis gas by co-gasifying coal and natural gas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xueping Song 《Fuel》2005,84(5):525-531
Production of synthesis gas with coal and natural gas co-gasification is a new process based on coupling of methane steam-reforming and coal gasification. The process concept is discussed in this paper. Experiments are carried out in a laboratory fixed-bed gasifying reactor to investigate the effect of feedstock on composition, ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide, concentrations of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the produced raw synthesis gas. Preliminary experimental results indicate that the effect of steam flow rate on component, ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide and concentrations of hydrogen and carbon monoxide of the raw synthesis gas is slight, while the effect of oxygen flow rate is pronounced. When the ratio of oxygen to methane in feedstock is below 1, the ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide is greater than 1 and the total concentration of hydrogen and carbon monoxide is above 90%. Comparison of experimental results with calculated results shows that the composition of raw synthesis gas is near equilibrium.  相似文献   

A moving bed was used as the reactor in experiments to produce synthesis gas by coal and natural gas co-conversion process. The effects of coal types on the temperature in the flame zone, the ingredients and the H2/CO ratio of synthesis gas, together with the methane and steam conversions were investigated by using coke, anthracite, lean and fat coals as the raw materials. By comparing the results between coals and coke, it can be seen that the temperatures in the flame zone and the content of the active compounds (H2, CO) of coals are higher than those of coke. In addition, the H2/CO ratio of synthesis gas closes to the calculated value by thermodynamic equilibrium. For the produced crude synthesis gas with coals by coal and natural gas co-conversion process, in which the H2/CO ratio varies in 1.0–2.0, the content of the active compounds (H2, CO) is more than 92%, and the residual methane is less than 2%, the methane and steam conversion rates are more than 90% and 75%, respectively. All these results demonstrated that the concept of coal and natural gas co-conversion process is positive and feasible.  相似文献   

当用含固量高的淤酸生产W(总养分)57%的DAP时,产品水分含量超标。通过对装置配套热风炉供需热量的核算,说明热风炉供热量稍不足,黄石公司设计热风炉提供热量能力是正确的,但由于风帽未按设计720个安装,导致热风炉实际供热量不足,应考虑对现有热风炉进行扩能改造。还需对淤酸生产叫(总养分)57%DAP产品水分控制从工艺上进行探索。  相似文献   

A co-pyrolysis experiment of coal and natural gas was investigated on a fixed-bed reactor. SEM was used to study the structure changes of the exterior surface of char prepared in this co-pyrolysis experiment, while GC was also utilized to analyze the associated gas. The result showed that, with increasing temperature, the coal char tended to agglomerate. GC and SEM results show that the CH4 decomposition on the exterior surface of char was turned to filamentous char and extended around like coral. It was also proved that the co-pyrolysis of coal and natural gas promoted syngas production. A synergistic effect of coal and natural gas does exist during this process. This work was presented at the 6 th Korea-China Workshop on Clean Energy Technology held at Busan, Korea, July 4–7, 2006.  相似文献   

高温煤气脱硫剂的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
高温煤气净化脱硫技术可使发电效率提高,成本降低,流程简化,是许多国家非常重视的研发工作。可再生金属氧化物与硫化氢或其他硫化物的作用机理及其行为是高温煤气脱硫研究中的关键所在。在已有文献工作的基础上,对国内外高温煤气脱硫剂的研究进行了系统总结,着重介绍了含钙、锌、铁、铜和锰等金属氧化物脱硫剂的研究现状,认为研究重点应从性能单一的金属氧化物转向可耐高温的多功能复合金属氧化物,同时具有再生硫回收的特性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了某5 000 t/d生产线余热发电系统,入AQC锅炉的热风来自篦冷机一段高温热风和二段中温热风,煤磨烘干热风设在篦冷机中温热风管路上。由于两者互相抢风,影响余热发电量,为此,通过对煤磨烘干热风取风位置进行技术改造,解决了上述问题,同时充分利用了篦冷机回收余热,提高了发电量。  相似文献   

A series of iron-manganese-based sorbents were prepared by co-precipitation and physical mixing method, and used for H2S removal from hot coal gas. The sulfidation tests were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor with space velocity of 2000 h−1(STP). The results show that the suitable addition of manganese oxide in iron-based sorbent can decrease H2S and COS concentration in exit before breakthrough due to its simultaneous reaction capability with H2S and COS. Fe3O4 and MnO are the initial active components in iron-manganese-based sorbent, and FeO and Fe are active components formed by reduction during sulfidation. The crystal phases of iron affect obviously their desulfurization capacity. The reducibility of sorbent changes with the content of MnO in sorbent. S7F3M and S3F7M have bigger sulfur capacities (32.68 and 32.30 gS/100 g total active component), while S5F5M has smaller sulfur capacity (21.92 gS/100 g total active component). S7F3M sorbent has stable sulfidation performance in three sulfidation-regeneration cycles and no apparent structure degradation. The sulfidation performance of iron-manganese-based sorbent is also related with its specific surface area and pore volume.  相似文献   

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