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以UAV航迹规划为应用背景,提出了一种基于Voronoi图和动态自适应蚁群算法的航迹规划方法;为了提高航迹规划问题最优解的质量及全局求解能力,克服传统蚁群算法收敛速度慢、容易陷入局部最优等缺点,提出了一种动态自适应蚁群算法;采用动态自适应航迹点选择策略并将信息素更新规则和挥发系数进行动态自适应调整变化来对蚁群算法进行了改进,提高了算法的求解效率;根据战场已知威胁源生成Voronoi加权图,并与所提的动态自适应蚁群算法相结合求解规划空间中的最优航迹;考虑到UAV的物理约束限制,对生成的可行航迹进行平滑优化;仿真结果表明,该方法能够为UAV规划出一条满足要求的可飞航迹,验证了所提方法在解决航迹规划问题时是可行、有效的;  相似文献   

针对目前大多数航迹规划研究中航迹规划结果直观性较差的问题,以直升机为对象,在对数字地图预处理的基础上规划其最优三维航迹.以建模工具Creator和开发工具Vega为平台,完成对地形地貌场景的三维建模及整个视景仿真系统的构建,并在此基础上利用VegaAPI和VC++实现满足实时性要求的规划航迹三维可视化仿真演示.该系统为航迹规划和完整的视景演示提供有效方法和步骤.  相似文献   

Voronoi图是一种基本的几何构造,是解决相关几何构造问题的有效工具.它正好满足了区位配置中设施定位求解中所遇到的一些问题.在讨论Voronoi图与区位配置模型的关系基础上,从设施配置应用需求的角度,总结与分析了Voronoi图的基本性质,着重介绍了基于Voronoi图的GIS区位配置方法与模型,并指出了进一步的研究与发展方向.  相似文献   

研究飞行器航迹是选择最优航线问题,针对三维航迹规划中搜索空间大、计算时间长的问题,为缩短搜索时间,获得最优航迹,提出了一种基于A<'*>算法并结合局部规划的三维航迹规划方法.方法首先对A<'*>算法中的当前待扩展节点在局部规划空间中确定几个最有希望的扩展节点,再将其与A<'*>算法相结合,最后对局部规划算法过程中的不足,通过地形标记和加入树搜索深度惩罚做出改进,有效地减小了搜索空间,缩短了搜索时间,并在搜索过程中充分利用地形信息,使算法生成的航迹能够避开大的地形障碍,而且能够充分利用有利的地形.在实际地形数据中进行的实验表明方法能快速、有效地规划出理想优化的航迹.  相似文献   

无人飞行器航迹规划研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈海汉  刘因  杜运磊 《计算机应用》2011,31(9):2574-2576
航迹规划的目的是要利用地形和敌情等信息,规划出生存概率最大的无人飞行器突防轨迹。通过对航迹规划任务的仿真需求分析,对无人飞行器的航迹规划进行了研究。首先根据遍布威胁的战场环境,构造了基于威胁源的Voronoi图,得到规避威胁的航迹路线;然后采用Dijkstra算法,搜索出最优航迹路线;最后利用Visual Studio .Net 2010开发平台,在MS SQL Server 2008数据库支持下,运用Visual C# 2008编制图形化界面,设计开发了无人飞行器航迹规划仿真系统,并给出了开发结果,实现了仿真结果的图形显示,为进一步的研究航迹规划奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在模拟仿真出无人机三维飞行环境的基础上,根据航迹规划的要求,建立对应数学模型,并采用蚁群算法进行优化仿真.针对基本蚁群算法存在的搜索时间长、容易陷入局部最优解等缺点,将蚂蚁当前位置与目标位置的距离信息反馈到系统中作为航迹规划的控制信息,同时对航迹节点的选择方法进行改进,以提高算法的效率.仿真实例结果表明,该算法可以规划出满足无人机飞行要求的航迹.  相似文献   

针对当前我国社会城市化发展带来的诸多复杂的变化,面临地震灾害潜在威胁日趋严重的状况,以国内救援队伍为需求对象,提出了一种改进型Voronoi图,在传统Voronoi图应用研究的基础上,采用顶点加权Voronoi图实现地震现场救援区域自动划分的计算几何方法,并运用GIS的空间分析功能对地震灾区进行空间剖分以生成地震现场最佳救援区域。提出了影响救援区域覆盖范围的4个因子,给出了各个因子的权重计算方法,并与传统Voronoi图生成的救援区域进行比较分析。  相似文献   

基于Voronoi图理论的自由边界型腔加工路径规划   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Voronoi图是计算几何研究中的一个有力工具。给出了基于Voronoi图和单调区划分的型腔数控加工环切轨迹规划算法,并首次将其应用于边界为自由曲线的型腔,提高了Voronoi图在该领域的应用价值。  相似文献   

GIS中投影加权Voronoi图及竞争三角形生成算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在GIS空间分析中,为了定位和分析空间区域中含权对象的竞争区域,提出了加权Voronoi图的新形式——投影加权Voronoi图,该图是从常规Voronoi图和一般加权Voronoi图的平面剖分模型出发,首先引入了能够产生空间竞争区域的空间投影剖分模型,然后由此形成空间中的三角形空隙,即竞争三角形,同时归纳了形成竞争三角形的3种加权方式,并分析了其生成算法和特性,计算机的模拟结果显示,将竞争三角形作为空间的竞争区域是可行的,最后论述了它在GIS空间分析中广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

无人机三维航迹规划方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
航迹规划算法是无人机关键技术之一,同时也是任务规划系统(Mission Planning System)核心之一。针对固定目标规划问题,提出一种voronoi图改进算法和动态稀疏A*算法融合的三维航迹规划方法。该方法针对固定威胁目标,通过改进voronoi图规划算法快速求解二维航迹路径,然后在该路径参考下,用动态稀疏A*算法求解符合无人机飞行动力学约束的三维航迹。试验表明,该算法比动态稀疏A*算法规划速度快,并保证了航迹最优性。  相似文献   

运用Voronoi图理论及人工势场理论,研究了一种基于近似Voronoi图的移动机器人实时路径规划的方法,用来实现未知室内环境中移动机器人的自主导航。该方法朝向预先定义的目标点位置来探测室内环境,生成近似Voronoi图,同时利用人工势场法进行避障,生成一条能达到目标点的安全、光滑路径。仿真结果表明,该方法简单且易于实现,同时能够减少规划时间。  相似文献   

基于Voronoi图的定性路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
定性路径是定性空间推理的一个基本概念。给出了一个基于Voronoi图的定性路径表示与推理方法。该方法应用Voronoi图的邻近关系来表示定性位置和定性路径,即用运动点所在Voronoi区域的邻域来表示定性位置,用运动点所经过的定性位置序列来表示定性路径。设计并实现了一个定性路径推理算法,基于初始Voronoi图及不同时刻所有Voronoi区域的边数来动态更新Voronoi图邻近关系,可识别出运动点并找出定性路径。实验结果表明,该方法是可行的。  相似文献   

对现有三维点集Voronoi图的生成算法进行深入研究,提出并实现由Delaunay三角剖分构建Voronoi图的算法.首先采用随机增量局部转换计算Delaunay三角剖分,然后再根据对偶特性构建Voronoi图.该算法健壮性很高,适用于处理各种非完全共面三维点集.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the fuzzy Voronoi diagram as an extension of the Voronoi diagram. We assume Voronoi sites to be fuzzy points and then define the Voronoi diagram for this kind of sites, then we provide an algorithm for computing this diagram based on Fortune's algorithm which costs O(nlogn) time. Also we introduce the fuzzy Voronoi diagram for a set of fuzzy circles, rather than fuzzy points, of the same radius. We prove that the boundary of this diagram is formed by the intersection of some hyperbolae, and finally we provide an O(n3logn)-time algorithm to compute the boundary.  相似文献   

Voronoi diagrams have useful applications in various fields and are one of the most fundamental concepts in computational geometry. Although Voronoi diagrams in the plane have been studied extensively, using different notions of sites and metrics, little is known for other geometric spaces. In this paper, we are interested in the Voronoi diagram of a set of sites in the 3D hyperbolic upper half-space. We first present some introductory results in 3D hyperbolic upper half-space and then give an incremental algorithm to construct Voronoi diagram. Finally, we consider five models of 3D hyperbolic manifolds that are equivalent under isometries. By these isometries we can transform the Voronoi diagram of each model to others.  相似文献   

Coordinated path planning for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (multi-UAVs) is a highly significant problem encountered in their coordinated control. In the interests of completing mission securely and efficiently, the advanced multi-UAVs control technology requires a universal smoothing method as well as a precise coordination strategy. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-UAVs coordinated path planning method based on the k-degree smoothing, a more complex environment consists of multiple threat sources of which is constructed. By employing the Improved Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, a k-degree smoothing method is also presented aiming at obtaining a more flyable path. Additionally, the multi-UAVs coordination algorithm is induced by k-degree smoothing, allowing the UAVs to arrive at the destination simultaneously or in an acceptable time interval. Finally, simulations of the comparison between the Improved Ant Colony Optimization and classic algorithm, the detailed smoothing method, and the coordination are respectively conducted to validate that the proposed approach is feasible and effective in multi-UAVs coordinated path planning problems.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a simple GPU-based approach for discrete incremental approximation of 3D Voronoi diagram. By constructing region maps via GPU. Nearest sites, space clustering, and shortest distance query can be quickly answered by looking up the region map. In addition, we propose another representation of the 3D Voronoi diagram for visualization.  相似文献   

利用优化的电势理论进行飞行器三维航迹规划。对电势理论进行了优化,使其既能回避雷达、火力威胁,又能有效地回避地形威胁,使规划出的三维航迹具有一定的实用性。根据突防任务的需要,确定地形威胁与雷达、火力威胁的权重,并将模拟地形的高程数据与雷达、火力威胁按各自的权重叠加得到综合威胁电场;通过限定位于起始点和目标点之间的搜索范围,并对搜索条件进行改进,保证飞行路径最终能收敛于目标点;最后,用坡度限制平滑算法、曲率限制平滑算法对航迹进行法向加速度和曲率限制使其符合飞行器机动性能和可飞性要求。仿真结果表明,优化的电势理论可以进一步考虑地形威胁,而且在能够考虑目标点附近的各种威胁,提高了该方法的实用性,还能缩短航线规划的时间。  相似文献   

为降低三维打印(three-dimensional printing,3D)耗材费用并进一步提高打印效率,给出一种面向熔融沉积制造的三维打印路径规划算法。该方法综合考虑打印耗材、打印效率以及打印表面质量等因素,通过网格模型及其支撑的相邻层片轮廓关系求得可稀疏打印区域;基于多边形扫描线算法以及多边形单调链关系,得到能够连续打印的路径区域;最终通过区域路径稀疏化得到改进的打印路径。通过复杂网格模型的三维打印路径规划实例,验证了算法的有效性。该算法能够降低打印耗材数量,并进一步提高打印效率。  相似文献   

Most of the emphasis in path planning, a topic of much interest in several domains, has been on finding the optimal path or at most k optimal paths. However, in domains such as adversarial planning, one of the agents might deliberately take less optimal paths to confuse the opponent, and by the same token an agent, for inferring opponent's intent, has to consider all possible paths that the opponent might take. We introduce the notion of representative paths in free space (2D) and study the problem of computing all representative paths with different properties, such as all representative paths with at most L loops, among polygonal regions using a framework of Voronoi diagram. We prove three properties: (1) the upper and lower bounds to the number of simple paths in a Voronoi graph (2) given any path, a homotopic path can always be obtained from the Voronoi diagram of the regions and (3) all representative paths with a given property might not be always obtainable from the Voronoi graph even after searching the graph exhaustively and present an algorithm to work around this limitation. We also show how our findings can be applied for efficient entity re-identification, a problem involving a large number of dynamic entities and obstacles in the military domain.  相似文献   

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