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This paper introduces a new feature vector for shape-based image indexing and retrieval. This feature classifies image edges based on two factors: their orientations and correlation between neighboring edges. Hence it includes information of continuous edges and lines of images and describes major shape properties of images. This scheme is effective and robustly tolerates translation, scaling, color, illumination, and viewing position variations. Experimental results show superiority of proposed scheme over several other indexing methods. Averages of precision and recall rates of this new indexing scheme for retrieval as compared with traditional color histogram are 1.99 and 1.59 times, respectively. These ratios are 1.26 and 1.04 compared to edge direction histogram.  相似文献   

胡扬波  袁杰  王李冬 《计算机应用》2014,34(10):2938-2943
针对图像检索中多特征综合描述子维度过高且综合权值难以确定的缺点,提出一种新的基于增强微结构和上下文相似度的图像检索方法。首先,使用一种新的局部模式映射来创建过滤图;然后,基于该图上的颜色共生关系提取增强微结构描述子,该描述子综合了多种特征而维度与单特征相同,检索时使用此描述子计算图像对间的规范距离得出初始的有序相似图像序列;最后,结合迭代上下文相似度对检索序列进行重新排序。当迭代次数为50且考虑前24幅结果图像时,在Corel-5000和Corel-10000图像集上的实验结果显示,所提方法与同类型的多重基元直方图(MTH)和微结构描述子(MSD)方法相比,检索查准率分别提高了13.14%、7.09%和11.03%、6.8%。结果表明新方法能在维度不变的情况下综合多种特征并充分利用上下文信息,从而有效提高图像检索的准确率。  相似文献   

应用视觉注意多分辨率分析的图像检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于人类视觉感知理论,提出一个改进的Itti视觉注意模型用于图像检索。该改进视觉注意模型是在充分考虑纹理特征与视觉感知关系的基础上,构造一个粗糙度图,用作视觉注意模型的一个初级视觉特征。首先通过该改进视觉注意模型得到50个视觉特征图;然后分别对每个视觉特征图采用局部二值模式傅里叶直方图(LBP-HF)方法抽取其分布信息,从而获得每幅图像的高维特征;最后利用局部保持投影(LPP)方法进行维数约简,以获取具有图像间局部几何和鉴别信息的低维特征用于图像检索。实验结果表明,该算法能获得较好的检索效果。  相似文献   

针对已有的基于形状的图像检索中目标形状描述方法的不足对其进行改进。首先对目标图像进行一系列预处理,得到图像的外部轮廓,利用改进的霍夫变换提取目标轮廓的线性特征;然后引入成对几何特征即有向相对角和有向相对位置来描述图像的形状;最后利用直方图相交算法衡量图像特征间的相似度。实验证明,利用本文改进的方法所描述的形状属性来检索数据库中的图像具有较高的效率。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的相似性图像检索方法.该方法利用信息熵理论,对图像的形状特征进行描述.首先分割图像,把一幅图像划分为若干子区域,抽取图像的主要形状并统计其所含的角度信息;再利用信息熵计算图像之间的形状互信息.用该方法对不同类型图像进行实验,结果表明,与其他方法相比其具有更好的效果,抗噪性强,也更稳定.  相似文献   

The advent of large scale digital image database leads to great challenges in content-based image retrieval (CBIR) method. The CBIR is considered an active area of research; however, it comprises a strong backdrop for new methodologies and system implementations. Hence, many research contributions focus on these techniques to enable higher image retrieval accuracy while preserving the low level computational complexity. This paper proposes a CBIR method, which is based on an efficient combination of multiresolution based color and texture features. This paper considers color autocorrelogram of the hue(H) and saturation(s) components of HSV color space for color features, and value(V) component of HSV color space for texture features. These two image features are extracted by computing co-occurrence matrix at optimum level image, which is the basis for the formation of feature vector. Though the optimum level is constructed based on wavelet transform, which contains a few dominant wavelet coefficients. The efficiency of the proposed system is tested with standard image databases, and the experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better retrieval accuracy at optimum level; moreover, the proposed method is very fast with low computational load. The obtained results are compared with existing techniques such as orthogonal polynomial model, multiresolution with BDIP-BVLC method and GLCM based system, and results reveal that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods.  相似文献   

基于边缘颜色分布的图像检索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的基于边缘颜色分布的图像检索算法。该算法将不同类型边缘附近的颜色分布作为刻画图像内容的主要特征,设计了一种紧凑的2D边缘颜色直方图来对图像的边缘颜色分布特征进行描述,既利用了局部颜色特征,又考虑了不同类型边缘的空间分布信息,克服了传统颜色直方图不能反映空间信息的缺陷。实验结果表明,该算法与其他同类方法相比,有效地提高了检索性能。  相似文献   

提出一种针对嵌入式系统的图像检索算法,通过提取目标局部特征来进行图像检索。为了提高检索的实时性并兼顾正确率,选用经典SIFT特征为基础进行改进。在关键点检测阶段使用均值滤波代替高斯滤波大大提高特征提取速度。在描述符生成阶段通过稀疏矩阵将SIFT特征映射为二进制描述符。引入基于K-means的 Multi-probe LSH方法对二进制描述符进行快速检索和匹配。通过一系列的图像缩放、旋转、模糊和光照变化对比实验,可以看出该算法与现有的经典算法相比在检索正确率及实时性方面均有很好的表现。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a spectral graph wavelet framework for the analysis and design of efficient shape signatures for nonrigid 3D shape retrieval. Although this work focuses primarily on shape retrieval, our approach is, however, fairly general and can be used to address other 3D shape analysis problems. In a bid to capture the global and local geometry of 3D shapes, we propose a multiresolution signature via a cubic spline wavelet generating kernel. The parameters of the proposed signature can be easily determined as a trade-off between effectiveness and compactness. Experimental results on two standard 3D shape benchmarks demonstrate the much better performance of the proposed shape retrieval approach in comparison with three state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, our approach yields a higher retrieval accuracy when used in conjunction with the intrinsic spatial partition matching.  相似文献   

Accuracy and efficiency are the two important issues in designing content-based image retrieval systems. In this paper, we present an efficient image retrieval system with high performance of accuracy based on two novel features, the composite sub-band gradient vector and the energy distribution pattern string. Both features are generated from the sub-images of a wavelet decomposition of the original image. A fuzzy matching mechanism based on energy distribution pattern strings serves as a filter to quickly remove undesired images in the database from further consideration. The images passing the filter will be compared with the query image based on composite sub-band gradient vectors which are extremely powerful for discriminating detailed textures. Through several extensive experiments by exercising our prototype system with a database of 2400 images, we demonstrated that both high accuracy and high efficiency can be achieved at the same time by our approach.  相似文献   

刘付民  张治斌 《计算机应用》2012,32(5):1280-1282
为了改善基于内容的图像检索的效果和提高其检索效率,提出一种基于色彩和边缘特征的图像检索方法。首先将RGB图像分成几个子图像的形式,然后,对于每一个子图像提取其色彩特征和边缘特征,其中边缘特征的获得采用了瞬时保持(MP)边缘检测技术。将这两种特征结合在一起使用,可以实现准确快捷的图像检索。实验结果表明,该方法在检索精度和检索效率上都高于Cheng的两种方法且所用的时间分别为Cheng的方法的10%和3%,检索精度提高近20%。  相似文献   

针对基于边缘方向自相关图的图像检索算法的优缺点,提出了一种基于边缘方向直方图相关性匹配的图像检索算法。使用自适应中值滤波器滤除图像中的椒盐噪声。利用Sobel算子提取图像边缘,通过计算边缘梯度幅值、角度统计后得边缘方向直方图,并对直方图进行等级化排列构成特征向量。最后使用斯皮尔曼等级相关计算图像特征向量间的相关系数作为衡量图像间相似性的指标。实验结果表明:该算法的平均查准率、查全率较基于边缘方向自相关图算法分别提升10.5%,9.7%,平均检索耗时减少了7.5%。实验验证了算法的有效性,可将算法应用到中大规模图像检索系统中以提升检索效果,提高系统速度。  相似文献   

基于纹理和形状的图像相关反馈检索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综合图像的纹理和形状特征进行图像检索时,采用了基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理特征提取 和基于不变矩的形状特征提取方法,并在此基础上加入了基于权重调整的相关反馈机制,使用户可以 参与检索过程,通过调整权重使得检索结果最终满足用户的检索要求。实验表明,这种算法获得了较 好的检索结果。  相似文献   

针对单独用颜色特征并不能很好地表达图像内容的问题,提出了综合利用颜色和形状特征进行图像检索的方法。由于颜色直方图无法表达空间分布信息,因此采用的颜色特征为颜色自相关图,并对色调进行重叠量化。而形状特征采用边缘方向直方图,并对方向进行重叠量化。仿真实验表明,综合利用颜色和形状特征比单独用颜色和形状特征进行图像检索的效果要好,提高了图像检索的查准率。  相似文献   

A technique using the generalized multidimensional orthogonal polynomials (GMDOP) for 2-D shape analysis is proposed. In shape analysis, spatial invariances (i.e. translational invariance, scaling invariance, rotational invariance, etc.) are important requirements for a shape analysis algorithm. The described technique provides not only the three invariant properties but also mirror-image rotational invariance and permutational invariance. Experimental results supporting the theory are presented  相似文献   

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