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The small growing business needs marketing spend as much as a big one, but can seldom afford it. You haven't got the money to throw at the marketing needs, and even if you do, you may not know exactly where to throw it without an expensive expert. Happily, you can achieve a tremendous amount at minimal cost or free. A significant proportion of a marketing budget is consumed by other people's time doing tasks you and your staff could do. Here, the author focuses on a range of ideas specific to business-to-business sales. The author starts with a general point: planning. Small businesses with a plan succeed better than those without one and waste less money. Actually writing down what you're going to do makes it work better because it forces you to clarify your thoughts, quantify your aims and expectations and put dates, costs and names against each activity. The author then discusses the use of billboards, business cards, door-to-door visiting, e-mails, press releases, database marketing and quarterly newsletters for marketing purposes  相似文献   

<正>Why don’t you communicate with your classmates actively? In order to make more friends.I think there are a lot of things you can do.You should say hello to your new classmates when you meet them.You should help your classmates who are in trouble and be friendly to them.When your classmates ask some questions if you know the answers,you’d  相似文献   

This article presents positive steps that can be taken to reduce spam, junk mail and unsolicited phone calls. It begins by explaining where the companies get your personal details in the first place. It then offers advice on how to prevent this and what to do concerning companies currently contacting you. Depending on the medium, there are different strategies you can take. For telephone calls, contact the Telephone Preference Service; for email the Direct Marketing Association; and for mail the Information Commissioner.  相似文献   

Have trouble finding that important paper on hydraulic calculation? Why not take a hard look at your present system of indexing and filing technical information? Here are three methods you may find useful in solving your fire protection information needs. They can help you to find that vital document today—not tomorrow!  相似文献   

Training has reached a status akin to motherhood: a 100% approval rating. So, for all businesses the clarion call has gone out: if you want to be more profitable, train your staff; if you want to attract the best staff, offer training. So what's available, how do you choose and what benefits accrue? Availability is no problem. Training is one of the growth industries of the past ten years. There is a course available for any skill you want to learn, likewise for any skill you want to improve. This then presents the first dilemma: how do you select training? The logical route is to start with the definable needs of the business. Where are we short of skills, where are we lagging behind our competitors, where are the new opportunities to be grasped? Then you need to fit this to your staff. Who needs these extra skills, who will benefit from them and in so doing benefit the business? Here you hit one of the classic dilemmas of training: can you afford to lose the person you want trained while they're being trained? This paper discusses these issues.  相似文献   

<正>Life is full of challenges.Many people may choose to shrink back because they don't believe in themselves.They're so afraid of failing that they never overcome themselves.But there are also some people who are brave enough to face difficulties.They think they are clever enough to deal with these problems.And they can overcome themselves.Believing in yourself could change your life.If you are facing challenges,you should believe that you can  相似文献   

Architects beware! Seized with your renewed vigour for ‘greening’ your schemes, you must know that there are plants, and there are plants, and that they should not be misinterpreted. Jon Vincent has strong opinions about how divisive some landscaping decisions can become, and incorporates these rules into his own, more responsive, garden designs. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The author argues that before investing in CAD/CAM and FMS technology, one should decide exactly what you expect of it; then plan accordingly. Similarly, in the field of organisation and management, one should understand fully the effect the system will have on the workforce then take steps to meet the requirement  相似文献   

<正>There are many clubs in our school,I would like to introduce some of them to you.Cool Players is a good choice for sports lovers.Here you can do sports one hour a day to make you healthy and strong,and you can watch sports matches.If you are interested in books,Smart Readers is a good choice.Reading good books and writing reading notes are useful to enrich your knowledge and open up your eyes.Do you want to be a volunteer?If  相似文献   

As your career progresses, what are your prospects of a top of the table position? How can you influence your own and your company's success in the UK, European and world leagues? For building successful companies the following are points are necessary: recruiting the best staff, engaging the best suppliers, knowing your customers, analysing your own and your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, searching out the best opportunities, assessing just what you are up against, adopting the best tactics, winning the important sales. The author discusses improving operational effectiveness, strategic positioning and lessons learned  相似文献   

You need to communicate to co-ordinate your own work and that of others. Without explicit effort, your conversation will lack communication and so your work too will collapse through misunderstanding and error. The key is to treat a conversation as you would any other managed activity: by establishing an aim, planning what to do, and checking afterwards that you have achieved that aim. Only in this way can you work effectively with others in building through common effort  相似文献   

<正>"Did you brush your teeth?"How many times each week do you hear that question? Do you take good care of your teeth? It’s important to make sure you take good care of your teeth. They make eating and speaking much easier, and you need them your whole life. So that’s why you’re probably often being asked about your brushing habits.  相似文献   

<正>Eyes are windows of the soul.Everyone knows how important the eyes are.If you want to protect your eyes,you must pay attention to the following things.First,you should not keep your eyes working for a long time without a break.You'd better have a rest by looking into the distance.Second,you should keep the book about one foot away from your eyes when you read it.Third,do eye-exercise every day.It will also help you have a good eyesight.  相似文献   

大董空间是水墨意境与文人情感的载体,心境可以在拙然的古琴声中得以平静,情怀可以在平淡自然的空间中得以袒露。赏一赏景,品一品菜,人生得与失,笑看风云淡。  相似文献   

李辽 《今日工程机械》2011,(12):66-68,16
夏天挥汗如雨,您怎样用空调?夏季火灾频发,如何防范电气元件和油品集体"捣鬼"?长期存放的设备如何保养?一系列的问题如同夏天的烈日在狠狠地拷问您!赤日炎炎,酷暑难耐,让人容易变得烦躁。对于整天需要施工作业的操作手来说,的确是不小的挑战。更何况心爱的挖掘机设备,在忙碌了千百个日日夜夜后,仍将面临夏季所带来的严峻考验。想让小挖不"罢工","砍柴"岂能不"磨刀"。炎炎夏日,小编为您支招!  相似文献   

Engineers are good at controlling data and deriving information from it. In the everyday action of withdrawing cash from a hole-in-the-wall machine, massive amounts of data stored in a data warehouse can be used for security, to check that you are the genuine cardholder by measurement made on the iris of your eye. That data can be mined, in the time taken to prepare your cash or statement, so that you can be selectively offered a product which may appeal to you. The value of an engineering company is now heavily weighted towards information, knowledge and skills, rather than to plant and buildings. Tangible assets have been replaced by intangibles, such as patents and copyrights, which are legal methods of protecting technical information. In this paper, the author asks, do engineers communicate their own professionalism?, are they good at communicating the relevance, importance and excitement of engineering to children, especially to girls?, and can engineers manage the message as well as the medium?  相似文献   

<正>One famous theory the scientists put forward is"10,000-Hour Rule".The rule says that you need approximately1 10,000 hours of practice to become a world-class expert in a field.There is no other way.If you want to be a world-class expert in your field,you must do your 10,000  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,智能家居方面高品位的家庭音乐中心愈来愈为人们所了解与接受。同时,本文从家庭音乐中心设备特点、功能,工程实例等向人们勾勒出家庭背景音乐为我们带来的各种好处与工作之便,让我们全方位享受家庭音乐空间。  相似文献   

For those who run a consultancy, turning out a continuous stream of bids and proposals is a fact of life. With outsourcing starting to look like yesterday's fashion, you'll find it increasingly hard to gain consultancy work unless your proposals show that you really can make a difference to clients. This article offers some practical guidelines to follow if you want your proposal writing to be more convincing, more competitive and more rewarding.  相似文献   

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