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利用ANSYS软件对异厚度铝合金激光拼焊的应力应变场进行三维瞬态有限元分析。为了提高计算精度和效率,采用过渡网格划分形式以保证焊缝处网格足够细小。定义弹性模量E,线膨胀系数al,泊松比μ等随温度变化的材料力学参数值。指定塑性分析选项为经典的双线性随动强化(BKIN),边界条件约束焊件的自由度以模拟夹具的作用。结果表明,由于厚度不同,薄厚两板应力应变场存在差异,薄板焊缝附近的应力场范围较大,变形比厚板复杂且比厚板大。利用小孔释放法检测异厚度铝合金激光拼焊板的残余应力,将模拟值与实测值进行对比分析,结果显示模拟值与实测值吻合良好。 相似文献
夹具约束对铝合金薄板焊接变形的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用热弹塑性有限元技术对不同夹具拘束情况下铝合金薄板焊接过程进行了数值模拟,并利用脉冲氩弧焊接工艺、不同的夹具布置形式,研究了厚度为5 mm铝合金薄板构件的挠曲变形.结果表明,冷却过程中夹具对焊缝附近的塑性变形区的收缩等效于反向拉伸,可减小纵向残余塑性应变,因此利用夹具的拘束作用可以控制和减小铝合金薄板焊接残余应力和变形,但夹具对焊缝及附近区域的拘束程度不同,控制焊接变形的效果也不同.采用合理的夹具布置可以将薄板的纵向残余挠度控制在1 mm左右. 相似文献
对激光薄板拼焊过程中的温度场和应力应变场有限元分析问题进行了研究。采用基于ANSYS大型通用有限元分析软件平台,使用其提供的APDL语言工具进行开发设计。从有限元分析过程中的建立计算模型、温度场分析及应力应变场分析3个紧密相关的方面,对薄板激光拼焊过程的数值模拟进行了讨论。 相似文献
针对钽薄板小间隙TIG氨弧焊接的特点,基于有限元分析软件ANSYS,在计算温度场的基础上,采用温度场与应力场间接耦合的方法,对钽薄板小间隙TIG焊接过程中应力应变场进行三维数值动态模拟,分析了间隙存在时工件在热应力作用下应变场的分布情况。计算结果表明在输入有效热量较少时,工件受热应力的作用不明显,应变场变化不大;随着输入有效热量的增加,热应力作用逐渐加强,工件的应变场变化明显,应变速度加快;当工件的温度场达到准稳态时,热应力影响再次减弱,应变速度趋于平缓。工件的最大应变值发生在电弧有效作用范围之内,应变值沿焊接方向随热应力作用的减弱而减小。 相似文献
利用ANSYS软件对异厚度铝合金激光拼焊的温度场进行三维瞬态有限元分析.为了提高计算精度和效率,采用过渡网格划分形式划分网格以保证焊缝处网格足够细小.选取高斯函数分布的热源模型,利用ANSYS软件的APDL语言编写程序实现移动热源的加载.在模拟中既考虑一般激光焊接中材料热物理性能参数的温度相关性、熔化潜热、边界条件、等离子体、熔池对流、保护气体等对温度场的影响,又考虑异厚度铝合金激光拼焊的特性.利用高温热电偶检测异厚度铝合金激光拼焊过程中的温度场,将模拟值与实测值进行对比分析,结果表明,模拟值与实测值吻合良好. 相似文献
通过单向拉伸试验获得了6061铝合金原始T6态和退火态板材的基本力学性能,进而得出了6061铝合金的真实应力应变曲线。在此基础上,用不同本构方程对实验数据进行拟合,然后与材料应变硬化曲线相比较。结果表明,采用含有幂函数的本构方程对两种状态的板材试验数据拟合较好,基于单向拉伸试验获得两种状态板材在真应变为8%时的塑性应变比分别为0.996和0.712。此外,用有限元软件Dynaform对6061铝合金管材进行绕弯模拟,对获得的成形性能参数进行了验证。 相似文献
以7010铝合金为研究对象,根据LB-VPPA复合焊的焊缝截面形状及变极性等离子弧焊电流特性,通过对热源程序二次开发,建立了符合LB-VPPA复合焊的平面高斯+双椭球+高斯圆柱体组合热源模型。在此基础上,采用焊接模拟专用软件SYSWELD对LB-VPPA复合焊应力场进行数值模拟。结果表明,在保证焊透的前提下,与VPPA焊应力场相比,LB-VPPA复合焊的残余应力要比VPPA焊的残余应力小,且熔宽较小。分别对LB-VPPA复合焊和VPPA焊进行工艺试验,结果显示LB-VPPA复合焊焊缝熔宽比VPPA焊焊缝熔宽小,与模拟结果基本一致。 相似文献
高速列车采用超长铝合金型材作为车身新材料。搅拌摩擦焊以固相连接原理成为高铁车身制造新工艺。针对单热源模型不足,考虑搅拌轴肩转动摩擦生热和搅拌头塑变剪切生热,建立搅拌摩擦焊双热源有限元模型。基于传统熔焊方式,实现满足搅拌焊特征的双面挤压型材接头变形设计。通过ANSYS二次开发,完成该工艺移动瞬态热交换数值仿真,获得焊接全程三维温度场分布,仿真结果与试验数据吻合良好。结果表明,该仿真模型可行.仿真结果合理,为高铁车身国产化制造工艺吸收和工艺优化提供参考。 相似文献
In order to improve the strip quality of continuous roll-casting process (CRP) of aluminum alloy, the investigations of the flow behavior within the metal pool, the heat transfer condition between roll and strip, the pouring temperature of molten alloy, the roll-casting speed and the control of the position of solidification final point are important. The finite volume method was applied to the analysis of the continuous roll-casting process. A two-dimensional incompressible non-Newtonian fluid flow with heat transfer was considered, which was described by the continuity equation, the Navier-Stokes equation and the energy equation. With this mathematical model, the flow patterns, temperature fields and solid fraction distributions in the metal pool between two rolls were simulated. From the calculated results, the effects of technical parameters to the position of solidification final point are obtained. The simulated results show that the roll-casting speed and pouring temperature have an enormous effect on the temperature distribution and the position of solidification final point. 相似文献
多道焊接过程的非线性和复杂度较高,模型建立效率直接影响了焊接模拟的效率。通过参数化建模,根据实际产品中的接头形式、实际尺寸、焊接顺序及焊接工况,采用Sysweld软件分别对7XXX铝合金平板对接、T形两种接头进行3道焊接试验和数值模拟,同时对比焊接温度、残余应力和变形。结果表明,参数化建模方法提高了多道焊仿真的效率。从比较结果可以看出,残余应力模拟值与实测值吻合度较高,平板对接可靠度达到88%,T型接头可靠度达到95%,验证了参数化建模方法的可靠性。 相似文献
A two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model was established to simulate the friction stir butt-welding of 6061 aluminum alloy. The dynamic mesh method was applied in this model to make the tool move forward and rotate in a manner similar to a real tool, and the calculated volumetric source of energy was loaded to establish a similar thermal environment to that used in the experiment. Besides, a small piece of zinc stock was embedded into the workpiece as a trace element. Temperature fields and vector plots were determined using a finite volume method, which was indirectly verified by traditional metallography. The simulation result indicated that the temperature distribution was asymmetric but had a similar tendency on the two sides of the welding line. The maximum temperature on the advancing side was approximately 10 K higher than that on the retreating side. Furthermore, the precise process of material flow behavior in combination with streamtraces was demonstrated by contour maps of the phases. Under the shearing force and forward extrusion pressure, material located in front of the tool tended to move along the tangent direction of the rotating tool. Notably, three whirlpools formed under a special pressure environment around the tool, resulting in a uniform composition distribution. 相似文献
Deep penetration laser welding temperature field of 5A06 aluminum alloy canister structure was simulated using the surface-body combination heat source model by ANSYS, which was made up of Gauss surface heat source model and Gauss revolved body heat source model. Convection, radiation and conduction were all considered during the simulation process. The thermal cycle curves of the points both on the shell outer surface and in the seam thickness direction were calculated. Simulated results agreed well with the experiment results. It concluded that the surface-body combination heat source model was fit for the temperature field simulation of deep penetration laser welding of the aluminum alloy canister structure. This method was proved to be an efficient way to predict the shape and dimension of welded joint for deep penetration laser welding of the aluminum alloy canister structure. 相似文献
钛合金与铌合金是具有优良使用性能的两种合金材料,这两种材料被广泛用于航空、航天、核工业等重要领域.文中采用有限元分析软件ANSYS,对钛合金与铌合金电子束焊的温度场进行了模拟研究,利用双热源模型模拟电子束焊温度场,研究了异种金属焊接的建模方法、函数载荷的加载技巧,着重分析了钛合金(7715D)和铌合金(C-103)的焊接性,采用热源向铌一侧偏置的方法来保证焊接熔深的一致.最后得到了不同焊接热输入条件下钛合金与铌合金焊接过程中的最佳偏置距离. 相似文献