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国务院最近批复了国家环保局《关于呈报审批酸雨控制区和二氧化硫污染控制区划分方案的请示》,确定了治理酸雨和二氧化硫污染的目标和措施,在二零零零年我国空气质量有望得到明显改善。  相似文献   

“十五”期间 ,我国计划投入 96 7亿元巨资用于二氧化硫和酸雨污染防治 ,确保到 2 0 0 5年 ,“两控区”内二氧化硫排放量比 2 0 0 0年减少 2 0 %。从国家环保总局获悉 ,为减少二氧化硫和酸雨对我国环境的污染 ,国务院日前批复了国家环保总局与有关部门共同编制的《两控区酸雨和二氧化硫污染防治“十五”计划》。计划在“两控区”(酸雨控制区和二氧化硫控制区 )实施的减排措施包括 :降低煤炭含硫量 ;2 0 0 5年“两控区”内火电厂二氧化硫排放量在 2 0 0 0年基础上削减 2 0 % ;控制锅炉、工业炉窑、工艺过程和生活二氧化硫排放 ;在加大对“两…  相似文献   

1 引言 自20世纪80年代初以来,随着我国经济持续迅速发展,城市化进程加快,人口不断增加,煤炭年消耗量逐年以3—9%的递增率大幅度增加,我国大气环境受到了严重污染,其中以SO2和烟尘污染最为严重,成为世界上大气环境污染最严重的国家。在SO2污染作用下,我国酸雨污染也日趋加重,成为世界第三大酸雨区。未来煤炭逐年大幅度增加和SO2排放量的矛盾也不容乐观。大气SO2环境严重污染,已导致我国大气环境安全问题产生,  相似文献   

广东省政府日前同意广东省环保局编制的《两控区酸雨和二氧化硫污染防治“十五”计划》,并要求各地认真组织实施 ,确保到 2 0 0 5年全省两控区内二氧化硫排放总量要比 2 0 0 0年削减 2 0 % ,酸雨污染明显减轻 ,城市环境空气二氧化硫年均值和日均值均保持在国家二级标准内。按照广东省政府要求 ,继续加大两控区酸雨和二氧化硫污染防治力度。限产或关停高硫煤矿 ,严格限制城市燃料含硫量 ;淘汰高能耗、重污染的锅炉、窑炉及各类生产工艺和设备 ;控制火电厂二氧化硫排放 ,加快建设一批火电厂脱硫设施 ,新建、扩建和改建火电机组必须同步安装脱…  相似文献   

通过对闽南地区降水、雾水和空气质量等数据的分析,说明闽南地区酸雨是燃煤和光化学烟雾混合型污染;闽南地区降水的SO2-4/NO-3比值是我国主要酸雨区中最低的,NOx是闽南地区酸沉降形成的重要致酸前体物之一;闽南地区酸沉降中的NO-3主要来源于当地的源排放  相似文献   

长沙市市区近5年酸雨变化趋势及相关因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长沙市酸雨出现较早,近年来逐渐加重。2004年酸雨频率已达90%以上,pH年均值在4.0以下。文章以2000-2005年上半年的长沙市降水统计数据为基础,分析了酸雨的变化趋势,为长沙市酸雨的有效控制提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气脱硫工艺技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董相声 《冶金动力》2003,(4):33-35,38
近年来,我国二氧化硫造成的酸雨污染范围不断扩大,并严重制约了社会经济的发展,文章就如何治理脱除燃煤电厂烟气中二氧化硫技术及工艺设计进行了全面的介绍和探讨。  相似文献   

矿产资源是人类生存与发展的重要物质基础,采掘业已成为当今社会的支柱产业。然而,矿产资源开发不可避免的会对生态环境造成一定的影响,尤其是不合理的矿产资源开发,会造成给周围生态环境造成严重的破坏。金属矿山开采过程中会产生一些生态环境问题,重金属污染便是其中比较严重的一项,严重影响着人类的生产生活。因此,探究金属矿山开采过程中重金属污染对生态环境的影响十分必要。本文从重金属污染的几种类型出发,逐一分析其对生态环境的影响,分析内容包括:占用和破坏矿山周围土地资源,局部地区形成酸雨气候,改变和制约生物多样性发展,区域水资源污染,农作物重金属含量超标这五个方面。  相似文献   

1、二氧化碳:大量的积累致使地球表面的温度显著升高,在生态和地球化学方面造成灾难。2、一氧化碳:大量积累会破坏同温层的平衡。3、二氧化硫:污染大气,形成酸雨酸雾腐蚀某些合成纤维  相似文献   

▲烟气脱硫新技术通过鉴定由大连理工大学承担的国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目——脉冲电晕等离子体烟气脱硫技术研究最近通过鉴定。该技术可以有效瓦解酸雨中的主要物质二氧化硫。这项成果是通过在烟气中进行窄脉冲电晕放电 ,产生大量的电子、离子和自由基等活性物质 ,它们与烟气中的二氧化硫、氮氧化物发生反应 ,在注入氨时 ,生成硫铵和硝铵。硫铵和硝铵可收集作为农用化肥 ,烟气因此被净化 ,达到环保目的。据了解 ,燃煤排放的二氧化硫是造成酸雨的主要原因。我国已成为世界上二氧化硫排放量最大的国家之一 ,每年仅酸雨污染给森林及农作物…  相似文献   

Effect of Cerium on Seed Germination under Acid Rain Stress   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plantsharmedbytheacidicraininterres trialecosystemshasbeenreportedinmanycases[1~ 4] .Macroscopicanalysisshowsthatacidrainharmsplantstotheirgroundandun dergroundorgansandthelatterisduetotheacidificationofsoilenvironment.Itfollowsthattheacidifiedsoilaffects…  相似文献   

Several studies have been carried out on the transmission of Onchocerciasis by Simulium damnosum s.l. in the forest zone of C?te d'Ivoire. This study, carried out in 1979-1980 was devoted to determine the risk of onchocerciasis transmission inside and outside the rain forest of Ta? (5 degrees 50' N-7 degrees 25' W). We present the vectorial capacity of S. sanctipauli in the region of Ta? before massive flow of refugees from areas of Liberia without any control Programme. The results of micromorphological technics for determination of S. damnosum adults, showed that mainly females of S. sanctipauli were present. The studied populations had low parturity rates: 39.2% outside and 30.9% of parous flies inside the rain forest. The parasitic rates (0.4% of infectious females outside and 0.1% inside) and their parasitic loads (15 and 3 infective larvae per 1000 parous female respectively outside and inside the rain forest) were low, consequently their vectorial capacity with Onchocerca volvulus was almost non-existent in natural conditions. Before massive flow of refugees including persons carrying microfilariae, there were no problem of onchocerciasis within and outside the rain forest of Ta?. However, the massive flow of refugees and the deforestation for growing crops can create situations favourable to the installation of more efficient vectors, increase man/vector contact and contribute to more intense onchocerciasis transmission. The monitoring of onchocerciasis transmission is necessary.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to identify content changes in the main nutritional indicators of three com- mon leafy vegetables, and to provide a theoretical basis for the protection of leafy vegetables from acid rain. The ex- periment investigated the effects of simulated acid rain on four main nutritional indicators, including soluble sugar, total free amino acid, soluble protein and vitamin C during the application of simulated acid rain(SAR) in pak- choi(Brassica rapa chinensis), rape(Brassica campestris L.) and lettuce(Lactuca sativa Linn. vat. ramosa Hort). The vegetables were respectively exposed to SAR of pH=7.0, 5.6, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0 and a control level of pH=6.5. The con- centrations of the four main nutritional indicators were determined at harvest. The results show that nutritional quality of the three leafy vegetable species decreased with the declining of pH values of SAR. The higher the acidity of SAR was, the more significant the inhibitions were. Nutritional quality of lettuce was the most affected by simulated acid rain, followed by pakchoi and rape. The change range of soluble protein content was higher than those of the other three indicators' contents, which indicates that soluble protein is most sensitive to simulated acid rain.  相似文献   

基于化学湿法采样、分析原理,自主设计集成了一套酸再生离子选择电极法盐酸雾排放连续自动监测系统,并在某钢厂冷轧酸再生机组安装调试应用,实现了盐酸雾排放的湿法自动监测。系统投入运行后,维护工作量小,运行稳定。同步参照国家HJ/T 75—2007标准的自动监测参比方法比对技术要求,用离子色谱法和硫氰酸汞分光光度法两种国家标准方法开展参比方法比对,比对监测结果显示相对误差分别为-3.2%和-7.8%,验证了自动监测数据的准确性。另外,结合炉温、废酸流量、空燃比等数据,建立数学模型,给出最佳操作条件,实现了排放超标预警和优化控制。  相似文献   

为了研究排土场层状碎石土边坡在持续暴雨条件下的入渗过程及稳定性,推导了土体天然含水率、天然重度与天然体积含水量的换算公式,作为快速确定边坡土体初始基质吸力分布的依据.建立算例排土场有限元分析模型,进行降雨条件下饱和-非饱和渗流、孔压-应力耦合以及边坡稳定分析.结果表明:持续暴雨作用下排土场会在透水性最强的边坡浅层形成集中渗流通道,当坡底存在弱透水性土层时会切断渗流通道,导致雨水从坡脚涌出;排土场边坡位移在降雨期间不断增长,但增长速度越来越慢,雨后边坡位移立即开始减小;降雨初期边坡稳定性系数下降较快,边坡浅层渗流稳定后基本保持不变,雨后缓慢增大.排土场层状碎石土边坡在持续暴雨作用下容易在降雨中后期失稳.   相似文献   

Asamainkindofmembranetransporter ,plasmamembraneATPasesfacilitatethetransportofminerals ,sugars,metabolites ,andothercompoundsacrossthemembraneofthecells ,onlybywhichcouldplantcellscommunicatewithenvironmenttotransfersubstanceandinformation ,whichisessentialforplantgrowthandcellularhomeostasis[1] .Astheexperimentmateri als ,thehighlypurifiedplasmamembranevesiclesfromCasuarinaequisetifoliaseedlingscultivatedunderartificialacidrainstress ,wereisolatedbyaqueoustwo-phasepartitioningmethods .Thest…  相似文献   

In this study, daily Escherichia coli measurements at six locations in an urban watershed in Houston, were undertaken over a period of 12 weeks, and were analyzed using time series and fractal analyses. The time series analysis revealed that the E. coli data series were nonrandom in nature and were characterized by a lack of periodicity. Shorter E. coli time series data sets (on the order of 10 days or less) exhibited a fractal structure, suggesting that micro scale time series may be fractal in nature in urban environments, a finding that has significant implications for bacteriological water quality monitoring. Although stormflow E. coli concentrations were significantly higher than baseflow levels, the range of variability in E. coli concentrations both during dry and wet weather conditions was comparable, indicating the residual impacts of rain events on bayou water quality. While other studies in the literature have shown that afternoon E. coli levels were lower than morning levels, the results from this study demonstrate the complexity of this phenomenon and its dependence on flow, turbidity, total suspended solids, temperature and the location/land use of the monitoring point (upstream or downstream and rural/urban). Spatial variability was highly correlated to land use with key differences between grassland and urban uses: urbanized sites exhibited higher overall E. coli concentrations, experienced rebound in E. coli levels during and after a rain event, exhibited no correlations between total suspended solids and E. coli, and exhibited less daily variability in bacteria concentrations.  相似文献   

酸雨对建筑物的危害及防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了酸雨对建筑外墙装饰材料及外露构件的危害及防治。  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric method for the determination of carbaryl in soil and strawberry fruit samples is described. The method is based on the coupling of 1-naphthol obtained from hydrolysing carbaryl with diazotised sulphanilic acid in an alkaline medium to form p-(4-hydroxyl-1-naphtylaza)benzenesulphonic acid which has a maximum absorbance at 475 nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 0.01-0.1 ppm of carbaryl. The proposed method is sensitive and rapid. The average carbaryl content of strawberry fruits was 6.03 ppm and the average 1-naphthol content of soil samples was 16.29. The samples were obtained from their sources during 1 day after approx. 24 h of rain.  相似文献   

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