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In recent years carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) emerged its increasing demand in aerospace engineering. Due to their high specific strength to weight ratio, these composites offer more characteristics and considerable advantages compared to metals. Metals, unlike composites, offer plasticity effects to evade high stress concentrations during postbuckling. Under compressive load, composite structures show a wide range of damage mechanisms where a set of damage modes combined together might lead to the eventual structural collapse. Crack is one of the most critical damages in fiber composites, which are being employed in primary aircraft structures. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the arrest mechanism of the delamination or crack growth with installation of multiple fasteners when the delamination is embedded in between the skin and stiffener interface. 相似文献
Creep crack growth characteristics under various combined mode I and mode II loadings were studied using the compact tension shear (CTS) specimens of polyethylene. Creep crack growth rates da/dtunder combined mode I and mode II loading can be correlated with a single effective stress intensity factor K
Ieffderived from the combined — mode fracture toughness envelope. The steady state or constant crack growth rates which occupy the significant part of creep failure life increase with the increasing initial effective stress intensity factor. 相似文献
A study of high frequency fatigue in carbon-fiber reinforced composites has been undertaken. A comparison has been made between the fatigue behavior of crossply (0° / 90°) and angleply (± 45°) carbon/epoxy unnotched and notched laminates. Additionally, a micromechanical analysis of fracture surfaces performed by scanning electron microscopy was carried out to evaluate the micromechanisms that occurred during fatigue. Experimental observations indicate that fatigue damage consists of a combination of matrix cracks, longitudinal splitting, fiber fracture, and delamination. In order to minimize the effects of residual strain due to temperature rise, a method is proposed for determining real fatigue strength at the level of variable load not lower than the fatigue limit, at which residual strains are minimal. 相似文献
吴庭翱 《中国材料科技与设备》2014,(6):57-59
为提高含缺陷对接接头的承载能力和准确的评定其安全性,对焊缝含I型中心裂纹和I型单边裂纹的对接接头,采用数值模拟方法,基于断裂力学原理,研究了焊缝余高高度和盖面焊道宽度对焊缝含I型中心裂纹和I型单边裂纹对接接头形状因子的影响。结果表明,焊缝余高高度对焊缝含I型中心裂纹和I型单边裂纹对接接头形状因子影响最为显著,盖面焊道宽度的影响次之。焊缝合I型中心裂纹和I型单边裂纹对接接头设计时,采用传统的不考虑余高形状影响时的形状因子表达式计算是不合理的。选择合适的焊缝余高高度和盖面焊道宽度可以提高焊缝含I型中心裂纹和I型单边裂纹对接接头的承栽能力。 相似文献
The deformation and distribution of stress triaxiality σ_m/σ of mixed I + II mode elastic-plastic cracks under plane strain and plane stress conditions were analysed by the large strain
finite element method and were compared with the HRR field. The results show that, (1) the model of crack-tip deformation
under mixed I + II mode loading is sharpening-blunting, the sharpening and blunting deformation is acted on by compressive
stress (σ_m/σ > 0) and tensile stress (σ_m/σ > 0), respectively; (2) in the plane strain case, the (σ_m/σ)_max of the real crack tip decreases with an increase of mode II component, but increases with an increasing strain hardening
n for every mixed ratio. For the loading of K_I/K_II > 0.5, the (σ_m/σ)_max value of the real crack tip is less than that of the (σ_m/σ)_max given by the HRR field, but the opposite holds true cases where K_I/K_II > 0.5; (3) in the plane stress case, the (σ_m/σ)_max decreases a few values with an increasing mode II component, the values of (σ_m/σ)_max of every mixed ratio are far less than these of the corresponding loading condition in the plane strain case. In the plane
stress case, the (σ_m/σ)_max values of every mixed ratio for any strain hardening exponent n are almost constant.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Fracture toughness and creep crack growth characteristics under combined mode I and II loadings were studied using the compact
tension shear (CTS) specimens of polypropylene. The K
- K
envelope for crack initiation was obtained under various combined mode loadings. The creep crack growth rates da/dt under combined mode I and mode II loadings can be correlated with a single effective stress intensity factor K
based on the combined mode fracture envelope. 相似文献
统计分析了28组采用TMCP工艺制造的高强度厚钢板-10℃止裂韧性K_(ca)与屈服强度R_(P0.2)、抗拉强度R_m、-40℃冲击功KV_2、-20℃和-40℃动态撕裂能DTE、零塑性转变温度T_(NDT)的相关性规律,结果表明,-10℃止裂韧性K_(ca)与心部抗拉强度R_m和侧面零塑性转变温度T_(NDT)的相关度较高,随着心部抗拉强度R_m的增高和侧面零塑性转变温度T_(NDT)的降低,-10℃止裂韧性K_(ca)增大;在此基础上建立了-10℃止裂韧性K_(ca)与心部抗拉强度R_m、侧面零塑性转变温度T_(NDT)和板厚t的相关性方程K_(ca)=13.358·R_m-90.530·T_(NDT)-7.324·t~(1.5)或K_(ca)=13.427·R_m-74.845·T_(NDT)-0.635·t~2。 相似文献
Y. W. Kwon 《Applied Composite Materials》2013,20(4):355-373
A new solid-like shell element was formulated which is suitable for analysis of laminated and sandwich composite structures. Then, a multiscale analysis technique was implemented to the shell element formulation so that micro-level stresses and strains (i.e. stresses and strains in reinforcing fibers and the binding matrix) in those structures can be computed. The shell element has three displacement degrees of freedom per node like a 3-D solid element. Therefore, the shell elements can be stacked easily on top of one another like 3-D solid elements in order to represent multiple layers through the thickness of laminated and sandwich structures. The effect of a thin resin or adhesive layer in laminated and sandwich composite structures was investigated on both static and the dynamic responses of the structures using the developed shell elements. The study showed an apparent effect of the resin/adhesive layer even though it is very thin. As a result, the present shell element can be used effectively to include those thin layers in finite element analysis models of laminated and sandwich composite structures. 相似文献
工程结构中的复合材料层合板的几何参数往往具有随机性质.如何研究随机参数层合板的灵敏度,并对参数进行优化分析,这对正确估计结构设计的可靠性有着非常重要的意义.根据层合板的一阶剪切理论,采用样条有限元法,推导并建立了层合板的振动方程,刚度矩阵,质量矩阵,比例阻尼矩阵以及求解反对称层合板响应灵敏度的计算公式,在基于灵敏度分析的基础上,进行了复合材料层合板的基频分析和优化设计,并用网格法计算最佳铺层角.数值算例验证了算法的有效性. 相似文献
Study of Composite Interface Fracture and Crack Growth Monitoring Using Carbon Nanotubes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Interface fracture of woven fabric composite layers was studied using Mode II fracture testing. Both carbon fiber and E-glass
fiber composites were used with a vinyl ester resin. First, the single-step cured (i.e., co-cured) composite interface strength
was compared to that of the two-step cured interface as used in the scarf joint technique. The results showed that the two-step
cured interface was as strong as the co-cured interface. Carbon nanotubes were then applied to the composite interface using
two-step curing, and then followed by Mode II fracture testing. The results indicated a significant improvement of the interface
fracture toughness due to the dispersed carbon nanotube layer for both carbon fiber and E-glass fiber composites. The carbon
nanotube layer was then evaluated as a means to monitor crack growth along the interface. Because carbon nanotubes have very
high electrical conductivity, the electrical resistance was measured through the interface as a crack grew, thus disrupting
the carbon nanotube network and increasing the resistance. The results showed a linear relationship between crack length and
interface resistance for the carbon fiber composites, and allowed initial detection of failure in the E-glass fiber composites.
This study demonstrated that the application of carbon nanotubes along a critical composite interface not only improves fracture
properties but can also be used to detect and monitor interfacial damage. 相似文献
研究了不同粒径,不同份数的白炭黑对天然橡胶(NR)裂纹生长行为的影响。采用具有裂纹生长测试功能的DMA(DMA-Crack Growth)对预割口试样的裂纹扩展速度进行测试。利用超高速显微摄像技术对裂纹扩展尖端进行在线追踪,得到裂纹扩展尖端的动态显微图像。结果表明,添加20 phr原生粒径为15 nm的气相法白炭黑时,裂纹尖端韧带均匀且细密,对裂纹生长起到很好的阻碍作用;添加20 phr原生粒径为7 nm的气相法白炭黑时,对试样的裂纹生长有不利影响。 相似文献
Stable matrix crack growth behaviour under mechanical fatigue loading hasbeen studied in a quasi-isotropic (0/90/-45/+45)s GFRPlaminate. Detailed experimental observations were made on the accumulationof cracks and on the growth of individual cracks in +45° as well as 90° plies. A generalised plain strain finiteelement model of the damaged laminate has been constructed. This model hasbeen used to relate the energy release rate of growing cracks to the crackgrowth rate via a Paris relation. 相似文献