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PURPOSE: To define the hepatic uptake mechanism of a plasmid DNA, we quantitated the uptake of pCAT (plasmid DNA encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene fused to simian virus 40 promoter), a model plasmid, after a single pass through the perfused rat liver using albumin- and erythrocyte-free Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4). METHODS: [32P]pCAT was introduced momentarily into this system from the portal vein as a bolus input or constant infusion mode, and the outflow patterns and hepatic uptake were evaluated using statistical moment analysis. RESULTS: The venous outflow samples had electrophoretic bands similar to that of the standard pCAT, suggesting that the plasmid is fairly stable in the perfusate during liver perfusion. In bolus experiments, pCAT was largely taken up by the liver and the uptake was decreased with increase in injected dose. Statistical moment analysis against outflow patterns demonstrated that the apparent volume of distribution of pCAT was greater than that of human serum albumin, indicating a significant reversible interaction with the tissues. The results of collagenase perfusion experiments suggest that the hepatic accumulation of pCAT occurred preferentially in the nonparenchymal cells (NPC). The amount of total recovery in the liver decreased substantially by preceding administration of polyinosinic acid, dextran sulfate, succinylated bovine serum albumin, but not by polycytidylic acid. This suggests that pCAT is taken up by the liver via scavenger receptors for polyanions on the NPC. In constant infusion experiments, the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol and NH4Cl caused a significant increase in the outflow concentration of [32P]pCAT and decrease by half in the total hepatic recovery than that of plasmid DNA administered alone, suggesting that plasmid DNA may undergo internalization by the NPC. CONCLUSIONS: The liver plays an important role in the elimination of plasmid DNA and a successful delivery system will be required to avoid its recognition by the scavenger receptors on the liver NPC.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated gene delivery has been reported for a number of different receptor systems although the intracellular fate of such systems has not been systematically investigated. In this study, we have determined the fate of a commonly used asialoglycoprotein (ASGP)-dependent DNA delivery system in isolated rat hepatocytes. ASPG-polylysine (PLL296) was ionically complexed with pSV-CAT DNA at a molar ratio of 10:1. The resulting complex inhibited 125I-ASGP binding to rat hepatocytes but ASGP only partially inhibited the binding of complex. The ASGP-independent binding was due to the interaction of the PLL component of the complex with plasma membranes and could be minimised by replacing PLL296 with PLL19. Following internalisation, ASGP was cleaved from the complex and translocated to the lysosomes where it was degraded. The DNA, however, remained in an intracellular compartment that cosedimented with plasma membranes in Percoll density gradients. This study shows first that hepatocytes do not process DNA internalised as ASGP complexes in a manner similar to ASGP itself, and second that the differential sorting of the two cleaved molecules leads to a rapid intracellular compartmentalisation of the DNA. Controlled release from this compartment may be a means for prolonged gene expression in gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transplantation of Fas ligand (FasL) gene-transfected tissues can have opposite effects. For example, cotransplantation of pancreas islets with myoblasts transfected with FasL-expressing plasmid vector (pFasL) prevented graft rejection, whereas the expression of FasL directly within islets using adenovirus vector led to graft destruction. It was also reported that FasL expression on pancreas islets led to neutrophilic infiltration and rapid destruction of the islets. From these results, overexpression of FasL in transfected tissues may lead directly to self destruction through an autocrine Fas-FasL pathway or graft destruction through neutrophil recruitment. To date there have been no reports of successful transplantation of FasL gene-transfected solid organs. METHODS: Rat pFasL was transfected at a dose of 90, 180, 270, or 360 microg into rat liver with an inactivated hemagglutinating virus of Japan conjugated to liposome vesicles (HVJ-liposome), and the gene-transfected livers were transplanted to allogeneic rats. RESULTS: In 18 rats transfected with 180 microg of pFasL, 14 (78%) did not develop fulminant hepatitis. FasL-mRNA was detected in these livers at 3, 5, 7, and 14 days after transfection. The expression of FasL protein was also observed in the transfected liver, and the transfection rate by this method was 11.1+/-1.9%. The livers were then transplanted to allogeneic recipients, resulting in significant (P<0.01) prolonged recipient survival times. Histological observation showed that the pFasL-transfected liver allografts caused apoptotic cell death in infiltrating activated T cells. In contrast, transfection of pFasL higher than 180 microg resulted in lethal hepatitis in all rats, and its low dose (90 microg) did not induce the hepatitis or prolong recipient survival. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that rat liver allografts can be protected to host immune responses by an adequate level (approximately 10%) of FasL expression in the livers using HVJ-liposome incorporating pFasL.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Escherichia coli replication-terminator protein (Tus) bound to terminus-site (Ter) DNA has been determined at 2.7 A resolution. The Tus protein folds into a previously undescribed architecture divided into two domains by a central basic cleft. This cleft accommodates locally deformed B-form Ter DNA and makes extensive contacts with the major groove, mainly through two interdomain beta-strands. The unusual structural features of this complex may explain how the replication fork is halted in only one direction.  相似文献   

Ethionine, a liver carcinogen, was administered p.o. (300 mg/kg) to rats 17 hr after partial hepatectomy. At 6 hr after administration of the ethionine, hepatic S-adenosylethionine levels were 30- to 40-fold greater than the hepatic level of S-adenosylmethionine. A 10-fold ratio of S-adenosylethionine to S-adenosylmethionine still persited at 24 hr after ethionine administration. When given at 17 hr after partial hepatectomy, ethionine produced a 30% inhibition of DNA synthesis, measured by the incorporation of [methyl-3H]thymidine at 23 to 24 hr after partial hepatectomy (6 to 7 hr after ethionine administration). DNA synthesized during this interval was methyl deficient as judged by the reduced incorporation of radioactivity from L-[methyl-3H]methionine into 5-methylcytosine residues of DNA. In an assay for DNA methylation in vitro using whole nuclei, the methyl-deficient DNA was methylated by S-adenosylmethionine 8 times more than was control DNA; the DNA methylation was competitively inhibited by S-adenosylethionine. These data suggest that S-adenosylethionine, formed in vivo from ethionine, competitively inhibits the methylation of DNA in vivo by S-adenosylmethionine, resulting in the production of methyl-deficient DNA.  相似文献   

Lysosome-free preparations of rat liver mitochondria take up hydroxo[57Co]cobalamin by a process which is dependent on mitochondrial swelling, rather than on energy or ion fluxes. The uptake system is saturable and unidirectional, leading to inside/outside concentration ratios of 17. The process also exhibits specificity: cyano[57Co]cobalamin is taken up less rapidly and to a lesser extent than hydroxocobalamin; methylcobalamin and adenoslcobalamin inhibit hydroxocobalamin uptake markedly, while cyanocobalamin does not. The [57Co]cobalamin ([57Co]Cbl) taken up is bound to a mitochondrial protein whose apparent molecular weight is 120,000 by Sephadex G-150 chromatography. Double reciprocal plots of bound [57Co]Cbl versus medium [57Co]Cbl concentration yield estimates for bound Cblmax of 29 pmol/mg of protein and for Kd is 8.2 muM. We conclude that mitochondrial uptake of cobalamins occurs via the diffusion of free cobalamins into the mitochondria and their subsequent binding to a high affinity mitochondrial protein(s) which we propose to be the source of the unidirectional character, the saturability, and the specificity of the uptake system.  相似文献   

The transition enthalpy deltaH of the helix-random coil transition of the DNA-polylysine complex was measured as a function of the peptide:nucleotide ratio by the help of an adiabatic scanning differential calorimeter. Furthermore the transition enthalpy of a complex with a specific peptide:nucleotide ratio was determined as a function of the cation concentration of the solution. Finally the reaction enthalpy of the interaction of polylysine with native and denatured DNA was measured with the help of a LKB batch calorimeter. From the results of the calorimetric measurements one can conclude that the transition enthalpy of the DNA-polylysine complexes is linearly dependent on the nucleotide: peptide ratio. The extrapolated value for the 1:1 complex is 14.4 kcal per mole base pairs.  相似文献   

Activation of T lymphocytes by T-cell receptor (TCR) ligands such as peptide/MHC complexes, superantigens or anti-TCR mAbs, or by pharmacological activators of protein kinase C such as phorbol esters, results in the internalization and cell surface downregulation of TCRs. We investigated the role of internalization motifs located in the cytosolic region of CD3 gamma in the internalization of TCR complexes induced by enterotoxin superantigens, anti-TCR mAbs or phorbol esters. To this end, a series of CD3 gamma mutants were expressed in a CD3 gamma-deficient variant of the human T-cell line Jurkat. We found that serine126 and the di-leucine motif (Leu131-Leu132) are required for phorbol-ester-induced TCR downregulation, but they are not necessary for enterotoxin superantigen or antibody-induced TCR downregulation. Moreover, the tyrosine-based motifs (residues 138 to 141 and 149 to 152) are not required either for phorbol aster or for superantigen or antibody-induced TCR downregulation. Confocal microscopy analysis reveals that TCR complexes accumulate in an early endocytic/recycling compartment upon activation of cells with phorbol esters, whereas TCRs internalized upon activation with superantigen or anti-TCR mAbs are routed to lysosomes. Consistent with this intracellular localization, TCRs internalized in response to phorbol ester are not degraded and can be reexpressed on the cell surface. In contrast, TCRs internalized upon superantigen activation are degraded.  相似文献   

We used electromyographic analysis to determine the muscle activity of the shoulder muscles during the lift-off test and during resisted internal rotation. The activity in the upper and lower subscapularis muscle during a lift-off test from the region of the midlumbar spine was approximately 70% of maximal voluntary contraction. This level was significantly higher than for all the other muscles tested (P < 0.05). The lift-off test with the hand placed in the region of the midlumbar spine resulted in one-third more electromyographic activity in the subscapularis muscle than when the test was modified and performed with the hand at the buttocks region. A resisted lift-off test resulted in higher activities in all the muscles, but only a small increase in the pectoralis major muscle. The pectoralis major muscle was significantly more active during resisted internal rotation with the arm in front of the body. Comparison of activity in the upper subscapularis with that in the lower subscapularis muscle showed no significant differences during any of the tests. This study documents the importance of the subscapularis muscle during the lift-off test and suggests that other potential internal rotators of the humerus have a limited role in maintaining internal rotation when the arm is placed behind the back.  相似文献   

Observations on the uptake of tyramine by hepatocytes indicate that the amine is taken up by simple diffusion and a transporter mediated system, with a Km of 39 microM and a Vmax of 270 pmol/min/10(5) cells. The carrier-mediated process is pH- and temperature-dependent and requires an activation energy of 12.9 kcal/mol. An overshoot uptake is achieved a few minutes after adding this amine to the cell suspension, suggesting that active transport is involved. This is supported by the finding that partial inhibition of the uptake can be induced by oligomycin, azide, cyanide and dinitrophenol. NO3-, SCN- and SO4(2-), which change the membrane potential significantly, and depress the transporter mediated uptake further, suggesting that the membrane potential is the driving force for the entry of this amine across hepatic membrane. Cysteine is essential for the normal carrier function; whereas, histidine, tryptophan, arginine and lysine do not directly deal with the activity of the carrier. Many substances, but not amino acids, H, M, and N receptor agonists, can inhibit the uptake of tyramine. It is possible that other amines can enter hepatocytes by using this transporter.  相似文献   

Effective gene delivery to specific organs is a major goal for human gene therapy. The lung's structure allows instillation of agents into the airspaces, directly adjacent to the lung epithelium. We hypothesized that the airspace instillation of hypotonic solutions would increase the permeability of the lung epithelium and increase DNA uptake. This hypothesis was tested by instilling plasmid DNA (p4241) encoding the luciferase gene in isotonic and hypotonic solutions. The highest luciferase expression in the lung was achieved after the instillation of this plasmid DNA in distilled water. Aerosolization of water just before the instillation of the plasmid DNA also enhanced the expression level of luciferase in the lung. In addition, an intralobar instillation of the plasmid DNA in water significantly increased the luciferase expression, suggesting that the instillation of the plasmid over a smaller surface area increased expression. Levels of expression could be measured for 3 days. Water increases the permeability of lung epithelial cells transiently and/or enhances gene expression and can be used to achieve gene expression in the lung airspaces for short intervals without toxicity.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between the nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA polymerases of regenerating rat liver was studied by sucrose gradient analysis, salt dissociation, and with specific inhibitors. After aqueous subcellular fractionation and removal of the nuclear membranes, three species of DNA-dependent DNA polymerases were characterized: 1) a DNA polymerase-beta in the nuclei. 2) a DNA polymerase-alpha in the cytosol which was not dissociated at high salt concentrations; and 3) an intermediate form in the cytosol and in the Triton wash containing the nuclear membranes. The latter form behaved like DNA polymerase-alpha et low salt concentration but was dissociated at high salt concentrations to a low molecular weight species with properties like DNA polymerase-beta (resistance to inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide, heparin and KCL). In vitro reassociation experiments suggest that this intermediate form corresponds to the association of DNA polymerase-beta with a membrane component or cytoplasmic protein(s) which appear(s) in regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   

Rat liver and kidney slices were incubated at 37 degrees C for 1 h in 1.0 ml of Krebs-HCO3 buffer containing 10mM glucose and one of the following: 5 mM [8-14C]ATP, 5 mM [8-14C]ADP, 5 mM [8-14C]AMP, or 5 mM [8-14C]ation medium and tissue extract were subjected to electrophoretic separation and the radioactivity present in ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, inosine, adenosine, and hypoxanthine was counted. Extensive degradation of the added nucleotide was observed in the presence of both tissues. The concentrations of 14C-labeled ATP and ADP found in the liver and kidney indicated that these compounds were present within the cells. Evidence is presented which suggests that ATP, and to a lesser extent ADP, entered the liver and kidney as such and were not synthesized within the cell from 14C-labeled adenosine.  相似文献   

The uptake of cortisol by isolated rat liver cells was studied. Cortisol was taken up rapidly; the uptake increased with increasing temperature and reached a plateau after 45 s at 37 degrees, C, after 60 s at 27 degrees C, and after 90 s at 22 degrees C; at 5 degrees C the uptake increased linearly with time. The uptake was linear up to 1.5 mg of cell protein. Analysis of uptake as a function of increasing concentration of cortisol in the external medium indicated the presence of two saturable systems: a high-affinity system with an apparent Km value of 190 +/- 25 nM and a low-affinity system with an apparent Km value of 2200 +/- 180 nM. Above 600 nM, the rate of uptake of cortisol increased almost linearly with increasing cortisol concentration. Treatment of cells with KCN or 2,4-dinitrophenol inhibited the two saturable components, leaving the nonsaturable system unaffected. The affinity constants, Ka, were 6 X 10(6) M-1 and 0.6 X 10(6) M-1 for the high and low affinity components, respectively. These values increased approximately two-fold when uptake rates were corrected for diffusion. Cortisone and corticosterone inhibited the uptake of cortisol by liver cells competitively; dexamethasone inhibited cortisol uptake noncompetitively. Similarly, oestrone, oestradiol and testosterone decreased the uptake of cortisol, at a concentration of 2000 nM in the external medium, by 20, 49 and 35 percent, respectively; the inhibition was noncompetitive. p-Chloromercuribenzoate, N-ethylmaleimide and 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene decreased the uptake of cortisol. Ouabain did not influence the uptake of cortisol; varying the external sodium concentration also did not affect uptake of cortisol. Cyclic-3',5'-adenosine monophosphate had a stimulatory effect. The results show that the first step, before cortisol is bound to intracellular binding proteins, is the uptake of cortisol by proteins in the plasma membrane. At lower concentrations of cortisol, uptake takes place by saturable processes; at higher concentrations saturation is not achieved, indicating that simple diffusion becomes the major route of transport into the cell. The proteins in the plasma membrane probably function as carriers to transport the glucocorticoid into the cell.  相似文献   

We observed that pretreatment of male F344 rats with benzyl selenocyanate, a versatile organoselenium chemopreventive agent in several animal model systems, decreases the levels of DNA and RNA modifications produced in the liver by the hepatocarcinogen 2-nitropropane. To clarify the mechanisms involved, we pretreated male F344 rats with either benzyl selenocyanate, its sulfur analog benzyl thiocyanate, phenobarbital or cobalt protoporphyrin IX; the latter is a depletor of P450. We then determined (1) the ability of liver microsomes to denitrify 2-nitropropane, (2) effects on 2-nitropropane-induced liver DNA and RNA modifications and (3) amount of nitrate excreted in rat urine following administration of the carcinogen. Pretreatment with benzyl selenocyanate or phenobarbital increased the denitrification activity of liver microsomes by 217 and 765%, respectively, increased liver P4502B1 by 31- and 435-fold, respectively, decreased the levels of 2-nitropropane-induced modifications in liver DNA (29-70% and 17-30%, respectively) and RNA (67-85% and 30-50%, respectively), and increased the 24-h urinary excretion of nitrate by 157 and 209%, respectively. Pretreatment with benzyl thiocyanate had no significant effect on any of these parameters. Pretreatment with cobalt protoporphyrin IX decreased liver P4502B 1 by 87%, decreased the denitrification activity of liver microsomes by 76%, decreased the 24 h urinary excretion of nitrate by 88.5%, but increased the extent of 2-nitropropane-induced liver nucleic acid modifications by 17-67%. These results indicate that the metabolic sequence from 2-nitropropane to the reactive species causing DNA and RNA modifications does not involve the removal of the nitro group. Moreover, they suggest that benzyl selenocyanate inhibits 2-NP-induced liver nucleic acid modifications in part by increasing its detoxication through induction of denitrification, although it is evident that other mechanisms must also be involved.  相似文献   

Immunization with irradiated sporozoites protects animals and humans against malaria, and the circumsporozoite protein is a target of this protective immunity. We now report that adjuvant-free intramuscular injection of mice with plasmid DNA encoding the Plasmodium yoelii circumsporozoite protein induced higher levels of antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes against the P. yoelii circumsporozoite protein than did immunization with irradiated sporozoites. Mice immunized with this vaccine had an 86% reduction in liver-stage parasite burden after challenge with 5 x 10(5) sporozoites (> 10(5) median infectious doses). Eighteen (68%) of 28 mice that received two or three doses of vaccine were protected against challenge with 10(2) sporozoites, and the protection was dependent on CD8+ T cells. These studies demonstrate the utility of plasmid DNA immunization against a nonviral infection. By obviating the requirement for peptide synthesis, expression and purification of recombinant proteins, and adjuvants, this method of immunization provides an important alternative for rapid identification of protective B- and T-cell epitopes and for construction of vaccines to prevent malaria and other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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