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在使用数字进行计量、编号的场合,为达到醒目、易于辨识的效果,应采用阿拉伯数字;当数字伴随有计量单位时,如:长度、容积、面积、体积、质量、温度、音量、频率等,特别是当计量单位以字母表达时,应采用阿拉伯数字。现代生活中出现的事物、现象、事件,其名称的书写  相似文献   

中国有色(沈阳)冶金机械有限公司是我国机械工业和重型骨干企业,隶属于中国有色矿业集团有限公司,具有60余年的历史,有员工3400名,其中工程技术人员385名,具有铸钢、铸铁、铸铜、焊接、锻造、热处理、机械加工等机械制造实力;拥有完善的理化测试手段和科研、设计、制造、配套、安装、调试等综合能力;长期致力于矿山、冶金设备的研制、开发和制造,是机械制造业的核心企业,为钢铁冶金、有色冶金、化工、电力、建材、水泥等工业提供各种专用与非标设备与备件。  相似文献   

有色金属单矿物中各元素分析,一直受样品重量所控制,挑选一种单矿物的矿物,需耗费相当的时间,为了节省样品称样数量,提高分析速度,结合实际工作需要,拟定了三种分析流程,取样600mg,测定21种元素,满足了方铅矿单矿物的分析。 一、分析流程 1.火焰原子吸收法分析铜、铅、锌、钴、镍、镉、银、铁、锰、钙和镁等。 2.经过富集和分离后用原子吸收法测定锗、镓、铟、铊、和吸光度法测定硒、碲。  相似文献   

创新泛亚——以稀有成就富有   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正2011年4月21日,泛亚有色金属交易所正式开市交易。目前,已上市品种包括铟、锗、钨、铋、镓、钴、白银、钒、锑、碲、硒等11个品种,其中铟、锗、钨、铋、镓等品种的交易量、交收量、库存量均为全球第一。小金属大作用稀有金属是国民经济发展的重要基础材料,铟、锗、钨、铋、镓、钴等稀有金属,被称为电子金属,生命攸关金属,  相似文献   

铝箔是柔软的金属薄膜,因其防潮、气密、遮光、无毒无味等优良的特性,通常作为包装材料,广泛用于食品、饮料、香烟、医药、家庭日用品等。其优雅的银白色光泽,更易于加工出各类图案和花纹。铝箔与塑料和纸复合之后,把铝箔的屏蔽性与纸的强度、塑料的热密封性融为一体,进一步提高了对水汽、空气、紫外线和细菌的屏蔽性能,拓宽了铝箔的应用市场。未来需求广泛  相似文献   

石膏雕花是新疆维吾尔族建筑中非常重要的装饰形式,是民族文化的核心之一,其建筑形制、图案纹饰、色彩,承载着历史文化的文脉,是民族建筑艺术之美,它在新疆伊斯兰清真寺、陵墓、民居、商业建筑上都被大量运用,具有悠久的历史,独特的艺术风格。它的色彩艳丽、丰富,纹样形式多样,主要有植物纹、几何纹、书法纹几种形式。其主要运用在伊斯兰建筑的壁龛、米合拉甫、纳米尼亚、门楣等部位。伊斯兰艺术在传入新疆之前,吸纳了希腊拜占庭艺术、  相似文献   

实验重点探讨了高含量碳对除尘灰样品中镁、铝、钾、钙、铬、锰、铜、钡、铅、镉、锌等元素测定的影响,并解决了除碳的问题。样品使用马弗炉高温除碳,采用盐酸-硝酸-氢氟酸-高氯酸消解样品灰分,选择了镁、铝、钾、钙、铬、锰、铜、钡、铅、镉、锌等元素的分析谱线和扣背景模式,建立了使用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定高碳除尘灰中镁、铝、钾、钙、铬、锰、铜、钡、铅、镉、锌等元素的方法。在仪器最佳工作条件下,各元素校准曲线线性相关系数r均大于0.999 5,方法检出限在1.08~26.01 mg/kg之间。方法应用于除尘灰实际样品中镁、铝、钾、钙、铬、锰、铜、钡、铅、镉、锌的测定,结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=11)为0.90%~7.1%,目标元素的加标回收率为90%~117%;按照实验方法测定除尘灰中镁、铝、钾、钙、锌,结果与火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)的测定结果相吻合。  相似文献   

分析了铜合金挤压材常见缺陷(裂纹、气泡、过热、过烧、划伤、扭拧、缩尾、偏心、尺寸超差等)的产生原因,提出了相应的预防措施.生产实践表明,采取这些措施后,有效地改善了产品质量,取得了良好的经济效益.  相似文献   

目的:了解30~50岁男性前列腺体积与体重指数、血压、血脂及血糖的相关性.方法:从石景山区社会保险中心登记信息中随机抽取1 010名30~50岁男性作为研究对象,行体格检查并计算体重指数(body mass index,BMI),经腹B超测定并计算前列腺体积(prostate volume,PV);空腹抽血检测血糖(blood glucose,BG)、血胆固醇(blood cholesterol,CHOL)、甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)、低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein,LDL)、高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)等,测量血压(blood pressure,BP),应用SPSS13.0统计软件对PV和BMI、BP、BG、CHOL、TG、LDL、HDL的相关性进行统计学分析.结果:符合标准并资料全面者1002人,前列腺体积与年龄、BMI、BG、CHOL、LDL、HDL等因素有明显的相关性,P值分别为0.000、0.013、0.032、0.040、0.032、0.017,相关系数r值分别为0.62、0.57、0.52、0.51、-0.50、-0.48.与TG、收缩压(systolic pressure,SP)、舒张压(diastolic pressure,DP)无明显相关性,P值分别为0.313、0.213、0.782.调整年龄因素后,PV与BMI、LDL仍有较强的相关性,P值分别为0.029、0.001,相关系数r值分别为0.53、-0.49.与BG、CHOL、LDL、HDL、TG、SP、DP无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论:在30~50岁男性人群中,前列腺体积和BMI及血脂异常明显相关,BMI、血脂异常是前列腺体积增大的危险因素.  相似文献   

李波 《中国冶金教育》2013,(4):64-68,71
在资源、环境约束不断加强,钢铁产能过剩、市场供大于求局面不断加剧的情况下,钢铁企业必须从追求产量扩张,靠增加资源投入的粗放经营,向注重品种质量效益提高,靠技术进步、科学管理、人才成长的集约化经营转变。在这种转变过程中,如何从管理、工艺、生产、操作等各个层面,快速适应设备大型化、工艺现代化、管理精细化要求,真正提高盈利水平和核心竞争力,归根结底要依靠全体职工素质和技能的提升。"十二五"期间,宣钢公司树立"学习型组织"理念,在全体职工中广泛开展了"学理论、学原理、学工艺、学图纸、学功能"活动,通过建立"点、线、面"结合,"教、学、考"三位一体的立体化培训模式,建立了完善的"自学习机制",实现了员工的团体学习、全员学习和系统思考,着力提升了职工的全员素质,营建出团结、协调、和谐的群体环境,实现了观念、制度、方法及管理的全方式创新,营造出企业和员工共同发展、共同提高的双赢局面,使企业各项资源合理配置,有效运行;使广大职工的才智和活力竞相迸发,从而构建起"学习型、创新型、跨越型"的新型宣钢。  相似文献   

The FliG, FliM, and FliN proteins of the bacterial flagellar motor are believed to interact with one another to form the switch complex, which in turn is thought to interact with one of the chemotaxis proteins, CheY. In particular, FliM appears to be an intermediary between CheY and FliG: the current model suggests that CheY, when phosphorylated (CheY-P), binds to FliM and produces a conformational change in FliM that is propagated to FliG. The result of these interactions is to induce clockwise rotation of the flagellar motors and tumbling of the cell. Various genetic and biochemical studies have provided evidence that the switch proteins associate with each other and that CheY-P binds to FliM. Here, we have used affinity blotting to obtain direct evidence of interaction between Salmonella typhimurium FliM and FliN, FliM and FliG, and FliM and CheY-P. We have also examined the ability of various FliM deletion and truncation mutant proteins to bind to FliN, FliG, and CheY-P. From these data, we conclude that distinct regions of the FliM protein bind to each of these other proteins. We propose a model in which the N-terminal region of FliM binds to CheY-P, the middle region of FliM binds to FliG, and the C-terminal region binds to FliN.  相似文献   

The ancient Greek myth linking the images of the labyrinth and the Minotaur provides an allegory for Melanie Klein's conception of the archaic Oedipus complex as well as a vivid illustration of Winnicott's notions of object usage and the 'subjective object'. The labyrinth is suggestive of mother's body as the first area for an infant's exploration and putative sadistic conquest. The Minotaur, in turn, suggests the infant's unconscious phantasies about the content of mother's body, namely such projective identifications onto that body as the paternal penis and the 'internal babies'. Further, the heroic dynamic personified by Theseus in the myth of the labyrinth metaphorically signifies what is here proposed as a developmental line that involves the courage to do a number of things, including to become, to create, to seek, to explore, to do, to challenge, to undertake risks, to accept, to rescue, to initiate, to think, to know and to realize. The Minotaur can thus be thought to serve as a universal subjective signifier for an 'Object of Challenge', which, if not successfully dealt with by the ego-development of the infant, transforms that default into the 'Object of Nemesis'. Ultimately, this myth of mastery speaks to the psychoanalytic process itself as well as casting light on the transformative aspects of sexual intercourse as a personal healing ritual.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes isolated from the cerebral cortices of 3-10-day-old rats frequently showed increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration responses to L-glutamate and glutamate analogues. However, few of the acutely isolated cells responded to ATP, and no such cells responded to serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)]. The same cell that failed to respond to ATP or 5-HT often responded to glutamate. Culturing acutely isolated cells in media containing horse serum decreased Ca2+ responses to glutamate but increased the responses to ATP and induced responses to 5-HT. In primary cultures prepared from the cerebral cortices of 1-day-old rats and cultured in horse serum, fewer of the cells responded to glutamate, but almost all cells responded to ATP and 5-HT. The lack of or limited response to, 5-HT or ATP in the acutely isolated cells seems unlikely to be due to selective damage to the respective receptors because acutely isolated GFAP-negative cells showed responses to ATP, several different proteases and mechanical dissociation yielded cells that also responded to glutamate but not to ATP, and exposure of primary cultures to papain did not abolish Ca2+ responses to several transmitters. The responses of the acutely isolated cells to glutamate but limited or lack of responses to ATP and 5-HT also correspond to what has been seen so far for astrocytes in situ. Thus, the present studies provide direct evidence that some of the receptors seen in primary astrocyte cultures may reflect a response to culture conditions and that, in the context of the relevant information so far available, acutely isolated astrocytes seem to reflect better the in vivo state.  相似文献   

1. Six week-old broiler chickens implanted with electroencephalogram (EEG) recording and somatosensory stimulating electrodes were exposed to either 90% argon in air, a mixture of 30% carbon dioxide and 60% argon in air or a mixture of 30% oxygen and 40% carbon dioxide (balance nitrogen) for 2 min, to determine the times to onset of changes in spontaneous EEG and the loss of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and thus unequivocal loss of consciousness. 2. In addition, after a 2 min exposure to the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture, some broilers were allowed to recover in air and their EEGs and SEPs were continuously recorded until the return of normal EEG and SEPs. During this period, the time to return of response to comb pinching was also determined in 10 broilers. 3. All broilers exposed to either argon or the carbon dioxide-argon mixture died within 2 min, whereas, only 3 out of 17 broilers died during the 2 min exposure to the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture. 4. During exposure to argon, unlike the other 2 gas mixtures, the majority of broilers showed high amplitude, low frequency electrical activity in the EEG on average at 10 s. The mean times to onset of EEG suppression were 17, 19 and 40 s after exposure to argon, the carbon dioxide-argon mixture and the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture, respectively. An isoelectric EEG occurred on average at 58 and 41 s after exposure to argon and the carbon dioxide-argon mixture, respectively. An isoelectric EEG did not occur in broilers which were exposed to the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture. 5. The SEPs were abolished in broilers on average 32 and 24 s after exposure to argon and the carbon dioxide-argon mixture, respectively. During exposure of broilers to the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture the SEPs were abolished in the majority of birds on average at 47 s, however, 2 out of 14 birds retained their SEPs for the entire period of 2 min exposure to this gas mixture. 6. During the recovery after exposure to the carbon dioxide oxygen mixture, response to comb pinching and SEPs returned either at the time of, or soon after, the onset of high frequency electrical activity in the suppressed EEG of broilers. The mean times to return of response to comb pinching and SEPs were 52 and 43 s, respectively. 7. Based on the time to onset of EEG suppression or loss of SEPs, exposure of broilers to either 90% argon in air, or a mixture of 30% carbon dioxide and 60% argon in air, resulted in quicker loss of consciousness than during exposure to a mixture of 40% carbon dioxide, 30% oxygen and 30% nitrogen. The time to return of consciousness after a 2 min exposure to the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture was also found to be rapid.  相似文献   

In order to compare the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in different geographical areas, it is necessary to ensure agreement between laboratories on the assignment of strains to 'susceptible' and 'resistant' categories. An international quality assessment was performed to investigate the performance of susceptibility testing of Klebsiella spp. Ninety-five strains of klebsiellae were selected from clinical isolates at the London Hospital Medical College (LHMC). These included strains with a diversity of susceptibility profiles to amoxycillin/clavulanate, piperacillin, ceftazidime, cefuroxime, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and trimethoprim. The strains were sent to 13 participating laboratories in Europe and the USA and laboratories were asked to test the susceptibility of these strains to these antibiotics by their usual methods. They were also asked to provide details of the method used to test susceptibility. Several different standard recommended testing methods were used. Reporting of susceptibilities was generally accurate, but a number of anomalies were noted. Discrepancies of reporting between the LHMC and the participating laboratories was more marked for resistant strains, particularly in the detection of resistance to cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin, as well as the assignment of susceptibility and resistance to piperacillin and amoxycillin/clavulanate. Some discrepancies could be attributed to the use of different breakpoints, leading to differing assignment of susceptibility. Methodological variations including disc content, inoculum and failure to measure and interpret zone sizes consistently also led to anomalies. This quality assessment programme has helped to identify problems in susceptibility testing which should be investigated further.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review past and present roles and to speculate on the future of the Ontario provincial psychiatric hospitals (PPHs). Currently, and for the very immediate future only, there are 10 PPHs that are owned and operated by the Ministry of Health of Ontario, each serving a specified population ranging from 250,000 to over 3,000,000. In addition to clinical expertise, provincial psychiatric hospitals contribute greatly to teaching and research. Ontario's mental health reform movement has called for a shift of resources to the community and a downsizing of PPHs by 2003. In response to fiscal pressures, in 1996 provincial legislation was passed to establish the Health Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC) as a stand-alone corporation with powers to restructure and reengineer health services in Ontario. The HSRC has to date recommended the closure of 4 PPHs by 1999 and the integration of theses services into other medical facilities. While a rebalancing of the mental health system does need to take place, the fiscally driven haste to close hospitals has created a crisis atmosphere in PPHs for staff and patients. It is also unlikely that the necessary community resources will be in place to buffer these changes. The new restructuring plans not only set unrealistic timelines, they seem to underestimate the importance PPHs have played in teaching, research and the advancement of clinical treatment and rehabilitation of the severely mentally ill. It may be that, in the long run, service integration and divestment/closure of the PPHs will result in better access to services closer to smaller communities and in the destigmatization of the mentally ill, however, without close evaluative monitoring and appropriate leadership, it could also lead to decreased research, training and quality of care.  相似文献   

Interactions of 60 children with their mothers and female strangers were observed in natural and semistructured situations at 12, 18, 24, and 30 mo. Their behavior was analyzed to reveal a "sociability" cluster of smiling, vocalizing, and playing. When mother and stranger behaved similarly, children's sociability to both adults was similar in components, stability, development, and relation to independently assessed aspects of the social environment, with the following exceptions: Sociability to mother was not consistently related to physical contact with her, whereas sociability and physical contact with the stranger were consistently correlated. Sociability to mother developed earlier than sociability to stranger. Sociability to the mother was more related to maternal behavior than was sociability to the stranger, whereas sociability to the stranger was more related to nonparental care. Sociability to both mother and stranger was related to the child's cognitive abilities but not to contact with objects or to the mother's intelligence or socioeconomic status. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This is a document presented to the Chilean Academy of Medicine by the Health Minister, the economist Carlos Massad, First of all, he refers to the general context of the reform, that he considers a process and not a breakpoint. Afterwards, he enumerates the change task: a) to generate awareness of the change and to convert health in a State issue; b) to adequate programs to population's new health profile; c) to install new management instruments in the health system; d) to decentralize decisions and to promote the participation of beneficiaries; e) to establish incentives and to flexibilize the Health System and f) to introduce correctives to private health insurance. He believes that Chile must drift to a economical protection system for universal and solidary health events. The additional assurances that people wants to buy, must be delimited.  相似文献   

In 1974, the State veterinary institutes in the Slovak Socialist Republic studied the sensitivity of 4420 strains of Streptococcus agalactiae and 1056 strains of Staphylococcus aureus to eight antibiotics. The strains were isolated from milk samples obtained from dairy cows suffering from mastitis. 100 per cent of the strains of Streptococcus agalactiae was sensitive to ampicillin, 99.23% to erythromycin, 98.70% to oxytetracycline, 93.02% to bacitracin, 90.77% to chloramphenicol, 41.97% to penicillin, 12.39% to neomycin, 9.73% to streptomycin. As to the strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 98.68 were sensitive to chloramphenicol, 98.50% to ampicillin, 97.92% to erythromycin, 94.98% to oxytetracycline, 93.85% to neomycin, 92.67% to bacitracin 87.50% to streptomycin, and 46.24% to penicillin. The results are discussed in relation to the use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The nucleus of the basal optic root (nBOR) of the accessory optic system is known to be involved in the analysis of the visual consequences of self-motion. Previous studies have shown that the nBOR in pigeons projects bilaterally to the vestibulocerebellum, the inferior olive, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, and the oculomotor complex and projects unilaterally to the ipsilateral pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali and the contralateral nBOR. By using the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine, we confirmed these projections and found (previously unreported) projections to the nucleus Darkshewitsch, the nucleus ruber, the mesencephalic reticular formation, and the area ventralis of Tsai as well as ipsilateral projections to the central gray, the pontine nuclei, the cerebellar nuclei, the vestibular nuclei, the processus cerebellovestibularis, and the dorsolateral thalamus. In addition to previous studies, which showed a projection to the dorsomedial subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor complex, we found terminal labelling in the ventral and dorsolateral subdivisions. Individual fibers were reconstructed from serial sections, and collaterals to various nuclei were demonstrated. For example, collaterals of fibers projecting to the vestibulocerebellum terminated in the vestibular or cerebellar nuclei; collaterals of fibers to the inferior olive terminated in the pontine nuclei; many individual neurons projected to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the nucleus Darkshewitsch, and the central gray and also projected to the nucleus ruber and the mesencephalic reticular formation; collaterals of fibers to the contralateral nucleus of the basal optic root terminated in the mesencephalic reticular formation and/or the area ventralis of Tsai; neurons projecting to the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali also terminated in the dorsolateral thalamus. The consequences of these data for understanding the visual control of eye movements, neck movements, posture, locomotion, and visual perception are discussed.  相似文献   

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