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Recent years have seen a growing call for inquiry-based learning in science education, and mobile technologies are perceived as increasingly valuable tools to support this approach. However, there is a lack of understanding of mobile technology-supported inquiry-based learning (mIBL) in secondary science education. More evidence-based, nuanced insights are needed into how using mobile technologies might facilitate students' engagement with various levels of inquiry and enhance their science learning. We, therefore, conducted a robust systematic literature review (SLR) of the research articles on mIBL in secondary school science education that have been published from 2000 to 2019. We reviewed and analysed 31 empirical studies (34 articles) to explore the types of mIBL, and the benefits and constraints of mIBL in secondary school science education. The findings of this SLR suggest new research areas for further exploration and provide implications for science teachers' selection, use and design of mIBL approaches in their teaching.  相似文献   

基于 Web的远程实验室设计问题研究 *   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决大学生和研究生教育中实验资源共享问题 ,促进研究生的创新性工作的开展,设计了一个基于 Web的远程实验室———基于因特网的远程控制、测量与决策研究生创新实验室。讨论了基于 Web的远程实验室设计中的关键技术问题 ,包括 Web技术平台的选择 ,平台安全、程序安全和设备安全三大安全问题 ,以及由于 HTTP无连接、无状态的特殊性对远程实验室中的通信及实验曲线绘制带来的不良影响,并针对各种难题提出了相应的解决方案或建议。  相似文献   

New information technologies provide great opportunities for education. One such opportunity is the use of remote control laboratories for teaching students about control systems. This paper describes the creation of interactive remote laboratories (RLs). Two main software tools are used: Simulink and Easy Java Simulations (EJS). The first is a widely used tool in the control community, whereas the second is an authoring tool designed to build interactive applications in Java without special programming skills. The RLs created by this approach give students the opportunity to perform experiments with real equipment from any location, at any time, and at their own pace. The paper ends with an evaluation of this approach according to students’ criteria and academic results.  相似文献   

智能决策支持技术在远程教育系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析目前现代远程教育中比较紧迫的4类决策问题,介绍了一种基于模型库的远程教育智能决策支持系统框架下的IDSS的设计与实现,讨论了系统建模及算法实现、模型的存储、模型库的管理及维护等技术。  相似文献   

介绍了基于物联网技术的远程操作应用系统的设计方法。该系统由虚拟化系统与计算机控制仪器组成,可提供远程仪器使用服务。采用该系统能降低试验成本,使实验室中的仪器通过互联网获得广泛利用,并通过小规模平台建设来验证关键技术环节的可行性。  相似文献   

基于Web的化学实验室远程监控技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室网络信息化的基础上,提出了基于Web的化学实验室远程监控系统。计算机对现场采集的化学实验室内空气质量、温湿度、有害气体和烟火等参数进行实时监控,并通过Web服务器的接口和Internet上的客户端建立连接,以较低的成本完成了化学实验室的远程监控。  相似文献   

介绍了航空遥感图像实时传输系统各部分结构及功能,并在实验室环境下利用计算机和天线卫星模拟了从图像生成到压缩、加密、GPS复合、发送、接收等实时传输过程,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

为了弥补传统实验教学模式的不足,介绍一种使用新型的、面向对象的多领域统一建模语言Modelica进行建模及仿真的电工电子虚拟远程实验室,并详述了其架构及远程实验的操作流程。构建两个子系统——模电实验系统及吹摆控制实验系统。通过调用Modelica标准模型库,实现了模电实验系统的建模;根据模块化建模的思想,对吹摆控制实验系统进行系统分解,利用Modelica编写每个模块的仿真模型,建立了可扩展的系统模型库,并基于该模型库实现了吹摆系统的构建。将两个子系统放在虚拟实验平台上仿真,仿真结果符合理论推算。  相似文献   

基于多代理系统的远程实验室研究与开发*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析远程实验室研究现状的基础上,详细分析了远程实验室在远程实验、实验室管理和维护、网络和设备安全等方面的功能需求,提出了一个基于多代理机制的远程实验室体系结构(ARLMAS),简要介绍了一个采用ARLMAS的远程过程控制实验室的实例。实验测试结果表明远程过程实验室满足远程过程实验的需要,ARLMAS具有很好的适应性和扩展性。  相似文献   

Process checkpointing is a procedure which periodically saves the process states into stable storage. Most checkpointing facilities select hard disks for archiving. However, the disk seek time is limited by the speed of the read‐write heads, thus checkpointing process into a local disk requires extensive disk bandwidth. In this paper, we propose an approach that exploits the memory on idle workstations as a faster storage for checkpointing. In our scheme, autonomous machines which submit jobs to the computation server offer their physical memory to the server for job checkpointing. Eight applications are used to measure the remote memory performance in four checkpointing policies. Experimental results show that remote memory reduces at least 34.5 per cent of the overhead for sequential checkpointing and 32.1 per cent for incremental checkpointing. Additionally, to checkpoint a running process into a remote memory requires only 60 per cent of the local disk checkpoint latency time. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

远程网络教学系统的开发与建设   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对网络教育发展的需要和国内远程网络教育的实际情况,借助互联网技术对远程网络教学系统的设计问题进行了研究和探讨,通过对远程网络教学系统概念的介绍,讨论了远程网络教学系统的需求、结构配置和系统的设计,并在此基础上给出了一个具有良好的可操作性与可扩展性的远程网络教学系统。  相似文献   

Modeling and simulation skills are two core competences of computational science and thus should be a central part of any curriculum. While there is a well-founded methodology for the design of simulation algorithms today the teaching of modeling skills carries some intrinsic problems. The reason is that modeling is still partly an art and partly a science. As an important consequence for university education, the concepts for teaching modeling must be quite different from those for teaching simulation algorithms. Experiences made with the courses on ‘Modeling and Simulation’ at the University of Siegen are summarized and some general concepts for the teaching of modeling skills are presented. In particular, three practical approaches to modeling education are discussed with several examples.  相似文献   

This study developed a web‐based multimedia assessment system (WMA system) and applied it to science laboratory instruction. The goal was to improve students' knowledge acquisition under science laboratory instruction. The developed system enabled learners to perform self‐assessments by responding to multimedia technology test items online. The system recorded each learner's complete answer history and provided the students with personalized learning resources. This study adopted a quasi‐experimental research design. The learning content was an “experiment on separating mixtures.” Students participating in the research were divided into a typical science laboratory instruction group (TI group; n = 25) and a group that received instruction through the WMA system (WMA group; n = 26). Before instruction, all the students completed the conceptual knowledge and experimental knowledge pretests. During instruction, the TI group watched the teacher's demonstration experiment, and the students then performed the experiment in a real laboratory. In the WMA group, after learning through the WMA system, the students also performed the experiment in a real laboratory. After instruction, all the students completed the conceptual knowledge and experimental knowledge posttests. The findings indicated that the students in the WMA group showed significantly higher improvements in their scientific conceptual knowledge and experimental knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper describes an online image analysis tool developed as part of an iterative, user-centered development of an online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called the Education through Virtual Experience (EVE) Portal. The VLE provides a Web portal through which schoolchildren and their teachers create scientific proposals, retrieve images and other resources, and produce collaborative scientific papers summarizing their learning experiences. The VLE underwent substantive formative testing involving over 200 schoolchildren producing over 50 collaboratively written research papers. Detailed analysis of these research papers identified some shortfalls toward the goal of producing authentic scientific engagement. The absence of data collection and data analysis within these research papers was disappointing despite having scheduled time for this activity and having several professional imaging tools available. The post-evaluation analyses have enabled the development team to identify specific design flaws in the previous VLE and have shaped the design of the new custom-built tool. The success of the tool will be born out through content analysis of future collaboratively written student papers.  相似文献   

Methods are described for teaching students how to write computer programs to perform basic graphics operations. The elementary operations of scaling, translation, reflection, shear, rotation and clipping are presented. Graphics 1000, a Hewlett-Packard graphics software product is the software used. This product imbeds subroutine calls in a FORTRAN program to execute the graphics functions. The laboratory sessions are divided into modules. Module I uses interactive programs to demonstrate graphics operations. Module II introduces Graphics 1000 commands. Module III uses interactive programs to demonstrate XY plotting with as many as four graphs per plot. Module IV uses interactive programs to demonstrate rotation of objects with hidden line removal. Students are assigned tasks ranging from drawing a section of an I beam through rotation of a three-dimensional object. Computer programs used for the demonstrations are available for the students to examine in order to learn how they work.  相似文献   

讨论了可用于网络研究和学习的分布式协同虚拟实验室技术,提出了该技术的HLA/Java 3D构建方案.将实验系统定义为一个联邦,实验目标由联邦成员协同完成.联邦成员由4个线程组成,其中Applet线程和远程更新线程负责虚拟实验室图形渲染,联邦成员主线程和RTI回调线程实现协同控制.该系统完成了该4个线程的设计,并用队列和阻塞实例实现了线程之间的协调,解决了RTI重入问题.实验结果表明该方案是可行的.  相似文献   

远程备份监控系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一个远程备份网络监控系统的设计和实现。该系统采用C/S模式和模块化设计,实时地将远程备份网络的相关信息反馈到网络管理中心,使系统管理员及时了解远程备份网络的运行状况,保证远程备份数据的完整性和正确性。  相似文献   

近年来,随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展,社会对网络技术人才的需求量越来越大,基于此,学校为了提高学生的网络操控能力和各方面的素质,加大了对网络设备的投入,建设计算机网络实验室.但是这些计算机网络实验室沿用传统的管理模式,存在一定的问题,所以,学校提出了构建开放型网络实验室的新想法,并逐渐得到建设和实施,本文就重点论述开放型网络实验室的建设和实施.  相似文献   

随着国家教育信息化的发展,远程教育成为一种越来越重要的教学模式。目前以“中国教育在线”为代表的大多数远程教学平台只提供了文本课件、视频/音频等静态教学资源。这些资源缺乏交互性,难以向学生精细化再现其制作过程与教学场景,无法满足互动教学的要求。此外,这些教学资源数据量通常较大,不适于在网络上及时传输,难以保障远程教学的及时性和实效性。在分析远程教学需求以及所面临的挑战基础上,提出了一种基于记录/回放技术的操作远程同步方法,通过记录教师在Eclipse等教学平台上制作教学资源的操作序列,将其远程同步到学生端并进行回放,由此在学生端重现教学资源,以交互式地帮助学生掌握学习知识、提高学习效率。相比于传统的以文本、视频/音频等静态教学资源为主的远程教学方式,该方法可实现及时的知识展现,且由于传输的操作序列数据量相比视频/音频要少,因而更能适应复杂网络环境下远程教学的需要。在此基础上,实现了一个基于Eclipse教学平台的操作远程同步工具并进行了详尽的实例研究,证明了所提出方法的可行性和高效性。  相似文献   

徐军 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(23):5643-5645
IPsec在用户端设备使用封装或加密技术,在公共网络上建立安全的隧道连接,将VPN功能都集成在CPE设备之中,管理维护费用高,传输效率较低;而MPLS相比传统VPN而言具有更高性价比,使用该技术构建的专用网络,能够保证很好的传输性能和服务质量.通过分析IPsecVPN和MPLSVPN的技术特点,将二者的优势结合起来,设计了一个适合远程教育的网络方案.该方案既具有IPsec的安全性、伸缩性,又具有MPLS的简洁高效,能较好地支持远程教育的网络课程、试题库、教学管理、在线考试等不同需求.  相似文献   

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