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The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor is currently being operated on both Terra and Aqua spacecrafts. MODIS uses 36 bands arranged in four focal plane assemblies (FPAs)—visible, near infrared, short- and middle-wavelength infrared, and long-wavelength infrared. Misregistrations between spectral bands and FPAs and changes of spatial characterization on-orbit could impact the quality of science data products generated with multiple bands located on different FPAs. In this paper, an approach is presented to compute the MODIS band-to-band registration (BBR) using ground measurements. A special ground scene with unique features is selected to calculate the spatial registration along-scan and along-track. The monthly and yearly spatial deviations are calculated for the bands of both Terra and Aqua MODIS except for some ocean bands, cloud bands, and the Aqua MODIS band 6. The comparison with results derived from the spectroradiometric calibration assembly, a device operated on-orbit to track the BBR shift between any two of the spectral bands, generally shows good agreement. The measured differences between these two approaches are typically less than 100 m in the scan direction and 200 m in the track direction. This approach can provide more frequent characterization of the MODIS BBR and is extremely useful for other sensors that do not have an onboard spatial characterization device.   相似文献   

航天遥感器热红外波段辐射精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据遥感器的辐射定标方法和计算模型,对遥感器的辐射精度进行了分析。当假设遥感器观测地面目标、冷空间和星上黑体定标源都通过扫描镜成像时,扫描镜的热辐射以及仪器有背景辐射能量不会对辐射精度产生影响,影响遥感器辐射精度的主要因素是遥感器的信噪比、星上定标黑体的比辐射率误差、星上定标黑体的温度测量误差以及中心波长的漂移等因素。  相似文献   

大气主要温室气体监测仪(greenhouse gases monitoring instrument, GMI)采用空间外差干涉技术,能有效探测759~2058 nm波段大气高分辨率吸收光谱信息。星上定标是GMI光谱图像数据定量化应用的基础,在阐述了GMI成像和光谱定标原理的基础上,探讨了星上光谱定标方法,确定了外部光源特征谱线法的星上光谱定标方案。通过对模拟数据的计算,进一步分析了定标不确定度,得出星上光谱定标不确定度为0.030 nm。定标结果显示定标不确定度主要受定标光源不确定度,以及回归不确定度影响,该方法满足仪器的定标要求,为大气主要温室气体的定量化反演提供了依据。  相似文献   

针对我国高精度立体测绘卫星系统中激光测高仪的在轨场地检校的技术需求, 研制了激光脉冲探测器系统。 系统采用高速 PIN 探测单元及高速数据采集电路实现了 ns 级脉宽激光脉冲的定量化采集, 通过集成无线射频模块实 现脉冲探测器的数据远程传输。为保证脉冲探测器的野外应用性能, 系统进行了能量密度测试、能量响应一致性与 稳定性测试、探测器测量视场角测试等。试验结果表明脉冲探测器可以实现 1∼120 nJ·cm−2 的能量范围采集, 能量响 应的一致性优于 5%, 稳定性优于 1.5%, 并且可以实现 ±12◦ 角度范围内的激光脉冲的有效采集。最终探测器成功应用 到我国“高分七号”卫星激光测高仪的在轨检校中, 获得了探测器阵列的有效激光触发数据, 为激光测高仪的在轨检校 试验提供了有效的数据支撑。  相似文献   

李平力  满丰  熊帅 《现代导航》2020,11(2):100-104
从卫星钟基本特性、频率稳定度、钟差预报精度等方面对 BDS 三种类型卫星钟 (RAFS-1、RAFS-2、PHM)进行综合对比分析,结果表明:PHM 卫星钟性能指标显著优于 RAFS; RAFS-2 卫星钟性能指标显著优于 RAFS-1,频率稳定度指标和钟差预报精度提升了 1 倍左右,且 RAFS-2 卫星钟增加了相位连接功能,保证了在轨卫星钟在调整过程中不会影响时间频率服务。  相似文献   

基于FY-3卫星微波辐射热定标源周期性阵列角锥结构,采用时域有限差分算法(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD),对其发射率进行仿真分析,并采用空间驻波法(Space Standing Wave Method,SSMW)进行测试。计算表明:热定标源发射率随吸波涂层厚度的增加逐渐提升,但趋于稳定;随着中心频率的增加,热定标源发射率逐渐增大,在典型涂层厚度1 mm 参数下,工作频段内发射率已大于0. 999。测试结果表明:热定标源在工作频段内发射率大于0.995。综合地面热真空试验以及在轨测试结果,表明热定标源辐射面温度均匀度满足设计指标±0.25K的要求;在轨工作时,由于热定标源辐射面与深空背景辐射热量交换更为剧烈,从而导致其辐射面温度均匀度大于地面测试结果。该项研究为FY-3 后续型号以及其它型号星载微波辐射热定标源产品的升级换代提供工程应用基础。  相似文献   

微波宽带衰减自动检定和校准系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楼红英  杨忠  刘芳瑾 《现代雷达》2006,28(7):96-97100
衰减量是微波宽带电子系统或其零部件(同轴及波导)性能的一项重要参数。该文介绍一种基于HP8902A测量接收机、毫米波混频器及计算机的衰减自动测量和校准系统,该系统可以实现频率达到40GHz衰减量快速、准确的测量。文中对硬件配置与软件设计作了详细介绍,对误差的分析作了较详细的说明。  相似文献   

基于周期性阵列角锥结构星载微波辐射热定标源,运用时域有限差分算法(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD),建立有限大辐射体电磁波散射模型,探索该结构下热定标源在6.3~230 GHz 内辐射特性变化趋势,分析热定标源辐射性能(包括反射率r和发射率e)随涂层厚度t、角锥高宽比以及角锥宽度p 的变化规律。研究结果表明:热定标源反射率在低频段主要依赖涂层吸波性能,高频段则主要取决于涂层界面反射率;在低频段内,随涂层厚度的增加,热定标源反射率逐渐减小,发射率有所增大,但在高频处,呈现出较快的震荡趋势;在特定涂层厚度下,随着角锥高宽比增加,热定标源在全工作频段内反射率减小,发射率增大,且随着角锥宽度的增加,反射率增大,发射率减小。综合热定标源辐射性能研究结果,结合型号产品具体应用需求,设计开发出热定标源产品,并进行发射率测量,实测发射率均为0.998。  相似文献   

海洋卫星COMs-1(Communication, Ocean &Meteorological Satellite-1)上携带的GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager)传感器以海洋监测为主,也具备较好的陆地监测潜力,但传感器陆地辐射特性存在偏差。为改善GOCI陆地辐射特性,基于MODIS数据,对GOCI可见光和近红外波段开展交叉辐射定标,弥补场地定标成本较高、定标参数更新周期长的不足,拓展其陆地定量遥感监测能力。交叉辐射定标中,考虑GOCI和MODIS传感器相应波段光谱响应函数之间的匹配; 通过辐射传输模拟,订正两传感器观测角度对辐射定标的影响;通过选取两传感器同一过境时刻的数据,降低太阳角度对辐射定标的影响,提高交叉定标精度。通过MODIS数据模拟的GOCI相应波段的表观辐亮度与GOCI实测结果比对,R2大于0.88。对定标结果进行初步验证,表明交叉辐射定标后,GOCI陆地上的辐射特性满足基本的定量遥感需求。  相似文献   

混合像元组分温度相对来说更有应用价值,而多角度热红外遥感的发展推动了混合像元组分温度反演基础和方法的发展.根据前期数值模拟得到Terra和Aqua卫星上的MODIS测量可以认为是同一卫星在两个不同观测时间和观测角度上的测量,综合利用Terra和Aqua卫星上的MODIS数据反演混合像元内土壤和植被组分温度.根据混合像元热红外辐射模型,利用遗传算法,分别模拟Terra卫星MODIS的32和33通道,以及Terra和Aqua卫星上MODIS的32通道辐射反演了河北怀来试验区范围内植被覆盖率、土壤组分温度和比辐射率、植被组分温度和比辐射率等表面参数.通过与实测数据进行比较,综合利用上午Terra和下午Aqua卫星32通道数据反演的上午植被组分温度与地面同步测量温度偏差在1℃内,而利用上午Terra卫星32和33通道数据反演的上午植被组分温度与地面同步测量值偏差在1.4℃内.尽管利用双星数据反演的组分温度精度相对较高,但针对同一个像元,两个方案反演的结果有一定偏差.  相似文献   

关于半导体器件热特性表征和控制技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据对器件散热特性的分析,提出用特定脉宽的瞬态热阻抗表征器件的稳态散热特性.测量了特定器件热阻与温度的依赖关系,建议在实际工作中注意器件热阻并不为常数的客观事实.提出应力试验前后测量器件热阻可有效控制器件的某些制造缺陷.  相似文献   

Synergetic optimization of electrical and thermal transport properties is achieved for SnTe-based nano-crystalline materials. Gd doping is able to suppress the Sn vacancy, which is confirmed by positron annihilation measurements and corresponding theoretical calculations. Hence, the optimal hole carrier concentration is obtained, leading to the improvement of electrical transport performance and simultaneous decrease of electronic thermal conductivity. In addition, the incremental density of states effective mass m* in SnTe is realized by the promotion of the band convergence via Gd doping, which is further confirmed by the band structure calculation. Hence, the enhancement of the Seebeck coefficient is also achieved, leading to a high power factor of 2922 µW m−1 K−2 for Sn0.96Gd0.04Te at 900 K. Meanwhile, substantial suppression of the lattice thermal conductivity is observed in Gd-doped SnTe, which is originated from enhanced phonon scattering by multiple processes including mass and strain fluctuations due to the Gd doping, scattering of grain boundaries, nano-pores, and secondary phases induced by Gd doping. With the decreased phonon mean free path and reduced average phonon group velocity, a rather low lattice thermal conductivity is achieved. As a result, the synergetic optimization of the electric and thermal transport properties contributes to a rather high ZT value of ≈1.5 at 900 K, leading to the superior thermoelectric performance of SnTe-based nanoscale polycrystalline materials.  相似文献   

Germanium selenide monolayer is promising in photoelectric applications for its natural p‐type semiconductor and complicated band structures. Basic experimental investigations of few‐to‐monolayer germanium selenide are still absent; major scientific challenge is to develop of techniques for controllably thinned monolayers. In this study laser thinned monolayer germanium selenide on SiO2/Si substrates is demonstrated. A broad photoluminescence spectrum with eight continues peaks is observed from visible to infrared wavebands centered at ≈589, 655, 737, 830, 1034, 1178, 1314, and 1456 nm, respectively. First‐principle calculations based on density functional theory illuminate the band structures of few‐to‐monolayer germanium selenide. Photoluminescence investigation combined with first‐principle calculations indicates that the indirect to direct bandgap transition happens at few layers of N = 3. Current–voltage and photoresponse characteristics of monolayer based devices show 3.3 times the photosensitivity and much faster falling edges compared with those of the pristine nanosheet based devices. The present results provide useful insight into deep understanding of thickness dependent performances of germanium selenide monocrystalline.  相似文献   

电压波动和闪烁测量是电子电器产品EMC测量和电能质量检测中的一个重要项目,但电压波动和闪烁测量仪的校验一直是一个难题,多数校准实验室并不具备相应的能力,行业中也普遍忽视该仪器的校准与验证。依据实验室量值溯源的要求,分析电压波动和闪烁测量项目中需要校准的参数及其准确度要求,介绍了电压波动和闪烁测量仪的校准方法,以及实验室如何进行验证的方法。  相似文献   

2.5 GHz和3.5 GHz频段的WiMAX传播模型研究与校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在研究2.5 GHz和3.5 GHz理论传播模型的基础上,对2.5 GHz和3.5 GHz频段进行了无线传播模型的测试和校正,从而进一步量化分析两者间的差异,指导多频段的网络规划.  相似文献   

设计开发了一种星载微波辐射计热定标源,运用有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis,FEA)软件对其 进行热特性仿真分析,并通过热真空环境模拟试验对其进行验证。仿真表明,热定标源温度随着传递距离的增大 (从源体底部向尖劈顶部、从中心向四周)而线性减小;尖劈高度方向的温度梯度dT / dh 大于半径方向的温度梯度 dT / dr,两者随着空间环境温度的增加(2.7 K→293 K)而逐渐减小。通过试验考核,热定标源温度精度在±0. 15 K/16 s 范围内,温度均匀性≤0. 15 K,具有良好的温度稳定性和均匀性,验证了热定标源热设计的合理性与可行性。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶结合氢气还原方法制备了Ni纳米颗粒,并用这种Ni纳米颗粒作为催化剂,通过催化裂解乙炔的方法在425℃制备了螺旋度较高且呈对称生长的螺旋碳纳米管。结果表明,本方法简单、成本低、环境友好,可大量制备高纯度螺旋碳纳米管。场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)及高分辨透射电镜(HR-TEM)图片表明,通常情况下两根旋向相反的螺旋碳纳米管生长在一个催化剂颗粒上,且这种纳米螺旋呈空心管状。X射线衍射及拉曼光谱分析表明,所得样品成分为有缺陷的石墨结构和镍多晶,未发现其他杂相。此外,对样品的磁性及微波吸收性能进行了研究。  相似文献   

The calibration and performance of a microstrip six-port reflectometer consisting of only one six-port coupler is discussed. The positions of the centers of the impedance-locating circles are determined from the calibration constants and their frequency behavior is illustrated. The results of measuring some terminations by the reflectometer and two HP network analyzers are compared within the frequency range from 0.5 GHz to 8 GHz. From this comparison tke useful bandwidth of the reflectometer is found to be from 0.5 GHz to 5.5 GHz.  相似文献   

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