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Distributed match-making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many distributed computing environments, processes are concurrently executed by nodes in a store- and-forward communication network. Distributed control issues as diverse as name server, mutual exclusion, and replicated data management involve making matches between such processes. We propose a formal problem called distributed match-making as the generic paradigm. Algorithms for distributed match-making are developed and the complexity is investigated in terms of messages and in terms of storage needed. Lower bounds on the complexity of distributed match-making are established. Optimal algorithms, or nearly optimal algorithms, are given for particular network topologies.The work of the second author was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-85-K-0168, by the Office of Army Research under Contract DAAG29-84-K-0058, by the National Science Foundation under Grant DCR-83-02391, and by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract N00014-83-K-0125. Current address of both authors: CWI, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a deterministic algorithm for solving any 1–1 packet-routing problem on ann ×n mesh in 2n–2 steps using constant-size queues. The time bound is optimal in the worst case. The best previous deterministic algorithm for this problem required time 2n+(n/q) using queues of size (q) for any 1qn, and the best previous randomized algorithm required time 2n+(logn) using constant-size queues.This research was supported by the Clear Center at UTD, DARPA Contracts N00014-91-J-1698 and N00014-92-J-1799, Air Force Contract F49620-92-J-0125, Army Contract DAAL-03-86-K-0171, an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award with matching funds from AT&T and IBM, and by the Texas Advanced Research Program under Grant No. 3972. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in [5].  相似文献   

Through key examples and constructs, exact and approximate, complexity, computability, and solution of linear programming systems are reexamined in the light of Khachian's new notion of (approximate) solution. Algorithms, basic theorems, and alternate representations are reviewed. It is shown that the Klee-Minty example hasnever been exponential for (exact) adjacent extreme point algorithms and that the Balinski-Gomory (exact) algorithm continues to be polynomial in cases where (approximate) ellipsoidal centered-cutoff algorithms (Levin, Shor, Khachian, Gacs-Lovasz) are exponential. By model approximation, both the Klee-Minty and the new J. Clausen examples are shown to be trivial (explicitly solvable) interval programming problems. A new notion of computable (approximate) solution is proposed together with ana priori regularization for linear programming systems. New polyhedral constraint contraction algorithms are proposed for approximate solution and the relevance of interval programming for good starts or exact solution is brought forth. It is concluded from all this that the imposed problem ignorance of past complexity research is deleterious to research progress on computability or efficiency of computation.This research was partly supported by Project NR047-071, ONR Contract N00014-80-C-0242, and Project NR047-021, ONR Contract N00014-75-C-0569, with the Center for Cybernetic Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

Let (G) denote the independence number of a graphG, that is the maximum number of pairwise independent vertices inG. We present a parallel algorithm that computes in a planar graphG = (V, E), an independent set such that ¦I¦ (G)/2. The algorithm runs in timeOlog2 n) and requires a linear number of processors. This is achieved by denning a new set of reductions that can be executed locally and simultaneously; furthermore, it is shown that a constant fraction of the vertices in the graph are reducible. This is the best known approximation scheme when the number of processors available is linear; parallel implementation of known sequential algorithms requires many more processors.Joseph Naor was supported by Contract ONR N00014-88-K-0166. Most of this work was done while he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782, USA.  相似文献   

A clocked adversary is a program that can time its operations and base its behavior on the results of those timings. While it is well known that hashing performs poorly in the worst case, recent results have proven that, for reference-string programs, the probability of falling into a bad case can be driven arbitrarily low. We show that this is not true for clocked adversaries. This emphasizes the limits on the appiicability of theorems on the behavior of hashing schemes on reference string programs, and raises a novel set of problems dealing with optimality of and vulnerability to clocked adversaries.Work was supported by DARPA and ONR Contracts N00014-85-C-0456 and N00014-85-K-0465, and by NSF Cooperative Agreement DCR-8420948.  相似文献   

Aweaving W is a simple arrangement of lines (or line segments) in the plane together with a binary relation specifying which line is above the other. A system of lines (or line segments) in 3-space is called arealization ofW, if its projection into the plane isW and the above-below relations between the lines respect the specifications. Two weavings are equivalent if the underlying arrangements of lines are combinatorially equivalent and the above-below relations are the same. An equivalence class of weavings is said to be aweaving pattern. A weaving pattern isrealizable if at least one element of the equivalence class has a three-dimensional realization. A weaving (pattern)W is calledperfect if, along each line (line segment) ofW, the lines intersecting it are alternately above and below. We prove that (i) a perfect weaving pattern ofn lines is realizable if and only ifn 3, (ii) a perfect m byn weaving pattern of line segments (in a grid-like fashion) is realizable if and only if min(m, n) 3, (iii) ifn is sufficiently large, then almost all weaving patterns ofn lines are nonrealizable.Jànos Pach has been supported in part by Hungarian NFSR Grant 1812, NSF Grant CCR-8901484, and the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS), a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, under NSF Grant STC88-09648. Richard Pollack has been supported in part by NSA Grant MDA904-89-H-2030, NSF Grants DMS-85-01947 and CCR-8901484, and DIMACS. Emo Welzl has been supported in part by the ESPRIT II Basic Research Actions Program of the EC under Contract No. 3075 (project ALCOM) and DIMACS.  相似文献   

Summary Distributed Mutual Exclusion algorithms have been mainly compared using the number of messages exchanged per critical section execution. In such algorithms, no attention has been paid to the serialization order of the requests. Indeed, they adopt FCFS discipline. Conversely, the insertion of priority serialization disciplines, such as Short-Job-First, Head-Of-Line, Shortest-Remaining-Job-First etc., can be useful in many applications to optimize some performance indices. However, such priority disciplines are prone to starvation. The goal of this paper is to investigate and evaluate the impact of the insertion of a priority discipline in Maekawa-type algorithms. Priority serialization disciplines will be inserted by means of agated batch mechanism which avoids starvation. In a distributed algorithm, such a mechanism needs synchronizations among the processes. In order to highlight the usefulness of the priority based serialization discipline, we show how it can be used to improve theaverage response time compared to the FCFS discipline. The gated batch approach exhibits other advantages: algorithms are inherently deadlock-free and messages do not need to piggyback timestamps. We also show that, under heavy demand, algorithms using gated batch exchange less messages than Maekawa-type algorithms per critical section excution. Roberto Baldoni was born in Rome on February 1, 1965. He received the Laurea degree in electronic engineering in 1990 from the University of Rome La Sapienza and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 1994. Currently, he is a researcher in computer science at IRISA, Rennes (France). His research interests include operating systems, distributed algorithms, network protocols and real-time multimedia applications. Bruno Ciciani received the Laurea degree in electronic engineering in 1980 from the University of Rome La Sapienza. From 1983 to 1991 he has been a researcher at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He is currently full professor in Computer Science at the University of Rome La Sapienza. His research activities include distributed computer systems, fault-tolerant computing, languages for parallel processing, and computer system performance and reliability evaluation. He has published in IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering and IEEE Trans. on Reliability. He is the author of a book titled Manufactoring Yield Evaluation of VLSI/WSI Systems to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.This research was supported in part by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche under grant 93.02294.CT12This author is also supported by a grant of the Human Capital and Mobility project of the European Community under contract No. 3702 CABERNET  相似文献   

Summary A new technique for proving timing properties for timing-based algorithms is described; it is an extension of the mapping techniques previously used in proofs of safety properties for asynchronous concurrent systems. The key to the method is a way of representing a system with timing constraints as an automaton whose state includes predictive timing information. Timing assumptions and timing requirements for the system are both represented in this way. A multi-valued mapping from the assumptions automaton to the requirements automaton is then used to show that the given system satisfies the requirements. One type of mapping is based on a collection of progress functions providing measures of progress toward timing goals. The technique is illustrated with two examples, a simple resource manager and a two-process race system. Nancy A. Lynch received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, in 1968, and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, in 1972. She is presently a professor of computer science and electrical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has also been on the computer science faculty at Georgia Institute of Technology and on the mathematics faculty at Tufts University and the University of Southern California. Her research interests are in distributed and real-time computing and theoretical computer science. In particular, she has worked on formal models and verification methods, on algorithm design and analysis, and on impossibility results. She also likes to hike and ski. Hagit Attiya received the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in 1981, the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in 1983 and 1987, respectively. She is presently a senior lecturer at the department of Computer Science at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Prior to this, she has been a post-doctoral research associate at the Laboratory for Computer Science at M.I.T. Her general research interests are distributed computation and theoretical computer science. More specific interests include fault-tolerance, timing-based and asynchronous algorithms.This work was supported by ONR contracts N00014-85-K-0168 and N00014-91-J-1046, by NSF grants CCR-8611442 and CCR-8915206, and by DARPA contracts N00014-87-K-0825 and N00014-89-J-1988  相似文献   

The plane with parallel coordinates   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
By means ofParallel Coordinates planar graphs of multivariate relations are obtained. Certain properties of the relationship correspond tothe geometrical properties of its graph. On the plane a point line duality with several interesting properties is induced. A new duality betweenbounded and unbounded convex sets and hstars (a generalization of hyperbolas) and between Convex Unions and Intersections is found. This motivates some efficient Convexity algorithms and other results inComputational Geometry. There is also a suprising cusp inflection point duality. The narrative ends with a preview of the corresponding results inR N .  相似文献   

Schedulers for larger classes of pinwheel instances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pinwheel is a hard-real-time scheduling problem for scheduling satellite ground stations to service a number of satellites without data loss. Given a multiset of positive integers (instance)A={a1,..., an}, the problem is to find an infinite sequence (schedule) of symbols from {1,2,...,n} such that there is at least one symboli within any interval of ai symbols (slots). Not all instancesA can be scheduled; for example, no successful schedule exists for instances whose density,(A)= i i (l/ai), is larger than 1. It has been shown that all instances whose densities are less than a 0.5 density threshold can always be scheduled. If a schedule exists, another concern is the design of a fast on-line scheduler (FOLS) which can generate each symbol of the schedule in constant time. Based on the idea of integer reduction, two new FOLSs which can schedule different classes of pinwheel instances, are proposed in this paper. One uses single-integer reduction and the other uses double-integer reduction. They both improve the previous 0.5 result and have density thresholds of 13/20 and2/3, respectively. In particular, if the elements inA are large, the density thresholds will asymptotically approach In 2 and 1/R2, respectively.This research was supported in part by ONR Grant N00014-87-K-0833, and was done while Francis Chin was visiting the Computer Science Program, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083, USA.  相似文献   

Parallel construction of a suffix tree with applications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many string manipulations can be performed efficiently on suffix trees. In this paper a CRCW parallel RAM algorithm is presented that constructs the suffix tree associated with a string ofn symbols inO(logn) time withn processors. The algorithm requires (n 2) space. However, the space needed can be reduced toO(n 1+) for any 0< 1, with a corresponding slow-down proportional to 1/. Efficient parallel procedures are also given for some string problems that can be solved with suffix trees.The results of this paper have been achieved independently and simultaneously in [AI-86] and [LSV-86]. The research of U. Vishkin was supported by NSF Grant NSF-CCR-8615337, ONR Grant N00014-85-K-0046, and Foundation for Research in Electronics, Computers, and Communication, administered by the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The research of A. Apostolico was carried out in part while visiting at the Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi e Informatica, Rome, with support from the Italian National Research Council. The research of G. M. Landau, B. Schieber, and U. Vishkin was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-76ER03077.  相似文献   

Summary A framework is proposed for the structured specification and verification of database dynamics. In this framework, the conceptual model of a database is a many sorted first order linear tense theory whose proper axioms specify the update and the triggering behaviour of the database. The use of conceptual modelling approaches for structuring such a theory is analysed. Semantic primitives based on the notions of event and process are adopted for modelling the dynamic aspects. Events are used to model both atomic database operations and communication actions (input/output). Nonatomic operations to be performed on the database (transactions) are modelled by processes in terms of trigger/reaction patterns of behaviour. The correctness of the specification is verified by proving that the desired requirements on the evolution of the database are theorems of the conceptual model. Besides the traditional data integrity constraints, requirements of the form Under condition W, it is guaranteed that the database operation Z will be successfully performed are also considered. Such liveness requirements have been ignored in the database literature, although they are essential to a complete definition of the database dynamics.


Classical Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) for all (universal quantifier) - exists at least once (existential quantifier) - ¬ no (negation) - implies (implication) - is equivalent to (equivalence) - and (conjunction) - or (disjunction) Tense Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) G always in the future - G 0 always in the future and now - F sometime in the future - F 0 sometime in the future or now - H always in the past - H 0 always in the past and now - P sometime in the past - P 0 sometime in the past or now - X in the next moment - Y in the previous moment - L always - M sometime Event Specification Symbols (Sects. 3 and 4.1) (x) means immediately after the occurrence of x - (x) means immediately before the occurrence of x - (x) means x is enabled, i.e., x may occur next - { } ({w 1} x{w 2}) states that if w 1 holds before the occurrence of x, then w 2 will hold after the occurrence of x (change rule) - [ ] ([oa1, ..., oan]x) states that only the object attributes oa1, ..., oa n are modifiable by x (scope rule) - {{ }} ({{w}}x) states that if x may occur next, then w holds (enabling rule) Process Specification Symbols (Sects. 5.3 and 5.4) :: for causal rules - for behavioural rules Transition-Pattern Composition Symbols (Sects. 5.2 and 5.3) ; sequential composition - ¦ choice composition - parallel composition - :| guarded alternative composition Location Predicates (Sect. 5.2) (z) means immediately after the occurrence of the last event of z (after) - (z) means immediately before the occurrence of the first event of z (before) - (z) means after the beginning of z and before the end of z (during) - ( z) means before the occurrence of an event of z (at)  相似文献   

We introduce here the study of generalnonmonotonic rule systems. These deal with situations where a conclusion is drawn from a system of beliefsS (and seen to be inS), basedboth on some premises being inS and on some restraints not being inS. In the monotone systems of traditional logic there are no restraints, conclusions are drawn solely based on premises being inS. Nonmonotonic rule systems capture the essential syntactic, semantic, and algorithmic features of many nonmonotone systems such as default logic, negation as failure, truth maintenance, autoepistemic logic, and also important combinatorial questions from mathematics such as the marriage problem. This reveals semantics and syntax and proof procedures and algorithms for computing belief sets in many cases where none were previously available and entirely uniformly. In particular, we introduce and study deductively closed sets, extensions and weak extensions. Semantics of nonmonotonic rule systems is studied in part II of this paper and extensions to predicate classical, intuitionistic, and modal logics are left to a later paper.Work partially supported by NSF grant RII-8610671 and Kentucky EPSCoR program and ARO contract DAAL03-89-K-0124.Work partially supported by NSF grant DMS-8902797 and ARO contract DAAG629-85-C-0018.Work partially supported by NSF grant DMS-8702473.  相似文献   

A major source of three-dimensional (3D) information about objects in the world is available to the observer in the form of time-varying imagery. Relative motion between textured objects and the observer generates a time-varying optic array at the image, from which image motion of contours, edge fragments, and feature points can be extracted. These dynamic features serve to sample the underlying image flow field. New, closed-form solutions are given for the structure and motion of planar and curved surface patches from monocular image flow and its derivatives through second order. Both planar and curved surface solutions require at most, the solution of a cubic equation. The analytic solution for curved surface patches combines the transformation of Longuet-Higgins and Prazdny [25] with the planar surface solution of Subbarao and Waxman [43]. New insights regarding uniqueness of solutions also emerge. Thus, the structure-motion coincidence of Waxman and Ullman [54] is interpreted as the duality of tangent plane solutions. The multiplicity of transformation angles (up to three) is related to the sign of the Gaussian curvature of the surface patch. Ovoid patches (i.e., bowls) are shown to possess a unique transform angle, though they are subject to the local structure-motion coincidence. Thus, ovoid patches almost always yield a unique 3D interpretation. In general, ambiguous solutions can be resolved by requiring continuity of the solution over time.The support of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the U.S. Army Night Vision Laboratory under Contract DAAK70-83-K-0018 (DARPA Order 3206) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We present a new definition of optimality intervals for the parametric right-hand side linear programming (parametric RHS LP) Problem () = min{c t x¦Ax =b + ¯b,x 0}. We then show that an optimality interval consists either of a breakpoint or the open interval between two consecutive breakpoints of the continuous piecewise linear convex function (). As a consequence, the optimality intervals form a partition of the closed interval {; ¦()¦ < }. Based on these optimality intervals, we also introduce an algorithm for solving the parametric RHS LP problem which requires an LP solver as a subroutine. If a polynomial-time LP solver is used to implement this subroutine, we obtain a substantial improvement on the complexity of those parametric RHS LP instances which exhibit degeneracy. When the number of breakpoints of () is polynomial in terms of the size of the parametric problem, we show that the latter can be solved in polynomial time.This research was partially funded by the United States Navy-Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-87-K-0202. Its financial support is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We present a collection of algorithms, all running in timeO(n 2 logn (n) o((n)3)) for some fixed integers(where (n) is the inverse Ackermann's function), for constructing a skeleton representation of a suitably generalized Voronoi diagram for a ladder moving in a two-dimensional space bounded by polygonal barriers consisting ofn line segments. This diagram, which is a two-dimensional subcomplex of the dimensional configuration space of the ladder, is introduced and analyzed in a companion paper by the present authors. The construction of the diagram described in this paper yields a motion-planning algorithm for the ladder which runs within the same time bound given above.Work on this paper has been supported in part by Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-82-K-0381, and by grants from the Digital Equipment Corporation, the Sloan Foundation, the System Development Foundation, the IBM corporation, and by National Science Foundation CER Grant No. DCR-8320085. Work by the second author has also been supported in part by a grant from the US-Israeli Binational Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A New Class of Depth-Size Optimal Parallel Prefix Circuits   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Given n values x1, x2, ... ,xn and an associative binary operation o, the prefix problem is to compute x1ox2o··· oxi, 1in. Many combinational circuits for solving the prefix problem, called prefix circuits, have been designed. It has been proved that the size s(D(n)) and the depth d(D(n)) of an n-input prefix circuit D(n) satisfy the inequality d(D(n))+s(D(n))2n–2; thus, a prefix circuit is depth-size optimal if d(D(n))+s(D(n))=2n–2. In this paper, we construct a new depth-size optimal prefix circuit SL(n). In addition, we can build depth-size optimal prefix circuits whose depth can be any integer between d(SL(n)) and n–1. SL(n) has the same maximum fan-out lgn+1 as Snir's SN(n), but the depth of SL(n) is smaller; thus, SL(n) is faster. Compared with another optimal prefix circuit LYD(n), d(LYD(n))+2d(SL(n))d(LYD(n)). However, LYD(n) may have a fan-out of at most 2 lgn–2, and the fan-out of LYD(n) is greater than that of SL(n) for almost all n12. Because an operation node with greater fan-out occupies more chip area and is slower in VLSI implementation, in most cases, SL(n) needs less area and may be faster than LYD(n). Moreover, it is much easier to design SL(n) than LYD(n).  相似文献   

Summary Equivalence is a fundamental notion for the semantic analysis of algebraic specifications. In this paper the notion of crypt-equivalence is introduced and studied w.r.t. two loose approaches to the semantics of an algebraic specification T: the class of all first-order models of T and the class of all term-generated models of T. Two specifications are called crypt-equivalent if for one specification there exists a predicate logic formula which implicitly defines an expansion (by new functions) of every model of that specification in such a way that the expansion (after forgetting unnecessary functions) is homologous to a model of the other specification, and if vice versa there exists another predicate logic formula with the same properties for the other specification. We speak of first-order crypt-equivalence if this holds for all first-order models, and of inductive crypt-equivalence if this holds for all term-generated models. Characterizations and structural properties of these notions are studied. In particular, it is shown that first order crypt-equivalence is equivalent to the existence of explicit definitions and that in case of positive definability two first-order crypt-equivalent specifications admit the same categories of models and homomorphisms. Similarly, two specifications which are inductively crypt-equivalent via sufficiently complete implicit definitions determine the same associated categories. Moreover, crypt-equivalence is compared with other notions of equivalence for algebraic specifications: in particular, it is shown that first-order cryptequivalence is strictly coarser than abstract semantic equivalence and that inductive crypt-equivalence is strictly finer than inductive simulation equivalence and implementation equivalence.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model for parallel computation, called thedistributed randomaccess machine (DRAM), in which the communication requirements of parallel algorithms can be evaluated. A DRAM is an abstraction of a parallel computer in which memory accesses are implemented by routing messages through a communication network. A DRAM explicitly models the congestion of messages across cuts of the network.We introduce the notion of aconservative algorithm as one whose communication requirements at each step can be bounded by the congestion of pointers of the input data structure across cuts of a DRAM. We give a simple lemma that shows how to shortcut pointers in a data structure so that remote processors can communicate without causing undue congestion. We giveO(lgn)-step, linear-processor, linear-space, conservative algorithms for a variety of problems onn-node trees, such as computing treewalk numberings, finding the separator of a tree, and evaluating all subexpressions in an expression tree. We giveO(lg2 n)-step, linear-processor, linear-space, conservative algorithms for problems on graphs of sizen, including finding a minimum-cost spanning forest, computing biconnected components, and constructing an Eulerian cycle. Most of these algorithms use as a subroutine a generalization of the prefix computation to trees. We show that any suchtreefix computation can be performed inO(lgn) steps using a conservative variant of Miller and Reif's tree-contraction technique.This research was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract N00014-80-C-0622 and by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-86-K-0593. Charles Leiserson is supported in part by an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award with matching funds provided by AT&T Bell Laboratories and Xerox Corporation. Bruce Maggs is supported in part by an NSF Fellowship.  相似文献   

Stochastic neural networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eugene Wong 《Algorithmica》1991,6(1):466-478
The first purpose of this paper is to present a class of algorithms for finding the global minimum of a continuous-variable function defined on a hypercube. These algorithms, based on both diffusion processes and simulated annealing, are implementable as analog integrated circuits. Such circuits can be viewed as generalizations of neural networks of the Hopfield type, and are called diffusion machines.Our second objective is to show that learning in these networks can be achieved by a set of three interconnected diffusion machines: one that learns, one to model the desired behavior, and one to compute the weight changes.This research was supported in part by U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-89-K-0128.  相似文献   

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