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Pharmacokinetics of thiamphenicol in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To determine pharmacokinetic parameters of thiamphenicol (TAP) after IV and IM administration in dogs. ANIMALS: 6 healthy 2- to 3-year-old male Beagles. PROCEDURE:IN a crossover design study, 3 dogs were given TAP IV, and 3 dogs were given TAP IM, each at a dosage of 40 mg/kg of body weight. Three weeks later, the same dogs were given a second dose by the opposite route. At preestablished times after TAP administration, blood samples were collected through a catheter placed in the cephalic vein, and TAP concentration was determined by use of a high-performance liquid chromatography. Results-Kinetics of TAP administered IV were fitted by a biexponential equation with a rapid first disposition phase followed by a slower disposition phase. Elimination half-life was short (1.7+/-0.3 hours), volume of distribution at steady state was 0.66+/-0.05 L/kg, and plasma clearance was 5.3+/-0.7 ml/min/kg. After IM administration, absorption was rapid. Peak plasma concentration (25.1+/-10.3 microg/ml) was reached about 45 minutes after drug administration. The apparent elimination half-life after IM administration (5.6+/-4.6 hours) was longer than that after IV administration probably because of the slow absorption rate from the muscle. Mean bioavailability after IM administration was 96+/-7%. CONCLUSION: The pharmacokinetic profile of TAP in dogs suggests that it may be therapeutically useful against susceptible microorganisms involved in the most common infections in dogs, such as tracheobronchitis, enterocolitis, mastitis, and urinary tract infections.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered 14C-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and derived radiolabeled metabolites were studied in three dogs at two doses each at 0.1 or 0.5 and 2.0 mg/kg. Two dogs were biliary cannulated; total bile was collected in one and sampled in the other. The time course for the fraction of the dose per milliliter of plasma was best fit by a sum of five exponentials, and there was no dose dependency. No drug was excreted unchanged. The mean apparent volume of distribution of the central compartment referenced to total drug concentration in the plasma was 1.31 +/- 0.07 liters, approximately the plasma volume, due to the high protein binding of 97%. The mean metabolic clearance of drug in the plasma was 124 +/- 3.8 ml/min, half of the hepatic plasma flow, but was 4131 +/- 690 ml/min referenced to unbound drug concentration in the plasma, 16.5 times the hepatic plasma flow, indicating that net metabolism of both bound and unbound drug occurs. Apparent parallel production of several metabolites occurred, but the pharmacokinetics of their appearance were undoubtedly due to their sequential production during liver passage. The apparent half-life of the metabolic process was 6.9 +/- 0.3 min. The terminal half-life of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the pseudo-steady state after equilibration in an apparent overall volume of distribtuion of 2170 +/- 555 liters referenced to total plasma concentration was 8.2 +/- 0.23 days, based on the consistency of all pharmacokinetic data. The best estimate of the terminal half-life, based only on the 7000 min that plasma levels could be monitored with the existing analytical sensitivity, was 1.24 days. However, this value was inconsistent with the metabolite production and excretion of 40-45% of dose in feces, 14-16.5% in urine, and 55% in bile within 5 days when 24% of the dose was unmetabolized and in the tissue at that time. These data were consistent with an enterohepatic recirculation of 10-15% of the metabolites. Intravenously administered radiolabeled metabolites were totally and rapidly eliminated in both bile and urine; 88% of the dose in 300 min with an apparent overall volume of distribution of 6 liters. These facts supported the proposition that the return of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol from tissue was the rate-determining process of drug elimination after initial fast distribution and metabolism and was inconsistent with the capability of enzyme induction to change the terminal half-life.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of pirmenol were investigated in 12 patients with premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) after oral administration of racemic pirmenol, 100 mg and 200 mg every 12 hours. Holter monitoring was performed and serial blood samples were collected after the seventh doses. Plasma concentrations of pirmenol enantiomer were determined using a stereospecific liquid chromatographic assay. Clearance of total (-)-pirmenol was 20% higher than that of total (+)-pirmenol, and the difference in unbound clearance was 45% between enantiomers. Total pirmenol showed a smaller difference because of stereoselective protein binding, with 25% (100-mg dose) or 27% (200-mg dose) higher fraction unbound for (+)-pirmenol than for (-)-pirmenol. Distribution volume was similar for both enantiomers. Dose-dependent clearance was observed for unbound pirmenol enantiomers, as both enantiomers showed 20% lower unbound clearance at the higher dose. Antiarrhythmic effect (% reduction in PVCs from baseline) was correlated with plasma concentrations of pirmenol using a sigmoid maximum drug effect model, and patients showed a large variability in their antiarrhythmic response to plasma concentrations of pirmenol. The median value for minimum effective plasma concentration of racemic pirmenol was 1.5 micrograms/mL.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine both the pattern of team and player efficacy across a season of competition and the relationships among player efficacy, team efficacy, and team performance in collegiate ice hockey. The team and player efficacies of hockey players from 6 teams in a midwestern collegiate hockey league were assessed prior to 32 games. Official game statistics were factor analyzed to produce one useable performance measure, performance outcome. A consensus analysis demonstrated that players held homogeneous beliefs regarding their own and their teams' abilities to perform successfully. A meta-analysis of the regression equations for each team confirmed the homogeneity among teams and the predictive superiority of team efficacy in predicting team performance. Also, when team wins and losses were analyzed across the season, team efficacy significantly increased after a win and significantly decreased after a loss, but player efficacy was not affected.  相似文献   

The optically active isomers of carbisocaine [1-methyl-2-diethylaminoethyl ester of 2-(n)-heptyloxycarbonilic acid] were prepared. The blocking activity of equimolar concentrations of the carbisocaine and its corresponding enantiomers was tested on isolated rat sciatic nerves. There were no significant differences between the anesthetic action of racemic form and enantiomers, however, lower activity for the (--)-enantiomer was observed. The results may indicate negligible stereoselectivity of action of highly lipophilic local anesthetic carbisocaine in the excitable membrane.  相似文献   

Tiaprofenic acid is a chiral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the 2-arylpropionic acid (2-APA) class. A common structural feature of 2-APA NSAIDs is a sp3-hybridised tetrahedral chiral carbon heteroatom within the propionic acid side chain moiety, with the S-enantiomer possessing most of the beneficial anti-inflammatory activity. However, all tiaprofenic acid preparations to date are marketed as the racemate. Tiaprofenic acid has been suggested to exhibit limited pharmacokinetic stereoselectivity. The synovium is the proposed site of action of NSAIDs when used for musculoskeletal disorders, and substantial concentrations of tiaprofenic acid are attained in synovial fluid. Recent data suggested that possibility of stereoselective distribution of tiaprofenic acid into synovium and cartilage. Hence, data generated using non-stereospecific assays may not always be extrapolated to explain the disposition of the individual enantiomers. Tiaprofenic acid is rapidly and almost completely absorbed when given orally. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of tiaprofenic acid is proportional to the oral dose administered. A sustained release dosage form is available, which may be beneficial due to the short terminal phase half-life of tiaprofenic acid (3 to 6 hours). The bioavailability is the same as that with conventional rapid release preparations, although the peak plasma drug concentration is reduced and time peak is prolonged. Tiaprofenic acid binds extensively to plasma albumin. These is negligible R to S inversion upon oral administration. Tiaprofenic acid is eliminated following extensive biotransformation to glucuronide-conjugated metabolites. Approximately 60% is eliminated as conjugates excreted in urine, and little drug is eliminated unchanged. The rate of excretion of tiaprofenic acid and its conjugates may be related to renal function; accumulation of conjugates occurs in end-stage renal disease, but not in young individuals or elderly patients. Potentially clinically important drug interactions with tiaprofenic acid have been demonstrated for some anticoagulants and probenecid. Relationships between tiaprofenic acid concentrations in biological matrices and therapeutic or toxic effects have not yet been elucidated for this drug.  相似文献   

We describe a transient figurate erythema in an 11-month-old female infant with a 2-month history of arcuate and annular erythematous lesions localized on the face, trunk, and limbs. Constitutional symptoms were absent. Previous medical history was unremarkable. Full blood examination, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, antistreptolysin-O titer, anti-Ro, and anti-La antibodies were within normal limits or negative. Histologic examination revealed a superficial and deep perivascular and interstitial dermatitis constituted mostly of neutrophils and abundant nuclear dust. The lesions resolved spontaneously within a few months without scarring or atrophy. Recurrence has not occurred. This case suggests that figurate erythemas in infants rarely may disclose a neutrophilic histologic pattern, which must be differentiated from that of other neutrophilic dermatoses.  相似文献   

Verapamil is a chiral calcium channel blocking drug which is useful clinically as the racemate in treating hypertension and arrhythmia. The published pharmacokinetic data for verapamil enantiomers in the rat model are limited. Utilizing a stereospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay, the enantiomeric disposition of verapamil is reported after intravenous (1.0 mg kg-1) and oral (10 mg kg-1) administration of racemic verapamil to the rat model. After intravenous administration the systemic clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil; 34.9 +/- 7 against 23.7 +/- 3.7 mL min-1 kg-1 (mean +/- SD), respectively. After oral administration, the clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil, 889 +/- 294 against 351 +/- 109 mL min-1 kg-1, respectively. The apparent oral bioavailability of S-verapamil was greater than that of R-verapamil, 0.074 +/- 0.031 against 0.041 +/- 0.011, respectively. These data suggest that the disposition of verapamil in the rat is stereoselective; verapamil undergoes extensive stereoselective first-pass clearance after oral administration and the direction of stereoselectivity in plasma is opposite to that observed in the human.  相似文献   

This study investigated the pharmacokinetics of morphine sulphate in an injectable chitosan-based gel. Gels were made from a combination of N-O-carboxymethylchitosan (NOCC) and chitosan and were easily injectable via a 22 gauge needle and appeared stable during long-term storage. Groups of six beagles were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) with 1.2 mg/kg morphine sulphate, either in sterile saline or in sterilized gels, and serial blood samples were withdrawn via a jugular catheter and later analysed for morphine concentrations using radioimmunoassay. Data were analysed according to non-compartmental pharmacokinetics. NOCC-based gels resulted in significantly lower serum morphine concentrations at 10 and 30 min following injection but significantly higher concentrations at all points from 120 to 480 min post-injection. Dogs receiving morphine gel exhibited equivalent or lesser variability in serum morphine concentrations than dogs receiving conventional morphine sulphate. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed that morphine release from the gel matrix was significantly prolonged but fully bioavailable. There were no significant differences in either distribution (Vd) or terminal elimination (t 1/2). Dogs experienced no adverse effects other than those normally associated with morphine administration at the time of injection but all dogs receiving the gel presented with an undefined stiffness the next day that resolved spontaneously within 48 h. We conclude that carboxymethylchitosan-based gels hold considerable promise for the development of injectable sustained-release formulations of opioid analgesics.  相似文献   

The chiral nature of the MDMA molecule gives rise to two enantiomers, each of which is biologically active. This review attempts to cover the author's research into the in vivo effects of MDMA and its enantiomers, as well as other relevant publications which pertain to this topic. No particular differences between the capacities of racemic MDMA and its enantiomers to maintain behavior were noted, but antagonism of the 5-HT2A receptor produces a parallel rightward shift in the dose-effect function for the S(+)-enantiomer, but insurmountably reduces the reinforcing effects of R(-)-MDMA. Long-term self-administration of MDMA may lead to the development of chronic tolerance to the reinforcing effects of MDMA, but S(+)-MDMA is somewhat less susceptible to this effect than the racemate or the R(-)-enantiomer. Using PET neuroimaging, negligible occupancy at the dopamine transporter (DAT) was observed following administration of R(-)-MDMA, but reasonable DAT interaction was quantified following injection of S(+)-MDMA. The non-human primate studies reviewed herein caution that any results obtained in vivo with the MDMA enantiomers may not be particularly informative with regards to the racemate and vice versa. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mivacurium, a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, consists of three isomers; trans-trans (57%), cis-trans (36%) and cis-cis (7%). The purpose of this study was to characterize the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of mivacurium after various inputs. Four beagle dogs weighing between 7.95 and 9.89 kg were anesthetized with isofluorane (5%) and received a bolus dose (0.010-0.020 mg kg(-1)) and two constant rate infusions (1.0-1.5 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) of mivacurium via the saphenous vein. Single twitch height (TH) and train-of-four (TOF) were evaluated every 15 and 30 s, respectively. Arterial blood samples were collected, processed and analysed for mivacurium using a stereospecific HPLC-fluorescence method. The disposition of mivacurium isomers was best described by a two compartment model. Mean Cl for the cis-trans, trans-trans and cis-cis isomers were 19.98, 13.53 and 3.47 mL min(-1) kg(-1) respectively and the corresponding mean Vdss were 0.29, 0.24 and 1.00 L kg(-1). The measurement of onset showed dose dependence as evidenced by a rapid onset at the higher doses. TOF measurements were more sensitive to the onset of action and required a longer period of time to recover to baseline values as compared with TH measurements.  相似文献   

The problem of inherited deafness in various breeds of dogs and cats catches more and more attention in concerned breeders and owners. This article presents an update in the current knowledge of prevalence, aetiology and genetics of sensorineural deafness and its differentiation against acquired forms of hearing disorders. An electrophysiological method (Auditory Evoked Potentials) to obtain an objective diagnosis of hearing disorders is presented. The usefulness of Auditory Evoked Potentials as an instrument for genetic investigations in inherited deafness is discussed.  相似文献   

Taurine has been shown to exert many biological effects. Among them, the ability of this amino acid to induce a reduction of arterial blood pressure, when administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) to mammals, has been established since a long time ago. To gain further information on the structure-activity requirements for taurine's hypotensive effect, the synthesis of 2-methyltaurine (2-aminopropanesulphonic acid) and the asymmetric synthesis of its enantiomers were performed; the enantiomeric purity of (R)- and (S)-2-methyltaurine was assayed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and HPLC. The findings here reported show that the hypotensive effect elicited by the i.c.v. administration of racemate is mainly due to the (S)-enantiomer. The specificity of this effect was proved by the ability of the taurine antagonist TAG (6-aminomethyl-4H-3-methyl-1,2,4-benzothiadiazine 1,1-dioxide) to prevent it.  相似文献   

Methods that have been proposed for mixed dentition analysis are reviewed. Prediction of the space required in the dental arch for unerupted permanent canines and premolars has been based either on the correlation between the mesio-distal widths of these teeth and of erupted mandibular incisors, or on measurements of the unerupted teeth on radiographs. Studies comparing the different methods have shown that the method of Hixon & Oldfather (1958), as refined by Staley & Kerber (1980), is the most accurate.  相似文献   

The plasma concentrations and relative bioavailability of azelastine hydrochloride (AZ) and its desmethyl metabolite (DAZ) after a single and 10 once-a-day oral doses of 2.5 mg kg-1 AZ were determined in adult male and female and pediatric male and female beagle dogs. The pediatric and adult dogs were 4-6 weeks and 1-2 years of age, respectively. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on the bioavailability parameters among all groups and between the first and last doses. No statistically significant (p < 0.05) sex-related differences in the bioavailability parameters were observed. The peak concentration (Cmax) of AZ, especially after the first dose, was significantly higher in pediatric dogs than that in adult dogs, whereas following the multiple AZ administrations, the bioavailability parameters for the last dose were similar in the two age groups. The apparent volume of distribution (Vss) of AZ suggested that the drug was extensively distributed into tissue in adult as well as in pediatric dogs. The Vss was considerably smaller in pediatric dogs, which may explain the higher Cmax in this age group. The bioavailability of the metabolite in adult dogs after multiple administration of AZ was higher than that in pediatric dogs. Although some differences in the parameters among the groups are statistically significant, they do not appear to have any biological significance. Therefore, similar AZ dosages may be required in pediatric and in adult populations to achieve optimum therapeutic drug levels.  相似文献   

Cytarabine is intracellularly activated and correlations have been established between the pharmacokinetic behaviour of active metabolites and their antileukemic effect. Recently, a good response to high-dose treatment of leukemias has additionally been attributed to a so-called low deamination phenotype of cytarabine inactivation. Consequently, these findings would support plasma level monitoring of cytarabine and its metabolite uracil arabinoside in high-dose cytarabine regimens. This pharmacokinetic study presents data attempting to reevaluate these observations. Thirty-seven patients were treated by 3-h high-dose cytarabine infusions (9 patients 1000 mg/m2, 28 patients 3000 mg/m2) as part of their treatment for acute leukemia. Serial blood samples during and post infusion were analysed for cytarabine (araC) and its deamination product uracil arabinoside (araU) using HPLC with UV-detection. Considerable interindividual variation was observed in end-infusion plasma concentrations of araC (1000 mg/m2: 2.1-fold, 3000 mg/m2: 5.5-fold) and araU (1000 mg/m2: 2.7-fold, 3000 mg/m2: 2.9-fold). The median ratio of end infusion concentrations araU/araC (on a molar basis) was 5.6 (S.D. 3.0), extreme ratio values were 2 and 14. No differences of the araU/araC ratio were found between the two dosages used. Minimum plasma araC concentrations at the end of infusion were 10.5 micromol/l and 22.0 micromol/l at a dose of 1000 and 3000 mg/m2, respectively. In our European study population a "fast" deamination phenotype of cytarabine (araU/araC ratio > 14) was not be observed.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus infection of pigs causes a severe leukopenia and immunosuppression. In the present study, the kinetics of virus infection, and identification of target cells for the virus in peripheral blood were analysed. Virus infection was often not detectable before 5-7 days p.i. A minority of animals yielded detectable infected cells at 3 days p.i., but < 5% PBMC. It was not until 10 days p.i. that this figure increased-to 35-70% PBMC depending on the animal. Detailed analysis of Ficoll-Hypaque-purified PBMC identified the major population to be SWC3+SWC8+CD14+MHCII- granulocytic cells. Microscopic observations determined that these low density granulocytic cells in the PBMC from CSFV infected animals were indeed immature cells. Both the low density granulocytic cells and monocytes were major targets for CSFV infection in the peripheral blood. This is the first demonstration that low density granulocytic cells dominate the blood leukocyte population during CSF, and that such cells are targets for virus infection. The present work also demonstrates that the leukocyte population changes, such as B lymphocyte depletion and the relative dominance of myeloid cells in the blood during CSF, occur before virus infection of the affected cells. Thus, the pathological mechanism therein is not a direct consequence of virus infection.  相似文献   

In order to assess quantitatively the pharmacodynamic process of pentazocine (PTZ), time courses of its plasma concentration and of the occupation of specific opioid receptors in the brain were investigated after intravenous (i.v.) administration of PTZ to rats. The plasma concentration of PTZ was determined by HPLC and the pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed using nonlinear least-squares analysis. Measurement of ex vivo receptor occupation was made by comparing the specific [3H]naloxone (opioid receptor antagonist) binding in vitro to the crude P2-synaptosomal fractions between vehicle-treated rats (control) and PTZ-treated rats. Following the i.v. administration of PTZ, the occupancy of specific opioid receptors decreased rapidly until 10 min, depending on the two pharmacological doses (2.5 and 10 mg/kg). The results strongly suggest the fast binding kinetics of PTZ in terms of its association with and dissociation from specific opioid receptor sites in the brain in addition to its fast rate of disappearance from the brain compartment. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the time profile of receptor occupancy correlated well (r = 0.8650) with that of the unbound concentration in plasma until 120 min after the i.v. administration of PTZ to rats.  相似文献   

Airways of asthma patients can become hyperresponsive to airway spasmogens following regular use of isoprenaline or beta 2-selective sympathomimetics. Hyper-reactivity that results from acute exposure of animals to these drugs is pre-empted by vagal section (a procedure which does not influence spasmolytic efficacy of sympathomimetics), is not diminished by antagonism of beta 2-adrenoceptors and is not associated with loss of responsivity of beta 2-adrenoceptors in the airways. Since activation, modulation, or blockade of beta 2-adrenoceptors does not determine this form of hyperreactivity, the possibility that distomers may induce hyperreactivity must be considered. Ocular and vascular responses to distomers of sympathomimetics have long been recognised and, more recently, comparable observations have been made for the airways. Thus, reactivity of guinea-pig airways to spasmogens was increased following exposure to S-isoprenaline, S-salbutamol, or S-terbutaline and exposure to S-isoprenaline or S-salbutamol can intensify symptoms in asthmatics. Regular exposure to the racemate, especially during or following an allergic reaction, predisposes to expression of hyper-reactivity, which is nullified, acutely, by the eutomer. These observations imply that biological effects of sympathomimetic distomers may contribute to morbidity and mortality in asthma patients.  相似文献   

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