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近日,TIPTOP单向网闸成功通过了公安部信息安全产品检测中心的检测,获得了公安部颁发的销售许可证。TIPTOP单向网闸是深圳市利谱信息技术有限公司依靠自身多年来积累的技术优势开发的一款单向物理隔离产品(见图1),它基于利谱公司独创的VUTP技术,利用信号光电转换设备连接两个分别对应内外网络的独立主机,  相似文献   

不论“泡沫经济”一说,也不论“倒闭风潮”之议,今天的互联网市场依旧年轻,依旧需要更多的企业投入,众多的人才参与,互联网之“改变人们生活品质”真理将不变。  相似文献   

尽管如今大大小小的音响展已不鲜见,但十月五号、六号在成都岷山饭店国际会议厅举办的“96蓉城之秋香港升和高级音响展”依然是观者如织,其盛况为近来所少见。 这次展示会由香港升和影音公司、成都和声影音公司、成都合记音响中心主办,成都天音广告公司承办。香港天乐唱片公司与《视听技术》杂志社协办了这一活动。 论规模,此次展览并不太大;论展出品牌更是只有两个。但观众踊跃,是因为这两个品牌乃  相似文献   

1997年,一群怀揣着梦想和热情的年轻人聚在一起,承载着一代中国人为了实现中国自主研发软件登上世界舞台的奋斗目标,创立了上海佳克计算机软件有限公司,并在公司成立之初,就确立了"做一生值得自豪的软件"的座右铭,时刻鞭策自己精益求精、开拓创新。成立之初,公司主要专注于"搜索引擎",同时也积极调研国内外软件市场的发展趋势、中国企业客户及个  相似文献   

提起维也纳,大家都知道那是世界闻名的音乐之都。不过你可知道,一个很有名的Hi-Fi音箱品牌也叫“维也纳”,而且是来自音乐之都的维也纳音响公司(Vienna Acoustics)?本届上海音响展上,本刊记者对维也纳音响公司的经营总监Maria Gansterer女士进行了采访,以下是访谈纪要。  相似文献   

乐之 《通讯世界》2008,(8):32-33
对于我国的运营商来说,北京奥运会不仅是展现自我风采和能力的大舞台,也是考验自己通信安全保障和应急能力的良机。可能对于中国移动和中国网通这两家奥运官方合作伙伴来说,此次奥运,宣传与练兵并重,甚至过之。而对于中国电信来说目标就是圆满组织任务,并借机进行一次全面的通信保障人演练。中国电信总经理王晓初在贵阳召开的总经理座谈会上曾对对公司下半年的任务进行了详细的部署安排,  相似文献   

魏雅华 《广东电子》2009,(18):12-12
企业的买卖不分大小,只有公司的规模和实力才有大小之分。没有哪个企业,从一开始就是做大单,就以巨人面目示人。就正如上文所述的麦当劳,一个从卖夹肉面包的起家的小店,不也是慢慢成长为“世界500强”的吗?  相似文献   

我们认为,所谓的最佳雇主公司,其实还是停留在老板对员工的"我待你不错,你要感恩"这样日浅层次上。我们觉得整个阿里巴巴的下一步,应该是将"最佳雇主公司"努力转变为"员工最感幸福的公司"。  相似文献   

惠子 《电子与电脑》2002,(9):101-102
如今在网络上我们经常可以看到琳琅满目的多媒体电子书籍,阅读这些电子书籍时,大家有没有想过做个自己的电子书籍呢?当然,有许多多媒体电子书籍是用一些专业的开发软件做出来的,但你知道吗?用一些比较简单的电子书籍软件同样也可以做出漂亮的电子书籍,并且很适合那些对计算机不大熟悉的用户,比如Neosoft公司的NeoBook。Neosoft公司是美国一家以开发多媒体设计软件而闻名的公司,而NeoBook正是该公司的拳头产品,别看它才1.2M,功能可不  相似文献   

在前几期的连载中。我们主要揭示了在LP时代的七大唱片界的巨头。它们的公司沿革及一些具有收藏价值的LP的介绍和推荐。从这一期开始本刊将为读者再介绍除了前面一些大公司以外的中小唱片公司的资讯,以及它们血统与身世。且也有部分与之配套的唱片简介。这些中小型的唱片企业中其实也不乏有价值和有影响的唱片存世,论规模它们可能不及前者.  相似文献   

Mixing it     
By definition, automotive electronic systems are embedded mixed-signal systems because they feature multiple analogue sensors and analogue actuators under digital control. For years, traditional oscilloscopes have been the primary tool-of-choice among automotive electronic system design engineers to measure the quality of both analogue and digital signals. But traditional analogue and digital oscilloscopes have many limitations, including a lack of triggering functions for complex serial events and a limited number of input channels for acquisition. However, a new class of measurement tool called the mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) has stepped into that breach, presenting its own debugging methodology  相似文献   

Dam it!     
《Spectrum, IEEE》2009,46(11):21-21
The centuries-old practice of using moving water to do work is now enjoying a resurgence as the world weans itself of fossil fuels. enterprising kids can bring hydropower to their Lego and other playroom constructions by building the hydropower renewable energy Science Kit, by thames & Kosmos.  相似文献   

本文为本期研究院一类成果论文的专栏序  相似文献   

《IEE Review》2005,51(2):22-23
This article gives an overview of the changing economics of the consumer electronics sector, which increasingly resembles a commodities market. While consumer electronics still seems to have plenty of room for growth, the downward pressure on prices has grown to the point where time-to-market really is becoming a matter of months and for technology suppliers, the rate of unit shipments will have to increase very rapidly just to keep revenue growth on an even track.  相似文献   

Dislocation filtering, or the removal of threading dislocations using a superlattice structure, has much potential for fabrication of high-quality semiconductor heterostructures for which buffer layers or low-quality substrate material must be used. An accurate and predictive model for the filtering phenomenon, however, has not yet been identified, leading to erratic results when attempts to design dislocation filters are made. Filtering has traditionally been treated in terms of various quasi-equilibrium models, which are often found to be lacking when applied to real systems. These mechanisms are examined with a view toward understanding their limitations in the real world. A fundamentally new mechanism for dislocation filtering, based on metastable freezing of non-equilibrium configurations encountered during crystal growth, is proposed. This non-equilibrium mechanism overcomes many of the limitations presented by the conventional filtering models.  相似文献   

Backpropagation through time: what it does and how to do it   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Basic backpropagation, which is a simple method now being widely used in areas like pattern recognition and fault diagnosis, is reviewed. The basic equations for backpropagation through time, and applications to areas like pattern recognition involving dynamic systems, systems identification, and control are discussed. Further extensions of this method, to deal with systems other than neural networks, systems involving simultaneous equations, or true recurrent networks, and other practical issues arising with the method are described. Pseudocode is provided to clarify the algorithms. The chain rule for ordered derivatives-the theorem which underlies backpropagation-is briefly discussed. The focus is on designing a simpler version of backpropagation which can be translated into computer code and applied directly by neutral network users  相似文献   

对于海外制造来说,设计的安全性是关键. 对各行各业来说,失窃都是一个严重的问题,但设计的被盗会造成极大的经济损失;对于资源有限的公司来说,它可能是灾难性的.  相似文献   

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