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This study was carried out to determine the changes of volatile compounds composition during palm sugar production. The samples were collected at every 30 min interval for 4 h of heating process at 150 °C from a local traditional manufacturer in Kuala Pilah, Malaysia. The analyses were performed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry after headspace solid phase micro extraction. The results showed that N-heterocyclic chemical class possessed the highest relative percentage area (RPA) 83.69%, followed by O-heterocyclic group with RPA of 14.5%. Main volatile compounds the determined were 5-methyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-cyclopenta pyrazine and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H) furanone which were responsible for roasty and sweet caramel-like aroma notes, respectively. The pyrazine compounds increase exponentially with heating time but furan derivatives compounds were formed at a later stage, i.e. at 180 min of heating time and above 105 °C.  相似文献   

Four solid phase microextraction (SPME) fibres, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB), polyacrylate (PA), and carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS), were evaluated for profiling of volatile compounds during cooking of Mucuna pruriens beans. A gas chromatograph coupled to a high resolution time of flight mass spectrometer system was employed for separation, detection and identification of the volatile compounds. For the first time we report a total of 26 compounds, mostly alkyl benzenes and polycyclic compounds, identified in black, white, black–white, and yellow green Mucuna beans during head space sampling employing a CAR/PDMS fibre with subsequent detection with high resolution mass spectrometry. The number of volatile compounds sampled, most notably alkylbenzenes, decreased with each hour of boiling and discarding of water extracts. As the beans approached being fully cooked, benzoic acid 2-hydroxy methyl ester was the most dominant compound in all the four types of beans. These results are a first step towards addressing some of the occupational exposure associated with cooking Mucuna beans by rural communities.  相似文献   

The effects of storage and post-harvest maturation on the physicochemical characteristics and volatile constituents of Bergeron apricot were investigated during the 2007 season over two experiments. Fruits, harvested at two distinct stages of maturity, in two different experimental orchards, were stored in cold chambers at +1 °C for up to 3 weeks and then subjected to a post-harvest maturation in ripening chambers at 20 °C and 60–70% RH up to 7 days. Firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), and the levels of the main volatiles were determined. Physicochemical changes included a significant decrease of firmness during both storage and post-harvest maturation whereas the levels of SS and TA were found to be very similar. The results also indicated that, whatever their initial stage of maturity at harvest, the rates of softening of apricots during storage and/or post-harvest maturation were very comparable. During post-harvest maturation, the levels of C6-compounds decreased drastically whereas, at the same time, those of esters, lactones and terpenic compounds greatly increased. During storage at 1 °C, a decrease of C6-compounds was also observed. As regards other compounds, there were some statistically different results between samples but the changes observed for lactones, esters and terpenic compounds were relatively small in comparison to those observed during post-harvest maturation at 20 °C. The results also showed that, at the end, qualitative and quantitative differences can be observed in the “ready-to-eat” apricots according to their initial stage of maturity at harvest. On average, apricots harvested at the most advanced stage of maturity have, on average, the highest levels of soluble solids and the highest levels of volatile compounds of interest.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the volatile composition of the siriguela fruit (Spondias purpurea L.), the pulp of the fresh fruit was submitted to solid phase microextracton (SPME) using different fibers, divinylbenzene-carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS), carbowax-divinylbenzene (CW/DVB), carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fibers. DVB/CAR/PDMS showed to be the more efficient qualitative and semi-quantitatively fiber in trapping these compounds. It was made possible to identify ketones, alcohols, aldehydes, esters and terpenic hydrocarbons in the headspace. The major compounds identified were hexanal, trans-2-hexenal, 3-hexen-1-ol, 2-hexen-1-ol, ethyl acetate and hexyl acetate. To have a clear picture of the retention indices of these compounds a new protocol, in which the standard hydrocarbon mixture is submitted to SPME, was developed and successfully used.  相似文献   

HS-SPME-GC-MS分析发芽糙米储藏过程中挥发性成分的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水分含量为(14±0.5)%的发芽糙米为原料,取1 kg装入聚乙烯(PE)袋(15 cm×20 cm)密封后分别在湿度(65±3)%的4℃和35℃条件下储藏6个月.采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)对4℃和35℃储藏及新鲜的发芽糙米中的挥发性物质进行提取、鉴定与分析.结果表明:发芽糙米挥发性成分主要有烃类、醛类和酯类,其次是醇类和酸类;随着储藏时间的延长,发芽糙米挥发性成分发生明显变化;4℃与35℃储藏下的发芽糙米挥发性成分种类、含量有差异性;在35℃下储藏的发芽糙米中的挥发性成分种类含量较4℃下有显著性增加.储藏6个月之后,变化较明显的挥发性成分有十六烷、十八烷、己醛、n-十六酸、2-乙基-1-己醇、乙酸乙酯.  相似文献   

The steam volatile components of Yucatan Habanero chile pepper (Capsicum chinense Jack. cv. Habanero) at two ripening stages (green and orange) were analyzed using GC and GC/MS. Both samples had several compounds in common. One hundred and two compounds were identified, from which (E)-2-hexenal, hexyl 3-methylbutanoate, (Z)-3-hexenyl 3-methylbutanoate, hexyl pentanoate, 3,3-dimethylcyclohexanol, and hexadecanoic acid were found to be the major constituents. During Habanero chile pepper maturation, the majority of volatile compounds decreased or even disappeared, some of them with green odour notes while esters, which have fruity odour notes, increased at the same time.  相似文献   

Volatile organic acids in freeze-dried Cheonggukjang were quantified using a stable-isotope dilution assay (SIDA) according to the fermentation period. Five organic acids, acetic acid, propanoic acid, 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, and 3-methylbutanoic acid, were identified using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) in conjunction with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The contents of volatile organic acids in Cheonggukjang were highly dependent on the fermentation period and they increased during fermentation. Moreover, the branched-chained organic acids (namely 2-methylpropanoic acid and 3-methylbutanoic acid) were formed earlier and were present at much higher contents than the corresponding straight-chained organic acids during Cheonggukjang fermentation.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of heating temperature and duration on volatile aromatic components of spring and winter Phyllostachys pubescens shoots using SPME. Results from GC–MS analyses revealed that the main constituents in both bamboo shoots at ambient temperature include methoxy-phenyl oxime, followed by n-hexanol and 3Z-hexenal, which gives a fresh green aroma. Comparing the different compounds, between spring and winter shoots, revealed that spring bamboo shoots at ambient temperature comprise 12.30% methyl salicylate, which provides protection against insect attack, and 9.71% epi-cedrol; while winter bamboo shoots comprise 17.00% 1-octen-3-ol, which produces a distinct mushroom aroma. After heating at 100 °C for 60 min, a marked increase in relative content of benzyl salicylate (43.30%) and a significant decrease in methyl salicylate content in spring bamboo shoots were observed; while the major compound in winter bamboo shoots was n-heneicosane (78.09%) and the content of specific 1-octen-3-ol significantly decreased.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the suitability of four species of trash fishes for the production of fish miso, a Japanese fermented fish meat paste compared with soy and rice miso from the point of view of product aroma. The effect of washing fish meat on finished product was also evaluated. Headspace volatiles for different miso samples were analyzed by using solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique. A total of 107 volatile compounds have been identified, where 94 were common for all the miso samples. Considering the lower threshold perception and higher odour active values 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, methional, isoamyl acetate, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 2,3-butanedione, 3-methylethyl butanoate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, ethyl hexanoate, 1-octen-3-ol, heptanol, heptanal and 2-undecanone were identified as key compounds for the miso products. Principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of headspace volatiles clearly elucidated the relationship amongst different miso samples based on fish species and effect of fresh water washing of meat on aroma of finished product.  相似文献   

HS-SPME–GC–MS analysis of Aglianico del Vulture red wine from Southern Italy showed the presence of ethyl acetate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methylbutyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, diethyl butanedioate, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate. Thermal treatment for 24 h in the 20–60 °C range showed that for most of the compounds analysed the simple transition from 20 to 30 °C induces a significant modification on the composition of volatile compounds. A sharp decrease was observed for ethyl acetate, diethyl butanedioate, and 3-methylbutyl acetate; a moderate decrease was observed for ethyl hexanoate, while an increase was observed for 3-methyl-1-butanol, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate. The temperature of 40 °C induces the maximum evolution of this type of compound. Higher temperatures induce a reduction of volatile compounds in wine. Irradiation of Barolo (red wine, Northern Italy), Amarone (red wine, Northern Italy), and Brunello di Montalcino (red wine, Central Italy), at 20 °C was performed with a 13 W neon lamp. 3-Methyl-1-butanol was affected by the irradiation. In the case of Barolo and Amarone, we observed a moderate increase, while, for Brunello di Montalcino, a decrease was observed. In the same way, esters were degraded during irradiation. In the red wine one or more components (phenols?) are able to protect esters from photodegradation. In diethyl butanedioate and ethyl hexanoate, octanoate, and decanoate we observed an initial increase of the concentration of the esters in some cases.  相似文献   

The quantitative distribution of volatile compounds in the skin, top mesocarp, middle mesocarp, bottom mesocarp, inner mesocarp, and outer mesocarp of a white-fleshed peach (cv. Maura) was investigated. Volatile compounds were extracted by liquid–liquid microextraction (LLME) and analyzed by GC–FID and GC–MS. The results showed that the levels of volatiles in skin were significantly higher than those observed in the other parts of the fruit, whereas top and bottom mesocarp were mainly discriminated by opposite concentrations in unsaturated lactones and C6-compounds. Distribution of lactones was also found to be different in skin and pulp according to their carbon chain length. Finally, the highest concentrations of benzaldehyde were found to be mainly located close to the stone suggesting that in peach this compound could be derived from enzymatic hydrolysis of amygdalin.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to reliably identify odorous compounds of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) after 1, 4 and 15 days of storage in order to find markers of freshness or spoilage. For this purpose, a dynamic headspace gas chromatography olfactometry device (DH-GC-MS/8O) was used with a panel of eight sniffers for comprehensive detection of odorants. One- and two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC-GC-MS/O) coupled with olfactometry and mass spectrometry gave reliable identification. More than 144 volatile compounds were detected in seabass flesh, of which only 13 proved to be odorant (their biochemical origins are discussed): methane-thiobis, thiophene, toluene + butanoic acid ethyl ester, hexanal, 1-hexanol, 1-octen-3-one, 1-octen-3-ol, dimethyl-trisulfide, octanal, 1-nonen-3-ol, (E)-2-nonenal and 2 unknown compounds. Amongst these compounds, only thiophene, hexanal, 1-octen-3-one, dimethyl-trisulfide, and 1-nonen-3-ol are proposed as markers of seabass quality.  相似文献   

The shelf life of red mullet and goldband goatfish during ice storage were studied in terms of sensory, microbiological and chemical changes. The sensory acceptability limit was 8 days for goldband goatfish (Upeneus moluccensis) and 11 days for red mullet (Mullus barbatus) stored in ice. The TVC level was correlated with sensory assessment. The TVC exceeded 7 log cfu g−1 after 8 days for goldband goatfish, and 11 days for red mullet. At the end of storage period, pH, TVB-N, TBA, FFA and PV for red mullet were 7.84, 47.19 mg/100 g, 0.69 mg MA kg−1, 1.17% oleic acid and 1.58 meq O2/kg and for goldband goatfish they were 7.53, 43.97 mg/100 g, 0.74 mg MA kg−1, 1.62% oleic acid and 1.68 meq O2/kg, respectively. In red mullet, agmatine, serotonin, histamine and dopamine became the dominant amines, reaching 7.30, 5.97, 2.52 and 2.31 mg/100 g, respectively. Also the dominant amines for goldband goatfish were 4.37, 3.88, 3.38 and 2.00 mg/100 g for histamine, agmatine, dopamine and putrescine, respectively.  相似文献   

Tart cherries of ‘Early Richmond’, widely grown in Shandong (China), were fermented with six different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (BM4×4, RA17, RC212, D254, D21 and GRE) to elucidate their influence on the production of volatiles and polyphenols. Acetic acid and 3-methylbutanol were found in the highest concentrations among all identified volatiles with all six yeast strains, followed by 2-methylpropanol and ethyl lactate. RA17 and GRE cherry wines were characterised by a higher amount of esters and acids. D254 wine contained a higher concentration of alcohols. With respect to polyphenols, five phenolic acids and four anthocyanins were identified among all tested samples, with chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids, cyanidin 3-glucosylrutinoside and cyanidin 3-rutinoside being the major compounds. When using principal component analysis to classify the cherry wines according to the volatiles and polyphenols, they were divided into three groups: (1) RA17 and GRE, (2) RC212 and D254 and (3) BM4×4 and D21.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds present on fruits and leaves of Mangifera indica var. coquinho were investigated by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and hydrodistillation (HD). Conventional techniques, such as hydrodistillation, may impart chemical changes to the original oil composition being also time-consuming. On the other hand, HS-SPME provides solvent-less extractions, shorter extraction times and may supply complementary information about the composition of the compounds. The HS-SPME technique was previously evaluated by the comparative study among the fibres: commercial PDMS, NiTi-ZrO2 and NiTi-ZrO2-PDMS. The fibre NiTi-ZrO2-PDMS showed better sensitivity and precision and was used on the extraction of components. The influence of several parameters like the time and temperature of extraction and desorption time were examined to obtain better efficiency. Fruits and leaves were analysed in mature and immature stages. The profiles corresponding to the volatile compounds detected by both techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Critical steps of a typical industrial line for processing a blackberry-based beverage in glass bottles have been studied, together with the effects of storage of final product at four different temperatures. For the steps, contents of total phenolics, anthocyanins, ellagitannins, and minor phenolic compounds were assessed by HPLC-DAD and antioxidant capacity by H-ORAC and DPPH. Thermal processes, especially blanching, drastically reduced anthocyanins, whereas hot-filling degraded ellagitannins. The final product showed reduced values for the anthocyanins cyanidin-3-glucoside (by 52%) and cyanidin-3-malonyl glucoside (64%), and ellagitannins lambertianin C (80%), and sanguiin H-6 (50%). Antioxidant capacity (H-ORAC) dropped by almost 47%. The anthocyanins and ellagitannins continued degrading during storage, especially if temperatures were high. Reduction kinetic parameters during storage were estimated for anthocyanins and, for the first time, for both lambertianin C and sanguiin H-6.  相似文献   

Nine accessions of Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. and three of Abelmoschus moschatus Medik were both grown in Central Italy for the evaluation of the production of seeds. Furthermore, the volatiles emitted by the mature seeds were sampled by mean of SPME. Seventy compounds were detected in the headspace of the seeds of A. esculentus. The principal constituents common to all the nine accessions were isopentyl 2-methyl butanoate (24.5–59.1%) and heptanoic acid 2-methylbutyl ester (6.6–13.5%). In the headspace around the seeds of A. moschatus 93 components were detected. Among the main volatiles shared by the three accessions, n-tridecane (1.5–26.9%), isopentyl 2-methyl butanoate (0.2–14.3%) and decanal (1.6–5.7%) should be mentioned. Many differences were present in the volatiles emitted by the various accessions and between the two Abelmoschus species.  相似文献   

A study of the headspace of smoked swordfish and cod was carried out by means of Solid Phase Microextraction followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The headspace of both smoked fish species contains ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, acids, esters, hydrocarbons, ethers, nitrogen derivatives, phenol, guaiacol, and syringol derivatives, as well as some chlorinated contaminants. The differences found between the headspace of both smoked fish are basically due both to a higher proportion of smoke components in cod than in swordfish, and to specific fish components being present or absent in each fish sample. The high proportion of syringol in both fish samples indicates that smoking was carried out using hardwood. Some smoke components were not detected in the headspace of these smoked fish samples.  相似文献   

Table olive quality depends on a number of factors, including fruit characteristics, ripening and processing technologies. Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, present both in the sample matrix and in the headspace aroma, are responsible for the olive fruit flavour influencing the consumer’s preference.  相似文献   

Changes occurring during storage in the content of polar phenolic compounds, the composition of tocopherols (T), the presence of primary and secondary oxidative products and titratable acidity in oil obtained from the seeds of Camelina sativa were studied. In fresh oil the content of polar phenolic compounds amounted to 128 mg/kg (expressed as chlorogenic acid), the content of α-T was (41 ± 8) mg/kg, of γ-T (710 ± 19) mg/kg and of δ-T (12 ± 3) mg/kg. β-T and tocotrienols were not detected. In oil stored at 50 °C the concentration of total tocopherols decreased to a value of (440 ± 13) mg/kg in 15 days. In that time the content of polar phenolic compounds in the oil stored at 50 °C was reduced to 72% of its initial value. The content of polar phenolic compounds in oil stored at 65 °C for 15 days was reduced to 21% of its initial value. The content of polar phenolic compounds in the C. sativa oil investigated decreased linearly with peroxide value and with p-anisidine value. The antioxidative activity of polar phenolic compounds extracted from camelina oil was also elucidated. Analysis revealed that the phenolic extract obtained from camelina oil added to a model lipid system for a certain time significantly retarded the process of autooxidation.  相似文献   

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