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The isochronal annealing behavior of electroplated 1.2 μm Ni-Fe thin films containing nominally 80 wt% Ni, in the temperature
range from 373° to 773°K, and with a magnetic field parallel to the easy axis of the films, was investigated through measurements
of the films’ structural, magnetic and electrical properties. The effects of annealing could be described in terms of two
annealing stages. In stage I, occurring up to about 575°K, recovery took place along with some pairordering, resulting in
small decreases in the coercivity, the easy axis dispersion and the electrical resistivity; the apparent anisotropy field
increased in this stage. The stage II of annealing, occurring above 575°K, was characterized by more defect annealing, a change
in the texture and possibly some long-range ordering. This stage resulted in increases in the coercivity and the dispersion,
along with decreases in the apparent anisotropy field, the apparent strain sensitivity and the relative permeability. The
results of both annealing stages are discussed in terms of the structural changes. 相似文献
Thin films of InAs have been deposited on mica substrates through a vacuum evaporation technique by means of controlling the
substrate and source temperatures. The films with large crystal grain were found to have the best electrical properties. The
maximum electron mobility of 12, 400 cm2/V·sec at room temperature was obtained in an undoped film of 3 Μm thickness at a donor concentration of 3.5 × 1016 cm−3. The temperature dependence of both electron mobility and resistivity of these films was slightly lower than those reported
for bulk crystal type InAs. 相似文献
The effect of microstructure on the electrical transport behavior of polycrystalline ma-terials has been investigated by means
of both experiment and computer simulation. The experiment was carried out by measuring the resistances of model thin film
mi-crostructures. It was found that the topology of the microstructure significantly influ-ences the transport characteristics.
The results were compared to the prediction of the current analytical theory (Brick-Layer model), and observed to be in significant
dis-agreement. To overcome the limitation of this analytical theory, a computational meth-odology was developed to simulate
the steady-state electrical transport. Comparison of the simulation results with the experiments shows good agreement. In
investigating the transport behavior of polycrystalline films having grain boundary of high resistance, grain size and morphology
are found to have two effects on the conduction process. First, they can lead to an increase in the length of the equipotential
contours due to the fact that they follow the preexisting grain boundary. Second, the large grains can serve to shunt the
flux pass adjacient smaller grains. Both of these effects lead to a decrease in the total resistance as the microstructure
departs from a regular Brick-Layer type struc-ture. 相似文献
为研制具有较低室温电阻值的NTC薄膜热敏电阻,以La0.6Sr0.4CoO3陶瓷为靶材,采用RF磁控溅射法,在Al2O3基片上沉积了La0.6Sr0.4CoO3(LSCO)薄膜。研究了溅射过程中氩氧体积流量比对LSCO薄膜结晶性能和方阻的影响以及LSCO薄膜的阻温特性。结果表明:随着氩氧体积流量比的增加,LSCO薄膜的主晶相衍射峰强度及方阻均先增大后减小。LSCO薄膜具有显著的NTC特性,室温时的电阻温度系数α25为2.24×10–5;其lnR-T–1曲线具备良好的线形度,线性偏差仅为2.09%;另外,其室温时的电阻R25仅为18.75k?。 相似文献
A numerical model is developed to represent the thermal wave propagation during ultrashort pulsed laser processing of thin
films. The model developed is based on the solution of non-Fourier heat conduction problem with temperature and thermal flux
delays using discontinuous finite-element method. The mathematical formulation is described and computational procedures are
given. The computer model is validated using the analytical solution for one-dimensional (1-D) thermal wave equations. Numerical
simulations are performed to study the thermal wave propagation in a GaAs thin film exposed to ultrashort laser pulses. A
wavelike behavior of the thermal signal propagation is observed, and the diffusive effect of the time relaxation in the temperature
gradient is calculated and discussed. The thermal behavior of thin films under laser radiation is also studied as a function
of various process parameters including pulse duration, laser pulse shapes and characteristic times of heat fluxes. 相似文献
采用射频磁控溅射法制备了氧化铟锡[ITO,In2O3:SnO2=90:10(质量比)]薄膜,详细探讨了溅射气氛氧氩体积比、溅射功率及溅射气压对ITO薄膜电阻率和沉积速率的影响。结果表明:溅射工艺参数对ITO薄膜电阻率和沉积速率的影响十分明显。随着氧氩体积比的增大,样品的电阻率显著增大,沉积速率下降;随着溅射功率的增加,ITO薄膜的电阻率先减小后略微增大,沉积速率上升;随着溅射气压升高,ITO薄膜的电阻率先减小后增大,当溅射气压增大到较大值时,ITO薄膜的电阻率又开始减小,而沉积速率则先上升后下降。 相似文献
本文利用原子力显微镜、透射电子显微镜、X射线衍射等分析手段研究了反应射频磁控溅射截然不同的阶段,其临界转变温度在790 ℃附近.进一步分析表明,决定低温退火的晶粒长大机制为Zn填隙原子扩散机制,而决定高温退火时的晶粒长大机制为O空位扩散机制.界面分析结果显示:在临界转变温度以下,ZnO薄膜与基体Si之间基本不发生界面反应;在高温退火过程中,ZnO薄膜与基体Si之间的界面反应主要以氧化后的Si表面层向ZnO扩散的方式进行,并导致了薄膜应力的迅速增加,而界面反应开始之前的薄膜应力的变化,则是由于晶粒合并所引起的. 相似文献
John C. Lambropoulos 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1990,19(9):895-901
Several mechanics and thermomechanics problems associated with the deposition of thin films on substrates are reviewed. They
include: (1) Stress concentrations in interfacial cracks, and the corresponding calculation of the energy release rate for
crack growth along the film-substrate interface. (2) The effect of microstructure and of stress relaxation by diffusional
creep during the growth of a thin film on the residual stresses present in the film; and (3) the thermal conductivity in film-substrate
assemblies, and the issue of extracting film thermal properties from composite measurements. The relation between bulk and
thin film values of the thermal conductivity is discussed. The issue of interfacial thermal resistance, which may lead to
interfacial temperature drops of the order of 0.6° K is also addressed, and discussed in view of the inhomogeneous interface
in films deposited by electron beam evaporation or ion beam sputtering. 相似文献
This paper describes our investigation on the thermal stability of sputterdeposited, piezoelectric, ZnO thin films, using
x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures,
and electron microprobe. We focus on out-diffusion of Zn from ZnO thin films at a high temperature (450°C) and the composition
change of zinc and oxygen after high temperature annealing (up to 700°C), since these factors are related to reliability and
integrated circuits-process-compatibility of the ZnO films which are being used increasingly more in microtransducers and
acoustic devices. Our experiments with electron microprobe show that ZnO thin films sputter-deposited from a ZnO target in
a reactive environment (i.e., with O2) are thermally stable (up to 700°C). Additionally, the out-diffusion of zinc atoms from the ZnO films at a high temperature
(450°C) is verified to be negligible using the XPS and C-V measurement techniques. The usage of a compound ZnO target, reactive
environment with O2 and optimized deposition parameters (including gas ratio and pressure, substrate temperature, target-substrate distance and
rf power, etc.) is critical to deposit thermally stable, high quality ZnO films. 相似文献
采用直流反应磁控溅射法制备了TaN薄膜,研究了薄膜厚度对TaN薄膜微观结构及电性能的影响。结果表明,薄膜厚度对TaN薄膜的表面形貌和相结构都没有影响,但会显著影响TaN薄膜的电学性能。在87~424 nm的范围内,随着薄膜厚度的增大,所制TaN薄膜的电阻率从555×10–6.cm减小到285×10–6.cm,方阻从84/□减小到9/□,电阻温度系数(TCR)从–120×10–6/℃增加到+50×10–6/℃。可以通过调节薄膜的厚度调节TaN薄膜的电阻率和TCR。 相似文献
采用超高真空化学气相沉积(UHV-CVD)系统,用低温Ge缓冲层技术在Si衬底上外延了张应变Ge薄膜.扫描电镜(TEM)图表明Si基外延Ge薄膜拥有低的位错密度,原子力显微镜(AFM)测试Ge层表面粗糙度仅为1.2 nm.对Si基外延Ge薄膜进行了不同温度下的退火,并用双晶X射线衍射(DCXRD)曲线和Raman谱进行... 相似文献
Husam H. Abu-Safe Marouf Hossain Hameed Naseem William Brown Abdullah Al-Dhafiri 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2004,33(2):128-134
The CdS:Cl thin films have been prepared using thermally evaporated, CdCl2-mixed CdS powder at 200°C substrate temperature. The percentage of CdCl2 in the mixture varied from 0% to 0.20%. The electrical properties and the grain size of the deposited films were investigated.
The results show that light doping, resistivity, carrier concentration, and mobility follow Seto’s model for polycrystalline
material. However, with heavy doping, these properties undergo a saturation trend. The saturation behavior can be understood
in terms of the rapid formation of the A-center complexes in the films. The deposited films were annealed at 250°C and 300°C.
The resistivity of pure and lightly doped CdS films increased with annealing temperature, whereas carrier concentration and
mobility in these films decreased. However, for the higher doping concentrations, the resistivity decreased, whereas carrier
concentration and mobility showed improvement. These changes in electrical properties of the deposited films with annealing
and doping concentration are attributed to a reduction in the lattice defect sites in CdS upon annealing. The experimental
results are interpreted in terms of a modified version of Seto’s model for polycrystalline materials. 相似文献
利用射频磁控溅射法在玻璃基片上制备了Cu2ZnSnS4( CZTS)薄膜,薄膜在室温下生长,再在Ar气氛中快速退火.通过X射线衍射、X射线电子能谱、原子力显微镜和吸收谱研究了退火温度对薄膜结构、组分、形貌和禁带宽度的影响.结果表明,所制备样品为Cu2ZnSnS4多晶薄膜,具有较强的沿(112)晶面择优取向生长的特点,薄膜组分均为富S贫Cu,样品表面形貌比较均匀.退火温度为350,400,450和500℃的薄膜样品的禁带宽度分别是1.49,1.53,1.51和1.46 eV. 相似文献
Transparent ferroelectric PLZT thin films were prepared on fused-quartz substrates by rf sputtering using a powder target
of pulverized ceramic PLZT. The substrate temperature was kept above 550° C to obtain the film. Excess PbO in the target may
act as a sort of flux for crystal growth. The dielectric constant of the film was 500 at room temperature and the film showed
a ferroelectric hysteresis curve. By an appropriate annealing, the transparency of the film became improved. The electrooptic
effects of the film was measured for the first time. The light intensity reflected from the film was changed strongly by application
of the electric field. With light incident at 70° , an intensity change of 33% was obtained at the electric field of 12.5kV/cm. 相似文献
IL Kim Jong-Seok Kim Oh-Seung Kwon Sung-Tae Ahn John S. Chun Won-Jong Lee 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1995,24(10):1435-1441
The tantalum oxide thin films with a thickness of 14 nm were deposited at 95°C by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced
chemical vapor deposition (ECRPECVD), and annealed at various temperatures (700∼850°C) in O2 and N2 ambients. The microstructure and composition of the tantalum oxide thin films and the growth of interfacial silicon oxide
layer were investigated and were related to the electrical characteristics of the film. Annealing in an O2 ambient led to a high dielectric constant (εr(Ta2O5) = 24) as well as a small leakage current (Ebd = 2.3 MV/cm), which were due to the improved stoichiometry and the decreased impurity carbon content. Annealing in an N2 ambient resulted in poor and nonuniform leakage current characteristics. The as-deposited tantalum oxide films were crystallized
into δ-Ta2O5 after annealing at above 750°C regardless of the ambient. The leakage current of the film abruptly increased after annealing
at 850°C probably because of the stress caused by thermal expansion or contraction. 相似文献