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木基人造板问世以来,建筑施工、板式家具以及包装行业等需要对它进行大量的锯切下料加工。本文介绍卧式和立式锯片往复式锯板机的生产情况、结构特点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文对国内外木工锯板机的主要类型、工艺作用、主要部件的结构原理、气动系统、电气系统、标准附件及其作用等作了较系统的综合叙述。对制造厂和用户厂都有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

木基人造板问世以来,板式家具、建筑装修以及包装等行业需要对它进行了大量的锯切下料加工,本文介绍卧式和立式锯片往复式锯板机的生产情况。中国大陆和中国台湾地区产品的结构特点、产销情况和发展趋势。  相似文献   

4 锯片往复木工锯板机4.1 概述锯片往复木工锯板机具有通用性强、生产率高、原材料省、锯切质量好、精度高、易于实现自动化和电脑控制,可用两台或数台机床进行组合,并可纳入板件自动生产线等特点。机床以最大加工长度作为主参数,其范围在1500~6500mm,我国行业标准ZBJ65008—89规定了2000,2500,3150mm三个规格。  相似文献   

国外锯板机综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1概述1,1用途随着木工工艺的改革,人造板的大量应用,尤其是板式家具、建筑内装修、电视机壳、音箱加工业等迅速发展,传统的通用木工圆锯机无论是加工精度、结构形式以及生产效率等方面都已不能满足生产的要求。因此,各式专门用于板材开料的圆锯机——木工锯板机获得了迅速发展。从生产率较低的手工进结或机械进结的中小型铝板机,到生产率和自动化程度均很高的、带有数字程序控制器或由微机优化并配以自动装卸料机构的各种大型组合纵横锯板系统,品种规格繁多。不论哪种型式的锯板机,其主要用途都是把大幅面的板材(基材)锯切成符合…  相似文献   

针对固定式板坯横截锯容易锯断运输皮带和双锯片移动式板坯横截锯存在锯路过宽的问题,本文提出新型单锯片移动式板坯横截锯。  相似文献   

曾明贤 《木工机床》1995,(2):43-45,7
MJ614型锯板机是引进消化先进技术,联系国内实际,试制生产,并且较广泛应用于人造板和木材加工等行业的木工机械新产  相似文献   

当锯木厂寻求降低板材厚度的最小锯路损耗时,锯片稳定性对于锯切精度的影响是非常重要的。然而,锯路损耗不是唯一有关的问题。研究表明,减小锯路常常会增加锯片偏差,锯路的总和所允许的锯片偏差的综合通常会产生一个常量,即增加锯片偏差造成的损失会抵消了减小锯路的收益。  相似文献   

美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学的研究人员开发一种软件程序以帮助固定锯轴纵剖多锯片圆锯机在头道下料时获得最佳出材率。  相似文献   

This work aimed to evaluate quality parameters of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango slices pre-treated with citric acid and cassava starch or sodium alginate edible coatings, with or without glycerol. Samples only treated with citric acid were also evaluated. Mango slices dipped in sanitising solution were used as control. Colour parameters, mechanical properties, weight loss and respiration rate were analysed during 15 days at 5 °C. Cassava starch coating, with or without glycerol, provided higher stress at failure and lightness values than control sample throughout storage (p ≤ 0.05). The citric acid promoted colour preservation, but increased significantly samples weight loss during storage. Sodium alginate coatings did not maintain quality characteristics, showing stress at failure and lightness values lower than control after 15 days. All coatings reduced respiration rate, but citric acid dipping and cassava starch coating without glycerol treatments were more effective, reaching values around 41% lower, when compared to control sample.

Industrial Relevance

Fresh-cut mangoes are appreciated world-wide for its exotic flavour and nutritional composition. However, their shelf life is limited by changes in colour, texture, appearance and microbial growth. The edible coatings act as gas and water vapour barrier, extending the storage time of fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. Thus, cassava starch and alginate are alternatives to preserve minimally processed mangoes, maintaining the quality parameters of fresh fruit. This work is useful for the minimal processing industry in order to increase shelf life of fresh-cut mangoes, which can be considered an alternative to fast food and other ready-to-eat products, attending the demand for healthy and convenient foodstuffs.  相似文献   

介绍GSY-20型鳞果蔬菜饮料自动机的特点,主要结构及工作原理,主要参数和关键机构设计要点等。  相似文献   

对亚麻棉织物用涂料浸染方法进行工艺研究,选用了阳离子处理剂Hoe DP Fixer2LC和阳离子处理剂K2—76K对织物进行前处理,以改变纤维表面的带电性能,来吸附涂料粒子上染,对其上染性能、染色牢度、手感等性能进行研究。  相似文献   

Eighty-four Holstein cows were utilized to evaluate effects of dry period (60 d vs. 30 d), with or without estradiol cypionate (ECP) injections to accelerate mammary involution, on prepartum and postpartum dry matter intake (DMI), body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), and subsequent milk yield (MY). Treatments were arranged in a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial design that included dry period (30 d dry, 30 d dry + ECP, and 60 d dry), prepartum and postpartum bovine somatotropin (bST; 10.2 mg/d), and prepartum anionic or cationic diets. To accelerate mammary involution, ECP (15 mg) was injected intramuscularly at dry-off. No interaction of bST or prepartum diet with dry period length was detected on BW, BCS, or MY. No significant effects of dry period length on prepartum DMI, BW, or BCS were detected. Cows with shorter dry periods maintained postpartum BCS better and tended to have greater DMI immediately postpartum. Mean daily yields of milk for dry period groups did not differ during overall lactation period (1 to 21 wk). Injection of ECP at the onset of the 30-d dry period did not affect MY. No significant differences due to dry period length were detected for milk, 3.5% FCM, or SCM yields during first 10 wk of lactation. Data indicated that a short dry period protocol can be used as a management tool with no loss in the subsequent milk production of dairy cows.  相似文献   

国内外保健食品管理法规、标准比较研究(待续)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
将中国大陆、澳大利亚、欧盟、日本、美国、中国台湾以及食品法典委员会 (CAC)有关保健(功能 )食品或食品健康声称的法规、标准作为比较对象 ,重点分析和比较这些国家或地区在保健(功能 )食品范畴、法律地位、产品成分、剂型、安全和功效要求等方面的异同 ,了解国外保健食品管理法规及标准建立的背景及科学依据。通过介绍各国或各地区针对保健 (功能 )食品或其标识、声称所建立的审批或审核机制 ,分析其管理模式的利弊 ,提出完善我国保健食品管理体系的意见和建议 ,为今后进行国际协调提供技术依据。  相似文献   

造纸助剂与湿部化学专题(十)--造纸填料的类型及其特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱勇强 《上海造纸》2005,36(2):36-41
该文介绍了多种造纸用填料,并对其生产过程及其使用性能进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Flight traps were constructed and hung 6 m from the floor of a rice warehouse, with a 5 m polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube attached to the base of each trap. The PVC tube channelled any Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) caught into a plastic specimen vial at the bottom. A pair of traps was placed at each of four designated locations in the warehouse. One of the pair of traps at each location had the vial resting on a top pan balance. The four balances were interfaced with an IBM-compatible personal computer. The signals from the balances were recorded as the weights of the insects by the computer sequentially and continually. The other trap at each location was set 1 m from the computer-controlled trap and acted as a reference trap. The insects collected from it were weighed manually on a daily basis. Trap catches using both methods were recorded for 50 days. The system was not influenced by temperature and r.h. changes, and dust fall was negligible. The weights of individual live beetles recorded monthly for 6 months did not change significantly. Thus the weights obtained during monitoring could be converted to the number of T. castaneum. A good correlation was obtained between the computer and manual trap catches, with a mean correlation coefficient of 0.898 (P < 0.001). These results demonstrate the feasibility of using a technique which monitors flight trap catches electronically and remotely.  相似文献   

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