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蜂窝移动通信中一种分级紧致的动态信道分配方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出一种分级紧致的动态信道分配(CCDCA)方案。文中首先根据信道使用情况与业务量的关系,将小区分成“冷态”和“热态”,并给出了相应的阈值,然后在对“热态”的处理过程中利用“冷态”的先验信息,对不同状态的小区给出了不同的紧致措施。该方案还能保证小区间有较小的服务偏差,提高了整个系统的服务质量。文中还根据冷、热态的特点构造了一个二维马尔科夫链模型,计算出了模型的主要参数;其思想可用于分析多种信道分配问题。仿真结果证明CCDCA方案有较小的呼阻率和较高的频谱利用率。  相似文献   

蜂窝移动通信系统中的一种新的优化信道分配模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
党安红  汤俊雄  朱世华 《电子学报》2003,31(7):1002-1004
本文提出了一种新的蜂窝移动通信系统最优信道分配模型.首先根据信道分配的特点构造了一种信道分配方程模型;进而建立了信道分配最优模型,利用Pontryain最小值原理获得了模型的最优解;给出的仿真结果验证了分析结论的正确性.该模型可以用来有效地研究信道分配问题的宏观性能,并提供了一种高效、快速的算法.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种在CDMA网络中基于网络优化的动态信道分配策略,它针对恒定比特率(CBR)业务建立了一种整数规划的数学模型,它不是每个时隙进行一次信道分配而是若干个时隙根据当前所有用户的状态统筹做一次调度,目的是使得用户QoS和系统性能得到折中考虑。通过仿真,相对于传统话音优先和按照优先级排队的分配算法,这种优化算法在保证业务的QoS的同时使得信道利用率得到提高。  相似文献   

在对信道分配问题分析的基础上,给出数学模型,将此问题转化为带约束的优化问题,并通过设计遗传算法的个体编码方式,适应度函数、遗传算子实现了移动通信中的信道分配问题的优化。  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于TD-SCDMA系统的动态信道分配算法.该算法在进行资源整合的基础上将信道条件较好的用户分配于交叉时隙,从而达到减少交叉时隙干扰,提高频谱效率的目的.仿真结果表明该算法能够有效增加系统容量,改善系统性能.  相似文献   

程江  朱世华  党安红 《电子学报》2001,29(10):1405-1408
本文提出了一种基于反向链路载干比的信道分配优化模型.这种模型较原有的兼容矩阵模型更接近实际系统,并且能够应用于分析干扰自适应信道分配方案.本文在提出这种模型的同时,对比了该模型和原有模型在描述信道分配问题的精度和能力上的优劣.此外,本文还提出了使用改进遗传算法求解该模型下信道分配问题的方法.分析和实验均说明本文提出的模型对实际环境进行了更精确的描述,通过使用这种模型求解信道分配问题能够更好利用信道资源.  相似文献   

冯龛  贾振红  覃锡忠  王浩 《通信技术》2012,45(1):32-34,37
针对GSM/GPRS网络中某些小区因频繁切换导致掉话率高的问题,提出了一种新的动态信道分配策略。该方案将信道划分为数据业务专用信道和语音/数据业务共享信道,并在共享信道中为切换型语音呼叫预留保护信道以降低其呼叫失败率。对于数据业务采用FIFO排队机制。最后利用一种近似计算方法求取该策略的呼叫阻塞率等指标。实验结果表明该方案能有效降低语音呼叫掉话率。  相似文献   

TD-SCDMA是由中国提出并被ITU所接受的第三代移动通信标准,是第三代移动通信系统(UMTS)和IMT2000国际电信标准大家庭中的重要成员。 一、 TD-SCDMA的特点TD-SCDMA的移动无线系统是针对所有无线环境下对称和非对称的3G业务所设计的,它运行在不成对的射频频谱上,适用于TDD模式下的TDMA操作系统。TD-SCDMA的先进设计支持每射频载波上灵活的时域上/下行链路的转换,从而更加能够适应于不同3G业务中不同的上/下链路关系。传输方向的时域自适应资源分配可取得独立于对称业务负载关系的频谱分配的最佳利用率,因此,…  相似文献   

TD-SCDMA是由中国提出并被ITU所接受的第三代无线通信标准,并已成为第三代无线通信系统UMTS和IMT2000国际电信标准大家庭中的重要成员.  相似文献   

首先讨论了信道分配中电磁兼容限制因素、分类及性能评价,具体分析了各种动态信道分配方案,最后对“有序信道借用OCS”方案进行了模拟,得出了不同条件下的DCA的性能曲线,并与FCA进行了比较。  相似文献   

Tan  P.T.  Soh  C.B.  Gunawan  E.  Soong  B.H. 《Wireless Personal Communications》1998,6(3):249-264
A mathematical model that predicts the dynamic flows in cellular mobile networks that allocate channels using the Borrowing Channel Assignment (BCA) scheme is described in this paper. Two types of handoff procedures – the prioritized and non-prioritized schemes – will be considered in the model. Discrete event simulations were performed and the results were found to be comparable to the results obtained using the mathematical model. Application to comparative study of the dynamic behaviours of the BCA and the Fixed Channel Assignment (FCA) schemes is also presented.  相似文献   

In cellular communications, one of the main research issues is how to achieve optimum system capacity with limited frequency spectrum. For many years, researchers have proposed and studied many dynamic channel assignment (DCA) schemes to increase the capacity of cellular systems. Another proposed technique, Reuse Partitioning (RP), is used to achieve higher capacity by reducing the overall reuse distance. In convention, when RP is exploited in network-based DCA, a portion of channels will be assigned permanently to each partitioned region. However, the number of channels assigned to each region may not be~optimum due to factors like the uneven and time-varying traffics. In this paper, a new network-based DCA scheme is proposed with the flexible use of RP technique, named as flexible dynamic reuse partitioning with interference information (FDRP-WI). In this scheme, channels are open to all incoming calls and no channel pre-allocation for each region is required. As long as the channel assignment satisfies the co-channel interference constraints, any user from any region can use any channel. The scheme aims to minimize the effect of assigned channels on the availability of channels for use in the interfering cells and to reduce overall reuse distance. Both FDRP-WI with stationary users and mobile users are investigated. Simulation results have confirmed the effectiveness of FDRP-WI scheme. In the case with stationary users, FDRP-WI exhibits outstanding performance in improving the system capacity under both uniform and non-uniform traffic distributions. Under the uniform traffic case, the scheme can provide over 100% capacity improvement as compared to conventional fixed channel assignment scheme with 70 system channels at 1% blocking probability. In the case with mobile users, the impact of mobility on the new call probability, P b, and the call dropping probability, P d, is evaluated. The effect on system capacity of reserving some channels for handoff calls is first studied. Then, we propose a new handoff scheme, called “Reverse Overflow” (RO), to improve the utilization of channels with smaller reuse distances under mobile environment. Simulation results show that, with RO handoff, the system capacity of FDRP-WI is effectively improved at the expense of higher handoff rates in the cellular system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a channel sharing scheme, Neighbor Cell Channel Sharing (NCCS) , based on region partitioning of cell coverage for wireless cellular networks. Each cell is divided into an inner-cell region and an outer-cell region. Cochannel interference is suppressed by limiting the usage of sharing channels in the inner-cell region. The channel sharing scheme achieves a traffic-adaptive channel assignment and does not require any channel locking. Performance analysis shows that using the NCCS scheme leads to a lower call blocking probability and a better channel utilization as compared with other previously proposed channel assignment schemes.  相似文献   

Network-based dynamic channel assignment (DCA) schemes can be used to increase the capacity of TDMA cellular systems. In this paper, a new distributed network-based DCA scheme, known as DCA with interference information, DCA-WI, is proposed and its performance is studied. In this scheme, a base station (BS) assigns a channel in such a way as to minimize the effect on the availability of channels for use in its interfering cells. To accomplish this, each BS maintains an interference information table which contains information about the local cell and its interfering cells. DCA-WI does not require system-wide information. Channel reassignment for new and completed calls are used to further reduce the call blocking probability. Simulation results show that DCA-WI provides a lower call blocking probability compared to other existing schemes in both uniform and nonuniform traffic distributions.  相似文献   

Distributed control schemes allow base stations in personal communication systems to be placed at locations corresponding to high expected traffic. This flexible base station placement creates significant overlapping coverage areas that can be utilized to improve system performance [1]. A new technique for dynamic base station selection in systems with overlapping cells is considered and its effect on traffic performance is characterized. The technique realizes robust performance for personal communication systems in fluctuating and heavily tapered traffic. A mathematical analysis based on a state transition model is used to evaluate performance of a system that employs the proposed technique. The results indicate that improved blocking probability and carried traffic performance are obtainable. Computer simulations were undertaken confirm the analytical results.  相似文献   

基于提出的最优组合业务量预测模型,对下一时刻的业务量进行预测,从而确定蜂窝系统中业务分布情况,据此将蜂窝小区分成冷点区域和热点区域,并提出一种优化的混合信道分配(OHCA)方案,分析并给出了该方案中动静信道比的定量关系。仿真结果证实了该最优组合预测模型较单一预测方法降低了预测误差、提高了预测精度,同时该优化分配算法较固定信道分配(FCA)和动态信道分配(DCA)方案,有较小的呼阻率和较高的频谱利用率,该策略可用来有效处理热点业务问题,有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The conventional approach of hybrid channel assignment strategy in cellular networks is rather inefficient due to the fact that it does not take advantage of the FCA scheme to the extreme. In this paper, we divide a cell into two parts: inner cell region and outer cell region, and apply the dynamic channel assignment and the fixed channel assignment schemes to the inner region and out region, respectively, in an attempt to fully utilize the strengths of the channel assignment schemes. In the performance evaluation, we demonstrate that the channel reuse efficiency has been improved compared to the FCA and DCA schemes. We also calculate the probability of an intracell handoff due to the use of the space partitioning. The proposed scheme can be adapted to a multi-tier structure with high/low speed mobile users, and hot spots.  相似文献   

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