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湖泊水体遥感提取方法比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以位于我国不同地区的10个湖泊为研究区域,对波段差值模型、FAI模型以及NDWI和近红外波段模型等3种水体提取模型进行了比较,分析其在MODIS数据湖泊水体识别方面的效果。模型中的阈值分别采用大津法和迭代法计算。结果表明,波段差值模型在西部地区湖泊的应用效果较好,而NDWI和近红外波段模型在东部地区湖泊的应用效果较好,两者总体上比FAI模型更为准确地提取了湖泊水体信息。此外,大多数情况下大津法和迭代法得到的阈值是相近的。  相似文献   

许晟铭 《遥感信息》2023,(4):168-176
为了解决传统水库监测管理手段效率低下的问题,采用光学影像和SAR影像数据对水库水体进行提取,实现对水库水域面积的动态监测。对比分析了多种水体提取方法在赵村水库的适用性,并结合现场调研的实际情况,分析了降雨量、水域面积和水位之间的关系。此外,利用数字高程模型对水库淹没区进行了模拟计算,得出了不同坝高设计下的淹没区域面积,并结合遥感影像进行了可视化展示。研究结果表明,光学影像和SAR影像数据相结合的方法可以准确提取水库水体信息,结果与实地调研数据相符,可为后续的水库监测预警工作提供有效的数据支持。  相似文献   

水体自动提取是当前遥感技术应用研究的热点之一。在简述水体遥感识别机理的基础上,回顾了国内外常用的Landsat数据水体自动提取方法,并将其划分为单波段阈值法、多波段谱间关系法、水体指数法和分类后提取法4类进行综合阐述,最后从辐射校正、混合像元和图像二值细化3方面对水体自动提取的未来研究方向做了展望,以期为水体自动提取及相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

郑子铖  丁凤 《福建电脑》2022,38(1):15-17
水体指数是快速、准确提取大范围区域中海岸线的有效方法。但水体指数对以淤泥质岸线提取海岸线的适用性有待检验。本文以上海市的部分淤泥质海岸为研究区,以三幅Landsat影像为数据源,采用NDWI、MNDWI、AWEInsh、AWEIsh等四种水体指数提取海岸线,使用遥感影像进行目视解译的海岸线作为参考,探究上诉四种水体指数提取海岸线的差异。结果表明:MNDWI指数提取的海岸线能得到最佳提取效果;在120 m范围内,各种水体指数的海岸线提取精度均高于50%。  相似文献   

基于TM影像的典型内陆淡水湿地水体提取研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
水是维系湿地生态系统稳定和健康的决定性因子,利用卫星遥感影像快速、准确地提取湿地水体信息已经成为湿地调查、研究与保护的重要手段。鉴于TM遥感影像具有较高的空间分辨率、波谱分辨率、极为丰富的信息量、较高的定位精度和相对较低的价格,其必然成为近一段时期湿地调查、研究与保护的重要数据源之一。研究基于TM遥感影像,运用多种方法针对典型内陆淡水湿地的水体信息进行了提取实验,通过对实验结果的分析得出:在面积的准确性、提取的准确度以及视觉效果3种指标下,光谱分类法较其它方法效果要好,其次为单波段阈值分析法与植被指数法,较差的是多波段谱间关系法与水体指数法;影响提取效果的主要原因是湿地水体提取不够完全,这是由影像的分辨率及湿地特殊的水文条件所造成的,采用像元分解及多源遥感数据融合技术将成为提高水体提取精度的重要手段。  相似文献   

山区因地势起伏大、水体分布零散导致遥感提取水体信息精度不高。另外,对于高分二号(GF-2)影像,受限于只有4个波段,无法构建已有水体提取精度较高的指数。鉴于此,以泰山为研究区,采用GF-2影像,提出差异水体光谱模型结合面向对象法的水体信息提取方法,并与阴影水体指数决策树、改进的阴影水体指数决策树以及支持向量机3种方法进行对比。结果表明,该方法能够有效去除山体阴影的影响,较好地保持了水体信息,对细微水体也有良好的提取能力,在实验和验证影像中总体精度分别达到98.02%和97.33%,Kappa值分别达到0.9533和0.9334,均高于其他3种方法。该方法在准确提取水体的同时,有效减少“椒盐现象”的发生,可为类似山区水体提取提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

遥感影像在水资源调查和洪涝灾害监测中发挥着重要作用,但从遥感影像中提取水体通常面临着阴影和狭小水体漏提等难题。针对单一方法在水体提取中的局限性,引入分类器集成的思想,提出一种基于投票法融合的水体提取方法,首先利用Bagging、Random Forests和神经网络(NN)分类器对遥感影像进行分类,然后采用多数投票法从决策层融合3个分类结果,得到研究区水体提取结果。试验结果表明,该方法能够有效去除阴影且能较好地识别狭小水体,具有良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

水体提取是遥感监测城市水环境必不可少的步骤,提取城市中的细小水体目前已成为遥感影像深度学习领域的热点。但是,深度学习需要大量的样本数据集作为输入,而且不同空间分辨率影像往往需要构建不同的样本集。如果影像的空间分辨率差异不大,可以先采用分辨率较低的影像样本训练模型,并加入少量的较高分辨率样本再次训练模型,这种模型可以保证精度和节约时间。研究选用了U-net图像分割模型,针对3种不同空间分辨率——分别为0.5 m、0.8 m和2 m的影像进行样本迁移学习。发现2 m到0.8 m、2 m到0.5 m、0.8 m到0.5 m 3种迁移学习后,提取水体结果对应评价指标F1-score、MIoU、Kappa都在0.80以上。在分辨率差异不大的前提下,这种从较低分辨率样本迁移到较高分辨率影像提取城市水体的方法基本可行,结果精度较好,适用于缺水型城市的水体提取。  相似文献   

应用阈值法对遥感图像上的水体目标进行提取时,水陆分割阈值的确定是其难点。以MODIS地表反射率数据为数据源,首先统计大量MODIS地表反射率影像第6波段的水陆分割阈值的范围作为先验阈值范围;然后将历史存档的研究区水体边界矢量叠加到图像上,并且将矢量边界向外扩大一倍,使得扩大后的范围内的水体和陆地面积相当;最后统计扩大后区域的第6波段的灰度直方图,并寻找先验阈值范围内的最小值作为最佳的水陆分割阈值进行水体提取。克服了统计直方图双峰谷值作为分割阈值的传统方法容易受到地物复杂性及噪声影响的难题,使得水陆分割阈值的确定变得更加简单、高效,实现了针对遥感影像上水体目标的自动提取,大大提高了水体提取的效率。  相似文献   

快速、可靠地获取遥感影像中的水体对于指导人类生产活动和掌握水资源的分布规律、开发保护具有重要意义。本研究根据无人机遥感影像在复杂环境下采用OCRNet语义分割模型结合HRNet骨干网进行水体提取,充分利用了水图像的特征,有效抑制了非水噪声,加快了模型的收敛速度。实验结果表明,该网络在准确率上有着不错的表现,Acc可达到99.30%,mIoU为0.9281,kappa系数(KC)为0.9231。  相似文献   

A large number of digitized surface water bodies are automatically distributed on the basis of size and shape by performing an opening transformation. In addition, an iteraled bisecting process is applied to construct self-similar size distribution of water bodies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a technique that includes a set of mathematical morphological transformations to estimate the frequency dimension. The dimension computed through a power law relationship is tallied with the dimension computed through a correlational plot. This technique is demonstrated on a two-dimensional section embodying a large number of surface water bodies, extracted from remotely sensed data, situated randomly, and the frequency dimension (D) for surface water bodies yields straight-line dependence of lnC(r) (correlational integral) on ln(r) (radius of structuring template). The correlational integral is computed for two aspects by considering the number of water bodies and their corresponding occupied areas. The number-frequency dimension and the area frequency dimension computed through correlational plots yield straight-line dependencies with slopes that are greater than unity but less than 2.0 (1.3 and 1.7, respectively).  相似文献   

Traditional manual methods of extracting water bodies from remote sensing images cannot satisfy the requirements for mass processing of remote sensing data, and new automated methods are complicated and require a large amount of auxiliary data. The histogram bimodal method is a frequently used objective tool for threshold selection in image segmentation. However, automatically calculating the threshold is difficult because of complex surfaces and image noise, which lead to imperfect twin peaks. To overcome these difficulties, we developed an operational automated water extraction method. This method does not require the identification of twin histogram peaks but instead seeks minimum values in the threshold range to achieve an automated dynamic threshold. We calibrated the method for 18 lakes in China using Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager images, for which the relative error (RE) and coefficient of determination (R2) for threshold accuracy were 2.1% and 0.96, respectively. The RE of area accuracy was 0.59%. The advantages of the method lie in its simplicity and minimal requirements for auxiliary data while still achieving an accuracy comparable to that of other automatic water extraction methods. It can be applied to mass remote sensing data to calculate water thresholds and automatically extract large water bodies.  相似文献   

In the envelope system of surface finish measurement, an envelope traced by a circle of definite radius gives the reference line for a two-dimensional surface profile. Geometrical construction of this envelope, on actual surface profiles, is fairly easy. For evaluating the benefits of the E-system it is advantageous to use digitized surface profiles, to compute the envelope from the profile ordinates. There are several ways of computing the envelope from digitized surface profiles and this paper explains the various methods and gives the times taken for computation.  相似文献   

P. Quittner  D. Kotsis 《Software》1978,8(6):673-679
The efficiency of various disk file processing methods is compared. Serial search and activity frequency ordered list processing, direct access and merged sequential processing are compared and the increase in processing time due to overflow records is calculated. Relationships are given to decide which method is faster in practice for concrete data sets and devices.  相似文献   

This paper compares the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and percent impervious surface as indicators of surface urban heat island effects in Landsat imagery by investigating the relationships between the land surface temperature (LST), percent impervious surface area (%ISA), and the NDVI. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data were used to estimate the LST from four different seasons for the Twin Cities, Minnesota, metropolitan area. A map of percent impervious surface with a standard error of 7.95% was generated using a normalized spectral mixture analysis of July 2002 Landsat TM imagery. Our analysis indicates there is a strong linear relationship between LST and percent impervious surface for all seasons, whereas the relationship between LST and NDVI is much less strong and varies by season. This result suggests percent impervious surface provides a complementary metric to the traditionally applied NDVI for analyzing LST quantitatively over the seasons for surface urban heat island studies using thermal infrared remote sensing in an urbanized environment.  相似文献   

There are many different ways in which loads may be carried, and the mode of load carriage adopted can be determined by factors such as weight, shape and size of the load, the duration for which it has to be carried, the terrain, climate and the physical characteristics and condition of the individual and the clothing he wears as well as his personal preference. It is generally more expensive in terms of energy cost to carry loads on the head, in the hands or arms, or attached to the legs, than to carry the load closely attached to the trunk as when using a backpack. A combined front-and backpack, or carriage of loads around the waist, tend to incur the lowest energy cost for a given load, as lateral and anteroposterior stability is optimized. However, there may be chest restriction and a limitation to evaporate body cooling, and donning and doffing problems may mitigate against the adoption of this method. Hand or arm carriage usually leads to local muscle fatigue rather quickly. Despite this, for convenience, over short distances or for intermittent load carriage, people will often choose to carry loads in their arms or hands.

This paper describes six separate experiments that we have conducted in our laboratory. In general, they show that there is seldom a single ‘best’ way to carry a load, and it is often difficult to clearly and objectively distinguish the physiological effects and the effects on the performance of the individual, of different methods of load carriage. We believe that it is wise to supplement objective physiological measurements with subjective opinion. However, it is important that the subjective data should be gathered as objectively as possible, by using appropriate experimental designs, carefully structured questionnaire techniques and standardized subjective rating methods. We have also found it profitable to conduct field studies to supplement our laboratory experiments. In general heavy loads should not be attached to small muscle groups, and optimum use should be made of the large muscle groups of the body in order to minimize fatigue and local muscular discomfort. There is a ‘knack’ to load carriage, and that ‘knack’ lies in the practical implementation of elementary principles.  相似文献   

Water extraction is one of challenging topics in studies on remote-sensing applications. Spectral profiles and experiments indicate that existing water indices often misclassified turbid water, small waterbodies, and some land features in a shadow area. In this study, a new water index called weighted normalized difference water index (WNDWI) was proposed to reduce those errors and improve the mapping accuracy of waterbodies by using Landsat imagery. To test the performance of the newly proposed water index, two test sites (Tampa Bay, FL, USA and Xiangshan Harbour, Zhejiang, China) were selected and the performances of three existing water indices including the normalized difference water index (NDWI), the modified NDWI (MNDWI), and the automated water extraction index (AWEI) were compared with that of the WNDWI. In addition, a default threshold 0 and automatically thresholding methods including Otsu threshold method and multiple thresholds identified by valley points in a histogram curve were tested to determine an optimal threshold that can be used to separate water and non-water features from grey images created by the four water indices. The experimental results indicate that the overall accuracies (OAs) created with WNDWI were all higher than those created with the three existing water indices: NDWI, MNDWI, and AWEI in both sites. Moreover, the results thresholded by 0 owned or shared the highest OAs with the results segmented by some of non-zero thresholds obtained from Otsu method and multiple thresholds method. Therefore, using an appropriate threshold, the proposed method could extract waterbodies from Landsat TM imagery with a high accuracy.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2007,85(11-14):833-843
A perspective is given on fictitious domain methods for deformable bodies that exert large motions induced by unsteady flow. In these methods an Eulerian and Lagrangian formulation are employed for the fluid and solid, respectively, and both bodies are coupled using a Lagrange multiplier. The use of a multiplier allows the solid not to be an integral part of the fluid mesh. Three variations of the fictitious domain method that have been published before, are compared to an ALE method in two numerical experiments and in conclusion the advantages, disadvantages and differences for the different approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

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