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In recent years, the flipped classroom has become prevalent in many educational settings. Flipped classroom adopts a pedagogical model in which short video lectures are viewed by students at home before class so that the teacher can lead students to participate in activities, problem‐solving, and discussions. Yet the design or use of technology that employs planned instructional strategies with sustainable support of self‐regulation is scant. We propose a technology‐enhanced flipped language learning system (Flip2Learn) that provides facilitation and guidance for learning performance and self‐regulation. A quasi‐experimental study was carried out to examine whether Flip2Learn could enhance college students' self‐regulatory skills and later contribute to the learning performance in the flipped classrooms. The results showed that Flip2Learn not only better prepared students for flipped classrooms but also better promoted learning performance compared to the conventional flipped classrooms. The results of this research advanced our understanding of the dynamics of flipped classrooms and represented a revolutionary new approach to the technology‐enhanced learning for flipped classrooms.  相似文献   

Based on the flipped‐classroom model and the potential motivational and instructional benefits of digital games, we describe a flipped game‐based learning (FGBL) strategy focused on preclass and overall learning outcomes. A secondary goal is to determine the effects, if any, of the classroom aspects of the FGBL strategy on learning efficiency. Our experiments involved 2 commercial games featuring physical motion concepts: Ballance (Newton's law of motion) and Angry Birds (mechanical energy conservation). We randomly assigned 87 8th‐grade students to game instruction (digital game before class and lecture‐based instruction in class), FGBL strategy (digital game before class and cooperative learning in the form of group discussion and practice in class), or lecture‐based instruction groups (no gameplay). Results indicate that the digital games exerted a positive effect on preclass learning outcomes and that FGBL‐strategy students achieved better overall learning outcomes than their lecture‐based peers. Our observation of similar overall outcomes between the cooperative learning and lecture‐based groups suggests a need to provide additional teaching materials or technical support when introducing video games to cooperative classroom learning activities.  相似文献   

In this study, the researcher aimed to develop a mobile‐assisted learning system and to investigate whether it could promote teenage learners' classical Chinese learning through the flipped classroom approach. The researcher first proposed the structure of the Cross‐device Mobile‐Assisted Classical Chinese (CMACC) system according to the pilot survey and reviewed literature, and then adopted a quasi‐experimental design to understand whether the developed system could promote and support flipped classroom learning for classical Chinese. A total of 56 eleventh graders from two classes participated in the experiment. The learners in the experimental group learned classical Chinese with the flipped classroom learning strategy with the assistance of the CMACC system, while the control group adopted the flipped classroom learning strategy without using the CMACC system. The results reveal that all of the students improved their Chinese performance, but it was noticeable that the learners who used the CMACC system showed better motivation in terms of self‐directed preview learning, while those who only learned with the traditional textbooks tended to be more passive. In sum, the mobile‐assisted learning system added value in providing learners with opportunities to achieve anytime and anywhere flipped classroom learning. The integration of ubiquitous mobile learning technology and the flipped classroom strategy can be viewed as a critical factor leading to students achieving self‐regulated learning. It is also suggested that instructors should carefully take the targeted learners' cultural background and the availability of supporting learning devices into consideration so as to prevent the flipped classroom from exacerbating the digital divide. Other suggestions for educators and instructional designers are also proposed.  相似文献   

针对当前网络环境下传统教学模式无法适应学生个性化发展的问题,本文采用微课与翻转课堂结合应用来解 决此问题。首先对翻转课堂的理论基础、特征及微课进行描述;其次对翻转课堂教学模式进行创建,对教学进行分析;最后结 合《计算机应用基础》对该模式进行验证,实验表明,基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式可以有效提高学生自主学习、合作学习、探 究学习的能力。  相似文献   

翻转课堂打破了传统的充气式教学模式,用先学再教的教学流程有效地改变了学生进入学习状态难的局面。对西北师范大学知行学院(甘肃)大二年级6个健美操班的学生,进行基于微课的翻转课堂的实验教学,并通过问卷、座谈等方式对学生的学习体验进行了调查。结果显示,实验班学生通过自学,自主地构建了学习经验,有效地提高了学生参与学习的积极性,提高了学习效率和成绩。由此说明,翻转课堂模式可以有效地提高健美操课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是随着现代信息传播的发展,特别是互联网科技的逐渐发达而催生的一种新型教学模式。它改革了 传统的教学模式,转变了师生角色地位,使学生真正参与到整个学习过程中,有效提高了课堂教学效率。本文对翻转课堂教学 模式在《Flash 动画设计与制作》这门课上的应用进行研究,结果表明翻转课堂教学模式可以在课前、课中和课后进行,有效贯 穿于整个学习过程的始终,不受地域限制,极大地提高了课堂教学效率和学生的学习积极性,并且培养了学生自主思考的能 力。  相似文献   

本文从学生视角研究翻转课堂教学模式开展的可行性。采用问卷调查法,对应用型高校的学生进行随机抽样。分别从学生课余学习时间、希望得到的帮助、学习工具与平台、课堂态度及表现等四个维度进行调查研究。结果发现:首先,约有70%的学生有充足的课余学习时间,能够保证翻转课堂课前学习任务的完成,仍有30%的学生因课余时间不足或学习态度不端正,不能保证课前学习任务的完成;其次,学生自主解决问题的能力与学业水平成正相关性。成绩优秀的学生喜欢自主解决问题,成绩较差的学生喜欢依靠同伴的帮助解决。学生成绩处于良好和中等的学生,喜欢教师给予指导和帮助;再次,学生具备翻转课堂硬件设备。但对学业水平较差的学生以及低年级的学生,要进行MOOCS学习平台和教学管理平台的培训;最后,学生受传统教学模式影响深刻,仍喜欢课堂上以教师讲授为主。因此教师要充分分析其可行性,对存在的问题采取措施进行解决,才能保证翻转课堂顺利开展。  相似文献   

This study surveyed 84 undergraduate students, majoring in education, in order to gather their perspectives regarding flipped classrooms and investigate their readiness levels for flipped learning. After the implementation of flipped learning for an entire semester, surveys were distributed in two flipped classrooms that were taught by the same instructor. Students showed particular preferences for the “Bring Your Own Device” and the Instant Response System features of the flipped classroom. Approximately 60% agreed with the idea of flipped classrooms, but only 39% agreed that the flipped classrooms met their learning needs. Their readiness levels for flipped learning were moderately above the average levels, and males or juniors (compared with freshmen), felt more prepared for flipped learning. In general, course grades, self-directed learning readiness, and group work preference can predict the different readiness dimensions. The findings may enhance educators' understanding in how to apply the flipped learning model in ways that are most beneficial for their own students.  相似文献   

翻转课堂带来了教学流程的逆序,但我们对翻转课堂的认识不能只停留在流程的逆序层面,需要从知识内化的角度看是否真正地发生了知识的内化。自主学习能力在翻转课堂中起到了重要的作用,着重从知识内化的角度提出了翻转课堂中提升学生自主学习能力的策略,从宏观和微观两个层面进行了论述,主要包括学校课程的总体设计、微视频、学生基本情况分析、教学策略的选择等方面。  相似文献   

针对当前学生个性化学习不足和教学中师生交流不足的问题,本文在翻转课堂模式下设计网络学习空间,有 效促进教学改革和学习方式的改变。首先本文对翻转课堂的概念和特征、教学模型进行了描述;其次对网络学习空间的设计 目标和原则、功能结构进行了详细的分析;最后对网络学习空间进行详细设计。本文对教学改革具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

针对《程序设计基础》课程的特点和教学中存在的问题,按照"教为主导,学为主体"、"突出能力提升"的理念,提出在课程中应用"翻转课堂"模式改进教学,分别从教学流程、师生角色、学习资源的设计等几个方面陈述了"翻转课堂"的核心,通过课堂实际教学案例说明了该教学模式的创新点,并检验了该模式的教学效果和意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of reducing the seat time of a large lecture chemistry class by two-thirds and conducting it in an active learning classroom rather than a traditional amphitheater. To account for the reduced lecture, didactic content was recorded and posted online for viewing outside of the classroom. A second experimental section, also in a blended and flipped format, was examined the following semester as a replication. To measure student subject-matter learning, we used a standardized multiple-choice exam, and to measure student perceptions of the classroom, we used a validated survey instrument. Our findings demonstrated that in an active learning classroom, student faculty contact could be reduced by two-thirds and students achieved learning outcomes that were at least as good, and in one comparison significantly better than, those in a traditional classroom. Concurrently, student perceptions of the learning environment were improved. This suggests that pedagogically speaking, active learning classrooms, though they seat fewer students per square foot, are actually a more efficient use of physical space.  相似文献   

针对高校非计算机专业的程序设计类课程课时少、内容多、实操强度大和学生专业背景复杂的实情,借助互联网教学工具、学习平台和线上课程,设计一种教师易操作的轻量级混合式翻转课堂教学模式.该模式以面授课堂为重点,线上学习作为辅助手段,采用参与式教学方法,课内既讲重要知识点,又增加交流互动环节,激发学生积极思考和大胆提问.教学实践证明教师可以采用该模式实现个性化教学,教学效果好于传统教学模式,教学方法也得到了学生的认可.  相似文献   

《Java 程序设计》作为高校计算机专业程序设计课程中的一门核心专业课,具有概念多、知识点抽象、难理解的 特点,许多学生学完此门课程后,不具备真正的编程思想。因此,本文以六盘水师范学院计算机科学与技术系的学生为研究对 象,分别采用普通的课堂教学模式和基于计算思维和翻转课堂的教学模式进行比较。研究表明:在《Java 程序设计》教学中融入 计算思维和翻转课堂,可以帮助学生理解抽象的知识点,充分调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生的动手实践能力,并逐步培养 学生利用算法求解问题的思路和编程思想,为今后从事编程工作打下夯实的基础。  相似文献   

针对传统教学中以教为中心,评价方法单一,忽略学生在学习中的主体地位等问题,对高职院校学生特点进行 分析,从保证学生课前学习、课堂练习、实践考核等多个方面进行讨论,提出了在高职院校Windows 课程中翻转课堂应用的方 法。  相似文献   

传统的数字图像处理实验教学中,存在教学方式、教学手段与教学目标不匹配的现象,在协同育人模式探索过程中,翻转课堂作为“以学生为中心”的一种新型的教学方式,在解决学用结合方面有独特的优势。翻转课堂重新设计了教学流程和内容,能够充分发挥教与学两个方面的优势,有助于学生对数字图像知识的理解和领会,变被动学习为主动学习,使其在知识的探索过程中完成学习任务,主动构建并扩展自身知识体系,培养思辨和创新能力,做到学用结合。  相似文献   

Scholars have suggested that flipped learning can be enhanced by designing effective in-class learning activities to improve students' higher order thinking skills. Problem posing has been recognized as such a learning strategy that has great potential for improving students' higher order thinking skills. However, it has been reported as a challenging task for most students. Research evidence has indicated the potential of engaging students in group learning with step-by-step hints when conducting problem-posing activities. Therefore, this study proposed a multilevel concept mapping-based problem-posing strategy to assist students in completing the problem-posing tasks in flipped learning. To understand the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, a flipped learning system was developed and adopted in the science class of an elementary school. Seventy-five fifth graders from three classes were divided into experimental group A, experimental Group B and a control group. Students in Group A used the concept map-guided problem-posing strategy for flipped learning (CMPP-FL), students in Group B used the problem-posing strategy-based flipped learning, while students in the control group used the conventional flipped learning strategy. The results showed that the CMPP-FL was effective in terms of improving students' learning performance, especially for students with higher levels of critical thinking tendency.  相似文献   

This article reports on the use of a flipped classroom technique to teach library research skills to upper-level undergraduate nutrition students. A public university Health Sciences librarian and two Nutrition faculty members collaborated to implement a flipped classroom model utilizing online videos and brief assignments packaged in a course-specific library guide for pre-class preparation. Implementation, materials examples, and an evaluation of the method are included. This method provided pre-class learning and increased in-class, hands-on practice in library research for students in an active learning environment. Students found and applied evidence from scientific research studies to course assignments.  相似文献   

针对教学中传统课堂面临学时限制,课堂教学无法巩固和深化学习效果,以及翻转课堂在具体实现时加重学 生负担,学生有效参与度低等问题,本文提出了基于翻转课堂的混合式教学模式,并对教学模式中的微翻转和大翻转相结合的 形式进行了研究及探讨,并以《数据库基础》课程为例,阐述了基于翻转课堂的混合式教学模式的具体实施过程。  相似文献   

"算法设计与分析"是计算机科学与技术专业的一门核心课程,是一门理论与实践相结合的课程。传统教学中,该课程主要以教师课堂授课,学生听讲为主,对于基础参差不齐的学生,其授课效果大打折扣。为此提出在算法设计与分析课程的教学过程中,采用翻转课堂代替传统课堂,强调以学生为主体,调动学生的学习积极性,不搞一刀切模式,以问题为导向,引导学生自主学习,课堂互动解疑。文章就教学目标、教学内容、翻转课堂、考核形式四个方面提出了策略。教学实践证明,该教学方法可以明显提高教学效果。  相似文献   

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