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Short-delay blasting excites the Rayleigh waves over the surface of open pit walls. The author shows that interference of these waves generates an extended neutral seismicity zone behind the first positive halfwave in the distribution diagram of the transverse component of the velocity vector. The neutral seismicity zone ends with the low amplitude interference vibrations with a velocity comparable with the air sonic velocity.  相似文献   

The analytical results are given for application of stripping with direct dumping in open pit mines in Kuzbass. It is emphasized that this most productive and the least power-consuming technology loses its weight in the overall content of overburden stripping. The authors propose a method to determine rational boundaries for application area of stripping with direct dumping using slice re-excavation coefficient. The scope of the discussion comprises potential trends of the technology and use of draglines towards enhancement of open pit mining efficiency.  相似文献   

A survey of pit wall monitoring practices was conducted at all large open pit copper–molybdenum mines in British Columbia. The survey found that these mines tend to rely on visual inspection and prism surveys as the primary techniques for pit wall management. Open standpipe piezometers and wire-line extensometers are also used. Newer monitoring technologies are slow to be adopted by the mines. One exception is slope stability radar, which is used at two mines. All mines have established movement thresholds that trigger different operational responses. These thresholds do not appear to be based on the pit depth or rock mass conditions.  相似文献   

根据露天开采电伤的统计资料 ,叙述了电伤产生的情况和原因 ,指出了为降低矿山企业较高的电伤发生率而提高其电气设备运行维护的可靠性和安全性的必要性 ,提出了保证露天采矿电气安全需要解决的一些问题 ,详细介绍了有关电气安全领域研究的新成果。同时指出提高采矿电气安全应与改进采矿技术装备和采矿工艺及对工艺设备电气防护的一些新要求相结合  相似文献   

Application of GPS in mining and geology has proved to be of ever increasing importance since recently. GPS is used for positioning both researching and exploitation drill holes, mining facilities, equipment, machines, when monitoring slopes and falls, mining facilities dimensioning, navigation of machines, roads tracing, etc. The paper presents a pilot system for surveillance and monitoring of energetic and technological parameters at open pit mines, developed at the “Jazovnik” open pit mine for experimental purposes. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 4, pp. 90–94, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   

The Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences reports the many-years research data on the normalization of the open pit atmosphere, including the theoretical, experimental and commercial tests of the all-season dust-and-gas suppression processes and respective facilities at quarries in the Ural, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and Transbaikalia Regions.  相似文献   

In the framework of geo-information model of a coal deposit and open pit mine, the author derives analytical expressions for calculating work of rock haulage from face to start point of transport incline, considering characteristics of the road obtained in the course of geo-information modeling. Alternative calculations of freight ton-kilometers and work of vehicles to overcome gravity and rolling resistance are analyzed. The example of calculations for the conditions of a particular open pit coal mine contains comparison of one- and two-flank mining schemes.  相似文献   

Technological schemes of mining operations with excavators and railway transport are considered with an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. A new loading-transportation system with accumulating reservoir and bunker-wagons with vibration discharge is proposed, and its application spheres are substantiated.__________Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 5, pp. 96–103, September–October, 2004.  相似文献   

The article presents the remote monitoring systems for operation of high-voltage substations and shovels, designed at the Karaganda State Technical University and introduced at Shubarkol-Komir open pit coal mine. The systems measure power consumption parameters and controls power consumers and electrical protection. The high-voltage substation monitoring systems transmit data via rf modem, the shovel operation monitoring systems use GPRS modems to transmit data via Internet to a central operator office. In the course of trial operation of the remote monitoring systems, it was succeeded to save power owing to elimination of idle operation of heavy-duty mining machines; moreover, the scope of the continuous control covered power consumption and electric protection at substations and on shovels.  相似文献   

露天煤矿温室气体排放计算方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在对露天煤矿的温室气体排放源构成进行全面分析的基础上,建立了相应的碳排放计量模型。研究表明,露天煤矿的温室气体源包括电耗带来的间接排放、燃料燃烧与爆破的直接排放、开采过程中的CH4溢散、煤炭与煤矸石氧化产生的温室气体溢散和矿山开采扰动导致的矿区碳固定能力的变化。在此基础上,参考IPCC温室气体计算指南给出了各排放源的碳排放的计量方法,建立了露天矿碳排放的计量模型。以小龙潭矿务局布沼坝露天煤矿生产条件为基础进行实例研究,计算得该露天矿2008年温室气体排放量为122 351.19 t。  相似文献   

保护生态环境,秉持绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,本文通过采用台阶式降坡卸荷的方式治理海南某废弃露天矿山,并设置防护网、安全警示牌等防护措施,以消除安全隐患,利用矿山的特点,植树种草,设置鱼塘,美化环境,达到山水林田湖草为一体的综合治理效果。  相似文献   

露天和地下矿用凿岩设备和工具的发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了露天和地下矿用凿岩设备,如,露天重型钻车、牙轮钻机、潜孔钻机、地下掘进台车、生产凿岩台车和锚杆台车以及相关零配件及钻进技术的最新发展。  相似文献   

以大冶铁矿东露天转地下开采为例,阐述了一般露天转地下开采矿山防洪排水的共性和个性问题,提出采取综合有效的防洪排水措施,建立安全经济有效的贮排平衡,以确保矿山正常生产。  相似文献   

以拟静力法为核心,采用FLAC3D数值模拟技术对某露天矿山的预裂爆破孔网参数及爆破效果进行了优化分析,研究目的旨在分析该矿山的合理的预裂参数、保证边坡的稳定性,为矿山的安全生产做出重要贡献。此次研究以室内力学试验为基础,试验得出岩石的物理力学性质,岩石的物理力学参数转化为岩体的物理力学参数,并参照相关规范对爆破的振动进行了静力转化,为数值计算提供基本数据。研究结果显示,当装药量为18 kg时,边坡的安全系数为1.75,但是边坡的位移和水平最大主应力相对较大,且最大水平应力超过了岩体的极限抗拉强度,爆破后边坡存在大量危石冒落的风险;当单孔装药量优化为14 kg时,边坡的安全系数为1.92,不仅边坡的安全系数显著增加,且相邻边坡上位移集中的位置发生了转移,相邻边坡中没有位移相对集中的现象,同时相邻边坡和爆破边坡的坡面水平拉伸应力显著上移,仅仅在边坡的上部存在拉伸破坏的现象,其边坡中下部均没有产生拉伸应力集中的现象,保证了预裂爆破效果,同时为相似矿山的预裂爆破提供了理论基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

陈树召 《煤炭学报》2012,37(3):533-534
从我国大型露天煤矿应用他移式破碎站半连续工艺的需要出发,综合运用露天采矿学原理、采矿系统工程、技术经济学和计算机技术等方法,通过调查研究、理论分析和现场工程实践,对露天矿破碎设备选择与结构优化、布置与移设及剥离半连续工艺的应用等内容展开深入研究。论文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,首先对破碎站的分类和各种形式破碎站的概念进行了梳理,以露天矿效益最大化为目标建立了破碎设备二级综合优选模型,并根据剥离半连续工艺应用需要分析了适用于高含水率、易粘结物料的破碎机类型。论文提出了破碎站模块化的观点,以提高设备的布置灵活性、可靠性和国产化率,改善作业环境;并在此基础上建立了受料仓结构参数优化模型。借鉴单斗—卡车工艺车铲匹配研究成果,分析了他移式破碎站半连续工艺下卡车运输的特点,以系统生产成本最低为目标建立了卡车优化模型。根据他移式破碎站布置于露天矿采场内的特点,分析了影响破碎站布置的因素,建立了破碎站位置优化模型与移设优化模型;并通过引入运距增加系数k考虑了下部台阶半连续工艺系统布置对上部台阶运输的影响。根据露天矿剥离应用半连续工艺的需要和他移式破碎站的特点,建立了露天矿半连续工艺服务范围模型、组合台阶开采模型和采掘带宽度优化模型,为剥离半连续工艺系统服务范围和开采参数的确定提供了依据。为适应山坡排土场条件下剥离半连续工艺应用的需要,分析了间断—连续—间断型半连续工艺的环节构成、适用范围和经济效益;为提高露天矿现有带式输送机运输系统的能力利用率,提出了轮斗挖掘机与破碎站共用一套运输系统的联合工艺,并对4种布置方式进行了对比分析。论文通过实例研究对所建立模型的实用性进行了验证。  相似文献   

The described technology and equipment enable eliminating drilling-and-blasting in open pit mining. The authors also discuss usability of transfer bins with vibrating discharge in combination with intermodal transport and adaptability of vibratory machines to dump truck-aided stockpiling.  相似文献   

针对我国加入WTO后,国内矿山面临的新形势、新任务和新挑战,剖析了露天矿开采的薄弱环节,强调指出国内露天矿应跟踪世界采矿科技发展的新动态,依靠科技进步和技术创新,缩小与国外同类矿山差距,保证我国矿产资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过回顾中国露天煤矿的建设与发展历程,提出煤炭露天工业在快速和创新发展的过程中需要汲取的经验与教训。并从科学发展观的战略高度,对中国露天煤矿企业现实和未来发展的几个问题,提出了要以不断地技术进步,推进露天煤矿企业持续快速健康地发展的建议。  相似文献   

Kimberlite pipes are mined open cast for diamonds at Orapa and Letlhakane in Botswana. The kimberlites are very low permeability even when weathered but are saturated due to high ground water levels. The country rocks of basalts overlying sandstones contain significant quantities of water at various piezometric pressures. A very large kimberlite pipe is mined at Orapa and 2 small ones at Letlhakane. Investigations showed that dewatering was necessary at the latter and a perimeter deep well system was installed in 1982. The piezometric pressures in the country rocks have been successfully maintained below the pit floor, though some modifications will be required in future as mining goes deeper. The Orapa kimberlite was shown to be too large and too low permeability to be successfully dewatered with wells or a gallery. Recommendations were given to reduce the problems created by wet kimberlite, in terms of day to day mining operations.  相似文献   

Coordination of heating energy sector performance and legal regulations and standards in the area of air protection from toxic substances involves opportunity analysis of limestone supply as limestone is used as deoxidant in the process of sulfur removal from smoke fuses. The problem of supplying heat power plants with limestone reduces to location identification, i.e. selection of an open pit mine offering the lowest cost of transportation. The authors present a single-phase local model for evaluation of decisionmaking in management of limestone supply to heat energy sector plants in Serbia.  相似文献   

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