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提出了一种面向对象系统的建模方法,把面向对象技术与JSD方法相结合。用对象模型,进程模型来构造系统模型,并给出了描述进程的纲要逻辑。  相似文献   

面向欠约束几何系统的一种同伦求解方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对几何约束系统的数值求解过程中,经常发生的数值不稳定性问题,构造了一种面向欠约束系统的同伦方法,并将其与现有的求解与分解方法有机地结合起来,提出了一种牛顿-同伦混合方法,在牛顿迭代失败的位置自动调用欠约束同伦法,既提高了几何约束求解器的效率,同时又保证了求解的效率。  相似文献   

一种可描述系统功能的OO建模方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍一种可描述系统的数据,行为,组织以及功能四种观战的建模技术,该建模技术保留原来OO建模技术的优点,具有更丰富的语义和更强的描述能力。  相似文献   

通用几何约束系统统一建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在几何约束和几何实体的基本约束和欧拉参数表达的基础上,研究了通用几何约束系统的统一建模问题。通过对三维几何实体姿态约束和位置约束解耦性的分析,抽象出球实体、盒体和球盒体三种基本几何实体表达空间几何实体,并以基本约束的组合表达几何约束,形成几何约束模型特有的层次结构;并以有向图管理几何约束系统,可以清晰地反映姿态约束和位置约束的解耦性,实现约束系统的细粒度分解,得到规模更小的求解序列,实现高效求解。方法实现于原型系统WhutVAS中。  相似文献   

一个支持top-down设计的产品建模系统   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
研究了一种新型机制来实现支持top-down设计的产品建模。采用墨箱多叉树模型和设计变量约束网络(VCN)表达产品功能,实现面向对象的产品建模;提出了分类分步分解的策略求解VCN;在一个集成设计环境中,通过对典型零件的设计引导用户完成三维结构草图的设计和动态建立产品设计的关系模型。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的约束归纳逻辑程序设计方法。该方法能够与自顶向下的归纳逻辑程序设计系统结合,通过在自顶向下归纳方法的一步特殊化操作中引入Fisher判别分析等方法,使得系统能够导出不受变量个数限制的多种形式的线性约束,在不需要用户诱导,不依赖约束求解器的情况下,学习出覆盖正例而排斥负例的含约束的Horn子句程序。  相似文献   

SC-PROLOG解释系统中的约束逻辑程序设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
约束逻辑程序设计(CLP)方法是提高PROLOG语言效率的一种崭新方法,本文针对SC┐PROLOG解释系统的实现介绍其相应设计思想,从域变量含义入手,提出了域及约束的存储方法以及约束机制的实现算法,是对逻辑设计方法研究的一点体会  相似文献   

一种基于Web的智能搜索方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种针对Web的智能搜索方法。采用启发式的搜索技术,事先给定少量的训练范例即可开始搜索,并能在工作过程中通过自学不断积累相关知识,逐步提高搜索效率。  相似文献   

UML(统一建模语言)未能有效解决面向对象系统建模问题。该文以电梯系统为例,构建一种面向对象的逻辑控制系统建模新方法。定义该类系统建模过程需要使用的新概念。阐述该建模方法应用的全过程,给出电梯系统控制的三个决策算法的详细结果。其中优先方向决策算法是首次提出并分析该算法的必要性。用规范化、形式化步骤将电梯系统的问题域规则转化为解答域规则。由建模结果的完整性,一致性,可修改性,说明方法的有效性。该文方法对电子工程领域建模具有参考价值。  相似文献   

曹旻  汪璐 《计算机工程》2013,39(1):63-66
传统企业业务管理系统将业务对象和规则混合在代码中,使系统的灵活性和可扩展性受到很大限制。针对该问题,提出一种可扩展的业务对象建模框架(SBOMF),将企业业务逻辑映射到业务要素的外部实体上,实现业务逻辑与系统实现的脱离。通过对业务对象进行组件化建模,建立由统一模式的组件构成的企业业务管理系统。应用结果证明,SBOMF框架能缩短企业业务管理系统的开发周期,并且提高系统的灵活性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

Scheduling Sport Tournaments using Constraint Logic Programming   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We tackle the problem of scheduling the matches of a round robin tournament for a sport league. We formally define the problem, state its computational complexity, and present a solution algorithm using a two-step approach. The first step is the creation of a tournament pattern and is based on known graph-theoretic results. The second one is an assignment problem and it is solved using a constraint-based depth-first branch and bound procedure that assigns actual teams to numbers in the pattern. The procedure is implemented using the finite domain library of the constraint logic programming language \eclipse. Experimental results show that, in practical cases, the optimal solution of the assignment problem (which is not necessarily optimal for the overall problem) can be found in reasonable time, despite the fact that the problem is NP-complete. In addition, a local search procedure has been developed in order to provide, when necessary, an approximate solution in shorter time.  相似文献   

William Faulkner's non-chronological story tellingstyle has long been a challenge to critics and apuzzle to beginning literature students. ``A Rose forEmily,' one of Faulkner's most frequently anthologizedstories, exemplifies the complexity of Faulkner'streatment of time. In this paper, we apply aconstraint-based problem solving method to an analysisof the chronology of ``A Rose for Emily.' Constraintlogic programming is a declarative programminglanguage paradigm that solves problems by enforcingconstraints among variables. CLP's ability to sortnumeric variables that do not yet have definite valuesmakes it possible to sort the events of ``A Rose forEmily' with only fragmented and relative timeinformation. In attempting to sort the events of thestory, we find an inconsistency in the temporalreferences scattered throughout the narrative. Afterremoving this inconsistency, we are able to compareour chronology with earlier ones and discuss thethematic relevance of Faulkner's nonlinear plots.  相似文献   

The comparative study published in this journal by Fernandez and Hill benchmarked some constraint programming systems on a set of well-known puzzles. The current article examines the positive and negative aspects of this kind of benchmarking.The article analyses some pitfalls in benchmarking, recalling previous published results from benchmarking different kinds of software, and explores some issues in comparative benchmarking of CLP systems.A benchmarking exercise should cover a broad set of representative problems and a broad set of programming constructs. This can be achieved using two kinds of benchmarking: Applications Benchmarking and Unit Testing. The article reports the authors' experiences with these two kinds of benchmarking in the context of the CHIC2 Esprit project. The benchmarks were used to unit test different features of the CLP system ECLiPSe and to compare application development with different high-level constraint platforms.The conclusion is that, in deciding which system to use on a new application, it is less useful to compare standard features of CLP systems, than to compare their relevant functionalities.  相似文献   

The embedding of constraint satisfaction on the domain of discourse into a rule-based programming paradigm like logic programming provides a powerful reasoning tool. We present an application in spatial reasoning that uses this combination to produce a clear, concise, yet very expressive system through its ability to manipulate partial information. Three-dimensional solid objects in constructive solid geometry representation are manipulated, and their spatial relationship with one another, points, or regions is reasoned about. The language used to develop this application is QUAD-CLP(), an experimental constraint logic programming language of our own design, which is equipped with a solver for quadratic and linear arithmetic constraints over the reals.  相似文献   

Generalised Assignment Problems (GAP), traditionally solved by Integer Programming techniques, are addressed in the light of current Constraint Programming methods. A scheduling application from manufacturing, based on a modified GAP, is used to examine the performance of each technique under a variety of problem characteristics. Experimental evidence showed that, for a set of assignment problems, Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) performed consistently better than Integer Programming (IP). Analysis of the CLP and IP processes identified ways in which the search was effective. The insight gained from the analysis led to an Integer Programming approach with significantly improved performance. Finally, the issue of collaboration between the two contrasting approaches is examined with respect to ways in which the solvers can be combined in an effective manner.  相似文献   

We present an application of stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming (sCCP) for modeling biological systems. We provide a library of sCCP processes that can be used to describe straightforwardly biological networks. In the meanwhile, we show that sCCP proves to be a general and extensible framework, allowing to describe a wide class of dynamical behaviours and kinetic laws.  相似文献   

CLPGUI is a generic graphical user interface for visualizing and controlling the execution of constraint logic programs. CLPGUI has been designed to be used in different contexts: initially for teaching purposes, then for debugging complex programs of real-world scale, and recently for developing end-user interfaces. The challenge of developing a tool which is generic w.r.t. both the constraint logic programming system and the visualizers, is addressed by a client-server architecture for connecting a CLP process to a Java-based GUI process, and by a non-intrusive tracing and control method based on annotations in the CLP program. Arbitrary constraints and goals can be posted incrementally from the GUI in an interactive manner, and arbitrary states can be recomputed. We describe several generic 2D and 3D viewers of the variables and of the search tree, and argue that the 3D representation is best-suited to apprehend the shape of large search trees. We also illustrate the use of CLPGUI for developing application-oriented end-user interfaces on two placement problems, one in virtual reality.  相似文献   

Constraint programming languages stem from the integration of constraints in conditional rules. By taking a close look at the design choices made for Prolog IV, the author retraces the general evolution of this recent and novel paradigm, from its roots in inference systems and optimization, to its applications in model building and problem solving.  相似文献   

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