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A structural transition of Ba6Ti17O40/BaTiO3 interfaces from faceted to rough was induced by reducing oxygen partial pressure in the atmosphere. As the oxygen partial pressure decreased, the number densities of {111} twins and abnormal grain decreased. TEM observation showed that the twin formation was governed only by the faceting of the interface. Experimental evidence of {111} twin-assisted abnormal growth of faceted BaTiO3 grains was also obtained.  相似文献   

The growth of abnormal grains of PMN–35PT containing Σ3 twin boundaries was compared with that of untwinned abnormal grains of PMN–35PT. It was thought that the twinned abnormal grains might have a growth advantage because of the presence of reentrant edges. The aforementioned types of grains were embedded in a PMN–35PT polycrystalline matrix with 3 vol% excess PbO, and grown by annealing in an oxygen atmosphere at 1150°C for varying times. It was found that abnormal grains containing Σ3 boundaries showed a comparable degree of growth to that of the untwinned grains. Furthermore, for the twinned seed crystals, the extent of growth was independent of whether there was any initial entrapped porosity within the abnormal grain.  相似文献   

Calcium aluminosulfate (Ca4Al6O16S or C4A3̄) was prepared by direct synthesis from calcium and aluminum nitrates, and aluminum sulfate. CaAl4O7(CA2) formed as an intermediate at 900°C, and C4A3̄ was the main phase after calcination at 1100°C. The specific surface areas after calcination at 1100° and 1300°C were ∼2.5 and 1 m2/g, respectively. Hydration was investigated using XRD, DSC, SEM, conduction calorimetry, and solid-state 27Al MAS-NMR spectroscopy. Calorimetry showed that the induction period was longer than that of a sample prepared using conventional solid-state sintering, and this was attributed to the formation of amorphous coatings. Crystalline hydration products, principally calcium monoaluminosulfate hydrate and aluminum hydroxide, appeared subsequently. Although the induction period was very long, complete hydration occurred as early as 3 d in the sample calcined at 1100°C and was 91% complete in the sample calcined at 1300°C.  相似文献   

Beta C2S was hydrated at room temperature with and without added CaCl2 or C2H5OH by methods previously studied for the hydration of C3S, i.e. paste, bottle, and ball-mill hydration. The amount of reacted β-C2S, the Ca(OH)2 concentration in the liquid phase, the CaO/SiO2 molar ratio, and the specific surface area of the hydrate were investigated. A topochemical reaction occurs between water and β-C2S, resulting in the appearance of solid Ca(OH)2 and a hydrated silicate with a CaO/SiO2 molar ratio of ≃1. As the liquid phase becomes richer in Ca(OH)2, the first hydrate transforms to one with a higher CaO/SiO2 ratio. Addition of CaCl2 increases the reaction rate and the surface area of the hydrate but to a much lesser extent than in the hydration of C3S, whereas C2H6OH strongly depresses the hydration rate of β-C2S, as observed for C3S hydration.  相似文献   

When sintered Al2O3 is annealed with CaMgSiAlO glass at 1600°C, polyhedral MgAl2O4 grains form and glass pockets are entrapped within the grains. After annealing for 13 h at 1600°C, the liquid pockets show a regular octahedron shape which is expected to represent the equilibrium shape. All grain surfaces in contact with the glass matrix show the same shape. The small grains, which must be shrinking, thus have the equilibrium shape, because their shrinkage shape is is identical to the equilibrium and growth shape. However, the octahedral shape also represents the growth shape for the growing large grains. The grains also form grain boundaries with neighboring grains.  相似文献   

Single-crystal layers of 0.65Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3·0.35PbTiO3 (PMN-35PT) were grown heteroepitaxially on {001}-BaTiO3 template crystals. A {001}-BaTiO3 crystal was embedded in a fine-grained matrix of PMN-35PT containing excess PbO and heated between 950° and 1150°C for 0–5 h. The initial growth of the PMN-35PT on the {001} surface and the growth of the matrix grains both displayed a t 1/3 dependence which is characteristic of diffusion-controlled growth. Growth was limited to ∼100–150 μm due to the significantly reduced driving force at longer times because of matrix coarsening and porosity evolution.  相似文献   

Abnormal grain growth in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–35 mol% PbTiO3 (PMN-35PT) ceramics doped with Li2O and PbO has been investigated. Replacing the PbO dopant with up to 2 mol% Li2O caused an increase in the number of abnormal grains. For the composition containing 2 mol% Li2O and 6 mol% PbO, the amount of abnormal grain growth decreased with increasing sintering temperature. Single crystals of ∼6 mm × 6 mm × 2 mm thickness were grown from the 2 mol% Li2O, 6 mol% PbO-containing composition via the templated grain growth method. Grain growth behavior with temperature is explained in terms of the effect of Li2O on interface-reaction-controlled grain growth and the critical driving force.  相似文献   

Abnormal grain growth (AGG), which occurred during the heat treatment of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-35 mol% PbTiO3 (PMN-35PT) with excess PbO, was investigated. AGG has been suggested to be the consequence of grain coalescence that results in the formation of Σ3 coincidence site lattice and low angle grain boundaries. Because of reentrant edges appearing at the ends of these boundaries, the coarsening rate of grains was significantly enhanced and AGG occurred.  相似文献   

Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-35 mol% PbTiO3 (PMN-35PT) specimens with a 5 mol% excess PbO were prepared by excessive heat treatment at 1150°C to induce abnormal grain growth. Through electron backscatter diffraction analysis and the observation of a three-dimensional morphology, the abnormally grown PMN-35PT grains were found to be twinned crystals with penetration characteristics. The morphology of the PMN-35PT twinned crystal was crystallographically analyzed. The abnormal grain growth of PMN-35PT is suggested to be due to preferential growth at the reentrant angles formed by twins.  相似文献   

(In0.67Fe0.33)2O3 with the bixbyite structure was synthesized via 28 GHz microwave irradiation, using multimode microwave heating equipment. Indium sesquioxide strongly absorbs 28 GHz microwaves, and this strong coupling with microwave energy can be used to drive a reaction with iron sesquioxide. A mixture of In2O3 and α-Fe2O3 powders (In:Fe ratio of 2:1) was irradiated with microwaves at a frequency of 28 GHz. The mixture was heated to 1400°C during the microwave irradiation. The formation of a solid solution was completed within a minute, which indicated a drastic enhancement of the reaction rate. Scanning electron microscopy revealed remarkable grain growth under microwave irradiation.  相似文献   

It is experimentally observed that the peritectic reaction, 211 + liquid → 123, can be driven essentially to completion in 1 h at an undercooling of only ∽30°C. The kinetic data, together with the observed microstructures, are inconsistent with the normal mechanism of the peritectic reaction. It is proposed that the mechanism of the reaction involves dissolution of 211 particles into the liquid and precipitation of solid 123. The aligned grain structure is explained through sympathetic nucleation of new 123 grains on existing grains.  相似文献   

C70 whiskers with submicrometer diameters (C70 nanowhiskers, or C70NWs) have been successfully fabricated by forming liquid/liquid interfaces in systems that involve a toluene solution of C70 and isopropyl alcohol. Transmission electron microscopy observations show that the C70NWs have a 〈110〉 growth axis and that the intercluster distance of C70 molecules in the C70NWs are shortened by ∼3%, compared with that of face-centered cubic C70 crystals in the 〈110〉 close-packed growth direction, which indicates the formation of strong chemical bonds between the C70 molecules. It is suggested that the C70 molecules are polymerized, with their short axis parallel to the growth axis of the C70NWs, from observation via high-resolution transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the effects of formulation on texture development for the "reactive-templated grain growth" (RTGG) of Bi1/2(Na,K)1/2TiO3 (BNKT). The solids formulation for BNKT was systematically varied by prereacting to well—defined alkali and bismuth titanates (Na2Ti3O7 (N2T3), K2Ti2O5 (K2T2), and Bi2Ti4O11 (B2T4)). Use of these precursors in different BNKT formulations determined that the amount of expansion associated with reacting dry-pressed compacts at 600−800°C could be influenced by formulation. Lotgering factors ( F 00 l ) derived from Θ/2Θ X-ray diffraction scans indicated that the formulation route strongly affected the {00 l } texture development in tape-cast and sintered specimens. Prereacting alkali carbonates with TiO2 to form N2T3 and K2T2 inhibited texture development in RTGG-processsed BNKT. However, when Bi2O3 was prereacted to form B2T4, the measured F 00 l increased from 0.5 to 0.7.  相似文献   

Two different types of BaTiO3 seed particles, normal and twinned seeds of ∼30 μm on the average, were prepared from crushed sintered specimens. Normal seeds were obtained from the usual BaTiO3 sintered compacts, while twinned seeds containing a double twin were obtained from BaTiO3 compacts sintered with 2 mol% of SiO2. The BaTiO3 powder compacts were again prepared with 5 wt% of seed grains and sintered under various conditions. The microstructural evolution was quite different in the two cases: the growth of normal seed grains was ultimately limited but that of the twinned seeds continued extensively. The observed difference is discussed in terms of the growth mechanism and the atomic structure of interfaces.  相似文献   

C3S and C3S+2% CaCl2 were hydrated for varied times; the degree of hydration and zeta potential were determined. In the absence of CaCl2, the duration of the induction period was 5 h, whereas when CaCl2 was added, an induction period of 1 h was observed. The zeta potential was positive, maximum, and constant during induction .  相似文献   

The retention of cobalt, cesium, and strontium as trace elements in the hydrates of simple ordinary portland cement components has been investigated. The combined characterization of the solid by SEM, electron microprobe, XRD, and SIMS, as well as the chemical analysis of the solutions, allowed us to identify the likely localization of these trace elements in the solid. In particular, cobalt is dramatically incorporated into the solid during the hydration of C3S; we show that this is due to the formation of a cobalt oxychloride, a compound which is unstable at temperatures ≥60°C. Cesium is retained in small amounts in the C-S-H and CH mixture. The formation of hydrated aluminates notably increases its retention. Finally, small quantities of strontium are also retained in silicates and, in the presence of gypsum, its retention is markedly higher. This is likely due to the formation of sulfoaluminates.  相似文献   

The control of the microstructure of Ce-doped Al2O3/ZrO2 componsites by the valence change of cerium ion has been demonstrated. Two distinctively different types of microstructure, large Al2O3 grains with intragranular ZrO2 particles and small Al2O3 grains with intergranular ZrO2 particles, can be obtained under identical presintering processing conditions. At doping levels greater than ∼ 3 mol% with respect to ZrO2, Ce3+ raises the alumina grain-boundary to zirconia particle mobility ratio. This causes the breakaway of grain boundary from particles and the first type of microstructure. On the other hand, Ce4+ causes no breakaway and produces a normal intergranular ZrO2 distribution. The dramatic effect of Ce3+ on the relative mobility ratio is found to be associated with fluxing of the glassy boundary phase and is likewise observed for other large trivalent cation dopants. The ZrO2 second phase acts as a scavenger for these trivalent cations, provided their solubility limit in ZrO2 is not exceeded.  相似文献   

The effects of adding small quantities of SnO2 to the basic ZnO–Bi2O3 varistor composition were studied in terms of phase reactions, microstructural development, and the formation of inversion boundaries. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy studies showed that the inversion boundaries, triggered by the addition of SnO2, cause anisotropic grain growth in the early stages of sintering. ZnO grains that include inversion boundaries grow exaggeratedly, at the expense of normal grains, until they dominate the microstructure. Higher additions of SnO2 lead to an increase in number of grains with inversion boundaries and to a more fine-grained microstructure. The increasing amount of secondary phases is also related to a higher level of SnO2 addition; however, the influence of these phases on ZnO grain growth is subordinate to the role of inversion boundaries.  相似文献   

Hydration occurring in the system Ca3Al2O6–CaSO4· 2H2O–Ca(OH)2–H2O has been studied at different temperatures and it was found that the reactions are diffusion controlled. The kinetic data obeyed Jander's equation and the rate of reaction increased with increasing temperature. X-ray diffraction studies and calorimetric measurements show that when gypsum is consumed, ettringite is converted into monosulfate. The rate of this conversion also increased with the increasing temperature and decreased in the presence of citric acid. Spectroscopic studies showed that there was some interaction between citric acid and the cement and that the product of hydration is of colloidal nature. Zeta potential measurements show that retardation of Ca3Al2O6 hydration in the presence of gypsum and Ca(OH)2 is not due to SO2−4 adsorption. Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric potential measurements of solid Ca3Al2O6 show that Ca3Al2O6 is an n -type semiconductor and contains defects. The retardation of Ca3Al2O6 may be due to poisoning of reaction sites by gypsum and Ca(OH)2.  相似文献   

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