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We conducted two studies extending basic matching research on self-control and impulsivity to the investigation of choices of students diagnosed as seriously emotionally disturbed. In Study 1 we examined the interaction between unequal rates of reinforcement and equal versus unequal delays to reinforcer access on performance of concurrently available sets of math problems. The results of a reversal design showed that when delays to reinforcer access were the same for both response alternatives, the time allocated to each was approximately proportional to obtained reinforcement. When the delays to reinforcer access differed between the response alternatives, there was a bias toward the response alternative and schedule with the lower delays, suggesting impulsivity (i.e., immediate reinforcer access overrode the effects of rate of reinforcement). In Study 2 we examined the interactive effects of reinforcer rate, quality, and delay. Conditions involving delayed access to the high-quality reinforcers on the rich schedule (with immediate access to low-quality reinforcers earned on the lean schedule) were alternated with immediate access to low-quality reinforcers on the rich schedule (with delayed access to high-quality reinforcers on the lean schedule) using a reversal design. With 1 student, reinforcer quality overrode the effects of both reinforcer rate and delay to reinforcer access. The other student tended to respond exclusively to the alternative associated with immediate access to reinforcers. The studies demonstrate a methodology based on matching theory for determining influential dimensions of reinforcers governing individuals' choices.  相似文献   

Multiple baseline designs were used to examine the effects of an instructional package on accuracy of performance in solving multiplication facts by 3 students with learning disabilities. The instructional package included the following components: (a) a modified instructional sequence in which multiplication facts were grouped into the zeros, ones, doubles, fives, and nines categories, and those remaining; (b) identification of the category in which each fact belonged; (c) mnemonic strategies associated with solving facts in each category; and (d) steps to be completed for solving facts in each category. Results indicated that the instructional package produced substantial and immediate effects. After receiving instruction, a participant's accuracy was often 100%, and this was maintained throughout the evaluation even as other strategies were introduced. Comparable results occurred across students, demonstrating replication of the effects of the instructional package.  相似文献   

Examining the instructional contexts of students with learning disabilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review of the literature examines how instructional contexts for elementary and secondary level students with learning disabilities have been studied in the past 10 years through a variety of methodological approaches and observation instruments. These studies employed some direct measure of classroom ecology, as well as some measure of the teacher or students' classroom behavior. Information included the time that students were engaged in different activities in different settings, interactions between teachers and students, and students' classroom behavior.  相似文献   

This article presents a survey of and recommendations for transition planning assessment for secondary teachers of students with learning disabilities. The author makes a case for redirecting assessment practices in secondary instructional programs to obtain present-level-of-functioning information for IEP planning that extends beyond high school graduation as a single outcome. Critical outcomes in adult adjustment requiring transition planning are presented. Current standardized and nonstandardized assessment procedures that focus on adult outcomes, as well as preferences and interests in planning for the future, are described. The author gives recommendations for planning and conducting transition-needs assessment for secondary schools.  相似文献   

Few studies have addressed the issue of nursing students with learning disabilities, although students with both identified and undiagnosed learning disabilities are pursuing nursing education. Legal mandates concerning these students impact nursing programs and faculty. To reduce the risk of discrimination litigation, nursing education programs need to establish educational strategies to promote these students' success. The purpose of this research was to discover the extent to which Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Associate Degree of Nursing programs in one southeastern state admit, identify, and graduate nursing students with learning disabilities, and to identify accommodations provided by these programs to promote success among this student population. Of the 54 programs surveyed, 45 responded. Almost 50% indicated that their program had admitted nursing students with learning disabilities and one-third reported graduating students with learning disabilities. Enrolled students with undiagnosed learning disabilities were identified during their course of studies by both faculty members and by students themselves. The most frequently reported accommodations for students were counselors, tutors, tape-recorded lectures, and computer access. As the number of students with learning disabilities seeking post-secondary education increases, nursing programs and nurse educators will be involved with greater numbers of students needing educational accommodations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the assessment profiles of two groups of adults with learning disabilities. The first group comprised 48 adults (34 men and 14 women) demonstrating giftedness and a learning disability profile (G/LD). The second group of 46 adults (31 men and 15 women) demonstrated a learning disabled profile without giftedness (NG/LD). Both groups of participants were either attending or planning to attend college and sought testing at a university-affiliated learning disabilities center. Participants' mean age was 20 years, and all were White and from middle to upper-middle class backgrounds. Findings indicate that, as a group, the adults demonstrating a G/LD profile tended to be identified later and have more discrepancy among cognitive assessment profile scores than the NG/LD group. Cognitive subtest scores showed significant differences between the groups, but also several areas of weakness evident in both groups regardless of the presence of giftedness. These findings emphasize the importance of identifying the presence of learning disabilities among gifted populations.  相似文献   

A total of 38 problem learners comprising adolescents with learning disabilities and low achievers participated in this study. Of these, 20 were untrained control participants; the remainder were trained to plan, write, and revise opinion essays. Trainees were randomly divided into pairs and taught to collaboratively use interactive dialogues to plan and revise their essays (but they wrote their essays separately). The results from multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) and effect sizes indicated that trainees improved significantly from pretest to posttest in clarity and cogency of written opinion essays, and maintained such gains. Additional analyses indicated that they surpassed the untrained control group. Questionnaire data indicated trainees improved in self-efficacy of writing only. The same finding held true in comparison with untrained participants. The discussion integrates the trainees' performance data with the questionnaire data and considers the research implications and limitations of the study.  相似文献   

This multiple baseline study investigated the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral self-management training package on the consistent use of specific classroom survival skills. Participants were three adolescent males with learning disabilities in Grades 7 and 8. The training package involved a multicomponent strategy focused on the improvement, maintenance, and cross-classroom generalization of targeted classroom preparedness skills. Following intervention, the training procedures were systematically faded. Results demonstrated more consistent use of targeted classroom survival skills by all three students in both learning support and mainstream generalization settings. Long-term maintenance of the intervention effects was observed for two students in both settings. Three social validity measures revealed positive results. Implications for self-management in secondary education settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Eighteen students (K-11th grade) with emotional/behavioral disorders who were at-risk for change of placement to more restrictive settings participated. Construct validity of functional behavioral assessment (FBA) was assessed with a multifunction-multimethod matrix that showed excellent convergent and divergent agreement with combined FBA methods and functional analysis results. Treatment validity was assessed with random assignment to either a FBA with consultation condition (FBC) or to a behavioral consultation without FBA condition (BC). Growth curve analysis showed a significant decrease in inappropriate behavior from baseline to treatment for both treatment groups compared to a control group. The efficiency of teachers' implementation effected treatment validity. Effect sizes showed that regardless of treatment condition that interventions with good fidelity realized the largest effect (d = -1.14). Social and habilitative validity was assessed with telephone interviews conducted a year after treatment. Sixty-five percent attributed the students' problem behaviors to their thoughts or feelings, whereas only 25% attributed it to classroom variables. Many (57%) indicated the most helpful intervention would be individual counseling, whereas only 14% indicated a more involved classroom management plan would be useful. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of an explicit strategy as a means of linking facts, concepts, and problem solving in an unfamiliar domain of learning. Participants were 37 secondary students with learning disabilities. All students were taught health facts and concepts, which they then applied to problem-solving exercises presented through computer-simulation games. Students in the experimental group were taught an explicit strategy for solving the problems; the comparison group was given supportive feedback and encouraged to induce their own strategies. The explicit strategy group performed significantly better on two transfer measures, including videotaped problem-solving exercises.  相似文献   

The prevalence of students with mathematics learning disabilities has triggered an interest among special education researchers and practitioners in developing an understanding of the needs of this group of students, and in identifying effective instructional programming to foster their mathematical performance during the school years and into adulthood. Research into the characteristics of students with mathematics learning disabilities is being approached from different perspectives, including developmental, neurological and neuropsychological, and educational. This diversity helps us develop a broader understanding of students' learning needs and difficulties. Special education assessment practices encompass a variety of approaches, including norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and nonstandardized procedures, depending on the specific assessment questions professionals seek to answer. Students' mathematical knowledge and conceptual understanding must be examined to determine their strengths and weaknesses, curriculum-based progress, and use of cognitive strategies to arrive at mathematical solutions. Research findings have identified empirically validated interventions for teaching mathematics curricula to students with mathematics learning disabilities. Research studies have been grounded in behavioral theory and cognitive psychology, with an emergent interest in the constructivist approach. Although research studies have focused primarily on computational performance, more work is being conducted in the areas of story-problem solving and technology. These areas as well as other math curricular skills require further study. Additionally, the needs of adults with math LD have spurred educators to examine the elementary and secondary math curricula and determine ways to infuse them with life skills instruction accordingly. As the field of mathematics special education continues to evolve, special educators must remain cognizant of the developments in and influences on the field of mathematics education. Reform efforts have shaped the field significantly since the 1950s, contributing to the curriculum offered in mathematics textbooks and the pedagogical practices taught in higher education courses. Mathematics educators continue to search for a better understanding of how children learn mathematics; this process is shaped by the prevailing theoretical orientations and research methodologies. This special series in mathematics special education provides readers with information about the characteristics of students with mathematics learning disabilities, assessment procedures, mathematics programming, teacher preparation, and future directions for the field. The series originated as a result of discussions with Dr. Lee Wiederholt and Dr. Judith K. Voress, who saw a need for the compilation of recent research and best practices in mathematics special education. I thank them for their support of and thoughtful insights about the development of this series. I also appreciate the support of Dr. George Hynd and his editorial assistant, Kathryn Black, in finalizing the details for publication. Finally, I am most appreciative of the authors' contributions to this series; their work continues to significantly influence the development of the field of mathematics special education and programming for students with mathematics learning disabilities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the link between enuresis nocturna and the severity of behavioural and/or emotional problems in Dutch children and the course of these problems. SETTING: West-Mine Region in the Netherlands. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Prospective cohort study involving 66 of the 80 bedwetting children from all 1652 children born in 1983 in this region. After 1 y, contact was still possible with 64 of the enuretics. We used the Dutch version of the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and a questionnaire about bedwetting. RESULTS: The mean T-score for Total Problems (CBCL score) in 1992 (M1; mean age 8.6) was 52.1, and 1 y later was 49.2 (M2). There was no significant difference in the CBCL scores for M1, M2 and a matching group from the Dutch CBCL norm population, either in the group who remained wet or in the group who became dry. There were no differences between the sexes. There was no link between the severity of behavioural and emotional problems and the frequency of bedwetting. However, more children with bedwetting than expected were in the clinical range. CONCLUSION: There was no difference in behavioural and/or emotional problems between the first and the second measurement and the matching group from the CBCL norm group. There were no differences in behavioural and/or emotional problems between primary and secondary bedwetters, nor were there any consequences related to the frequency of bedwetting.  相似文献   

The instrument to locate students with learning disabilities was developed to create equality and uniformity, so that such difficulties could be spotted independently of socialization factors, teachers and parents to whom the student had been exposed. The instrument was developed on the basis of research that defines the reading rate of students with reading disabilities in words per minute, the minimum number of errors for locating writing disabilities, and the number of answers and lines a student uses to reconstruct the content of a passage adapted to his or her age level. The research carried out in order to construct the instrument is the first to attempt to quantify disability, and on this basis to construct an instrument to locate students with disabilities in reading, writing and visual recall. The procedure can be carried out for a whole class in a single lesson period. One indirect conclusion from the research is that disability indicators remain with the learning disabled regardless of time since diagnosis or remedial help. Other implications related to combining the quantity component in diagnoses of degrees of difference in the disability identified, and in extra examination time for the learning disabled. The instrument should solve the problem of locating students with difficulty reading, writing or in visual recall, due to disability. Students thus identified will be directed to individual diagnosis to find out whether their difficulties are primary or secondary (e.g. a new immigrant who still has trouble with Hebrew). A personal corrective programme can then be constructed.  相似文献   

Alternating treatments designs were used to compare the effects of trial repetition (one response within five trials per word) versus response repetition (five response repetitions within one trial per word) on sight-word acquisition for 3 elementary students diagnosed with specific learning disabilities in reading. Although both interventions occasioned the same number of accurate responses per word during training, the trial-repetition condition, which involved complete antecedent-response-feedback sequences, resulted in more words mastered for all 3 students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide data on the social functioning (i.e., the degree of peer acceptance, self-concept, loneliness, and social alienation) of students in second, third, and fourth grade who participated in an inclusive classroom for an entire year. The social functioning of students identified as learning disabled (LD; n = 16), low achieving (LA; n = 27), and average/high achieving (AHA; n = 21) was assessed at the beginning and end of the school year. The students with LD were less well liked and more frequently rejected than AHA students. Although students' overall self-worth did not differ by achievement group, the students with LD demonstrated significantly lower academic self-concept scores. The students with LD did not differ on ratings of loneliness, and they demonstrated increases in the number of within-class reciprocal friendships from fall to spring. Discussion focuses on the effects of inclusion on the social functioning of students with LD.  相似文献   

There is an increasing awareness of problems with traditional classifications and definitions of learning disabled children. This article briefly reviews the conceptual and operational limitations of classic approaches. New classification research with learning disabled populations is investigating alternative classification schemes through systematic and empirical hypothesis-testing paradigms. Such research has sparked renewed interest in learning disability subtypes, developmental factors in learning, and remediation strategies. Only through the development of more reliable and valid classification will many of the present problems in clinical and research endeavors with learning disabled children be addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The literature on homework for students with learning disabilities is reviewed. First, a summary of Cooper's (1989a) synthesis of research on homework for students without disabilities is presented, including (a) a definition of homework, (b) a model of the homework process, (c) the results of a meta-analysis of homework studies, and (d) generic policy guidelines. Next, special education research on homework conducted after 1985 is described. The literature is divided into studies that manipulated homework conditions and homework-related surveys of teachers and parents. The results of the literature review suggest that homework policies and practices for students with learning disabilities should emphasize (a) simple, short assignments; (b) careful monitoring by and prominent rewards from teachers; and (c) parental involvement, especially to provide structure, conducive environments, and immediate rewards.  相似文献   

In response to discussion by S. Reiss et al (see record 1982-30849-001) about sources of information on the prevalence of emotional problems among retarded people, the present author describes a study of 27,385 Ss with developmental disabilities that looks at dual diagnoses (psychiatric impairment and developmental disability) in relation to age, intellectual level, and residential setting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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