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Heat transfer coefficients were measured for the condensation of R410A and R22 inside internally grooved horizontal tubes. The experiment was performed for five different kinds of internally grooved tubes of about 8.00 mm o.d. the shapes of which were conventional helical grooved and herring-bone grooved ones. To measure the local heat transfer coefficients, the test section was subdivided into 10 small sections having 1 m working length. The ranges tested are as follows: the refrigerant mass velocity was from 130 to 400 kg/(m2/s) for R410A and R22, and the vapour pressure was 2.4l MPa for R410A and 1.53 MPa for R22. The obtained heat transfer data of R410A and R22 indicate that the values of the local heat transfer coefficients of the herring-bone grooved tube are about twice as large as those of helical one. All measured local heat transfer coefficients of condensation were compared with the predicted values from previous correlations proposed by other researchers, and were well correlated with the empirical equation using the frictional coefficients for each tube proposed by the author.  相似文献   

Two-phase heat transfer coefficient characteristics of R404A condensing under forced flow conditions inside smooth, microfin and cross-hatched horizontal tubes are experimentally investigated. Experimental parameters include a lubricating polyol ester oil concentration varied from 0 to 4%. The test runs were done at average inlet saturated condensing temperatures of 40 °C. The inlet vapor was kept at saturation (quality=1.0). The mass fluxes were between 200 and 600 kg/m2 s, and the heat fluxes were selected to obtain a quality of 0.0 at the outlet of the test section, varying from 5 to 45 kW/m2. The heat transfer enhancement factor varied between 1.8 and 2.4 for both microfin and cross-hatched tubes. The larger values applied for larger mass fluxes for the cross-hatched tube and smaller mass fluxes for the microfin tube. Enhancement factors increased as oil concentration increased up to oil concentrations of 2%. For higher oil concentrations the enhancement decreased especially at high mass fluxes, the cross-hatched tube being less sensitive to oil contamination. Pressure drop in the test section increased by approximately 25% as the oil concentration increased from 0 to 4%. The results from the experiments are compared with those calculated from correlations reported in the literature. Moreover, modified correlations for the condensation heat transfer coefficient are proposed for practical applications.  相似文献   

Heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop were measured for condensation and evaporation of R410A and HCFC22 inside internally grooved tubes. The experiments were performed for a conventional spiral groove tube of 8.01 mm o.d. and 7.30 mm mean i.d., and a herring-born groove tube of 8.00 mm o.d. and 7.24 mm mean i.d. To measure the local heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop, the test section was subdivided into four small sections having 2 m working length. The ranges of refrigerant mass flow density was from 200 to 340 kg/(m2 s) for both condensation and evaporation of R410A and HCFC22, and the vapour pressure was 2.41 MPa for condensation and 1.09 MPa for the evaporation of R410A. The obtained heat transfer data for R410A and HCFC22 indicate that the values of the local heat transfer coefficients of the herring-bone grooved tube are about twice as large as those of spiral one for condensation and are slightly larger than those of spiral one for the evaporation. The measured local pressure drop in both condensation and evaporation is well correlated with the empirical equation proposed by the authors.  相似文献   

In this study, condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) were measured on a horizontal plain tube, low fin tube, and Turbo-C tube at the saturated vapor temperature of 39 °C for R22, R407C, and R410A with the wall subcooling of 3–8 °C. R407C, a non-azeotropic refrigerant mixture, exhibited a quite different condensation phenomenon from those of R22 and R410A and its condensation HTCs were up to 50% lower than those of R22. For R407C, as the wall subcooling increased, condensation HTCs decreased on a plain tube while they increased on both low fin and turbo-C tubes. This was due to the lessening effect of the vapor diffusion film with a rapid increase in condensation rate on enhanced tubes. On the other hand, condensation HTCs of R410A, almost an azeotrope, were similar to those of R22. For all refrigerants tested, condensation HTCs of turbo-C tube were the highest among the tubes tested showing a 3–8 times increase as compared to those of a plain tube.  相似文献   

In-tube evaporation heat transfer characteristics of R-410A were experimentally investigated and analyzed as a function of evaporating temperature, mass flux, heat flux, and tube geometry. Evaporation heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops were measured for 3.0 m long smooth and micro-fin tubes with outer diameters of 9.52 and 7.0 mm, respectively. The test matrix in the present study included measurements for evaporation over a refrigerant mass flux range of 70–211 kg/m2s, a heat flux range of 5–15 kW/m2 and an evaporating temperature range of −15 to 5. The objective of this study is to evaluate the heat transfer enhancement of the micro-fin tube with R-410A as a function of mass flux, heat flux, evaporating temperature and tube diameter.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the predictions of previously proposed empirical correlations and theoretical model and available experimental data for the heat transfer coefficient during condensation of refrigerants in horizontal microfin tubes. The refrigerants tested were R11, R123, R134a, R22 and R410A. Experimental data for six tubes with the tube inside diameter at fin root of 6.49–8.88 mm, the fin height of 0.16–0.24 mm, fin pitch of 0.34–0.53 mm and helix angle of groove of 12–20° were adopted. The r.m.s. error of the predictions for all tubes and all refrigerants decreased in the order of the correlations proposed by Luu and Bergles [ASHRAE Trans. 86 (1980) 293], Cavallini et al. [Cavallini A, Doretti L, Klammsteiner N, Longo L G, Rossetto L. Condensation of new refrigerants inside smooth and enhanced tubes. In: Proc. 19th Int. Cong. Refrigeration, vol. IV, Hague, The Netherlands, 1995. p. 105–14], Shikazono et al. [Trans. Jap. Sco. Mech. Engrs. 64 (1995) 196], Kedzierski and Goncalves [J. Enhanced Heat Transfer 6 (1999) 16], Yu and Koyama [Yu J, Koyama S. Condensation heat transfer of pure refrigerants in microfin tubes. In: Proc. Int. Refrigeration Conference at Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, USA, 1998. p. 325–30], and the theoretical model proposed by Wang et al. [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 1513].  相似文献   

Effects of fin height and helix angle on condensation inside a herringbone microfin tube have been experimentally investigated with five types of herringbone microfin tubes. Heat transfer coefficients are about 2–4 times higher than that of the helical microfin tube under high mass velocity conditions. In the low mass velocity, they are equal to that of the helical microfin tube. The heat transfer enhancement increases with fin height up to 0.18 mm; higher fin heights show enhancement values similar to the 0.18 mm results. Pressure drop increases with the fin height. Larger helix angle yields higher heat transfer and higher pressure drop. For the lowest fin and/or smallest helix angle, the pressure drop is comparable with that of the helical microfin tube, while the heat transfer enhancement is higher. The enhancement mechanism is discussed from flow pattern observations. Effect of mass transfer resistance for R410A is estimated and negligible effects have been proved.  相似文献   

In this study, condensation heat transfer tests were conducted in flat aluminum multi-channel tubes using R-410A, and the results are compared with those of R-22. The flat tubes have two internal geometries; one with smooth inner surface and the other with micro-fins. Data are presented for the following range of variables; vapor quality (0.1–0.9), mass flux (200–600 kg/m2s) and heat flux (5–15 kW/m2). Results show that the effect of surface tension drainage on the fin surface is more pronounced for R-22 than R-410A. The smaller Weber number of R-22 may be responsible. For the smooth tube, the heat transfer coefficient of R-410A is slightly larger than that of R-22. For the micro-fin tube, however, the trend is reversed. Possible reasoning is provided considering physical properties of the refrigerants. For the smooth tube, Webb's correlation predicts the data reasonably well. For the micro-fin tube, the Yang and Webb model was modified to correlate the present data. The modified model adequately predicts the data.  相似文献   

Evaporation heat transfer experiments for two refrigerants, R-407C and R-22, mixed with polyol ester and mineral oils were performed in straight and U-bend sections of a microfin tube. Experimental parameters include an oil concentration varied from 0 to 5%, an inlet quality varied from 0.1 to 0.5, two mass fluxes of 219 and 400 kg m−2s−1 and two heat fluxes of 10 and 20 kW m−2. Pressure drop in the test section increased by approximately 20% as the oil concentration increased from 0 to 5%. Enhancement factors decreased as oil concentration increased under inlet quality of 0.5, mass flux of 219 kg m−2 s−1, and heat flux of 10 kW m−2, whereas they increased under inlet quality of 0.1, mass flux of 400 kg m−2 s−1, and heat flux of 20 kW m−2. The local heat transfer coefficient at the outside curvature of an U-bend was larger than that at the inside curvature of a U-bend, and the maximum value occurred at the 90° position of the U-bend. The heat transfer coefficient was larger in a region of 30 tube diameter length at the second straight section than that at the first straight section.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical review of correlations to compute heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop, for refrigerants condensing inside commercially available tubes with enhanced surfaces of various types, and a theoretical analysis of the condensation phenomenon. Predictions from some of the above equations are compared with experimental data. In addition, information is presented about the influence of small amounts of compressor oil on the condensation of refrigerants in enhanced tubes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a few salient features of an investigation carried out to study the heat transfer augmentation during condensation of water and R-134a vapor on horizontal integral-fin tubes. The experimental investigation was performed on two different experimental set-ups for water and R-134a. The test-sections were manufactured by machining fins over plain copper tubes of 24.4 ± 0.6 mm outside diameter. The performance of two types of finned tubes viz. circular integral-fin tubes (CIFTs) and spine integral-fin tubes (SIFTs) was studied for the condensation of water and R-134a. These tubes were positioned one by one inside the test-condenser to perform the experiments. All together the experiments were conducted for the condensation on 10 different test-section tubes. With the help of the experimental results, authors have developed an empirical equation. This equation predicts the condensing heat transfer coefficient from their own experimental data for the condensation over CIFTs and SIFTs within a range of ± 15% and experimental data of other thirteen investigators in a range of ± 35% for condensation of water and different refrigerants.  相似文献   

The condensation of pure HFC134a and different zeotropic mixtures with pure HFC134a and HFC23 on the outside of a bundle of smooth tubes was studied. The local heat transfer coefficient for each row was experimentally determined using a test section composed by a 13×3 staggered bundle of smooth copper tubes, measuring cooling water temperature in the inlet and the outlet of each tube, and measuring the vapour temperature along the bundle. All data were taken at the inlet vapour temperature of 40°C with a wall subcooling ranging from 4 to 26 K. The heat flux was varied from 5 to 30 kW/m2 and the cooling water flow rate from 120 to 300 l/h for each tube. The visualisation of the HFC134a condensate flow by means of transparent glass tubes reveals specific flow patterns and explains the difference between the measured values of the heat transfer coefficient and the calculated values from Nusselt's theory. On the other hand, the experimental heat transfer data with the binary mixtures HFC23-HFC134a show the important effects of temperature glide and the strong decrease of the heat transfer coefficient in comparison with the pure HFC134a data. The measured values with the different zeotropic mixtures were compared with the data calculated with the classical condensation model based on the equilibrium model. An improvement of this model is proposed.  相似文献   

A short state-of-the-art review on the passive and active enhancement of condensation heat transfer techniques developed recently is presented in the paper. The particular attention is paid to the methods involving the augmentation of the condensate drainage. As an example of the passive technique the method of condensate drainage enhancement by using the drainage strip is presented. For an active method of heat transfer enhancement a novel EHD technique is described. For both methods the own experimental results as well as theoretical models are provided.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons are one of the candidates for refrigerants of next generation heat pump and refrigeration systems. Although the hydrocarbons have superior thermophysical properties as a refrigerant to fluorocarbons and are widely used in domestic refrigerators, their flammability prevents their wide application to larger systems, such as residential and packaged air conditioners, car air conditioners, heat pumps, etc. In this paper, recent studies on condensation of hydrocarbons are reviewed since it is one of the key technologies. For in-tube condensation, heat transfer coefficients of smooth tubes are correlated well with previously proposed equation developed with data of the fluorocarbons. On the other hand, few data are available for enhanced tubes. In the case of condensation on a horizontal tube, heat transfer of smooth tube is explained well by the Nusselt theory. However, different heat transfer characteristics appear for enhanced tubes. Since blended hydrocarbons would be used to obtain suitable properties, models of mixed vapor condensation are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Heat and mass transfer in a falling film vertical in-tube absorber was studied experimentally with LiBr aqueous solution. The presented results include the effect of solution flow rate, solution subcooling and cooling water temperature on the absorption in a smooth copper tube 16.05 mm I.D. and 400 mm long. The experimental data in the previous report for a 1200-mm-long tube was also re-examined and compared. It was demonstrated by the observation of the flow in the tube that the break down of the liquid film into rivulets leads to deterioration of heat and mass transfer at lower film Reynolds number or in longer tubes. An attempt to evaluate physically acceptable heat and mass transfer coefficients that are defined with estimated temperature and concentration at the vapor–liquid interface was also presented.  相似文献   

In this study, external condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures of HFC32/HFC134a and HFC134a/HCFC123 at various compositions were measured on a horizontal smooth tube of a 19 mm outside diameter. All data were taken at the vapor temperature of 39 °C with a wall subcooling of 3–8 °C. Test results showed that HTCs of the tested mixtures were 19.4–85.1% lower than the ideal values calculated by the mole fraction weighting of the HTCs of the pure components. A thermal resistance due to the diffusion vapor film seemed to be partly responsible for the significant reduction of HTCs with these nonazeotropic mixtures.  相似文献   

The quasi local heat transfer coefficients of R22 and R407C in the coaxial counterflow condenser (20 mm ID) of a refrigerating vapour compression plant have been experimentally measured. The experimental conditions under which the heat transfer coefficients were determined reflect a typical working situation for small scale refrigeration systems. The plant runs with low mass fluxes of refrigerant within the range of 45.5–120 kg/m2/s. During the experimental tests the pressure at the inlet of the test condenser varies within a fixed range between 15.2 and 14.3 bar. The results illustrate that the R22 heat transfer coefficient is always greater than that of R407C. Furthermore, comparisons between the experimental data and the values predicted by means of the most credited literature relationships for gravity-driven condensation are reported.  相似文献   

In the present study, the local characteristics of pressure drop and heat transfer are investigated experimentally for the condensation of pure refrigerant R134a in two kinds of 865 mm long multi-port extruded tubes having eight channels in 1.11 mm hydraulic diameter and 19 channels in 0.80 mm hydraulic diameter. The pressure drop is measured at an interval of 191 mm through small pressure measuring ports. The local heat transfer rate is measured in every subsection of 75 mm in effective cooling length using heat flux sensors. It is found that the experimental data of frictional pressure drop agree with the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki [Trans. JMSE (B) 61 (1995) 99], while the correlations of Chisholm and Laird [Trans. ASME 80 (1958) 227], Soliman et al. [Trans. ASME, Ser. C 90 (1998) 267], and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 239], overpredict. As a trial, the data of local heat transfer coefficient are also compared with correlations of Moser et al. [J. Heat Transfer 120 (1998) 410] and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 245]. The data of high mass velocity agree with the correlation of Moser et al., while those of low mass velocity show different trends. The correlation of Haraguchi et al. shows the trend similar to the data when the shear stress in their correlation is estimated using the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons are considered as alternative fluids for refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump applications. Pure butane, propane or their mixtures can be adopted, but due to their flammable properties, the systems have to be designed in such a way that the refrigerant charge is minimized. Therefore, compact heat exchangers and enhanced geometries are adopted in such systems. In this paper, the current state of the art for two-phase heat transfer calculations for pure hydrocarbons and their mixtures is reviewed and analysed. Recommendations are proposed for estimating evaporation and condensation heat transfer in various geometries including enhanced tubes as well as compact heat exchangers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the heat transfer characteristics obtained from an experimental investigation on flow boiling of n-pentane across a horizontal tube bundle. The tubes are plain with an outside diameter of 19.05 mm and the bundle arrangement is inverse staggered with a pitch to diameter ratio of 1.33. The test conditions consist of reduced pressure between 0.006 and 0.015, mass velocity from 14 to 44 kg/m2s, heat flux up to 60 kW/m2 and vapor quality up to 60%. The convective evaporation is found to have a significant effect on the heat transfer coefficient, coexisting with nucleate boiling. An asymptotic model allows the prediction of the heat transfer data with a fitted value of n=1.5. A strong mass velocity effect is observed for the enhancement factor, implying that the correlations available from the literature for the convective evaporation will fail in predicting the present data. This effect decreases as the mass velocity increases.  相似文献   

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