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In order to solve oscillation of head of the underwater snake-like robot, the Central Pattern Generator (CPG)-based control scheme with head-controller was presented. The Kane dynamic model was constructed to be processed with a commercial package MotionGenesis Kane 5.3, to which the proposed control scheme was applied. The relation between CPG parameters and orientation offset of head was investigated. The target orientation of head-controller was calculated through a convenient method. The advantage of this control scheme is that the head of the underwater snake-like robot remains in the forward direction during swimming. To prove the feasibility of the proposed methodology, two basic motion patterns, swimming along the straight line and swimming along the curved path, had been implemented in our simulation platform. The results showed that the simulation platform can imitate the swimming of the underwater snake-like robot and the head of the underwater snake-like robot remains in a fixed orientation directed towards the target. The oscillation of head' s orientation is inhibited effectively.  相似文献   

In prior research,the orientation of head of the snake-like robot is changed according to the sinusoidal wave. To solve this problem,we propose Central Pattern Generator( CPG)-based control scheme with head-controller to stabilize the head of the underwater snake-like robot. The advantage of the CPG-based control scheme with head-controller is that the head of the underwater snake-like robot is direct to the target orientation during swimming. The relation between CPG parameters and orientation stability of head is discussed.The adaptation of the proposed method to environment changes is tested. The influences of CPG parameters and hydrodynamic forces on the orientation offset of head are investigated. The target orientation( the input of headcontroller) with an experimental optimization is calculated through a convenient method. To prove the feasibility of the proposed methodology,the different swimming modes have been implemented in our simulation platform.The results show that the oscillation of head’s orientation is inhibited effectively,and the proposed method has strong adaptation to environment and CPG parameters changes.  相似文献   

It will still in lack of a simulation platform used to learn the walking of underwater quadruped walking robot. In order to alleviate this shortage,a simulation platform for the underwater quadruped walking robot based on Kane dynamic model and CPG-based controller is constructed. The Kane dynamic model of the underwater quadruped walking robot is processed with a commercial package MotionGenesis Kane 5. 3. The forces between the feet and ground are represented as a spring and damper. The relation between coefficients of spring and damper and stability of underwater quadruped walking robot in the stationary state is studied. The CPG-based controller consisted of Central Pattern Generator( CPG) and PD controller is presented,which can be used to control walking of the underwater quadruped walking robot. The relation between CPG parameters and walking speed of underwater quadruped walking robot is investigated. The relation between coefficients of spring and damper and walking speed of underwater quadruped walking robot is studied. The results show that the simulation platform can imitate the stable walking of the underwater quadruped walking robot.  相似文献   

Inspired by the neuronal principles underlying the tetrapod locomotion,this paper proposed a biomimetic vestibular reflex central pattern generator(CPG) model to improve motion performance and terrain adaptive ability of a quadruped robot in complex situations,which is on the basis of central pattern generator (CPG) model constructed by modified Hopf oscillators.The presented reflex model was modified in the light of the particular joint configuration of the quadruped robot and the trot gait pattern.Focusing on slop locomotion of the quadruped robot with trot gaits,the cosimulations of the ADAMS virtual prototype,CPG mathematical expressions with vestibular reflex and Simulink control model were conducted.The simulation results demonstrated that the presented CPG controller with vestibular reflex was more efficient and stable for the quadruped robot trotting on slopes,compared with the different trotting control models.  相似文献   

To realize the continuous and variable gait transition for a new type of arthropod robot, a multi-level gait transition model is studied in this paper. The model is composed of central pattern generator (CPG) and saturation function. The CPG consists of four pairs of oscillators which can ex- hibit rhythmic activity when given stimulation signal S that lies in the range of saturation function. All oscillators receive the same S, but each pair of oscillators has different saturation functions. Multi- level gait transition can be realized when S changes regularly, as the oscillators start or stop oscilla- ting at different times. After computer simulation, the gait transition model is implemented in the ar- thropod robot. The experimental results show that ideal gait transition for the arthropod robot can be realized with the multi-level gait transition model.  相似文献   

模块化机器人的双输出CPG网络调相运动控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了增强模块化机器人的灵活性,以及对其多模式运动进行更简单有效地控制,结合阵列式和串联式自重构机器人的特点,设计基于万向式关节的双自由度UBot模块,并根据两个关节之间的相互抑制关系,结合生物学的中枢模式发生器(CPG)运动控制原理,设计具有双输出的CPG网络调相运动控制器.通过调整CPG间的连接权重以及每个CPG中两组输出的关系,调解运动控制信号间的相位差值,有效地控制UBot模块化机器人的整体协调运动.应用这种控制方法控制了模块化机器人的3种运动模式:四足运动、蠕动和多节虫运动,在ADAMS仿真环境下进行了运动仿真实验,并在UBot模块化自重构平台上分别进行了3种构型的实体运动试验.实验结果验证了双输出CPG调相网络对模块化机器人运动控制的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

To improve the smoothness of motion control in a quadruped robot, a continuous and smooth gait transition method based on central pattern generator (CPG) was presented to solve the unsmooth or failed problem which may result in phase-locked or sharp point with direct replacement of the gait matrix. Through improving conventional weight matrix, a CPG network and a MATLAB/Simulink model were constructed based on the Hopf oscillator for gait generation and transition in the quadruped robot. A co-simulation was performed using ADAMS/MATLAB for the gait transition between walk and trot to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed CPG gait generation and transition algorithms. Related methods and conclusions can technically support the motion control technology of the quadruped robot.  相似文献   

针对目前无人飞行器在受限环境执行作业时操控性和安全性不足的问题,设计了一种基于旋翼动力的碟式自主旋翼飞行机器人(rotor aerial robot,RAR),采用内置桨叶和冗余执行机构以增强飞行器的安全性和容错能力,采用内、外双旋翼系统和碟式机体构架以提高空气动力特性和操控性能.运用牛顿-欧拉方法建立了系统的6自由度(six-degrees-of-freedom,6-DOF)动力学模型,根据模型执行环节易受气动干扰或故障等因素影响而出现参数不稳定的问题,设计了容错自适应控制方法,在Matlab/SIMULINK环境下以飞行器的侧向通道控制为例进行了仿真实验,验证了旋翼飞行机器人具有良好的操控性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

To realize the coordinated and stable rhythmic motion of quadruped robots (QRs), the locomotion control method of QRs based on central pattern generator (CPG) was explored. In traditional control strategies based on CPG, few CPG models care about the intra-limb coordination of QRs, and the durations of stance phase and swing phase are always equal. In view of these deficiencies, a new and simpler multi-joint coordinated control method for both inter-limb and intra-limb was proposed in this paper. A layered CPG control network to realize the locomotion control of QRs was constructed by using modified Hopf oscillators. The coupled relationships among hip joints of all limbs and between hip joint and knee joint within a limb were established. Using the co-simulation method of ADAMS and MATLAB/Simulink, various gait simulation experiments were carried out and the effectiveness of the designed control network was tested. Simulation results show that the proposed control method is effective for QRs and can meet the control requirements of QRs' gaits with different duty factors.  相似文献   

为了获得与生物魟鱼胸鳍相近的推进波形和游动性能,提出基于Hopf振荡器的仿生中枢模式发生器(CPG)胸鳍波形控制策略. 针对仿生机器魟鱼的结构与游动特征,利用20个Hopf振荡器耦合构建中心式CPG拓扑网络模型;通过输入参数幅值、频率和波数,控制该拓扑网络模型输出仿生机器魟鱼定常巡游、加速游动和机动转弯3种游动模式下胸鳍波形的动态位置信号. 通过仿真验证了该拓扑网络模型能够快速响应输入参数的变化,稳定输出平滑、连续的动态位置信号. 通过试验研究该拓扑网络模型控制仿生机器魟鱼胸鳍波动的可行性以及网络的输入参数对仿生机器魟鱼游动性能的影响. 试验结果表明,该模型能够稳定地输出耦合的波形信号,控制仿生机器魟鱼鳍面形成与生物鱼相似的推进波形,实现各游动模式以及各游动模式间灵活平滑地切换.  相似文献   

自适应多制式正交多载波高速水声通信技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下无人航行器(UUV)的水声通信涉及UUV与指挥舰船以及UUV之间的水声通信技术,通信系统的环境复杂、距离多变。若采用单一数据率传输模式,则通信系统受制于最大工作距离以及最恶劣信道而采用最保守的通信数据率,使得该类型的水声通信的数据率较低。提出了适合于UUV之间及其与指挥舰船之间远、中、近全程变数据率通信的自适应多制式正交多载波(MOM C)水声通信技术,该技术可使通信系统在不同距离、不同信道环境下的通信数据率逼近该信道的最高值。湖试结果为误码率<10-4时,5 km通信数据率为9090 b/s,25 km为2000 b/s。  相似文献   

基于高阶统计量的水下目标动态线谱增强算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了基于高阶累积量的自适应动态线谱增强算法(Cumulant-Based Adaptive Dynamic Line Enhancement,CBADLE),并对其原理进行了剖析,用水下某航行器线谱的实测数据,对水下航行器与水听器处于不同方位时水听器接收的线谱进行了动态仿真,结果表明,该算法在抑制高斯噪声,提高信噪比和收敛等方面的性能优于通常的自适应线谱增强算法。  相似文献   

自适应滤波技术在水声信号处理器中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋环境噪声大、干扰信号强的特点,在水声信号处理器研制中,采用自适应滤波模块对海洋水声信号进行处理。实验表明该方法具有良好的滤除噪声和抗干扰能力,顺利实现了海洋复杂环境下的水声信号处理。  相似文献   

The orderly delay control technique for a new type of arthropod robot is studied in this paper. The orderly delay controller is composed of three parts. The first part is a central pattern generator( CPG) with periodical output. The second part is a neural pathway( NP) that generates the time delay characteristic of various gait patterns. The last part is a locomotion nerve center( LNC) that decides the frequency of the CPG output and generates orderly phase delay by changing the parameters of NP. And then signals that fit for different gaits can be obtained through the regulation of LNC.Experiments are implemented with a robot following mathematical simulation of the controller. The experimental results show that various gait patterns can be realized successfully with the method proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

A method of 3D kinematics simulation of robot fighting platform (RFP) in virtual environment is proposed with the aim of enhancing vision telepresence. Based on the theory of space coordinate transformation, kinematics equations of RFP are formulated; followed by applying a method of modeling using 3DMAX software to build an RFPs 3D geometric model before a 3D kinematics simulation system of RFP is completed based on virtual reality technology and Open Inventor VC++. Test results have indicated that this system can perform RFPs kinematics simulation in virtual environment. It can also imitate RFPs motion states and environmental features well. Moreover, not only can better real-time performances and interactions be achieved but also operators vision telepresence be enhanced, therefore this approach may help lay the foundation for the realization of RFPs teleoperation with vision telepresence.  相似文献   

针对两轮机器人现有控制算法的弊端,基于自学习参数寻优算法设计自适应控制器.该控制器结构简单,无需依赖精确数学模型,经过多次学习训练,即可获得最优控制参数.将该控制器应用于两轮机器人的平衡控制中,并与线性二次型(linear quadratic regulator,LQR)最优控制器进行对比,仿真结果验证了该算法的正确性、有效性,凸显出较强的鲁棒性和仿生学习性;将该控制器应用于两轮机器人物理系统,取得了良好的控制效果.  相似文献   

本文通过描述约束机器人在动态环境中的运动学及动力学来研究一种基于模型的机器人手臂的控制方法。这种方法从环境端来表示约束机器人末端的运动约束及与周围不确定环境的动力学交互。使用自调节模糊PID控制器的仿真对于强非线性的系统可满足机器人手臂的时变跟踪控制。  相似文献   

为了提高MIMO系统的容量,提出了一种自适应公平调度算法,在每个调度时隙,根据用户的信道环境和分组数据长度选择具有最小延时的用户进行传输,并且动态更新用户的平均传输延时,根据更新的平均传输延时自适应选择被调度的用户,从而使得不同信道环境和不同数据长度具有不同延时的用户都能公平的获得传输机会.通过仿真,将轮询调度算法和最大信噪比调度算法与ADFS算法进行比较.仿真结果表明,三种算法中ADFS算法具有最小的系统平均延时,并且可以给每个用户提供公平的传输机会,并取得较大的系统容量.  相似文献   

某新型远程自主水下航行器建模研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据某新型远程自主水下航行器的组成和特点,通过对其进行动力学和运动学分析,基于经典的动量和动量矩定理,建立了该新型自主水下航行器的数学模型。该模型不仅可以用来模拟航行器的正常巡航状态,而且可以用来模拟航行器的悬停状态,可用于航行器的操纵性分析及控制系统的设计与仿真。  相似文献   

自适应语音抗噪技术的实时实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对自适应语音抗噪技术实时实现的可行性分析的基础上 ,提出了实时处理所需的基于TMS32 0 C32 (DSP)的硬件平台 ,采用两块 TL C32 0 44 CN(A/ D,D/ A转换器 )做成了与 TMS32 0 C32的接口板 ,实现了两路无相差信号的采集 ,形成了语音处理工作站样机。通过对几种自适应算法的分析比较 ,最后选择恰当的算法和滤波器结构实现了语音抗噪的实时处理 ,对信噪比的改善达 12 d B.  相似文献   

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