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1气化发电工作原理 生物质气化发电技术的基本原理是把生物质转化为可燃气,再利用可燃气推动燃气发电设备进行发电.它既能解决生物质难于燃用而且分布分散的缺点,又可以充分发挥燃气发电技术设备紧凑而且污染少的优点,所以气化发电是生物质能最有效最洁净的利用方法之一.  相似文献   

1气化发电工作原理生物质气化发电技术的基本原理是把生物质转化为可燃气,再利用可燃气推动燃气发电设备进行发电。它既能解决生物质难于燃用而且分布分散的缺点,又可以充分发挥燃气发电技术设备紧凑而且污染少的优点,所以气化发电是生物质能最有效最洁净的利用方法之一。气化发电过程包括3个方面:一是生物质气化,把固体生物质转化为气体燃料;二是气体净化,气化出来的燃气都含有一定的杂质,包括灰分、焦炭和焦油等,需经过净化系统把杂质除去,以保证燃气发电设备的正常运行;三是燃气发电,利用燃气轮机或燃气内燃机进行发电,有…  相似文献   

基于分布式能源和太阳能联合循环发电(integrated solar combined cycle power generation,ISCC)技术,以某高新科技产业园区域为例,提出一种利用太阳能直接蒸汽系统与燃气-蒸汽联合循环耦合的新型ISCC分布式能源系统,对该系统组成及工作原理进行介绍,并计算出匹配的太阳能集热场面积和发电机容量。对该ISCC分布式能源系统的性能分析结果表明,ISCC分布式能源站与常规的燃气-蒸汽联合循环电站相比可减少燃料消耗2.2%。另外,多种能源供应模式不仅使系统运行更加稳定,而且能有效提高系统的效率。  相似文献   

生物质(秸秆)气合成燃料甲醇的可行性研究;太阳能热动力空间发电系统的研究;6m^3农村户用玻璃钢沼气池的设计;中国生物质能利用技术评价;太阳能在石油输送中的应用研究;自然光的利用与节能分析。  相似文献   

为实现能源转型和减少碳排放,必须大力发展可再生能源。生物质能作为其中重要的一部分,利用热化学平衡的生物质气化有很好的发展前景。生物质燃气—天然气耦合能源中心是生物质能与天然气结合利用的重要技术和发展方向。为分析和研究生物质燃气与天然气耦合的系统特性,首先需要了解生物质燃气—天然气耦合过程工艺原理与技术分析;其次,研究园区项目投资经济效益;同时,获得生物质气化燃气的组分及相关气化指标。  相似文献   

分布式能源系统的工程界面以保证分布式供能工艺完整性为原则,包括以燃气发电和余热利用为主要工艺过程的动力、暖通、通风、电气、自控等专业相关的设备、仪器、管路管线,以及分布式能源系统部分的燃气配套、电力配套、机房土建和机房公用设施(消防、照明、给排水)。若有电制冷、锅炉、热泵等其他供能系统与分布式能源系统共同构成的能源中心,其他供能系统  相似文献   

<正>生物质能是人类使用的最古老的能源,是仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气的世界第四大能源,其利用形式很多,如直燃发电、成型燃料、生物质炭、生物质燃气、生物沼气、生物质油、燃料乙醇、生物柴油等。然而在发展过程中,生物质能似乎没有得到其他可再生能源如太阳能、风能那般的重视,没能够享受到与之相同的待遇。甚至生物质成型燃料还一度被列为高污染燃料,限制其发展和使用。业内人士指出,其实生物质能是可再生能源中一种理想的清洁能源,同时还是可再生碳源,应受到重视,并被鼓励发展。  相似文献   

本文将生物质燃气作为分布式供能系统内燃机的替代燃料,并利用GT-Power软件对该种内燃机进行性能模拟和动力性优化,以达到节能减排的目的。模拟结果显示,生物质气的燃烧压力较低,使得生物质气内燃机的有效功率偏低,中速时仅为天然气内燃机的1/3。在1500r/min固定转速下,优化压缩比、点火提前角和空燃比等参数的取值能够有效提高生物质气内燃机的动力性,同时改善燃料消耗和排放性。因此多参数优化的方法可以提高生物质气内燃机的综合性能,使其满足分布式供能系统的特殊要求。  相似文献   

中国生物质能利用技术评价   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
本文针对目前我国已有的生物质能利用技术进行技术评价,主要有生物质燃烧技术(包括炉灶燃烧技术、锅炉燃烧发电技术和生物质型煤技术)、生物质气化技术(包括生物质气化技术、生物质气化发电技术)和生物质热裂解液化技术。本文在阐述我国生物质能源开发利用的意义的基础上,综述了上述各种技术发展现状与近年来的应用情况,对我国生物质能利用技术的发展有参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家倡导低碳经济,以风电、水电、太阳能、生物质能为代表的新能源得到了快速的发展。风能、水能、太阳能、生物质能等多种可再生能源联合发电是一种有效的可再生能源利用方式。简述了风能、水能,太阳能和生物质能的发电原理,并探讨了目前国内关于多种能源联合互补发电系统的设计研究成果。  相似文献   

分析了中国农村沼气现状,提出了构建村落层次的智能沼气网,作为生物质能源开发利用的能源枢纽,以及沼气发电系统作为分布式电源入网发电和物质能量循环系统的构建。  相似文献   

海洋热能储量巨大,随时间变化相对稳定,具有广阔的开发利用前景。当前,海洋热能利用技术主要包括海洋温差能发电技术、海洋温差能制淡技术以及海水源热泵技术。发电技术要求海水温差不小于20℃,制淡技术要求海水温差不小于10℃,海水源热泵技术则在不同纬度地区、不同季节均能应用。本文重点分析了海洋温差能发电技术的3种循环方式,针对低温差导致低发电效率的问题,提出了利用太阳辐射加热温海水以提高温差和利用波浪能驱动泵以降低系统能耗两种提高发电效率的方法。  相似文献   

针对双可再生能源融合发电模式的诸多技术难题,提出了一种在水电站大坝上建设太阳能电站并进行融合发电的创新模式,重点突破了水电与太阳能发电共享型控制技术、光伏逆变谐波抑制技术、无功补偿和共享型直流技术等技术难题。水电和太阳能发电共享型控制技术实现了水电现地控制单元、太阳能现地控制单元、共享型公用现地控制单元的分布式构架;实现了光伏对水电的逆变谐波抑制和无功补偿装置的研发;实现了太阳直流技术补偿水电站直流系统。应用实践表明,太阳能与水能融合发电模式可节约投资、增加无功补偿效益、减少国土资源的占用,是双可再生能源融合发电的创新性应用,具有很好的推广价值。  相似文献   

Solar thermochemical hydrogen production with energy level upgraded from solar thermal to chemical energy shows great potential. By integrating mid-and-low temperature solar thermochemistry and solid oxide fuel cells, in this paper, a new distributed energy system combining power, cooling, and heating is proposed and analyzed from thermodynamic, energy and exergy viewpoints. Different from the high temperature solar thermochemistry (above 1073.15 K), the mid-and-low temperature solar thermochemistry utilizes concentrated solar thermal (473.15–573.15 K) to drive methanol decomposition reaction, reducing irreversible heat collection loss. The produced hydrogen-rich fuel is converted into power through solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbines successively, realizing the cascaded utilization of fuel and solar energy. Numerical simulation is conducted to investigate the system thermodynamic performances under design and off-design conditions. Promising results reveal that solar-to-hydrogen and net solar-to-electricity efficiencies reach 66.26% and 40.93%, respectively. With the solar thermochemical conversion and hydrogen-rich fuel cascade utilization, the system exergy and overall energy efficiencies reach 59.76% and 80.74%, respectively. This research may provide a pathway for efficient hydrogen-rich fuel production and power generation.  相似文献   

Energy consumption has risen in Malaysia because of developing strategies and increasing rate of population. Depletion of fossil fuel resources, fluctuation in the crude oil prices, and emersion of new environmental problems due to greenhouse gasses effects of fossil fuel combustion have convinced governments to invest in development of power generation based on renewable and sustainable energy (RSE) resources. Recently, power generation from RSE resources has been taken into account in the energy mix of every country to supply the annual electricity demand. In this paper, the scenario of the energy mix of Malaysia and the role of RSE resources in power generation are studied. Major RSE sources, namely biomass and biogas, hydro‐electricity, solar energy, and wind energy, are discussed, focusing more toward the electrical energy demand for electrification. It is found that power generation based on biomass and biogas utilization, solar power generation, and hydropower has enough spaces for more development in Malaysia. Moreover, minihydropower and wind power generation could be effective for rural regions of Malaysia. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冷热电联供系统主要应用于大型集中性供能系统中。作为分布式能源的一种,冷热电联供系统具有节约能源、改善环境、提高电力综合效益的优势。一般情况下,三联供系统是以天然气为燃料带动燃气轮机、微燃机或内燃机发电机等燃气发电设备运行,产生的电力供应用户的电力需求,系统发电后排出的余热通过余热回收利用设备(余热锅炉或者余热直燃机等)向用户供热、供冷。通过这种方式提高整个系统的一次能源利用率,实现能源的梯级利用,还可以提供并网电力作能源互补,经济收益和效率均得以提升。研究较为常见的燃气轮机中的一种蒸汽型吸收式冷热电联产系统,对不同配置方式和运行方式进行横向与纵向交叉比较,以完成系统优化研究。  相似文献   

This second part is the continuation of the first part on fossil fuels and energy minerals. The major renewable energy sources and forest products entering the Chinese society from 1980 to 2002, including sunlight, wind power, tidal power, wave power, geothermal power and heating, biomass, hydroelectric resource and forestry products, are calculated and analyzed in detail in this paper. The solar exergy inputs from solar photovoltaics and solar collectors, including water heater, solar oven and solar building, are calculated and discussed. The development of the wind power plant is presented. Major tidal power plants, which are still working, are addressed. Wave power devices and plants are introduced. Geothermal resources, mainly for power generation and heating, associated with distribution, are depicted. The utilization of biomass, embracing firewood, straw and biogas, which served as the main obtainable local resources for private consumption and production in the rural areas, is illustrated. Development of hydroelectric resources as complement to scarce fossil fuels is represented, of which the small hydropower project adapted for rural areas is emphasized. Finally, forest products from timber forest and economic forest are presented, with the forestation, reproducing, tending areas and sum of odd forestation trees being manifested.  相似文献   

In this paper, a combined power plant based on the dish collector and biomass gasifier has been designed to produce liquefied hydrogen and beneficial outputs. The proposed solar and biomass energy based combined power system consists of seven different subplants, such as solar power process, biomass gasification plant, gas turbine cycle, hydrogen generation and liquefaction system, Kalina cycle, organic Rankine cycle, and single-effect absorption plant with ejector. The main useful outputs from the combined plant include power, liquid hydrogen, heating-cooling, and hot water. To evaluate the efficiency of integrated solar energy plant, energetic and exergetic effectiveness of both the whole plant and the sub-plants are performed. For this solar and biomass gasification based combined plant, the generation rates for useful outputs covering the total electricity, cooling, heating and hydrogen, and hot water are obtained as nearly 3.9 MW, 6584 kW, 4206 kW, and 0.087 kg/s in the base design situations. The energy and exergy performances of the whole system are calculated as 51.93% and 47.14%. Also, the functional exergy of the whole system is calculated as 9.18% for the base working parameters. In addition to calculating thermodynamic efficiencies, a parametric plant is conducted to examine the impacts of reference temperature, solar radiation intensity, gasifier temperature, combustion temperature, compression ratio of Brayton cycle, inlet temperature of separator 2, organic Rankine cycle turbine and pump input temperature, and gas turbine input temperature on the combined plant performance.  相似文献   

The complementary micro-energy network system consisting of solar photovoltaic power generation (solar PVs) and micro-gas turbine (MGT), which not only improves the absorption rate and reliability of photovoltaic power, but also has the advantages of low emission, high efficiency, and good fuel adaptability, has become one of the most promising distributed power systems in the field of micro grid. According to the development of current technology and the demand of actual work, this research described the domestic and foreign development of microenergy network system based on solar PVs and MGT. Moreover, it analyzed the challenges and future development regarding the micro-energy network system in planning and design, energy utilization optimization and dispatching management, and system maintenance, respectively. Furthermore, it predicted the future development of the key technology of the multi-energy complementary system. These results will be beneficial for the progress of this field both in theory and practice.  相似文献   

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